Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Grassley Slams Obama's Budget, Tax Increases
The senior Republican on the Senate Finance Committee blasted the Obama administration’s new budget as a deficit-growing, job-killing boondoggle not rooted in the “real world.” What the president needs to do, says Sen. Chuck Grassley, is cut spending and taxes so that small business and entrepreneurs can create jobs through innovation, not government handouts...
Budget fun
Subject: txt mny crpt libs -
There’s a new, new math in town. Now that the government’s mortgage giants, Fannie and Freddie, are flat broke, why doesn’t the president add their $5 trillion mortgage-backed debt to the National Debt?This Monday, February 1, the president published the federal budget for the fiscal year 2011 starting October 1. In that budget the feds will account for the bailout of Fannie and Freddie. But the cost will not appear in the headline number of $3.8 trillion in spending. Instead, Obama’s guys will sneak it into the outlays for the recently concluded FY 2009. Why?
No reason give.
The only place you will be able to see what really happened will be, which is not a government website...
Ponzi scheme on the Potomac
Subject: txt mny crpt bbro sclm -
The U.S. attorney general recently announced that the Justice Department is beefing up its efforts to fight financial fraud such as Ponzi schemes.
The agency should start by reviewing the spending habits of the federal government, which is running the largest Ponzi scheme our country has ever seen. (Snip) That is essentially what the federal government is doing, as it continues to spend and promise far more than can ever be paid for... [snip]
• The federal government’s total debt, including unfunded liabilities, means about $600,000 of debt for
every - U.S. - household.
Sooner or later, the federal government’s scheme will come crashing down, and the loss will be mammoth.
But it doesn’t have to end that way. If our country takes bold and decisive action soon, the worst effects can still be avoided.
We should start with the obvious. When the bathtub is overflowing, a wise first response is to turn off the faucet. The federal government’s spending-increase spigot needs to be shut off...
[As of 5:45 am 2/3/2010: {click to enlarge, or better...
see it 'live' here >> } = all fields live and explained when you 'hover' over them - quite cool (and alarming)]
Reality Check...

"Uh, y'know, I believe in the principle that you pay as you go. And, y'know, you don't propose tax cuts unless you are closing, uh, other, uh, tax breaks for individuals and you don't increase spending unless you're eliminating some spending or you're finding some new revenue. That's how we got an additional four trillion dollars worth of debt under George Bush. That is helping to undermine our economy. And it's gonna change when I'm President of the United States."Source: The Washington Post, using data from the Congressional Budget Office and White House Office of Management and Budget.Barack Obama ,
Democratic Party primary debate in Philadelphia, April 16, 2008
The projected federal deficit from 2009 through 2019 under President Obama's proposed budget: $11 trillion, or an average of $1 trillion every year for 11 years.
Interest costs alone, over 2010-19, to fund the additional deficits caused by legislation passed in the first two months of 2009: $404 billion.
(Source: Congressional Budget Office)

Obama Attacks Churches, Charities and Home Values
Subject: txt mny lbrty sclm bbro libs -
These are policies that President Obama has advocated in the past, so we shouldn't be surprised to see them in his 2011 budget. Still, it's hard not to be a little shocked.
It's easy to understand the Obama administration's purpose with regard to churches and private charities, which it regards as competitors of the government. It wants to damage or destroy them by making contributions more expensive.
But what about the mortgage interest deduction? The administration purports to be concerned about the decline in home prices that triggered the economic crisis of 2008-2009. But severely reducing the mortgage interest deduction will inevitably depress home prices. And not just the prices of expensive homes, either; as those prices fall, the values of less-expensive houses will decline as well.
Is this really what the administration wants? It is hard to escape the conclusion that the Obama administration simply doesn't care about America's economy...
ACORN Eligible for $4 BILLION in Obama’s Fiscal 2011 Budget
Subject: txt crpt libs bdd mny -
Yes, you read that right.
Even with all its troubles, the ACORN organized crime syndicate is eligible for $4 billion in President Obama’s fiscal 2011 budget.
That’s because a federal court order issued by a Clinton-appointed judge prevents Congress and the Obama administration from cutting off ACORN. [?!?]Will ACORN boss Bertha Lewis ever be investigated for her role in the cover-up of a nearly million dollar embezzlement within ACORN?
Read the whole article at the American Spectator...
Obama Continues to Break Promises, Media Ignores
Subject: txt crpt libs mny bbro msm bias -
Watching the media's inability to find relevant investigative news during the Obama era is like watching a bald-headed fellow named Fudd hunting for ‘wabbit'.
Such is the case of the main stream media's complete and utter ignorance involving the administration recently steering a $25 million no-bid contract to a Democratic campaign contributor.
While Fox News reporter James Rosen did an in-depth investigative report (and follow up) on the deal with Checchi & Company the rest of the entire TV media establishment has simply ignored this significant reneging of campaign promises...
With the initial reporting by Fox nearly two weeks in the books, the MSM has completely ignored the story. Despite the Obama promises that "the days of giving government contractors a blank check are over." Despite, as Judicial Watch analyzed:
"Across the government, more than $543 million in federal contracts have been awarded so far without competition under Obama's $787 billion stimulus program."
image toon - msm bias reps = Oby in bed with all nets but Fox
Senate passes bill saying Virginians don’t have to buy health insurance
RICHMOND, Va. -- With five Democrats defecting, the Virginia Senate today passed a Republican measure that says Virginians don't have to buy health insurance. Voting 23-17, the Democratic-controlled Senate kicked to the House a bill by Sen. Frederick Quayle, R-Suffolk, that supporters say will send a message to Washington about its efforts to seize government control of health care...
California Senate OKs single-payer health plan
['Here' {CALIFORNIA}...]
The California Senate on Thursday passed a measure to create a state-run, single-payer health system.
The proposal would create the California Health System, which would be funded by pooling all federal and state money California currently spends on health care and a yet-to-be-determined payroll tax.
It is estimated to cost about $200 billion - a year.
All state residents would be required to join with citizens expected to also buy private health care insurance to cover services not offered through the state plan...
The 22-14 vote was nearly party-line, with one Democrat, Sen. Lou Correa, D-Santa Ana, voting no.
It now moves to the Assembly...

Obama increases federal funs to (teacher's) unions
Subject: txt edu crpt libs bdd =
Barack Obama will propose major increases in funding for education in his State of The union speech tonight. Who can be against spending money to improve the future of our kids and country?
In reality, this spending will flow into the pockets of one of the most important special interest groups in the nation: teachers and their unions. Teachers are often the "free" labor that fuels campaigns: teachers man the phones, hand out the pamphlets, knock on doors, invest funds in campaigns, and serve as the all important delegates at Democratic nominating conventions
One-tenth of all delegates to Democratic conventions are teachers' union members... [snip]
Teachers can often retire at a young age, with pensions artificially inflated by "spiking" their salaries upwards the last couple of years of their employment that are guaranteed by law. These golden pensions that have been bestowed on them by politicians have been time bombs that are beginning to explode and like a string of black cat firecrackers will continue to explode for years to come... [snip]
Time and again money has been shown to have very little if any correlation to educational achievement. Education spending per child in Washington, D.C, for just one example, are quite high and achievement is quite low. Of course, politicians could care less about such foreign concepts as return on investment. If they did, they would fund charter schools (that they have killed in Washington) and voucher programs.
The so-called stimulus bill already has funneled $100, billion, dollars into "education", supposedly meant to prevent layoffs (which it probably has - but how about teachers taking some pay cuts or trimming their pensions) and to 'spur' reform.
The best reform would be pay for performance, vouchers, and charter schools.
We have seen precious little of that so far and it would be a fair bet we will see little of that going forward - the Democrats know who they work for...
Obama Using Public Schools To Recruit Agenda Advancing Interns
Subject: txt sclm bbro libs edu lbrty bdd vals -
A rather disturbing document surfaced on the Internet Saturday with grave implications concerning how the Obama administration is recruiting interns from public schools to assist in advancing the President's agenda along with his desire to get Democrats including himself elected.
Even scarier, the internship application recommends participants read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."
According to Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs, this document was passed out in an eleventh grade class in Massillon, Ohio:
An Atlas reader, Chuck, has a student in the eleventh grade in an Ohio High School. Her government class passed out this propaganda recruiting paper so students could sign up as interns for Obama's Organizing for America.
In week one, this is the recommended reading list:
Nice. Let's get America's youth to read Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals!"
For those thinking this might be a ruse, the OFA website does indeed address this program. This was posted on January 13 in the site's Community Blogs: [snip]
Clearly this is a real program recruiting students from coast to coast. Readers are highly encouraged to review all the pages of this application at Atlas Shrugs.
Exit question: Is this something that should be happening at public schools funded with tax dollars?
Q2: Isn't this a question media members should be asking?
[Highly Recommended > ]
CNN Shocker: Hurricane Katrina Good For New Orleans Schools
Subject: txt edu msm -
Here's something you never would have heard from a mainstream media outlet when George W. Bush was President: Hurricane Katrina was a good thing for New Orleans.
When it comes to the school system in the Louisiana city, that's exactly what CNN reported during Saturday's "Newsroom."
After anchor T.J. Holmes read a statement from Education Secretary Arne Duncan --
"I think the best thing that happened to the education system in New Orleans was Hurricane Katrina"
-- he was joined by fellow CNNer's Roland Martin and Steve Perry who largely agreed.
As you watch the following video, try to imagine this discussion happening on CNN if Bush was still in the White House (video embedded below the fold with full transcript):
Big battle brews over planned NASA cuts
Subject: txt grn bdd libs othr -
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama's budget blueprint for ending NASA's program to return astronauts to the moon by 2020 is fueling a titanic political fight as lawmakers from Texas move to protect jobs, astronauts and the Johnson Space Center. Obama wants to push total spending on NASA to nearly $100 billion over the next five years by adding $5.9 billion to cover the costs of increased 'earth science' missions...
[I.e., we'll soon be dependent on China for lift capability because Oby intends to focus NASA on 'combating climate change'.]
NASA to conduct massive climate survey
Subject: txt grn -
Washington - NASA next week begins the most extensive aerial survey of Earth's surface to chart the impact of global warming [stop]
[Evidently this massive 'scientific' endeavor will be based on the assumption that warming is occurring.
What fix?]
WaPo: 'Jon Stewart Is An Icon To Many Journalists'The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz [a professional journalist] believes comedian Jon Stewart is an icon to many journalists...
[He's a co⋅me⋅di⋅an - - [kuh-mee-dee-uhn]]
The secret to Ford Motor's success
The federal government's bailout of Chrysler and General Motors has been a big success. At least, it has been a big success if you're a Ford dealer.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Ford sales for the month of December 2009 were up 33.5 percent compared to December 2008, even as Chrysler and GM sales were falling.
When the government's auto bailouts were announced, Dick Edwards Ford in Manhattan, Kansas, saw an opportunity. According to Mark Besthorn, the dealership's sales manager: "We just thought about it and decided we wanted to strike while the iron was hot." Days later, the following billboard made its first appearance:
Besthorn says the response to their billboards has been overwhelmingly positive. According to Besthorn, Ford's sales increase was not caused by consumers worrying that Chrysler or GM would go bankrupt or that warranties wouldn't be honored.
"I'll be honest with you, people just don't like the idea of the bailouts. They didn't think that's where out tax dollars should be going. Most people around here don't think the government's ever been good at running anything."
Judging by Ford's nationwide sales figures compared to other car makers, many Americans apparently share that point of view.
Jilted hubby exacts mousy revenge
A 59-year-old man has been arrested for using his ex-wife's musophobia to wreak cruel revenge for their break up after he pushed 19 mice through her letter box on Sunday morning. ''She was scared out of her wits and is now being cared for in hospital,'' said Lars Lisberger at Stockholm police.
The jilted ex-husband has been arrested on suspicion of... [wait for it...]
animal welfare offenses.
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