Monday, June 21, 2010
Media Outraged BP CEO At Yacht Race Saturday, Don't Care Obama Golfed
Subject: txt 1st hots grn engry msm -
Saturday demonstrated a staggering disparity in how media view those involved in the Gulf Coast oil spill cleanup.While news outlets heaped scorn upon beleaguered BP CEO Tony Hayward for attending a yacht race in England Saturday, there was no such anger shown towards President Obama and Vice President Biden for going golfing.
In fact, as this Reuters piece illustrated, despite what our Commander-in-Chief was doing, it was perfectly acceptable for his administration to criticize Hayward's recreational exploits on his day off...
Sunday Talk Shows All Start With BP Hayward's Yachting, Ignore Obama's Golfing
Subject: txt 1st msm bias - grn engry -
What follows are videos and transcripts of the opening segments of ABC's "This Week," CBS's "Face the Nation," and NBC's "Meet the Press"...
Against Gov. Jindal's Wishes, Crude-Sucking Barges Stopped by Coast Guard
Subject: txt hots grn engry - BP Oil Spill:
Eight days ago, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal ordered barges to begin vacuuming crude oil out of his state's oil-soaked waters. Today, against the governor's wishes, those barges sat idle, even as more oil flowed toward the Louisiana shore.
"It's the most frustrating thing," ... "Literally, yesterday morning we found out that they were halting all of these barges."
Sixteen barges sat stationary today, although they were sucking up thousands of gallons of BP's oil as recently as Tuesday....
Stopping progress, not stopping the spill
Subject: txt grn engry -
Sixty-one days have passed since the blowout at Deepwater Horizon, and as the spill worsens, so does the political gamesmanship and government-led bungling of the recovery effort. Take President Obama's proposed six-month moratorium -- not only for new deep-water drilling permits, but for all existing drilling. The White House justified the proposal on the basis of a report produced by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, which touted the peer review of seven experts identified by the National Association of Engineering.
The only problem? The report they reviewed did not include such a moratorium on existing drilling and, as the Wall Street Journal reported, the experts fear the decision would set the stage for greater environmental and economic calamity.
Instead, the White House claims the experts were only brought in to look at the document on a technical basis, and that the moratorium was a more "comprehensive" approach. Obama's environmental czar, Carol Browner, declared that "No one's been deceived or misrepresented." Salazar has since testified that the idea to impose the moratorium was his.
That would make this an explicitly political decision rather than a technical one, and given the subject matter, a dangerous one...
Jones Act: Maritime politics strain Gulf oil spill cleanup
Subject: txt 1st hots grn engry -
"We are still receiving reports of foreign-flagged vessels being turned away or their offers of assistance hanging in limbo."- Sen. George LeMieux (R) of Florida
[For the record, Bush suspended this Act through executive order, as is available to Obama, whith days of Katrina.]
Ouch! Louisianans say Bush did a better job on Katrina
Subject: txt hots engry grn -Public Policy Polling buried the lede on their latest survey. This one is going to leave a mark: Louisianans believe that President George W. Bush did a better job handling the crisis in the state than President Obama, 50 to 35. But most Louisianans think the oil spill is far more critical than Hurricane Katrina.
Louisianans overwhelmingly believe that the effects of the oil spill will be far more harmful to Louisiana in the long term than Hurricane Katrina, 76 to 17%...
Fears over deep-water ban spread
Subject: txt engry econ -John Ryan III considers himself an optimist, but he's having trouble seeing the silver lining in a Gulf of Mexico drilling ban that's starting to cut into his business. It's not crisis time yet. In an ironic stroke of luck, his Alexander/Ryan Marine & Safety Co. in east Houston has benefited from orders to supply protective safety suits, ventilators and hard hats to crews cleaning up the Gulf oil spill that prompted the government's drilling moratorium. But he knows that business won't last, and he worries about what's next. "Everybody's saying, 'This moratorium can't last six months,' "
MSNBC: Americans Are The Enemy Due To Oil 'Addiction'
[Meanwhile, in our professional media {with Pulitzer winning columnists, of course}:]
Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Cynthia Tucker believes Americans are the enemy of the nation moving in a new energy direction because of what she called our addiction to oil.
As the discussion on this weekend's "The Chris Matthews Show" moved to why President Obama hasn't attacked energy policy much like Eisenhower did the space program, Tucker said,
"One of the differences between the '50's when Sputnik was launched and now, that was a battle against Communism. It's always much easier to rally Americans against an external threat, an external enemy.In this case, the enemy is us. Americans are addicted to petroleum. We use way too much oil"
(video follows with transcript and commentary):
[Energy use is activity. Remember that every time a liberal suggests we need 'cut back'.]
Greens Bear Some Blame For Oil Spill, Media Baffled
Subject: txt hots grn gdd engry -
More than a few reporters and liberal pundits have lately noted with bafflement that some, especially on the right, have blamed environmentalists for the Gulf oil spill.
To them this is an absurd notion that proves just how nutty the right has become.
Two things are worth noting in response. First, it is not just a few people who think this way. And second, there is a rational, and fairly compelling, argument that the greens are at least indirectly responsible...
The Real Detroit Three Stories in JD Power’s Latest Initial Quality Report: Ford’s Ascension, GM’s Deterioration
Subject: txt hots - sclm auto - msm -When it comes to the performance of the U.S.-headquartered Detroit automakers once known as the Big Three, the real news in the J.D. Power and Associates 2010 Initial Quality Study (IQS) is not what the Associated Press's Stephen Manning wrote in his Thursday coverage ("US cars top foreign brands on quality survey") of Power's pronouncement. While barely true and in a sense historic, it's not even in the neighborhood of being the big story.
Because of its timing, Power's IQS is as good a report card as any out there on the job President Barack Obama's car czars and his apparatchik management appointees have done during the past year in improving the quality of the vehicles produced at government-controlled General Motors and Chrysler.
There's a distinct aroma of propaganda-driven misdirection in Manning's missive. A detailed look at J.D. Power's report reveals the full extent of Stephen's stench....
[Why the bias against Ford? They had the audacity to refuse government takeover and fix their problems the old fashion way: hard work. I.e., it sets a bad example.]
Increase in Violence Forces Closing of Parkland Along Mexico Border to Americans
Subject: txt hots 1st immig =
About 3,500 acres of southern Arizona have been closed off to U.S. citizens due to increased violence at the U.S.-Mexico border, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The closed off area includes part of the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge that stretches along the U.S.-Mexico border. Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu told Fox News that violence against law enforcement officers and U.S. citizens has increased in the past four months, forcing officers on an 80 mile stretch of Arizona land north of the Mexico border off-limits to Americans...
Most Americans back new Arizona law, Washington Post-ABC News poll finds
[HT:LDot: "Backers must be those who have actually read it."]
Most Americans support the new Arizona law that gives police there the power to check the residency status of suspected illegal immigrants, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
Immigration has been rising in prominence as an issue and has the potential to roil party unity on both sides as Democrats and Republicans push for the upper hand in the midterm elections.
Liberal Democrats are broadly against the Arizona law...
What Side Is She On?
Subject: txt immig -Sovereignty: Hillary Clinton assured Ecuadoreans the U.S. would sue Arizona if it tried to enforce federal immigration laws. She said it just as the feds ceded part of Arizona to Mexican traffickers.
"will be bringing a lawsuit against the (Arizona) act."
What's going on here?
Middle Class Is Abandoning Obama: He Gets Majority Approval Rating Only From Americans Making Less Than $24,000 Per Year
Subject: txt hots 2010 pltcs poll -The middle class is abandoning President Barack Obama, according to data released by the Gallup Poll. The only income bracket among which a majority still says they approve of the job he is doing as president are those earning $2,000 per month or less. During the week of June 7-13, only 46 percent of Americans overall told Gallup they approved of the job Obama is doing as president, tying for the worst week of Obama's presidency...
Rasmussen has a number of interesting findings, but this image sums it all up well:
[And this poll was taken before the President's disastrous Gulf spill address.]
Afghan War Becoming a Bloody Farce
Subject: txt gwot - Since last summer, President Obama has publicly doubted whether Afghan President Hamid Karzai's corruption and incompetence make him a fit partner for our policy goals in Afghanistan. Now, according to Saturday's New York Times:
"Mr. Karzai (has) lost faith in the Americans and NATO to prevail in Afghanistan."
Regretfully, both presidents are correct. Neither of them has a national partner in whom he can place any reasonable confidence...
[When you put an arbitrary time table on war instead of unconditional victory, this is what happens.]
What Will the Western Strategy Toward Gaza Produce?
Subject: txt gwot intl nsec israel -
A "Normal" Revolutionary, Terrorist, Genocidal Regime...
The Democrat’s Sinister Plan to Retain Power
Subject: txt lbrty bdd sclm bbro 2010 - Updated:
First of all I spent 9 years in Navy Intelligence, gathering information, connecting the dots, and predicting the next moves by the enemy. This Administration has been shredding the Constitution since day one, and has accumulated more power to the Executive branch than any time in the history of our Country.
Fact: This administration does not wish to do anything to protect our borders. This administration advocates OPEN borders. This administration has looted our financial resources. This administration is hell bent on Nationalizing all businesses.
In short, this administration has declared war on free market capitalism...
NBC’s David Gregory: White House Rhetoric 'Anti-Business,' 'Could Really Discourage Businesses' in U.S.
[Credit where due:]
Wow, just wow. Never would have seen this one coming, but is one of the standard-bearers of the media elite recognizing the Obama administration's anti-business populist tone is inhibiting the U.S. economy?
On the June 18 broadcast of CNBC's "Squawk Box," NBC "Meet the Press" moderator David Gregory was asked to respond to a June 18 New York Times article by David Sanger suggesting the Obama administration may be "overstepping" and discouraging business growth in the United States. Gregory told "Squawk Box" viewers that in his view they were and called it "a real problem."
"You all know it talking to business leaders every day and I do speak to business leaders quite often as well and I hear it time and time again that what you got at the administration are two problems.
One, you've got nobody in the inner sanctum of the President's advisers who has ever run a business - who have ever run a business. And that's a real problem. I think there's a level of recognition about that being a problem in the West Wing as well.
But the rhetoric and the policy substantively, a lot of people feel, is anti-business and getting to a point where it could really discourage businesses in the United States and certainly the multinationals working here as well..."
Obama Requests $50 Billion More, Networks Devote 38 Times More Coverage to World Cup
Subject: txt 1st econ mny msm -
Obama sent a letter to Congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle June 12, urging them to pass a "derailed" $50 billion state bailout bill. But the three broadcast networks' newcasts have all ignored it.
"Good Morning America" was the only network newscast to mention the president's push for more stimulus. Its story was 40 seconds long.
[It's only 50 billion of your money - why let you know about it?]
June Private-Sector Employment Contracts
Subject: txt econ msm - AP:Private sector job growth shrank to a seasonally adjusted 20,000 in May. Maybe if the AP and others make us think that June will go negative and the actual result comes in barely positive, it won't seem so bad. The worse possibility is that they're aware of more information than the rest of us have, and that things really are heading south in this "Rebound? What Rebound?" recovery...
Today's "Mancession" will change everything
Subject: txt MANWAR econ othr bdd -
Three-quarters of the seven million jobs that have vanished in the recession belonged to men.
The trend got Larry Summers, the President's top economic adviser, speculating recently,
"When the economy recovers five years from now, one in six men who are 25 to 54 will not be working."
Ouch. While the decline in construction and manufacturing is hurting men in the workforce, expansion of health care and education is helping women, who now represent the majority of college graduates...
[Not to worry, it's just men. Re: graduates, feminist mission accomplished: men have been marginalized.]
A Woman's "Choice" That Affects Men: Post-Abortion Trauma
Subject: txt 1st bdd vals lgl manwar -
This Father’s Day will be a celebration for dads all over the country, an opportunity for children to thank and honor their fathers. Yet for many men, the memory of involvement in a past abortion, of “cards they will not receive,” will be painful and palpable.
In a debate where the primary focus is a woman’s body and a woman’s right to choose whether or not to carry a child to his or her delivery, the “other partner,” the father of the baby, is completely disregarded altogether...
[Despite it 'taking two' people to result in an unplanned pregnancy, only one has any options open to her after the fact. The other, none - except to be financially liable for a decision made solely by the other.
Feminine 'fairness'.]