Tuesday, March 30, 2010
POLL: 53% Worry Opposition to Obama’s Policies Will Lead To Violence
Subject: txt 1st msm bdd vals -
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 42% of voters don’t share that concern.
Those figures include 28% are very concerned and 13% who are not at all concerned.
The partisan difference is noticeable. Seventy-one percent (71%) of Democrats are at least somewhat concerned that Obama’s policies will trigger a violent reaction. Fifty-six percent (56%) of Republicans are not concerned while unaffiliated voters are almost evenly divided on the question.
Democrats in particular have raised the specter of possible violence following their passage of a national health care plan that has been consistently opposed by most voters, They raised similar concerns following the angry congressional town hall meetings last August when voters complained about the health care plan and other expensive Obama initiatives.
[I.e., the MSMs scare campaign is working - and we've months to go before November.]READ MORE
Democratic group targets tea party candidates
Subject: txt 1st 2010 lbrty -
Craig Varoga, a longtime Democratic political operative, has formed a group -- known as Patriot Majority PAC -- with the specific goal of keeping tea party candidates out of office.
"Americans need to confront the dangerous ideas of the tea party movement head on, without any fear [?], before they gain any additional traction in the legislative process or the 2010 elections,"
The next move of the Alinsky left
Subject: txt 1st bdd vals 2010 lbrty -
The war between the left and right has been ratcheted up this past weekend. Although a philosophical war of words, to the committed Alinsky left it is nonetheless a deadly serious war.
The progressive movement has long been known for its intolerance of opposing philosophies and its propensity for violence to attain its goals. As Noel Sheppard notes, at the 2008 Republican Convention leftist demonstrators hospitalized conventioneers with bricks thrown through bus windows and sandbags dropped from overpasses onto passing cars. The progressive media looked the other way.
Following the passage of ObamaCare, much media frenzy has surrounded incidents where a coffin was put on congressman Carnahan's front lawn (didn't happen) and a brick was thrown through congresswoman Slaughter's Niagara Falls office window. Of course, the last time someone smashed Democratic Party office windows, a Democrat was found responsible.Remember, to those on the Alinsky left, this is a war. And as Saul Alinsky wrote,
"The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means...."
America's Quiet Anger
Subject: txt 1st extra fll 2010 gdd -
There is a quiet anger boiling in America.
It is the anger of millions of hard-working citizens who pay their bills, send in their income taxes, maintain their homes and repay their mortgage loans -- and see their government reward those who do not.
It is the anger of small town and Middle American folks who have never been to Manhattan, who put their savings in a community bank and borrow from a local credit union, who watch Washington lawmakers and presidents of both parties hand billions in taxpayer bailouts to the reckless Wall Street titans who brought down the economy in 2008.
It is the fury of the voiceless, the powerless, the ordinary nobodies of Flyover Country who are ridiculed, preached to, satirized and insulted by the Celebrity Loudmouths of the two Left Coasts, the Jon Stewarts and Keith Olbermanns, the Paul Krugmans and their ilk.
It is the salted wound of the millions who see that ruling Democrats in Congress are not listening to them but are willfully ignoring public opinion and the verdict of recent elections in passing a huge new health care entitlement when the existing entitlements of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are already going broke.
It is the frustrating helplessness of citizens who revere the Founding Fathers and the genius of the Constitution that they wrote, who actually believe the words of the Constitution mean what they say, not more and not less. They who watch politicians and the courts stretch and bend that Constitution -- finding "rights" not enumerated, powers never granted, meanings unimagined -- believe that their country is being redefined without their consent.
Most of the angry are not out marching in the streets, waving signs or shouting into bullhorns. And they are not smashing windows or phoning death threats to politicians. They are simply waking up angry in the morning, and going to bed angry at night. And their resentment is multiplied by the media's efforts to portray them all as dangerous, crazy people, and by the effort of certain Democrats to tar them with brush of violent intent.
They are embittered, too, by the rhetoric of a triumphant president who turns on its head Winston Churchill's heroic attitude promising defiance in defeat but magnanimity in victory. For a president of a deeply divided country, defiance in victory is not an endearing posture. It has all the persuasive charm of a Chad Ochocinco victory dance in the end zone of the opponent's stadium.
These quietly angry people gather in their churches while their religions are called divisive and their beliefs are labeled as bigotry, and they pray for a better day. They talk among themselves in their Main Street cafes, at the Rotary club or at their kids' softball games, seeking others who understand their frustration and will not respond with arrogant dismissal.
They are tired of being told they are too stupid to understand the country's complex problems, too rooted in the past to find solutions, too selfish to share what they have worked for with everyone else who wants it.
They are not reaching for guns or for pitchforks. They are holding their anger within, waiting for their time, watching those in power over-reach and over-indulge.
Their wound is deep, and it will not be salved by more presidential speeches, Congressional hand-outs, or promises of wonderful things to come. They no longer believe any of that.
Their quiet rage abides, waiting till it can be expressed in that silent place behind the curtain where the ballot lists the names that they have now committed to an angry memory.
No Time for a Real Threat as ABC and CBS Skip Arrest of Man Targeting GOP’s Cantor
Subject: txt 1st msm 2010 lbrty -
NBC on Monday night squeezed in a few seconds for the arrest of “a Philadelphia man for threatening the life of the number two Republican in the House of Representatives, Eric Cantor of Virginia.”Yet after the networks led last week with less-immediate threats against Democrats, they weren’t so interested in a real case of a death threat against a Republican as neither CBS nor ABC aired a word about the arrest and NBC’s Brian Williams gave it short-shrift after leading last Wednesday with Democrats as the victims.
CBS last week started with “threats of violence against Democrats who voted for health care reform” as Nancy Cordes relayed how “Democrats complain Sarah Palin is also using violent words and imagery.”
Reality Check Re: The Conservative = Violent / Liberal = Non-Violent Myth
Subject: txt 1st msm 2010 lbrty -
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the mainstream media consider the Tea Party capable of violence. Let's take a look at those who have committed most of the political violence, both in the United States and abroad.
More Guantanamo Detainees Are Returning to Terror Upon Release
Subject: txt gwot nsec heroes - Prior to his release in December, Abdul Hafiz was Prisoner Number 1030 at Guantanamo Bay. Now, less than four months later, he's back home in Afghanistan and working for the Taliban -- just the latest of more than 100 released detainees who have returned to terrorism, according to the Pentagon.
But despite the list of charges against him, the U.S. government transferred Hafiz to his home country in December. And now, a senior U.S. official tells Fox News, he is back on the battlefield....
Absolutely Pathetic Coverage of Judge's Release of Gitmo Detainee
Subject: txt gwot nsec bbro msm -Doing work the Associated Press refused to do -- or more specifically, providing context the AP refused to provide -- Sweetness & Light's indefatigable blogger Steve Gilbert gave readers the back story behind the order by U.S. District Judge James Robertson (pictured at right) to release Guantanamo Bay detainee Mohamedou Ould Salahi. Salahi is said to have, in the words of the wire service's Pete Yost, "provided advice to three of the Sept. 11 hijackers."
First, here's what little Yost deigned to divulge:
Judge Robertson threw out Ken Starr’s charges against the Clintons’ bag man and fall guy, Web Hubbell. And he has protected many other Clinton cronies over the years.
More recently, Mr. Robertson blocked the release of First Lady Hillary Clinton’s phone records from FOIA requests.
More to the point, however, Mr. Robertson is also the same heroic judge who resigned from the FISA court in a self-righteous hissy fit protest.
He also summarily released 30 other terrorists detainees last November.
More importantly perhaps, Judge Robertson is the also same legal hero who begat the Hamdan ruling, when he demanded that foreign combats should receive habeas corpus rights.

The Source of the Current Feud With Israel and Why It Matters
Subject: txt israel -The root of the current rift between the U.S. and Israel is a stark difference of perception between Washington and Jerusalem as to the Palestinian Authority's peace-making readiness and intentions.
President Obama's tilt towards the Palestinians is rooted in ideology espoused by Jeremiah Wright...
US 'may not veto UN resolution on Jerusalem'
Subject: txt israel owg -
The US is considering abstaining from a possible UN Security Council resolution against Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, sources suggest to the BBC. The possibility surfaced at talks in Paris last week between a senior US official and Qatar's foreign minister.
The official said the US would "seriously consider abstaining" if the issue of Israeli settlements was put to the vote...
To only say Iranian nukes are unacceptable is to accept them
Subject: txt nsec intl iran israel -In March 1936, Hitler occupied the Rhineland. The French prime minister, Leon Blum, denounced the act as "unacceptable." But France, Britain and the rest of the world accepted it.
Years later, the French political thinker Raymond Aron commented,
"To say that something is unacceptable was to say that one accepted it."

Putin: Iran's nuclear plant launch set for summer
Subject: txt nsec intl owg russia - iran -Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Thursday that Iran's Russian-built nuclear power plant will be launched this summer, even as the United States called for Russia to delay the startup. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, in Moscow on an official trip, urged Russia not to launch the plant until Tehran proves that it's not developing atomic weapons.
But Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, at a joint press conference with Clinton, immediately responded that Russia would put the reactor online...
Federalized Higher Education
Subject: txt edu sclm bbro -
By dangling dollars, the federal government controls the operation, enrollment, budget, facilities and curriculum of our esteemed institutions of higher education to a greater degree than ever in history.
What can anyone possibly point to as a past example of this being a good thing?
Americans must realize that it is the minds of our children the government has just commandeered...
A Nation of Dependents
Subject: txt sclm bbro edu -
The more we expect government to provide our basic needs, the more we become a nation dependent on government largesse, rather than independent individuals personally empowered to earn the values we seek.
It has already happened in education. Government programs have crowded out private alternatives, currently providing 90% of primary and secondary schooling. Without affordable private alternatives, parents are reduced to lobbying politicians for funding and supporting campaigns to squeeze more tax money from their neighbors.
Now it's happened to the rest of us for our pre-retirement health care... [snip]
ObamaCare will rob us of our freedom, our independence, and our access to quality medical care. What this country needs instead is real reform consistent with freedom, independence, and individual rights....
Prelude to a Media Victory Lap: Santelli Warns Not to Buy Hype of Upcoming Jobs Data
Subject: txt msm mny libs
With March unemployment data to be released April 2, some are anticipating what potentially lower jobless numbers will all mean for the financial markets and the economy as a whole. However, that data will come with the caveat that it will be misleading because it will include temporary jobs driven by hiring for the 2010 census.
"You know, I think it's fascinating," Santelli said. "Most experts would agree, the kind of job creation we're going to see is welcome but it isn't the kind we need in the big picture. But having said that, yes, I think that the markets will act in a way that will show a robustness if the number comes in a couple of hundred thousand and I think it's kind of silly."
Green think tank tells environmentalists: Leave climate change science behind
Subject: txt grn -
Leaders of a environmental think tank, The Breakthrough Institute, have a way to 'get beyond the climate science wars': Break the link between global warming research and the push for low-carbon energy...
[Think about what's being said here.]
Electric Green Waste
Subject: txt engry - grn -
Green initiatives are costing hard-pressed Americans billions of dollars, in the form of higher utility bills...
Subject: txt grn cali - engry -
Households that get their power from the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (DWP) could see their electric bills go up 28.4 percent under a plan unveiled Monday by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.
Villaraigosa said the proposed increases would ensure that the DWP meets his goal of securing 20 percent of its energy from renewable sources such as wind and solar by Dec. 31.
The increased revenue would help pay for new environmental initiatives, including more aggressive conservation programs and a solar 'initiative'.
But it also would 'address' the DWP's failure to collect enough money to cover the cost of existing renewable energy initiatives.
Even worse for the state's economy, businesses would see increases in the average bill ranging from 20 to 26 percent.
Once all the increases are in place, the DWP will receive an additional $648 million per year to pay for the hiring of "green doctors" to 'evaluate' [inspect] the energy efficiency of homes and make residents obtain energy-efficient lightbulbs and refrigerators....
Free energy saving bulbs cost £45
Subject: txt engry bbro - Each household has ended up paying £45 for the free energy saving light bulbs that have been sent to them by their electricity supplier.
More than 200 million 'free' energy-saving light bulbs have been sent to households over the last two years.
However, each household has ended paying £45 each through higher energy bills to 'fund' the scheme, even though most consumers objected to being sent the bulbs...
[Again and again...]
Firearms Deaths Fall As Gun Restrictions Ease
What's the likelihood of an EXTREMELY liberal media outlet publishing an article about firearm related homicides declining while permits to carry concealed weapons increase?
About as likely as Keith Olbermann saying something nice about Sarah Palin, right?
Well, on Wednesday, MSNBC.com actually published a piece with the following shocking headline:
Shhh. Wait. It got better...
Police: Robbers called US bank for money to go
Fairfield, Connecticut - Police in Connecticut say they had ample warning of a bank robbery because the two suspects called the bank ahead of time and told an employee to get a bag of money ready.
Police arrested 27-year-old Albert Bailey and an unidentified 16-year-old boy on robbery and threatening charges Tuesday afternoon at a People's United Bank branch in Fairfield...