[Late {again}, short post, apologies.]
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Report: Scott Brown Sold a Lot of GMC Trucks
txt gdd -As if taking Ted Kennedy’s seat for the Republicans wasn’t enough of a feat, it appears that newly elected Senator Scott Brown (R-Mass.) has sold a lot of GMC Canyon pickup trucks. Politico reports, “Bay State auto dealers are seeing an increased interest in pickup trucks like the one belonging to the newly-elected senator.
The Detroit News reports, “Scott Brown, the Republican state legislator who this week won the U.S. Senate seat of the late Ted Kennedy, got a lot of political mileage out of his 2005 GMC Canyon. The green Canyon, with nearly 200,000 miles on the odometer, co-starred with Brown on the Massachusetts campaign trail and in TV ads.”
Poll: Americans glad Dems lost supermajority
Subject: txt 1st 2010 gdd - A large majority of Americans are glad that Democrats lost their 60 seat supermajority in the Senate, according to a new CNN poll.
70% of respondents said Scott Brown's victory was "good for the country." 28% said it was "bad for the country."
Moreover, a slim plurality (48%) thinks it's bad for the country that Democrats are in control of Congress. 45% are glad Democrats are in control.
The last time CNN asked the question, in June, Americans favored Democratic control 50%-41%.
Obama to California “Water, Its Not a Right its a Privilege”
Subject: txt cali lbrty bbro reps libs bdd grn -On the list of insane public policy moves we have come to expect from the current administration, Cap and Tax, Obamacare and Union Card Check, a fourth has garnered relatively little attention, although the implications for all Americans may be among the most far-reaching. The recurring theme is centralized control.
At issue is what residents are calling a government-made drought in the Central and San Joaquin Valleys of California. Legal and environmental regulations in the Endangered Species Act has resulted in the diversion of 200 billion gallons of water from the agricultural heartland of California into the Ocean.
“Potentially over $20 billion of California’s $43 billion of agricultural revenue could be decimated in America’s greatest breadbasket as farmers lose their farms and residents are forced to import food from China. While the solutions are not simple, local government officials are not even able to attempt them.”
The five counties effected provide tens of thousands of jobs and a stunning $20 billion of food output. This area of California is some of the most productive in the Country producing nearly half of America’s produce. When the 35,000 unemployed residents of the region look for help at the food pantries they drive past idle asparagus fields to get their canned asparagus from China.
So residents of California, and really the rest of us, have no other hope than Congressional action. They need Congress to immediately pass Congressman Devin Nunes‘ Bill, the aptly named
Amazingly, the legislation to help California out of this crisis is bottled up in Committee by a Californian–Nancy Pelosi. Nunes is asking his colleagues to sign the discharge petition.
Is your Congressman on the list?
Class War: How public servants became our masters
Class War: How public servants became our masters
"There was a time when government work offered lower salaries than comparable jobs in the private sector but more security and somewhat better benefits. These days, government workers fare better than private-sector workers in almost every area-pay, benefits, time off, and job security.
And not just in California."
To Solve Budget Woes, California Should Expand Privatization Idea
Subject: txt cali mny bbro sclm -
"Such talk of competition and choice is exactly what will help pull California's government out of its budget plight. But privatizing prisons is only half of the equation. If competition leads to lower costs in the prison system, why not privatize a whole slew of other similarly poorly-run government programs?"
Schwarzenegger's budget plan puts unions in the cross-hairs
Subject: txt crpt cali action NPAC >>> -Sacramento - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has put organized labor squarely in his cross-hairs in 2010, opening a fight that will largely determine the shape of his final year in office. Schwarzenegger's proposals would cut the size of the union workforce, reduce pay, shrink future pensions and roll back job protections... [snip]
"This budget isn't about attacking any specific group," ... "Its about trying to fix what's broken in this state and prioritize the funding we have so we can make the hard but necessary choices to address our $20-billion deficit."
Among the plans in the governor's budget: privatize prisons, which would strip members from the influential guards union; and curtail seniority protections for teachers.
Schwarzenegger also wants to permanently lower state workforce salaries by 5% without returning to the bargaining table with public-sector unions. And he would require state workers to chip 5% more into their retirement plans [their what?] ... [snip]
The unions have spent millions to thwart some of the governor's past initiatives and hope to do so again. Labor and the unions' Democratic allies are already girding for battle... [snip]
[Which they've a long, successful history of doing - Arnie will need grass-roots help to combat them.]
[Then >

California has biggest unemployment fund shortfall
“With unemployment running over 12 percent, the state has already borrowed more than $6 billion from the federal government to keep unemployment insurance checks flowing. That's nearly three times as much as New York, the second biggest borrower of UI funds.”
Common Sense Video: California Killing Jobs
Subject: txt cali mny grn -Since it became law in 2006, AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act, has had a detrimental impact on the state’s economy. Responsible state legislators seek to suspend AB 32 until the unemployment level retreats to 5.5% for four years.
But at a committee hearing in the state capitol last week, the majority party turned a deaf ear to the pleas of average Californians suffering from state overregulation.
Watch the latest AFP California Common Sense video to see the outrageous comments from out-of-touch legislators.
State leaders lobby Congress for federal funds
txt lbrty sclm bbro cali mny -
“In his budget proposal, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has assumed that the state will get $6.9 billion in federal aid for health care, incarcerating undocumented felons and special education, among other requests."
[Makes you proud all over.]
Schwarzenegger, once a hero to local government, now scorned as bandit
Subject: txt mny cali -
“Last year, as the state's fiscal noose tightened again,Schwarzenegger and the Legislature exercised their option to borrow local funds – albeit with a complex scheme under which the locals could still get their money through bonds that the state would issue and repay. The state also raided local redevelopment agency funds and dipped into transportation accounts, running the total shift to some $5 billion"
Massachusetts win alarms California Dems
“For Boxer, a favorite Republican target, the GOP win in Massachusetts is a particularly dark sign representing ‘not just the canary in the coal mine,’ said Wade Randlett, a leading Silicon Valley fundraiser for Obama. ‘It's the flock of dead ravens landing on the lawn.’”[One can hope]
Most California Voters Don't See Higher Taxes As A Budget Solution
Subject: txt cali 2010 -An overwhelming 94% of California voters regard the state's budget crisis as very serious, but most oppose raising taxes as a solution to the problem.
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in California finds that just 28% of voters prefer raising taxes to cutting back on services or having the state file for bankruptcy.
Forty-three percent (43%) think cutting back on state services is the better way to go, and another 15% favor state bankruptcy. Fourteen percent (14%) aren’t sure.
Sixty-four percent (64%) of Republican voters in the state and 50% of those not affiliated with either major political party favor cutting state services. A plurality (43%) of Democratic voters says raising taxes is a better plan.
Eighty-three percent (83%) of GOP voters and 67% of unaffiliateds would rather cut state workers’ pay by 14% than raise taxes. Democrats are closely divided, giving a slight edge to a tax hike.
California Hubris
Subject: txt cali hcare -
The height of governmental hubris and arrogance was on full display in California this morning. According to the LA Times, new health care service standards were released by the California Department of Managed Health Care after seven years of protracted negotiations with HMOs, doctors, hospitals, consumer groups and other healthcare activists.
The regulations will require that patients be treated by HMO doctors within 10 business days of requesting an appointment, and by specialists within 15.
Patients seeking urgent care that does not require prior authorization must be seen within 48 hours.
Telephone calls to doctors' offices will have to be returned within 30 minutes, and physicians or other health professionals will have to be available 24 hours a day.
But some doctors say the plan could compromise medical care by forcing them to hustle more patients through their offices, a problem that is already expected to grow as millions of uninsured Californians sign up for insurance under the national healthcare overhaul in Washington.

Who is going to pay for such elemental stupidity?
Angry patients who will be allowed only an eight minute consult and overworked doctors who will be burnt out by 50 patients a day work loads.
This is all pointing toward a government regulated triage system, where an SEIU or ACORN non-medical bureaucrat will decide which doctors you will see and when. I'm sure they will not check on your political donations in a government database before choosing a treatment path for you and your children...
California ACORN breaks off into new nonprofit group
Subject: txt crpt cali lbrty - California ACORN has broken away from its embattled parent organization to form a new nonprofit group, a move that observers say might foreshadow other defections that would seriously undermine one of the nation's largest and most politically powerful community organizations.
The new group will have the same mission, will be staffed by many of the same employees who worked for ACORN, and will be funded by most of the same donors...
[I.e., liberal 'change'.]
Air quality district toughens up emission rules
Subject: txt cali grn -
The owners of businesses that emit diesel fumes and other gases will have to drastically cut emissions if they want to build, modify or expand their facilities, according to stringent new regulations announced Wednesday by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.
The new permitting requirements, which were approved Jan. 6, will force some businesses to emit two to three times less pollution than what is currently allowed - or move...[Just what our economy needs. From every conceivable angle, our government is at war with our liberties and prosperity.]
California Creditors Dread IOUs With Aid Plea Failing
Subject: txt mny cali -
Washington/Chicago/Sacramento - California’s hopes are fading for federal help in closing a projected $19.9 billion deficit that has caused the lowest-rated state’s borrowing costs to rise 24 percent in three months.
“I left Europe four decades ago because socialism has killed opportunities there,”
California Cap-and-Trade Revolt?
Subject: txt cali grn -
A new study commissioned by the Governor's Office of Small Business Advocacy estimates that the direct cost of current California regulation is $175 billion, or nearly twice the size of the state general fund budget and about $134,000 per small business each year. The Golden State already has the second most business-unfriendly regulatory climate in the nation, after New Jersey -- and that before the cap-and-trade law.
The stakes here are huge for California. This is the first serious effort to roll back the environmental extremism that has dominated state capitals in recent years and is now ascendant on Capitol Hill. The green lobbies and businesses that have a monetary stake in cap and trade—including big utilities that want subsidies and Silicon Valley political capitalists investing in solar and ethanol—are sure to spend heavily to stop it. They know that an electoral defeat in the greenest of states could end their national and global hopes for cap and trade.
For Californians the issue is simpler: Whether they want to continue to impose burdens that encourage employers to locate anywhere except their once prosperous state....
Aerospace Firm Northrop Grumman to Leave California
“But the real significance of Northrop's move isn't that it marks the end of an era for aerospace -- only 300 top executives are leaving, after all, and Northrop will continue to employ 21,000 people in Los Angeles County. It's that Northrop is only the latest large company to pack up and leave, a trend that hurts L.A.'s cultural, philanthropic and economic interests.”
Even with austere budget plan, California counts on federal funds
Subject: txt cali mny msm bias -
On Rough & Tumble, a popular California public policy Web site, the lead headline Saturday read: "Arnold to DC: Give Us The Money, Nobody Gets Hurt."
The Golden State is racked with 12.3 percent unemployment and a budget shortfall of $20 billion, and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) warned Friday of even deeper cuts to programs without $6.9 billion in new federal funds.
Some administration officials and lawmakers on Capitol Hill were skeptical that the federal government would provide a bailout to close California's budget gap, partly because it would set off a cascade of demands from other states...[AUSTERE? The 'proposed expenditures' for current, 'austere' budget for 2010 is "$102,591" - "dollars in millions".
That's right, those idiots in Sacramento are still spending in excess of 100 BILLION dollars or your money, every year, for a single state's 'expenses'.
Isn't that 'austere'.
Nothing will change until with throw them all out.]
[Enough good news for one day? Didn't intend to be such a downer, but such is the state of our State.
There is good news, if we make it:
despite our gerrymandered districts and special interests' ownership of our so-called representatives, our forefathers provided us the mechanism needed to trump a corrupt government's maleficence - but we must act to implement it.
The reality is that 'we' outnumber 'them' - if we engage we'll win - if we don't, we won't.]
"Only when we expose the lack of common sense in Sacramento and then demand accountability can we take back the Golden State."