Wednesday, March 17, 2010
New England Journal of Medicine: One-Third of Doctors Could Leave Medicine if Health-Care Reform Bill Passes
Subject: txt 1st hcare - Nearly , SaysThe survey, which was conducted by the Medicus Firm, a leading physician search and consulting firm based in Atlanta and Dallas, found that a majority of physicians said health-care reform would cause the quality of American medical care to “deteriorate” and it could be the “final straw" that sends a sizeable number of doctors out of medicine...
Obama says he won't campaign for Dems who vote no on healthcare
Subject: txt hcare 2010 fnn -
The president will refuse to make fund-raising visits during November elections to any district whose representative has not backed the bill.
Mr Obama's threat came as the year-long debate over his signature domestic policy entered its final week.
[The Chicago way.]
Is Obama Making A Threat Or A Promise?
Subject: txt 2010 libs -
President Obama is threatening not to help any Democratic lawmaker who opposes his health care overhaul.
Is this really a threat?
Dems in competitive districts probably don't see an association with the president as being of much help -- again, just ask Martha Coakley, Jon Corzine or Creigh Deeds.
I bet those Democrats who are voting no are wondering if they can get this promise in writing...
Health Care Deception Gets Uglier & Uglier
Subject: txt 1st hcare =The finale of the health-care debate couldn't be more fitting. House Democrats are considering passing an exotic parliamentary rule relieving them of the burden of voting for the underlying bill, which will be "deemed" passed.
So a bill sold under blatantly false pretenses and passed in the Senate on the strength of indefensible deals would become law in a final flourish of deceptive high-handedness. How appropriate for what would be the worst piece of federal domestic legislation since the fascistic, recovery-impairing 'stimulus' bill passed with no one actually reading it.
After Scott Brown's victory, Democrats claimed to understand how the ugly process had undermined support for the bill.
Just another deception.
Let the cameras come into Rules Committee meetings
Subject: txt 1st hcare -
Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Charlie Dent is renewing his call for the House Rules Committee to allow cameras to record the panel's meetings. Dent's proposal comes as House Democrats appear set to move forward later this week to approve Obamacare using the Slaughter Solution. That's a controversial rule that would allow the lower chamber to ''deem'' the Senate version of health care reform to have been passed by the House, but without actually voting on the measure...
An unconstitutional solution
Subject: txt 1st hcare -
Michael McConnell, a law professor at Stanford and a former judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, argues that the "Slaughter solution" for enacting Obamacare is unconstitutional. The argument, which appears in the Wall Street Journal, is straightforward:
The Slaughter solution cannot be squared with Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution...
GOP Pushes Back on Slaughter Rule
Subject: txt 1st hcare -
House Republicans will bring to the floor a resolution preventing the use of a self-executing rule, known in this instance as the “Slaughter Solution”, to “deem” the Senate bill passed without a direct vote.
The House’s newest Republican, Rep. Parker Griffith (Ala.) will reportedly sponsor the resolution. Rep. David Dreier (R., Calif.), ranking member of the Rules Committee, pledged support for the measure. In an e-mail Dreier said
“This resolution would ensure that voters get what they are demanding and what they deserve – a fair, open, transparent vote"
CNN: Pelosi 'Beyond Sleazy' For Endorsing Slaughter Solution
Subject: txt 1st hcare msm fnn -
[Boy, when CNN...]
Pelosi: 'Once we kick through this door,' more 'reform' will follow
Subject: txt 1st hcare crpt bdd sclm bbro lbrty - If you have any doubt that the Democratic leadership of the House views passing the current health care reform bill as the beginning, not the end, of the process of creating a national government health care system, just note what Speaker Nancy Pelosi told a group of bloggers on Monday.
"My biggest fight has been between those who wanted to do something incremental and those who wanted to do something comprehensive,"
Pelosi said, according to an account by Washington Post reform advocate Ezra Klein.
"Once we kick through this door, there'll be more legislation to follow."
Healthcare calls deluge House phone lines
Subject: txt 1st hcare action -
The House e-mail system was also deluged on Tuesday in what the House’s technology office called “a very significant spike” in traffic. The office of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) sent out a system-wide advisory to member offices at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, warning them of the dramatic increase in traffic. “Our phone system is nearing capacity,” said Jeff Ventura, spokesman for the CAO....
[Et tu?

YOUR Congressman:
or: Speed Message them with your personal distribution list...
President Obama seeks Democratic votes on Fox News
If you didn’t think the Democrats were having trouble passing the Senate health care bill in the House, this should get your attention: Barack Obama has agreed to be interviewed by Fox News Channel’s Bret Baier on the Special Report program Wednesday at 6pm Eastern time.
Last October the Obama White House characterized Fox News Channel as “not a news organization” and, for a brief time, kept White House officials from being interviewed by Fox. That boycott quickly collapsed, perhaps because someone at the White House discovered that Fox has the largest audience in cable news—sometimes larger than all the other cable news operations put together.
Obviously Fox’s audience is not made up entirely of Republicans. Obama’s appearance, as he seeks the votes of Democratic House members for the Senate bill, is proof that even the thickest heads at the White House have come to understand that.
[Then >
Terror duo sings: Mumbai strike averted in nick of time
Subject: txt gwot -
The two terror suspects arrested over the weekend planned to set fire to the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) office at Bandra (East) on Monday (March 15), according to state Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) officers.
[GW Of T]
NY Times Still Calling 'Haditha' a Crime, Despite Acquittals of Marines
Subject: txt gwot heroes msm -
Seven of the eight Marines charged in the alleged "massacre" of 24 civilians in the Iraqi town of Haditha in 2005 have been acquitted or had their charges dismissed. Yet the cover of the New York Times's Sunday Book Review is splattered with the charge that Marines at Haditha committed a "crime."
"Of all the crimes that sullied the record of the United States military in Iraq -- the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, the killings of 24 Iraqi men, women and children by Marines in November 2005 in Haditha -- the murder of an entire Iraqi family in the village of Yusufiya may rank as the most chilling."
For months the Times dwelled on the Haditha "massacre," with reporter Paul von Zielbauer filing 36 stories on the eight U.S. Marines accused of killing 24 unarmed Iraqis in Haditha as revenge for the death of a fellow Marine in a roadside bombing. Yet the eventual acquittal of all but one of the Marines has been almost completely ignored by the Times.
Apparently no one in the Times Book Review section read those tiny stories, considering the assumption of guilt splashed across the cover of Sunday's Book Review...
Anti-Military 'Green Zone' Bombs at Box Office
Subject: txt gdd gwot heroes -It seems that Hollywood never learns its lesson. The anti-military "Green Zone" has now become but the latest of such movies to bomb bigtime at the box office. This report from a Los Angeles Times blog chronicles how "Green Zones" has joined a list of similar financial disasters such as "In the Valley of Elah," "Rendition," and "Redacted":
"Green Zone" is the last drama set to be released by a major studio related to the Iraq war, and Hollywood is undoubtedly grateful for it after the picture, directed by Paul Greengrass and starring Matt Damon, opened to just $14.5 million domestically and $9.7 million overseas.
It's the latest in a string of flops that include "Body of Lies," "The Kingdom" and "Stop-Loss." Even "The Hurt Locker," while not a major disappointment given its low budget, is the lowest- grossing best picture Oscar winner in recent history.
They Fought for You now You Fight for Them
Subject: txt heroes - 2010 -
22 former members of the US military are running for Congress...
The Anti-Fascist
Subject: txt gwot islm - intl -At a time when President Obama insists that the most pressing threat facing America is a free market health care system, a recent speech in Britain's House of Lords by Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders is a salutary reminder of what is really endangering us all: The rising tide of Islamic supremacism codified by authoritative Islam in the brutally repressive law of Shariah - the law of Saudi Arabia and Iran among other Islamic states.
For pointing out that danger and striving in his native Netherlands to counteract it, Mr. Wilders is being reviled and slandered. Condemnation from the Islamists is to be expected. But from America as well? [snip]
In fact, at great personal cost and with extraordinary courage, Geert Wilders has been trying to save his country from the true fascists of our time, those whose demagoguery is unmistakable and whose extremism is all too real: Shariah-adherent Muslims in the Netherlands, in Europe more generally and in the wider world - including, increasingly here in the United States... [snip]
Mr. Wilders deserves our thanks and support, not denunciations from fellow freedom-fighters that unintentionally provides political cover for our common enemies' efforts to discredit and, if possible, to kill him.
The absurd trial of Geert Wilders
Western Civilization on Trial
The Last Nail in Europe's Coffin

[This is what he's on 'trial' for...]
Watch Video Here
[slow, but it'll happen]
[Meanwhile, in America...
China Demands U.S. Mend Diplomatic Fences
China Demands U.S. Mend Diplomatic Fences
BEIJING — China has blamed the United States for causing "serious disturbances" in their relationship.
Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi reiterated China's criticism of US arms sales to Taiwan and President Barack Obama's meeting last month with the Dalai Lama:
"The United States should properly handle the relevant sensitive issues and work with the Chinese side to return the China-US relationship to a track of stable development,"
[I.e., you're not treating us with the deference an 800 pound gorilla is due...]
Taiwan and China have been governed separately since a civil war ended in 1949 but Beijing considers the island part of its territory. China views the Dalai Lama as a separatist seeking an independent Tibet, which he denies.
The Sino-US enmity has emerged just as the United States and other world powers seek Chinese support for pressure on Iran over its nuclear program.
Yang repeated Beijing's position that a resolution of the Iran nuclear issue must be achieved through talks, not sanctions...
[Meanwhile, our own state department assures we always get nothing - serious bargaining would require work on its part...]
ObamaCare's New Public Health Workforce Corps
Subject: txt lbrty bbro sclm -
Lurking within the recently-released Reconciliation bill is a brand new corps of government workers.
Page 911 of the 2010 Reconciliation PDF. Section 2231;
‘‘Subpart XII-Public Health Workforce
3 ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT.-There is established, within
4 the Service, the Public Health Workforce Corps (in this
5 subpart referred to as the ‘Corps'), for the purpose of en-
6 suring an adequate supply of public health professionals
7 throughout the Nation. The Corps shall consist of-
8 ‘‘(1) such officers of the Regular and Reserve
9 Corps of the Service as the Secretary may designate; ...."
It's not Nationalized Health Care. It's a Health Corps!
Read more of this thing at your own discretion. The next heading after the Public Health Corps is Adapting The Workforce to Evolving Health Care Needs, which I take to mean, in the double speak legal jargon of phraseology and policyspeak, that you and your job skills will adapt to the needs of the Health Care Corps, not the other way around. We are living, after all, in the era Hunter S Thompson labeled as The Age of Confusion, Ruled By The New Dumb.
In any event, here it is in all its Constitutional Gore and Socialist Glory...
The Obama Budget: Expanding the Welfare state and Undermining Marriage
Subject: txt mny - bdd vals - sclm -
President Obama’s budget outlines a plan to pay states to grow their welfare roles and eliminate efforts to fight family breakdown in low-income communities.Despite the fact that low work hours and fatherlessness are two of the greatest contributors to poverty in the United States, the newly released budget provides incentives for states to increase the size of their caseloads and also wipes out funding for healthy marriage programs that aim to decrease the number of children growing up in single-parent homes...