Wednesday, May 5, 2010
21bn wiped off BP shares as Obama vows to 'keep boot on throat' of British firm
Subject: txt 1st engry grn lbrty -
[Is the really the kind of country we want ours to be? Where our government chooses private industries to keep down? I thought that was consumers' role.]
Bomb Suspect is Muslim? Darn That Glenn Beck!
Subject: txt bdd msm libs gwot nsec -
"You know, I don't want to jump to conclusions here, because that would make me too much like Matt Drudge. But if the car bomber was indeed a white guy in his 40s who didn't know the difference between ammonium nitrate and plain old fertilizer, I'm thinking it's gotta be a Beck Patriot who was trying to water the tree of liberty with... the blood of random Times Square tourists. . . .
Ah, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's a Limbaugh listener. "
Less than 12 hours later, with egg on her face, Madrak engages in some rather bizarre projection:
"Oh darn, looks like the wingnut team scores! No, seriously, isn't it just a little wacky that some people are more interested in who they get to blame than in the fact that someone tried to blow up Times Square?"
No, Ms. Madrak, you were the one who was "more interested in . . . blame."
This reminds me very much of the Left's rush to blame Glenn Beck in the Sparkman case in Kentucky. Neither Andrew Sullivan ("Southern populist terrorism") nor Rick Ungar ("Send the Body to Glenn Beck") has ever apologized for their misguided speculation in a case that ultimately proved to be a suicide, rather than a right-wing hate crime.
What liberal slant in our media?]
Get Ready for a Nuclear Iran
John BoltonNegotiations grind on toward a fourth U.N. Security Council sanctions resolution against Iran's nuclear weapons program, even as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks to the Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference.
Sanctions advocates acknowledge that the Security Council's ultimate product will do no more than marginally impede Iran's progress. In Congress, sanctions legislation also creaks along, but that too is simply going through the motions. Russia and China have already rejected key proposals to restrict Iran's imports of all things needed to continue its current regime.
[Can you hear our enemies, large and small, the world over laughing at our suicidal tendencies?]
European Socialism is Bleeding like Stuck PIGS
Subject: txt intl mny sclm -
Over that past several months we have been watching the slow death of European Socialism due to the hemorrhage of red ink which massively inefficient social programs have caused...
Greek State Workers Escalate Protests at Budget Cuts
Subject: txt sclm intl mny - crpt -Athens - Greek government workers shut down schools and hospitals and disrupted flights as demonstrators occupied the Acropolis in an escalation of protests against 30 billion euros ($40 billion) of additional wage cuts and tax increases unveiled this week. The ADEDY union federation, which represents more than 500,000 civil servants having their pensions and pay slashed under measures announced May 2 by Prime Minister George Papandreou, will hold a rally at midday joined by striking teachers...
Is Greece Just Tip Of The Iceberg?
[HT:IF] Subject: txt intl mny sclm -
Fiscal Crisis: Now it's a done deal: Greece got its $146 billion bailout, which the U.S. will help pay for. But anyone who believes the Western world's financial crisis is over doesn't understand what's really happening. That may sound like a collective sigh of relief coming from Europe. After all, it appears that with Greece's pledge to mend its fiscal ways, the European Union might have turned a corner when it comes to its chronic deficits and exploding debt...
Officials Worry About World’s Expo In China
Subject: txt intl china - trade -
China says it's an "opportunity to showcase great achievements and diverse cultures," but the World's Expo, which opens in Shanghai on Friday night, is also an opportunity for China to spy on Americans and even recruit new intelligence sources, according to current and former U.S. officials.
"Are people who go to the Expo potential targets for espionage?
I think you'd be a fool to think otherwise,"
said one U.S. official, who asked not to be identified due to the sensitive nature of the topic...
Muslim daubs war memorial with 'Islam will dominate the world' - but walks free after CPS says he was NOT racially motivated
Subject: txt bdd vals islm -A British Muslim has shown 'no remorse' after desecrating a town's war memorial with extremist Islamic slogans, a court has heard. But the Crown Prosecution Service has decided that graffiti proclaiming future world domination for Islam, glorifying Osama Bin Laden and calling for the assassination of the British Prime Minister, 'was not religiously or racially motivated'. Tohseef Shah, 21, admitted a charge of criminal damage to the memorial ...
Christian preacher ARRESTED for saying homosexuality is a sin
Subject: txt bdd lbrty libs - 1st -Dale McAlpine was charged with causing “harassment, alarm or distress” after a homosexual police community support officer (PCSO) overheard him reciting a number of “sins” referred to in the Bible, including blasphemy, drunkenness and same sex relationships. Police officers are alleging that he made the remark in a voice loud enough to be overheard by others...
Dutch prosecutor appeals Holocaust cartoon acquittal
Subject: txt islm lbrty intl - islm -
The Dutch public prosecutor has appealed against a court ruling acquitting a Muslim group of insulting Jews with a cartoon suggesting they invented the Holocaust, in a case testing the bounds of free speech. The court ruled last month the cartoon published by the Arab European League (AEL) showed ''bad taste'' and was ''exceptionally offensive,'' but it acquitted the group on charges it insulted Jews ...
[Well yeah, what Jew would be insulted they invented the Holocaust? The larger issue: since when is insulting anyone a crime?]
More Lies Exposed in ‘Phantom N-Word Tale’
Subject: txt bdd vals tea msm - VIDEO:
We all know the story by now. Rep. Andre Carson (D-In) says that he and Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga) were assaulted with racial slurs by Tea Party protesters as they walked down the step of the Cannon office building and headed to the Capitol on March 20th. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo) also told reporters that he heard the ‘N-word’ as he was walking a few yards behind Rep. Lewis. “It was like a chorus”, Rep. Cleaver said.
Only problem is: Rep. Cleaver wasn’t there...
Reid: Wall Street reform must be finished by next week
Subject: txt mny lbrty crpt libs -
"We have to finish it by next week,"
Reid said during a morning speech on the Senate floor,
"and we will, one way or another."
[Why must it be done is a single week? A: to minimize review time of what's in it.]
"President Obama Thinks Americans are Stupid"
Subject: txt othr bdd 2010 sclm libs msm - mny - DeMint:
Sen. Jim DeMint (R.-S.C.) said last week that President Barack Obama is
“just trying to use the mainstream media to confuse the American people. The fact is I think he thinks Americans are stupid, and he’s going to play this out until he gets a headline in every paper that Republicans are obstructionist.”
On April 14, the President stated that he was “absolutely confident that the bill that emerges is going to be a bill that prevents bailouts.”
He shouldn’t be, as the bill is loaded with “bailouts.” According to James Gattuso of The Heritage Foundation...
Administration Plan to Seize 401(k)s
Subject: txt lbrty sclm bbro libs mny tax bdd othr -
In February, the White House released its “Annual Report on the Middle Class” containing new regulations favored by Big Labor including a bailout of critically underfunded union pension plans through “retirement security” options.
The radical solution most favored by Big Labor is the seizure of private 401(k) plans for government disbursement -- which lets them off the hook for their collapsing retirement scheme.
And, of course, the Obama administration is eager to accommodate their buddies. Vice President Joe Biden floated the idea again recently...
Ugly truth about state pensions begins to emerge
Subject: txt crpt mny cali -
Even the most casual observers know the federal government has a serious debt problem that's propelling the USA toward the same cliff as Greece.
Less well known is that certain states and localities are even worse off. Or at least their problems are coming to a head sooner, as they have fewer options for kicking the proverbial can down the road.
Manageable challenges States can't print money, and they have limits on borrowing. Much of their shortfall, moreover, is the result of pension obligations that are binding contracts.
Political promises that have locked taxpayers into guaranteeing often obscene pensions to public union employees...
America's lead weight
Subject: txt crpt mny cali libs -
Do you have to love labor unions to be a good Democrat? That was the question raised last year by the unpopular bailouts of unionized Detroit automakers. It's been raised again this year by California's budget crisis, created at least in part by generous pensions for unionized public employees.
I think the answer is no.
It's time for Democrats, even liberal Democrats, to start looking at unions and unionism with deep skepticism...
Brazil's 'gotten off oil'?
Bill Maher: "... I mean Brazil got off oil in the last thirty years..."
George Will: "Can you just explain to me in what sense Brazil got off oil?"
Maher: "Uh, I believe they did. I believe they, in the seventies, they had a program to use sugar cane ethanol. And I believe that is what fuels their country."
Will: "I think they still burn a lot of oil and have a lot of it offshore."
"The largest share of Brazil's total energy consumption comes from oil... Most of Brazil's crude oil production is offshore..."
Source: Energy Information Administration, Dept. of Energy.
Drill, Responsibly Baby
Subject: txt engry -
Inclusive of any energy policy must be the demand for clear, effective response measures, that will ensure that we drill responsibly.
But we must drill...
Reality Check - from the New York Times?
Subject: txt grn engry -
President Obama has called the spill “a potentially unprecedented environmental disaster.” And some scientists have suggested that the oil might hitch a ride on the loop current in the gulf, bringing havoc to the Atlantic Coast.
Yet the Deepwater Horizon blowout is not unprecedented, nor is it among the worst oil accidents in history.
It will have to get much worse before it approaches the impact of the Exxon Valdez accident of 1989, which contaminated 1,300 miles of largely untouched shoreline and killed tens of thousands of seabirds, otters and seals along with 250 eagles and 22 killer whales.
And its ultimate impact will depend on a long list of interlinked variables, including the weather, ocean currents, the properties of the oil involved and the success or failure of the frantic efforts to stanch the flow and remediate its effects.
The gulf is not a pristine environment and has survived both chronic and acute pollution problems before. Thousands of gallons of oil flow into the gulf from natural undersea well seeps every day, engineers say, and the scores of refineries and chemical plants that line the shore from Mexico to Mississippi pour untold volumes of pollutants into the water.
After the Ixtoc spill 31 years ago, the second-largest oil release in history, the gulf rebounded. Within three years, there was little visible trace of the spill off the Mexican coast, which was compounded by a tanker accident in the gulf a few months later that released 2.6 million additional gallons,
“The gulf is tremendously resilient,” said Dr. Dokken, the marine biologist..."
[No one's saying it's a trivial event, despite the decades between American oil rig accidents. But we, require, oil, to, function - and need more.
Let's keep our heads about us on this issue - the politicians have demonstrated they won't.]
Superheroes and Slashers
When we think of comic-book superheroes, most of us who grew up in the last century think of mild-mannered reporters, or perhaps urbane millionaires with a secret identity, who fight crime heroically. They collar the bad guys and deliver them to justice. Even the supervillains they’d fight always seemed to escape so they could resurface in a later issue, and the struggle of Good vs. Evil continues.
That is not what a customer will find if he makes the mistake of taking in the new movie crudely titled “Kick-Ass.” The concept seems innocent enough – teenage comic-book devotee with absolutely no powers puts on a goofy wetsuit and tries to be a hero. But that's just the first few minutes.
What follows next is an entirely different movie, a gory slasher film, except the vigilante mass murderer is an 11-year-old girl in a costume that included a purple wig and a plaid private-school skirt. This little “Hit Girl” doesn't play by any moral rules, however. In her first mass-murder scene, she even double-spears a prostitute armed with only a broken booze bottle... [snip]
We still want out heroes to be heroic.
Even if that’s so yesterday.
[Do we even recognize the absence of morality anymore?]
POLL: 71% Say U.S. Society Is Fair and Decent
Civil rights concerns raised by Arizona’s recently passed immigration law are a hot topic in the news, but 71% of U.S. voters continue to believe American society is generally fair and decent, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
Twenty-one percent (21%) feel American society is unfair and discriminatory.
[Unfortunately, that 21% that's currently in power.]
Why is Hollywood’s Approval Rating In the Toilet?
On April 18, the Pew Research Center released the results of a recurring survey centered around people’s trust in government. In order to assess the results of several institutions, Pew asks the following question: “Is [insert item] having a positive or negative effect on the way things are going in the country these days.”
Only 33% said the entertainment industry was having a positive effect. 51% said it was having a negative effect...