Friday, July 9, 2010
Obama Appointee, 'Never bring another lawsuit against a black'
Subject: txt 1st crpt bdd vals - lgl -
Not only does Todd Gaziano (Congressional appointee on the United States Commission on Civil Rights) claim that the 2008 Election Day voter intimidation charge against the Philadelphia New Black Panther Party was ‘open and shut’, but that US Assistant Attorney General Deputy Julie Fernandez ordered, 'Never bring another lawsuit against a black or other national minority, apparently no matter what they do.'
New Black Panther Chief Malik Shabazz Explains The ‘Kill White Babies’ Comment”
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Bill O’Reilly and Andrew Breitbart have been promoting a very disturbing clip of King Samir Shabazz, the man charged with wielding a nightstick at a Philadelphia polling place, advocating the killing of white babies. In part 2 of my interview with NBPP Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, he gives a nearly-as-disturbing explanation, while also correcting the record.
Elsewhere in my interview with New Black Panther Party Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, he disclosed that King Samir had been reinstated to the Party after a long suspension. I asked him to explain the white babies remarks, and his response was jaw-dropping...
Civil Rights Panel to Renew Subpoenas, Pursue Federal Probe in Black Panther Case
Subject: txt 1st lbrty bdd vals -
The bipartisan panel investigating allegations that the Justice Department wrongly abandoned a case against the New Black Panther Party plans to issue a new round of subpoenas and call for a separate federal probe following explosive testimony from an ex-Justice official, a commissioner said.
As the case heats up, members of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights may even travel to South Carolina to track down one witness.
Former Justice attorney J. Christian Adams on Tuesday testified before the commission that his former employer not only abandoned the voter intimidation case for racial reasons, but had instructed attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims...
Whitewashing Black Racism
Subject: txt hots lgl bdd vals -Why haven't national media outlets reported on the vile and violent rants of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) thugs whose 2008 voter intimidation tactics got a pass from the Obama administration?
Simple: Radical black racism doesn't fit the Hope and Change narrative.
There's no way to shoehorn Bush-bashing into the story. And, let's face it, exposing the inflammatory rhetoric of the left does nothing to help liberal editors and reporters fulfill their true calling -- embarrassing the right. (Snip) These NBPP death threats and white-bashing diatribes are nothing new to those who have tracked the black 'supremacy movement'... [snip]
...But with the racism shoe on the other foot, Team Obama and its media water-carriers are exhibiting the very racial cowardice Holder once purported to condemn. Thanks to Obama's feckless Department of Injustice, these black supremacist brutes are free to show up on the next national Election Day at polling places in full paramilitary regalia with nightsticks, hurling racist, anti-American epithets at those exercising their right to vote and at those protecting the integrity of the electoral process.
The reaction of our national media watchdogs: Shhhhhhhh...
Why isn't the media covering the paramilitary aspect of the Black Panther case?
Subject: txt 1st bdd vals msm -
Why, in all the media coverage of the Black Panther voting intimidation case, is no one, and I mean absolutely no one, even in the conservative media, addressing the paramilitary aspect of this issue, where jackbooted, black thugs wearing leather jackets and badge-adorned, black berets, obviously intend to communicate through their uniform appearances a menacing solidarity of purpose? Does not the wearing of those uniforms imply the ominous and looming presence of a more widespread and more frightening paramilitary organization to the voters of that precinct?
And there is little doubt, upon viewing the video coverage of the incident that intimidation and the very real threat of violence was their purpose in being at that voting site bearing clubs as weapons. While I deplore the contemporary overuse and misuse of Nazi comparisons, there is no way that an historically knowledgeable, objective observer could fail to see the similarities between these thugs and the infamous Nazi Brown Shirts, whose very purpose for existing was this type of brute intimidation of the citizenry.
Our contemporary media is a sick, slacking joke, a very sorry excuse for the watchdogs they are supposed to be. These lame, groveling, media mongrels, unwilling to compete and to fight for truth, may someday meet a fed-up American society...
New York Times Editorial Goes All-Out to Attack Arizona Immigration Law
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the Times editorial suggests the Obama administration act against the Arizona government by restricting their ability to enforce the new law...
"It struck me the exact same way when I read The New York Times as usual this morning and yeah, that word [pernicious] jumped off the page at me and it is typical of The New York Times, overheated hysteria"
"... you can certainly understand why the people of Arizona think it is a good idea. They're being overrun by illegal immigrants and their hospitals are full of them. Their schools are full of them. They're drug dealers in the house next door sometimes. And so the state decided they needed to do something about it..."
POLL: Zogby finds majority think their state should pass immigration law like Arizona's
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Most Americans think their state should pass an immigration law like the one Arizona approved in April, according to a new national survey by Zogby International conducted for The O'Leary Report.
Zogby asked 2,061 registered voters the following question:
"Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The governor in my state should adopt a law like the recently passed Arizona immigration law."Fifty eight percent of the respondents said they agree with the statement, while 39 percent disagree. the results were almost identical among independents, with 59 percent agreeing and 37 percent disagreeing...
CNN AGAIN Omits Pro-Illegal Immigration Stance of 'Public Defender'
Subject: txt hots immig - msm -On Wednesday's Newsroom, CNN's Tony Harris omitted the pro-illegal immigration activism of guest Isabel Garcia, just as his colleague Suzanne Malveaux did more than two months earlier. Harris twice referred to Garcia as merely the "deputy public defender in Pima County, Arizona," and didn't mention her involvement in the beating and decapitation of a pinata effigy of Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio...
Garcia (her pro-illegal immigration organization, Coalición de Derechos Humanos, whose website features a logo incorporating the southwestern states into Mexico, was identified on-screen as the "Human Rights Coalition") immediately went on the offense against Pearce, playing the race/ethnicity card against the Republican politician...
United States v. Arizona — How 'Bout United States v. Rhode Island?
Subject: txt hots immig -
Well whaddya know? It turns out that Rhode Island has long been carrying out the procedures at issue in the Arizona immigration statute: As a matter of routine, RI state police check immigration status at traffic stops whenever there is reasonable suspicion to do so, and they report all illegals to the feds for deportation. Besides the usual profiling blather, critics have trotted out the now familiar saw that such procedures hamstring police because they make immigrants afraid to cooperate. But it turns out that it’s the Rhode Island police who insist on enforcing the law...
Subway Terror Plot Had Global Reach
[HT:LDot: "If they are going to bomb over there, they plan to bomb over here."]
Federal prosecutors charged a senior al-Qaeda leader Wednesday with helping to mastermind last year's attempted bombing of New York City's subway and said the effort was part of a larger plot that included a failed terrorist attempt in the U.K. Three suspected al-Qaeda members were arrested in Norway Thursday morning in what officials said was a bombing plot linked to the New York and U.K. plans...
Tea With Terrorists?
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Homeland Security: President Obama promised lobbyists wouldn't run his White House. They're just doing it from across the street — at a Shariah-compliant coffee chain tied to a radical jihadist group.
That's right: According to the New York Times, prominent K Street lobbyists are buttonholing Obama officials at a Caribou Coffee shop on Pennsylvania Avenue, raising far more than just ethics questions.What the Times story neglects to mention is that Caribou Coffee is a Shariah-compliant firm owned by an Islamic bank based in Bahrain. One of its founders and a current adviser are leaders in the radical Muslim Brotherhood...
Pentagon Recommends First Medal of Honor for Living Soldier
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Hand cut off for exam question
Subject: txt islm -A a college teacher had his hand cut off for setting an exam question that allegedly insulted Muslims. TJ Joseph, 52, had his right arm severed at the wrist as he was returning home from church with his mother and sister on Sunday, and has since undergone an operation to have the limb sown back on. Joseph, a lecturer at a private Christian-run college in the southern state of Kerala, has been on bail since April after being arrested over a question in internal exams...
Does the 'S' In NASA Suddenly Stand for 'Stupid'?
Subject: txt islm nasa - othr hstry -
Given how poorly Obama appointees seem grounded on earth, it would make sense for them to be better suited for NASA – once also called the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Unfortunately, they are so far out in space that even the Hubble has no idea what they are doing and why.The latest example of the brainless void in the Obama administration comes directly from the head of NASA. The space agency's Administrator Charles Bolden said recently that the "foremost" mission of our space agency was to make Muslims feel good about stuff they did hundreds of years ago...
It’s not an accident. Bolden had been in Cairo promoting this stupidity, following up on Obama’s speech a year ago catering to the Muslim world...
The NASA-Muslim Outreach Story 'Has Not Made the Cut'
Subject: txt islm msm gwot othr hstry -
At the Washington Examiner's Beltway Confidential blog (HT Instapundit), Byron York documents the results of some Lexis Nexis searching:
- Total words about the NASA Muslim outreach program in the New York Times: 0.
- Total words about the NASA Muslim outreach program in the Washington Post: 0.
- Total words about the NASA Muslim outreach program on NBC Nightly News: 0.
- Total words about the NASA Muslim outreach program on ABC World News: 0.
- Total words about the NASA Muslim outreach program on CBS Evening News: 0.
As a supplement, here are the results of a search on "Charles Bolden" (not entered in quotes), NASA's Director, done at 9:00 a.m. ET at the Associated Press's main site...
'Enormous increase' in cash needed for carbon targets
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More than £10 billion of investment is needed to help [tiny-little] Scotland meet its target for cutting emissions by 2020, a new report has claimed. It warned that without an "enormous increase" in investment and "significant" technological development, there was a "very real risk" that the 2020 target and the one set for 2050 would not be met.
The energy regulator, Ofgem, has already estimated that £33bn of investment is needed in offshore wind across the UK. The report said a "significant proportion" of this, totalling more than £10bn, would be required north of the Border...
Obama Czar: Lets Use Cap-and-Trade Taxes to Give Money to Other Countries
Subject: txt owg intl grn -
The Obama administration's top science advisor, John Holdren, was caught on tape advocating for global wealth redistribution again. In this clip, unearthed by, Holdren says that we should use tax revenue from a cap and trade type bill to pay other countries in the global south...
Make sure you read this article from for more details on Holdren's radical views...
Climate change: a collective flight from reality
Subject: txt grn -
Climate change isn't a threat.
CO2 isn't a significant factor.
But the action we're proposing to take on climate mitigation will devastate our Western economies and impoverish a whole generation.
Over the last hundred years, mean global temperatures have increased by 0.7 of a degree Centigrade. That's all. The whole climate scare is all about a fraction of a degree. And the slight warming we have seen is entirely consistent with well-established, long-term natural climate cycles. We had the Roman Optimum (warm); the Dark Ages (cool); the Medieval Warm Period; and the Little Ice Age (when they had ice-fairs...
Our efforts to control climate by reducing emissions are farcical. Bjorn Lomborg, author of "The Skeptical Environmentalist" (Cambridge University Press, 2001), has studied the economics of climate change and estimates that the European Union's 20 percent emissions-reduction target will cost around $250 billion - a year. Yet the impact by 2100 on global temperatures is likely to be only 0.05 a degree Centigrade - almost too small to measure...