Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Unsafe at any screed

If like me you have found some hybrid owners to be a bit in your face with their left wing self righteousness, a new insurance industry survey shows some other labels may also fit.

Hypocrite, road hog, speed demon and accident prone come to mind after reading the analysis of the driving habits of 360,000 vehicle owners prepared by San Francisco based Quality Planning Corporation.

The result: Hybrid drivers typically drive farther, get more tickets, and have significantly more expensive insurance claims. [PC index, blk to blu, l2r post]

Owning a supposedly environmentally friendly hybrid may actually help increase the number of nonessential trips drivers take, offsetting all the supposed ecological benefits of owning a hybrid.

What makes this even more ironic is that many insurance companies offer discounts to hybrid owners. That is likely to change.

Quality Planning Corporation provides data to insurance companies to help them adjust their rating structures...


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