Monday, January 18, 2010
Brown Pulls Out To 10% Lead
Looking more and more like Massatuchetts wants to make amends for subjecting the rest of us to four decades of Teddy]
A new poll from, an outfit I am not familiar with (which means I have no idea of their credibility, is out on the MA Special Election. Bottom line: Brown is cleaning Coakley’s clock by 9.6% (50.8%-41.2%). [Snip]
It seems more and more are heading to Brown since this poll has them running from Coakley 64%-26%.
If that holds it means there are vanishingly few realistic turnout models which lead to a Coakley win.
Heat of the race shows Martha’s true character
Subject: txt 1st 2010 -
If the old saw is true, that a clear conscience is the softest pillow,Scott Brown ought to sleep well tonight, content he took the high road in his bid to succeed Ted Kennedy.
He proved you don’t have to go to every fight you’re invited to, no matter how much you’re provoked by a desperate opponent willing to win by any means necessary.If Martha Coakley was accurately portrayed by her campaign, shame on her; if the portrayal that emerged was the handiwork of her handlers, shame on them...
They'd Rather Not Talk About It
President Obama and Senate Democrats have pledged to make the 2010 midterm elections a referendum on Obamacare.
"If Republicans want to campaign against what we have done by standing up for the status quo and for insurance companies over American families and businesses, that is a fight I want to have,"
Obama said Thursday. But during Sunday's rally for Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley at Northeastern University--Obama's first campaign appearance of 2010--he tried to keep the spotlight off of the health care legislation that Massachusetts voters could kill on Tuesday.
Obama mentioned "Wall Street" five times while talking about his proposal to tax banks. He mentioned taxes more than a dozen times. But when it came to health care, the president could muster only a few oblique references to health care reform in general.

Coakley too didn't mention the health care legislation in Congress...
Chris Matthews Worried There Aren't Any Votes for Democrats to Buy in Massachusetts Tuesday
[Meanwhile, in our mainstream media...]
"You know in the old days...if the Democrats faced this kind of a disaster in the works, you`d get them lunch, you`d get them a car. You`d make sure they got there, and in some cases you`d be buying people to get them," ...
"But I hear talking to somebody today there aren`t people up there in Massachusetts like that anymore"
(video embedded below the fold) ...
After Obama Rally, Dems Pin Blame On Bush
Subject: txt 1st 2010 -
As audience members streamed out of Pres. Obama's rally on behalf of AG Martha Coakley (D) here tonight, the consensus was that the fault for Coakley's now-floundering MA SEN bid lies with one person -- George W. Bush...
Hood massacre report shameful
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
There are two basic problems with the grotesque non-report on the Islamist- terror massacre at Fort Hood (released by the Defense Department yesterday):
Rarely in the course of human events has a report issued by any government agency been so cowardly and delusional. It's so inept, it doesn't even rise to cover-up level.
Reading the report, you get the feeling that, jeepers, things actually went pretty darned well down at Fort Hood. The teensy bit of specific criticism is reserved for the "military medical officer supervisors" in Maj. Hasan's chain of command at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. As if the problem started and ended there.
Once again, the higher-ups blame the worker bees who were victims of the policy the higher-ups inflicted on them. This report's spinelessness is itself an indictment of our military's failed moral and ethical leadership.
The report is so politically correct that its authors don't even realize the extent of their political correctness -- they're body-and-soul creatures of the PC culture that murdered 12 soldiers and one Army civilian...
Muslim question persists in Army shooting
Subject: txt gwot nsec bdd vals islm -
Fear of offending Muslims or being insensitive to religion was likely a key factor to why Army supervisors ignored signs that the suspect in the deadly Fort Hood shooting rampage was a Muslim extremist.Senior Pentagon officials last week sought to play down or sidestep questions about why Army supervisors and FBI counterterrorism officials ignored warning signs or failed to take action.
When asked whether the immediate problem at Fort Hood, Texas, was Islamist radicalization, Mr. West declined to single out Islamists.
"Our concern is not with the religion," ... "It is with the potential effect on our soldiers' ability to do their job."
Mr. West said "radicalization of any sort" is the issue and that "our concern is with actions and effects, not necessarily with motivations"...
U.S. official: Arming of Hezbollah could spark Israel-Syria war
Subject: txt israel -An American source says that Syria allowed Hezbollah operatives to train within its territory in the use of advanced SA2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, the Kuwaiti daily Al Rai reported Sunday. In an interview, the senior U.S. official warned that if Syria supplies Hezbollah with this type of missile, Israel will bomb Damascus and a war will likely ensue...
Israeli left and Haiti
Subject: txt israel -
The Israeli field hospital has just begun operating in Haiti. Previously, the VOA reported:
The 220-member Israeli delegation includes 40 doctors and 24 nurses who will set up a field hospital that can treat 500 people a day. The hospital has two operating rooms, X-ray equipment, children's and maternity wards, and a pharmacy.
And how did the Israeli radical Left react? With this ad:
In far-away Haiti
A terrible disasterHas occurred.
Within a few hours
An Israeli aid mission
Was organized.
In near-by Gaza
Hundreds of houses
Lie in ruins.
The inhabitants do not ask
For an aid mission.
Only that the
Israeli government
Stops preventing
Building materials
From coming in.
Ad in Haaretz January 15, 2010.
I never noticed that the Haitians actually launched 8000 inter-continental ballistic missiles on Israel.
But I did feel the Grads launched form Gaza falling on Be'er Sheva exactly a year ago...
China tried to hack our computers, says India’s security chief
Subject: txt intl china -Chinese hackers attempted to penetrate India’s most sensitive government office in the latest sign of rising tensions between the two rival Asian powers, The Times has learnt. M. K. Narayanan, India’s National Security Adviser, said his office and other government departments were targeted on December 15, the same date that US companies reported cyber attacks from China...
U.S. business group accuses Obama of shorting Taiwan
Subject: txt intl nsec china -The head of a prominent U.S. business group accused President Barack Obama of compromising Taiwan's security to promote U.S. ties with China.
Hammond-Chambers said the U.S. departments of state and defense, as well as the U.S. Trade Representative, appeared interested in building closer U.S. ties to Taipei despite resulting complications in the U.S.-China relationship.
"Regrettably, this effort runs smack into a White House that clearly views Taiwan as a barrier to U.S. interests in Asia,"
he wrote in an annual year-end report dated Thursday and distributed Friday.
"If the Obama administration balks at providing replacement F-16 fighters to Taiwan, China will have won a major victory in the Taiwan Strait without firing a shot," ... "The updating of Taiwan's F-16 fleet was a material response to Beijing's own fighter modernization"
The White House declined to comment on the criticism.
[Another 'ally' betrayed and enemy appeased.]
US cult of greed is now a global environmental threat
Subject: txt owg grn - The average American consumes more than his or her weight in products each day, fuelling a global culture of excess that is emerging as the biggest threat to the planet, according to a report published today. In its annual report, Worldwatch Institute says the cult of consumption and greed could wipe out any gains from government action on climate change or a shift to a clean energy economy...
Dreading our future
Subject: txt 1st grn owg bdd crpt libs lbrty -I am afraid -- actually, certain -- we are losing the heart and soul that made America unique in human history. Yes, we have enemies, but the greatest danger comes from within.
Watching the freak show in Copenhagen last week, I was alternately furious and filled with dread. The world has gone absolutely bonkers and lunatics are in charge.
Mugabe and Chavez are treated with respect and the United Nations is serious about wanting to regulate our industry and transfer our wealth to kleptocrats and genocidal maniacs.Even more frightening, our own leaders joined the circus. Marching to the beat of international drummers, they uncoupled themselves from the will of the people they were elected to serve...
[Highly Recommended > ]
U.N.'s World Health Organization Eyeing Global Tax on Banking, Internet Activity
Subject: txt owg action -The World Health Organization (WHO) is considering a plan to ask governments to impose a global consumer tax on such things as Internet activity or everyday financial transactions like paying bills online.
Such a scheme could raise "tens of billions of dollars" on behalf of the United Nations public health arm from a broad base of consumers, which would then be used to transfer drug-making research, development and manufacturing capabilities, among other things, to the developing world.
The multibillion-dollar "indirect consumer tax" is only one of a "suite of proposals" for financing the rapid transformation of the global medical industry that will go before WHO's 34-member supervisory Executive Board at its biannual meeting in Geneva.
The idea is the most lucrative — and probably the most controversial — of a number of schemes proposed by a 25-member panel of medical experts, academics and health care bureaucrats who have been working for the past 14 months at WHO's behest on "new and innovative sources of funding" to accomplish major shifts in the organizations 'funding mechanisms'...
[This is potentially DIRE for the precedent it would set, and the UN's No. 1 priority (albeit in a new guise): no, not funding medical related activities - that's the guise intended to mask what's really going on here, and that's the UN's establishing a 'mechanism' to tax the citizens of member nations directly, without the inconvenience of relying on our voluntarily paying our dues {which we could withhold should their conduct become bad enough (yeah yeah, but it could happen}.
Think about this: the UN's abysmal track record in general, and frequent adversary of the the US specifically, despite our funding nearly a quarter of its budget at our desecration.
What do we think will become of this collection of world despots if we allow it to secure direct funding from our citizens and effectively remove {over time, as its list of 'taxes' grows} the last lever we have over its increasingly one-world-government conduct?
The very concept of a global UN 'tax' for anything must be resisted/defeated at every stage, regardless of its intended use, or we fall into the trap set toward the UNs literally developing into a global government with the financial means to enforce its dictates.]
YOUR Senator:
YOUR Congressman:
or: Speed Message them with your personal distribution list...
What If America Becomes a Third World Country?
[HT:LG]Subject: txt sclm mny -
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” — Winston Churchill
Who will save the world when America becomes a third-world country?
When the money lenders, the power brokers, the socialists, the communists, the Marxists and the Fascists have successfully stripped America of its wealth, its resources, its freedom and its sovereignty, where will the wealth come from to rescue the poor countries on the planet, from natural or man-made disasters?
If America becomes weakened, who then will have the necessary military power to maintain planet-wide stability by the long lever of mutual assured destruction? Russia? China? Europe?

Somehow, someway, we don’t think Americans will allow this to happen and once again the government will fear the people, instead of the other way around.
Texas Shows Its Swagger in New Population Estimates
Subject: txt mny immig cali -
... No. 3 in percentage population growth in 2008-09 was giant Texas, the nation's second most populous state. Its population grew by almost half a million and accounted for 18 percent of the nation's total population growth. Texas had above-average immigrant growth, but domestic in-migration was nearly twice as high.
There may be lessons for public policy here. Texas over the decades has had low taxes (and no state income tax), low public spending and regulations that encourage job growth. It didn't have much of a housing bubble or a housing price bust.
Under Govs. George W. Bush and Rick Perry, it has placed tight limits on tort lawsuits, and has seen an influx of both corporate headquarters and medical doctors... [snip]
California grew at only a little more than the national average, entirely because of immigrant inflow and high immigrant birth rates. More Americans are leaving California than moving in...

Subject: txt mny cali - sclm bbro -
Demographic researchers have compared America's two most populous states, California and Texas, in an attempt to identify why the former is imploding economically, and the latter is growing and creating wealth. They found four major reasons, says Ryan Streeter, a senior fellow at the London-based Legatum Institute.
Texans on average believe in laissez-faire markets with an emphasis on individual responsibility:
California's policy-makers favor central planning solutions and a reliance on a government social safety net.
This unrelenting commitment to big government has led to a huge tax burden and triggered a mass exodus of jobs.
Californians have largely treated environmentalism as a "religious sacrament" rather than as one component among many in maximizing people's quality of life:
Environmentally-based land-use restriction centered in California has played a huge role in inflating the recent housing bubble.
Similarly, an unwillingness to manage ecology proactively for man's benefit has been behind the recent epidemic of wildfires.
California has placed "ethnic diversity" above "assimilation," while Texas has done the opposite:
"Identity politics" has created psychological ghettos that have prevented many of California's diverse ethnic groups and subcultures from integrating fully into the mainstream.
Texas, on the other hand, has proactively encouraged all the state's residents to join the mainstream.
The two states have opposite views on regulation and litigation:
Texas has focused on streamlining the regulatory and litigation burden on its residents.
California's government has attempted to use regulation and litigation to transfer wealth from its creators to various special-interest constituencies.

[Again {and again}: lessons are repeated until learned.]
California: An Obituary
Subject: txt cali -
Only raw and unrestrained liberalism could have destroyed the world's 8th-largest economy. Boasting unparalleled assets in agriculture, high technology, entertainment, and tourism, and blessed with ample energy resources, deep-water ports and ideal weather, California has nonetheless managed to turn itself into a perfect dystopia.Schwarzenegger, who recently graded Obama's performance as president with an A, somehow fails to understand that the federal government's brazen overreach doesn't address California's true malady: a self-inflicted, endless orgy of failed leftist policies and programs enacted under one-party legislative rule.
The litany of problems is well-known and oft-cited. We Californians are overtaxed, our state workers are too numerous and coddled, our businesses are overregulated, and our environmentalists are too radical and powerful. And the list goes on...
[CALIFORNIANS; good insight to the true state of our mismanaged state - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED > ]
GOOD Media News...
Australian media crews pull baby from rubble in HaitiSYDNEY – Rival Australian news crews said Monday that saving a life came before doing their jobs when they rescued an 18-month-old baby from underneath the rubble in earthquake-devastated Haiti. The little girl was lying alongside the bodies of her dead parents who were killed in the 7.0 magnitude earthquake which hit Port-au-Prince on January 12 when the camera crews heard her moans and began to dig her out on Friday.
Islamic games cancelled in Arab-Iran row over Gulf nameThe Islamic Solidarity Games, designed to strengthen ties among Muslim nations, have been cancelled after a dispute between Arab countries and Iran over the name of the waterway dividing them. The Saudi-based Islamic Solidarity Games Federation says they cancelled the sporting event, which were meant to be held in Tehran in the spring, after Iran put '''Persian Gulf''' on the logo...