Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Emmys Sink to a New Low

Family Guy has been nominated for Outstanding Comedy Series by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. Continuing with the Emmy tradition of validating shows that bash family, religion, and moral values, the Academy put the icing on the cake with "Family Guy." It's based on jokes that are meant to offend and entertain the lowest common denominator.

It's a show that had one character wear a “McCain/Palin” pin on a Nazi uniform lapel; that, shortly after his passing from Alzheimer’s, joked that former president Ronald Reagan was gay; that included a scene about horse semen and bestiality. When creator Seth MacFarlane has been at a loss for quality material (often) he’s reached for the quick Jesus joke.

Now he’s got an Emmy nod for it.

With this nomination, the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences has completely given up trying for credibility, and instead focused on perpetuating morality-free television by recognizing "Family Guy" as "outstanding."


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