Thursday, February 25, 2010
Time Magazine Links Austin Suicide Pilot To Tea Party Movement
Subject: txt 1st 2010 lbrty msm -In an article about Thursday's apparent suicide by a pilot in Austin, Texas, the folks at made two seemingly intentional links to the Tea Party movement.
First, the piece began:
The long, rambling rant posted on a website eerily reflected the angry populist sentiments that have swept the country in the past year. In it, a Joe Stack inveighed against intrusive Big Brother government, corrupt corporate giants, irrational taxes, as well as the "puppet" George Bush.
Then, after the third paragraph which concluded, "Toward the end of what appears to be his final note, Stack wrote, 'Well, Mr. Big Brother IRS man, let's try something different; take my pound of flesh and sleep well,'" the folks at time advertised the following article by the magazine with a hyperlink highlighted in yellow:
Not very subtle, is it?
Let's be clear that tying this person to Tea Parties or conservatives is preposterous. After all, his suicide note ended:
The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed.
Joe Stack (1956-2010)
You know a lot of conservatives and/or Tea Party members extolling the virtues of communism while bashing capitalism?
No...I don't either.
Shame on Time for doing this.
NYT: The First Tea-Party Terrorist?
Subject: txt msm bias 1st 2010 -
[Not to be outdone by its liberal competition.]
[You need read Stack's writings to know how blatant this (180-degree) spin is: the guy was a lefty loon - but I guess any nut job will do to disparage a grass roots movement the elite left despises.
Breitbart to NY Times Reporter for Alleging Racial Tones: 'You’re a Despicable Human Being'
Subject: txt 1st 2010 msm bias -
After Barack Obama's election as the first black president of the United States, we were supposed to have entered a new, post-racial era. However, as many feel it has turned out, any dissent or criticism of the most powerful man in the free world or his agenda draws allegations of "racial tones," as happened on the New York Times Web site on Feb. 18.
And on Feb. 18 at the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference, Andrew Breitbart, publisher of,, Big Hollywood, Big Government and Big Journalism, called out the Times' reporter, Kate Zernike, for making those allegations. (6:00 in first video)
Breitbart was accepting the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award for extensively covering one of the most "uncovered" stories of 2009 for corruption within the so-called community activist organization ACORN.
ACORN Official: Gangster Group Will Be Bankrupt Soon But Fake Spinoff Groups Will Carry On The Corruption
Subject: txt crpt
The ACORN crime syndicate is not going away anytime soon, but it’s going to look different. ACORN will probably run out of money and fold by year’s end
but a dozen ACORN state chapters reincorporated to seem like new, independent organizations will spring up in the next week to carry on ACORN’s business,
a leaked email from ACORN’s online director suggests...
Vanity Fair: Conservative Magazines Rise on Hate
Subject: txt msm bias lbrty 2010 fnn bdd -According to Vanity Fair's Matt Pressman, President Obama's plummeting approval rate isn't just affecting the Oval Office, it has liberal magazines suffering and conservative titles flourishing. "Hate sells," Pressman wrote in his Feb. 23 article, and, with fewer Americans approving of the President, conservative magazines have enjoyed a "boost from the anti-government, tea-party led fervor."
[And differing opinions on the definition of liberty have nothing to do with it whatsoever - move along ... ]
Marines Seize Taliban Headquarters
Subject: txt gwot nsec heroes -
After a fierce gunfight, U.S. Marines seized a strongly defended compound Friday that appears to have been a Taliban headquarters — complete with photos of fighters posing with their weapons, dozens of Taliban-issued ID cards and graduation diplomas from a training camp in Pakistan.
Insurgents who had been using the field office just south of Marjah's town center abandoned it by the end of the day's fighting, as Marines converged on them from all sides, escalating operations to break resistance in this Taliban stronghold in southern Helmand province...
NATO issues directive restricting night raids
Subject: txt gwot owg -A new directive, confirmed Wednesday by Gen. Stanley McChrystal, aims to limit such nighttime raids on civilians. It was prompted by a storm of complaints from Afghans who, like Nabi, who were enraged over foreign soldiers bursting into their homes.
[Understandable on their part - insanity on ours.]
Criticism of Obama’s OIC Envoy Raises Questions About the Need for Such an Envoy
[HT:CC]Subject: txt islm gwot nsec -
President Obama’s decision to appoint an envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) has focused renewed attention on the Saudi-based body, and what role a U.S. envoy should play.
The OIC describes itself as “the second largest intergovernmental organization in membership after the United Nations, with 57 member and five observer countries, and … the voice of 1.5 billion Muslims in the world affairs.” Its 56 member states are scattered across the Middle East, Africa and Asia, along with one in Europe (Albania) and two in South America (Guyana and Suriname). The 57th is “Palestine,” which is not a sovereign country.Partly overshadowed by the controversy surrounding statements Rashad Hussain made six years ago about a man indicted for supporting terrorists, is the question of whether the U.S. should have an envoy to the Islamic bloc in the first place...
Bosses rapped for valid sacking
Subject: txt intl sclm bbro bdd - mny -
The nation's industrial umpire has ruled that a long-term employee who was legitimately sacked for repeated safety breaches must be reinstated and paid compensation because of his poor education and poor job prospects. In the latest ruling to concern business, Fair Work Australia found the worker had engaged in "relatively serious misconduct", but ruled the sacking void due to his length of service and the fact he was a poorly educated middle-aged family man,
[I.e., a victim. The inevitable result of a society based on the equality of outcomes.]
Greek workers stage general strike
Subject: txt intl sclm owg mny -
Flights in and out of Greece were grounded and schools and most public services shut down as the country's unions staged a general strike on Wednesday. Police fired tear gas in clashes with demonstrators in central Athens who hurled rocks and plastic bottles near parliament, but the violence remained fairly limited.More than 30,000 protesters took part in a march on Wednesday in Athens, part of the first general strike in the country since the election of a centre-left government in October...
Congress Puts Toyota On Show Trial
Subject: txt auto crpt mny -
Commerce: Toyota's leaders are in for nasty star-chamber hearings in Congress, with politicians grandstanding and regulators pointing fingers. It's no way to treat a big employer that contributes so much to our economy. When Toyota first came to the U.S. in the 1950s and took out TV ads in the 1960s, the Japan-based company was ridiculed. How could its dinky little cars compete with the mighty Big Three automakers for the American market?
U.S. owes Toyota fair, careful treatment on safety issues
Subject: txt bbro auto crpt -When I announced three years ago that Toyota would open a U.S. vehicle assembly plant in Blue Springs, Miss., I said Toyota was the world's premier automobile manufacturer. I still believe that. Make no mistake, the safety and reliability concerns identified in some Toyota automobiles -- although they occur very infrequently -- are serious.
It seems to me, however, that the company is doing everything it should as quickly as possible to make things right...
POLL: 23% Say Government Criticizing Toyota To Help GM
Subject: txt lbrty bbro sclm auto msm -
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 23% of Americans agree that senior government officials are criticizing Toyota to help GM. Thirty-eight percent (38%) disagree. But nearly four-out-of-10 (39%) aren’t sure.
Fifty-one percent (51%) of adults, however, believe that the government as the majority owner of GM has a conflict-of-interest when it comes to regulating competing automakers. Twenty-five percent (25%) don’t think the government has a conflict-of-interest, but 24% more are undecided.
Fifty percent (50%) also say it is at least somewhat likely that the government will pass laws and regulations giving GM an unfair advantage over other car companies. That number includes 27% who say it is very likely.
[Misdirection (hiding behind a grain of truth, the best way): the real unforgivable sin committed by Toyota is that it's a non-union shop - and that's intolerable to Congress' owners...]
Obama, Biden, Clinton, Dodd & More Believe Reconciliation is Unconstitutional
Subject: txt lbrty bbro hcare crpt libs -The Obama White House has recently announced that they will go forward with a reconciliation process -- sometimes called the “nuclear option” -- to try and pass their government run healthcare plan in the Senate. This process circumvents a Republican filibuster and only requires a simple majority vote of 51 rather than 60.
What did top Democrats think of this process previously? See below…
[Long list of harsh attacks on the idea/process - but I guess that was then...]
Senate skirts new rules to pass second stimulus bill
Subject: txt 1st mny crpt libs -
It took less than two weeks for lawmakers to vote to break new rules requiring that new spending be offset elsewhere in the budget, waiving the requirement just minutes before a strong bipartisan majority passed a $15 billion job-creation bill in the Senate on Wednesday.
Feds derail Kasich's idea to spend $400M on roads instead
Subject: txt grn crpt sclm bbro bdd -The federal government says Ohio must use $400 million in stimulus money for a new passenger train project, not on highways as suggested by Republican gubernatorial candidate John Kasich.Kasich, a critic of the train project, said this week the money ought to be used to repair roads and bridges.
Rob Kulat, a spokesman for the Federal Rail Administration, said today that the money can't be reallocated.
UK hospital care horrific - report
Subject: txt hcare -
An independent inquiry said on Tuesday it had found ''shocking'' standards of care at a National Health Service (NHS) hospital trust in the Midlands, including patients being left unwashed for up to a month. The inquiry's chair Robert Francis said many patients treated by the Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust had ''suffered horrific experiences that will haunt them and their loved ones for the rest of their lives''...
[Again and again - not the individual horror stories, all systems have them (including ours) - but studies of effectiveness in the macro invariably draw the same picture again and again: government involvement destroys systems.]
The “Green Jobs” Scam Unmasked
Subject: txt grn engry - mny -
According to an ABC News report, though, almost $2 billion in “stimulus” funding has been spent so far on wind power, and yet 80% of that money has gone to foreign-owned companies. “Most of the jobs are going overseas,”
In fact, there’s a good chance that the government employees hired to promote “Green Jobs” outnumber the actual permanent “Green Jobs” created.
However you do the math, these positions are obviously a mere drop in the bucket compared to U.S. job losses in the wind manufacturing segment of the energy economy alone, to say nothing of the millions of lost jobs nationwide.
Worse still, the lunacy isn’t stopping. We are continuing to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into this failed framework, which uses American sweat to create permanent positions (and profit) for foreign companies.
Frankly, it’s time for Obama to come clean on the “Green Jobs” scam – and to explain why his so-called “transparent and accountable” administration didn’t catch it sooner.
Report: Oil-and-gas drilling bans will cut GDP by $2.36 trillion
This should provide some ammo for industry groups pushing the White House to allow wider drilling: A new report says U.S. oil-and-gas drilling bans will increase consumer energy costs and decrease cumulative U.S. GDP by $2.36 trillion over the next two decades -
Bill to Grant Native Hawaiians Sovereignty Passes House
Subject: txt lbrty bdd vals hstry othr libs -
A bill that would give native Hawaiians the same right as Native Americans is halfway through the congressional process but opponents say the legislation is divisive and would turn over valuable land and resources out of U.S. hands.
In an overwhelming win, the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization bill, also known as the Akaka bill for four-term Sen. Daniel Akaka, passed the House Tuesday, which establishes separate sovereignty for a sub-set of Hawaii's population...
[Resulting in differing laws applied to neighbors based on their race. There is no faster way to dismantle a nation.]
CNN Perpetuates Dangerous Tuskegee Myth
On February 14, CNN aired both segments of its special series “Black in America," and used the opportunity to perpetuate a harmful racial myth.
Dr. Thomas says black men are afraid of being exploited – a fear caused by history and the revelation that for forty years unsuspecting poor black men were used as medical guinea pigs in the infamous Tuskegee experiments,” O’Brien said.
“Between 1932 and 1972, 400 men were lied to about their condition; the men suffered terribly – tumors, heart disease, paralysis, blindness, insanity, and many died. Project Brotherhood overcomes this legacy of fear by staffing clinics with doctors, interns, and social workers who are black, professionals they say their patients can link to.”
However, the story of the Tuskegee “experiments” as told by “Black in America,” is a [complete] myth...
[In fact, another "180-degree" spin... aired on a major 'professional' news network.]
All Educators Fired at Underperforming RI School
A Rhode Island school district has voted to fire all the teachers at an underperforming school. The Central Falls School Committee voted Tuesday evening to fire every educator at Central Falls High School at the end of the school year. It's the only school in the tiny, impoverished city north of Providence.
Only about half its students graduate, and only 7 percent of 11th-graders were proficient in math in 2009.