Thursday, July 8, 2010
Jake Tapper Notes Lack of Discrimination Charge in Arizona Lawsuit
ubject: txt hots immig msm -
"He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing Importance, unless suspended in their Operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. - "--Thomas Jefferson,
The United States Declaration of Independence.
Oops! So what happened to all that discrimination and violation of civil rights that the Arizona immigration law was supposed to cause? Apparently the federal government decided it was so lacking that they didn't include it in their lawsuit against the Arizona law. Jake Tapper of ABC News notes the distinct lack of a discrimination charge in the federal lawsuit:
As widely anticipated, Attorney General Eric Holder today filed a lawsuit against Arizona and Gov. Jan Brewer over the state’s immigration law. The suit seeks a preliminary injunction to stop the law from being implemented.
The court filing states that Arizona law is pre-empted by federal law and therefore violates the supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution.
The filing makes no assertion that the law is discriminatory or risks being applied in a discriminatory fashion, as the president and other officials said they feared would be the case.
Interestingly, this suit makes no civil rights charges against the Arizona law...
The Hollow Case Against Arizona
Subject: txt hots immig -
After smearing Arizona's immigration law as racial profiling, the Justice Department has issued its lawsuit against the state.
But it's somehow not about civil rights anymore. It's about a federal "right" to not enforce U.S. law.
When Arizona passed a law last April mirroring U.S. federal immigration law, it was the opposite of the sort of challenges states historically bring to the feds.
Back when, say, schools were being desegregated, federal troops had to face off against state sheriffs because state laws were in direct contradiction to federal laws...
Open-Borders DOJ vs. America
Subject: txt hots immig -
The Obama administration’s lawsuit against Arizona, officially unveiled on Tuesday, is an affront to all law-abiding Americans. It is a threatening salvo aimed at all local, county, or state governments that dare to take control of the immigration chaos in their own backyards. And it is being driven by open-borders extremists who have dedicated their political careers to subverting homeland-security policies in the name of “compassion” and “diversity”...
Report: Hizbullah on US-Mexico border
Subject: txt immig gwot islm - US Republican rep: terror org may be working with drug cartels. A Hizbullah terror cell may be operating among drugs cartels around the US-Mexican border, announced US Republican National Committee Representative Sue Myrick, according to a Fox News report.
Myrick requested US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano create a special team to further investigate the potential problem and threat.
The Republican representative referenced several incidents that show evidence of Hizbullah's efforts to infiltrate the US region with the aid of Mexican drug cartel gangs...
Tasing Arizona
Subject: txt immig - crpt -
When the Justice Department sued Arizona Tuesday for the grievous crime of protecting its border, it did more than just signal a softer policy on immigration. It also put our national security at risk.
'A state may not establish its own immigration policy or enforce state laws in a manner that interferes with the federal immigration laws,"

But Arizona isn't "interfering" at all.
It's just doing what should be Uncle Sam's job — protecting our border.
Arizona should get a presidential commendation, not a lawsuit...
Okla., S.C., Utah working to pass Ariz.-style anti-immigration laws
Which state is the next Arizona? Attention is focused on the federal government's decision to challenge Arizona's strict anti-immigration law, but three other states are working to pass similar legislation next year.
Oklahoma, South Carolina and Utah have each taken steps against illegal immigration, and politicians in the three states are advocating further measures when their legislatures reconvene early next year. ..
Number of Afghans Gone AWOL in U.S. Reaches 46
Subject: txt gwot islm - nsec -
LACKLAND AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- A be-on-the-lookout alert issued last month for 17 Afghan military men who walked away from an Air Force base in Texas has turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg.
No fewer than 46 members of the Afghan military have gone absent without leave from the Defense Language Institute’s English Language Center at Lackland Air Force Base in recent years, has learned...
PBS Station Caves To Leftist Donor, Cancels Discussion Panel of ‘Surge’ Film With Liz Cheney
Subject: txt gwot nsec msm tax - bdd -Tomorrow night, WHYY, an affiliate of PBS in Philadelphia, was slated to show a 35-minute original documentary entitled “The Surge: The Untold Story,” about the 2007 troop surge in Iraq. They were scheduled to run a live panel discussion with Liz Cheney afterwards. They cancelled it after one of the major donors to WHYY promised that if they showed the documentary, he’d stop giving them money and instead cut them out of his will ($200,000). Then he sent an email to the WHYY donors blabbing about a “Republican Takeover of WHYY.”
Why the hubbub? Because the film is produced by the Stevens and Schriefer Group and Red October Productions, two conservative film companies that have produced film for the Republican Party.
Sin of sins!
PBS is famously liberal. They feature leftist documentary after leftist documentary — but even a semblance of balance, and the left goes crazy. This is how they maintain their dominance in the film industry: through sheer and unrelenting whining and blacklisting.
Somehow, liberals in Hollywood have never had trouble finding distribution on PBS and other stations. Their open association with Democrats helps rather than hurts. Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks didn’t worry about producing an election video for Barack Obama at the 2008 DNC. But do one video for Bush and all of a sudden, it’s fine for your programming to be scaled down by the powers-that-be at PBS.
Film should be judged on quality, not the identity of the creator. Anything less promotes the death of art itself ...
[Your tax dollars at work.]
Swimmers plunged into dark after council covers swimming pool windows 'to protect Muslim women's modesty'
Subject: txt islm -A council has sparked anger after officials blacked out windows on a glass-panelled swimming pool to protect the modesty of Muslim women. Darlaston Leisure Centre in the West Midlands' town of Walsall, was hailed for its 'ultra-modern' design when it opened ten years ago. But now council staff have covered 250 windows with dark-tinted film following complaints from Muslim swimmers...
Former NASA chief: Muslim outreach is ‘perversion’ of NASA’s mission
Michael Griffin, who headed NASA during the last four years of the Bush administration, says the space agency’s new goal to improve relations with the Islamic world and boost Muslim self-esteem is a “perversion” of NASA’s original mission to explore space.
“NASA was chartered by the 1958 Space Act to develop the arts and sciences of flight in the atmosphere and in space and to go where those technologies will allow us to go,” ... “That’s what NASA does for the country. It is a perversion of NASA’s purpose to conduct activities in order to make the Muslim world feel good about itself..."
The Left-Fascist Axis. Again
Subject: txt sclm bbro libs bdd lbrty hstry -
We are seeing another Left-fascist axis in our time, recapitulating Stalin's (and worldwide communism's) embrace of Hitler's Germany. The Gaza flotilla crisis was set up by the radical Left (Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Jodie Evans, and other Obama buds) in collusion with Hamas, which is about as fascist as they get.
If you doubt it, watch Hamas TV on the MEMRI website.
They are the worst. They teach toddlers about the glories of dying for Allah. Even Fatah thinks Hamas is a throwback to the Dark Ages.
In the Gaza flotilla, the Turks, who yelled out "Khaibar! Khaibar!" as they were trying to kill Israeli soldiers, were members of the Turkish branch of Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood. They yelled out "Khaibar!" because that massacre of Jews was Mohammed's own Auschwitz. That doesn't leave any doubt about who they are. Martyrdom is just a means to an end, and that end is "Khaibar." The media always forget to tell us that part.
Words matter, which is why the Left is always making up new words for themselves -- to disguise who they really are. The Left isn't Communist anymore; they are "progressive" -- which leaves the rest of us back in 1776. "Progressives" always know which way to find "progress," and it always comes down to stomping on the rest of us. Because if you're not "progressive," you must be an enemy of "progress."
The radical Left hasn't changed one smidgen since Stalin. The Left still believes in global totalitarianism. Stalin is dead, but Stalinism is on the march, just using other means...
[Highly Recommended > ]
Feds to take control of BP leak website
The Department of Homeland Security has announced the government will assume control of the joint website between BP and various organizations in charge of providing information about the BP oil spill and recovery. The website has been jointly owned and updated since the spill occurred in March. Once it switches to dot-gov, instead of dot-com, the government will be able to police the content posted. BP is also funding the website and may be required to continue doing so after the site is moved...
[Since when do we allow the federal government to treat private businesses like this?]
‘Commerce Clause’ Totalitarians
Subject: txt lbrty sclm bbro bdd - libs - hcare -
(Congress shall have the power: ) "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;" —Article 1, Section 8, United States Constitution
Take a good, long look at the above "commerce clause," my fellow Americans. As far as the American left is concerned, it is the vehicle by which tyranny can imposed on the citizenry of the United States.
Too strong a contention?
Not at all...
[Highly Recommended > ]
The Founders' vision against ours
In 1794, when Congress appropriated $15,000 to assist some French refugees, James Madison, the acknowledged father of our Constitution, stood on the floor of the House to object, saying,
"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents." ... "(T)he government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government."
Two hundred years later, at least two-thirds of a multi-trillion-dollar federal budget is spent on charity or "objects of benevolence." [i.e., 'entitlements']
What would the founders think about our respect for democracy and majority rule? Here's what Thomas Jefferson said:
"The majority, oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundations of society."
John Adams advised,
"Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."
The founders envisioned a republican form of government, but as Benjamin Franklin warned,
"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
[And our government is working overtime creating more government and public employee union-voting blocks...
This can tip to an irreversible spiral down to oblivion via bankruptcy - we're on the cusp now...]
So Much for the European Project
Subject: txt intl eunuchs owg -Europe was supposed to have arrived. With the final approval of the Lisbon Treaty last year, the European Union sported a new, consolidated government. Europe's political elite believed it had answered Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's derisive question: what is the phone number for Europe? But continental politics remains chaotic and European nations are tottering economically. The European Union's future is now at risk.
The question no longer is whether the EU can match the United States, but whether it can survive...
[Are we paying attention? Then why are we using them as our model?
{A: blind ideology.}]
Covered-Up Flag Mural Near Calif. Freeway Restored
SUNOL, Calif. -- The American flag mural painted on concrete siding above Northern California freeway, then painted over by order of state officials, was returned to its former glory just in time for 4th of July. The 35-foot long flag had been painted above Interstate 680 in Sunol, in clear view of commuters, by three men after the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington. Caltrans officials determined last month that it was on state property and ordered it covered with gray paint, igniting a public furor...
Congress Has Inhibited Growth By Creating Uncertainty
Subject: txt econ mny - : Fisher
Congress and the government have inhibited growth by creating uncertainty about business costs, Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher told CNBC Wednesday. “We need clarity," said Fisher. "My background [in business] tells me that you can’t eliminate uncertainty, but you have to reduce it as much as possible.” Questions about healthcare expenses, for instance, have kept businesses from hiring new workers, said Fisher, because executives don't know how much it will cost them...
Obama installs a health czar who favors rationing
Subject: txt hcare lbrty -Donald Berwick is no household name, but President Obama just handed him immense power to shape what kind of health care will be available to every American man, woman and child.
Berwick is the president’s newly appointed administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the federal agency that is ground zero for Obamacare’s politicization of American medicine.
Obama installed Berwick with a recess appointment, a rarely exercised authority given to the president by the Constitution to use when the Senate is out of session [i.e., another end-around to Senate oversight of appointments]...
ABC, NBC and CBS Mostly Ignore Obama's Recess Appointment of Pro-Health Care Rationing Doctor to Head Medicare
[Meanwhile, our professional 'watch dogs'...]
So given Berwick's rather outspoken faith in socialized medicine the news that Obama has again circumvented Congress with a recess appointment, to have him head Medicare, had to be big news, right?
Well not according to NBC, CBS and ABC news, as there was no mention of the President's decision to make the recess appointment on Tuesday night's NBC Nightly News, CBS Evening News or ABC's World News.
In fact the embargo on the information continued through Wednesday morning as there were zero mentions on ABC's Good Morning America and CBS's The Early Show...
Subject: txt lbrty nanny -The United Kingdom's National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) claims that junk food is responsible for 40,000 deaths a year. However, the evidence on which this claim is made is highly dubious, says Rob Lyons, deputy editor of Spiked.
For most people there is no evidence that cutting salt is of any benefit at all; indeed, for some people it could be harmful:
- The idea that high salt automatically equates to shortened lives is wrong; the Japanese have a very high salt diet and enjoy longer lives than anyone else.
- Our bodies are incredibly sensitive to the appropriate balance of salt and water in our blood, regulating it on a minute-by-minute basis to keep it within a very narrow range; there is no consensus that such salt-reduction policies would be beneficial.
There has been plenty of evidence for a very long time that attempts to reduce saturated fat consumption have no effect on cardiovascular disease:
- The Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT), encouraged a large number of middle-aged American men with high cholesterol to change their diet in an effort to reduce their saturated-fat intake and, therefore, their cholesterol while another large group of middle-aged men were left to their own devices.
- Slightly more men in the low-fat diet group died than in the control group, but in reality there was no practical difference in outcomes.
As for trans fats, the evidence that reducing our intake will "save lives" is once again weak. According to a study from the New England Journal of Medicine in 2006:
- A 2 percent increase in energy intake from trans-fatty acids was associated with a 23 percent increase in the incidence of coronary heart disease.
- That figure of 23 percent sounds impressively high, but epidemiological studies are very blunt instruments.
- The U.S. National Cancer Institute noted in 1994, in epidemiological research, increases in risk of less than 100 percent are considered small and are usually difficult to interpret; such increases may be due to chance, statistical bias or the effects of confounding factors that are sometimes not evident.
Source: Rob Lyons, "The tyranny of the anti-junk food crusade," Spiked, June 23, 2010.
[What kind of ideologues buy this stuff?...
San Francisco Bans Coca-Cola, Mr. Pibb
... answer:]
The sale of Coca-Cola is now outlawed at San Francisco City Hall. That means if you need to wash down that tofu turkey dog, you’ll need to order a bottle of soy milk. (snip) Mayor Gavin Newsome has issued an executive order banning Coke, Pepsi and Fanta Orange from vending machines on city property. The directive also includes non-diet sodas, sports drinks and artificially sweetened water. That means you can no longer “Do the Dew” at City Hall. Dr. Pepper? Not welcome and neither is Mr. Pibb.
Even fruit juices have come under the mayor’s scrutiny...
[This is what we now pay mayors to do? Nice to know that everything else in SF is going so well he can afford to spend time on such things...]
POLL: Americans Strongly Support Ideals from Declaration of IndependenceThis Independence Day, Americans overwhelmingly agree with the core ideals instilled in the founding document of the United States. The Declaration of Independence, written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, asserts that
"we are all endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
[Starting with fireworks for all...]