[Meanwhile, on American TV...]
On NCIS, a young Marine is found murdered. He is found to be a recent convert to Islam (formerly a Christian), and the son of a retired Christian Marine chaplain. As the plot progresses, we find that the widow (also a Christian) has been, shall we say, unfaithful during her husband’s deployment. The father (the chaplain) has been paying his son’s unit members to harass him into quitting the Marines. And the murderer, we find, is the brother of the deceased.
Why did one brother kill the other?
Simply put, the deceased Marine had dishonored his family’s name by converting to Islam – so the Christian brother killed him for it. That’s right: NCIS featured a Christian honor-killing...

Next, CBS ran the Los Angeles-themed spinoff of NCIS. Four wounded Marines (Explosive Ordinance Disposal technicians, essentially the bomb squad) return from Iraq. One of the four is killed by an exploding cell phone, and the other three appear to have been targeted by the bomber. One of the three remaining Marines appears to be the bomber – but which one could it be? The Muslim, who appears to be eluding the NCIS agents, or one of the two Christians?
In an interrogation scene with the NCIS forensic psychologist,
we find out that the Muslim is innocent – and that the Bible-quoting Christian is actually a demented bomber, seeking absolution for the things he did in Iraq. ..Of course, with the rest of CBS being in ratings shambles, I probably should not have underestimated their ability to screw this up too. Political correctness may have just claimed another good show.