Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Lessons of Hanin Zuabi’s Big Lie
Subject: txt hots israel - msm -
Yesterday’s press conference by Hanin Zuabi, an Israeli Arab Knesset member who was on the Gaza-bound Mavi Marmara when Israeli commandos boarded it on Monday, should be studied by every journalist or human-rights activist who ever believed a Palestinian atrocity tale. Here is Haaretz’s report of it:
According to Zuabi, when the flotilla was 130 miles from shore, 14 naval ships approached and opened fire without warning. Only journalists, nurses and a doctor were on deck; none of them carried weapons. All the other passengers were either in their rooms or fled there as soon as the shooting began. …
Over and over, she insisted that the passengers engaged in no violence, that the soldiers had come with intent to kill and intimidate, that it was all planned in advance.
When reporters confronted her with the video footage released by the army and the soldiers’ testimony, and with the fact that several soldiers were wounded, Zuabi first evaded the questions, then finally insisted, “This is what I saw.”
This is a classic example of the Big Lie: even faced with incontrovertible evidence of her story’s falsity — the video footage of those peace-loving “journalists” and “nurses” attacking the soldiers, the seven hospitalized commandos — Zuabi stuck to it.
And without this evidence, most of the world would surely have believed her...
[Recommended > ]
IDF: Hamas stops flotilla aid delivered by Israel
Subject: txt hots israel -Israel has attempted to deliver humanitarian aid from an international flotilla to Gaza, but Hamas -- which controls the territory -- has refused to accept the cargo, the Israel Defense Forces said Wednesday. Palestinian sources confirmed that trucks that arrived from Israel at the Rafah terminal at the Israel-Gaza border were barred from delivering the aid.
CBS Finds ‘Even [Israel’s] Friends Question’ Blockade of Gaza, IGNORES Regular Aid Shipments Through Israel
Subject: txt israel msm -
While the broadcast networks ABC, CBS and NBC have all failed to remind viewers that Israel allows regular aid shipments into Gaza over land from its side of the border, on Tuesday’s CBS Evening News correspondent Richard Roth highlighted complaints about the effect of the blockade on Gaza residents, used a soundbite of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to argue that "even [Israel’s] friends question the effect," and even noted that Egypt was opening its border with Gaza for humanitarian aid – all while still not informing viewers that the Israelis regularly screen aid shipments and allow them into Gaza.
RICHARD ROTH: The U.N. says 70 percent of its million and a half people live on less than a dollar a day. Smuggling through tunnels to Egypt provides much of what Gazans need but at prices not many can afford. Israel says the aim of the blockade is to control terrorism, but even its friends question the effect.
HILLARY CLINTON, SECRETARY OF STATE: The situation in Gaza is unsustainable and unacceptable.
ROTH: Wary of sharing blame, Egypt's now opened its own border with Gaza – for humanitarian reasons, said Cairo – but probably not for long.
On the same day’s The Early Show, CBS anchor Betty Nguyen also noted Egypt’s actions: "This morning, Egypt has temporarily opened its border with Gaza to let in aid shipments after Israel's raid that killed nine people on a humanitarian flotilla."
Similarly, during the war in Gaza from late December 2008 to January 2009, CBS was the network most likely to air complaints about the blockade’s effect on the people of Gaza, and the least likely to report that humanitarian aid was being transported into the Gaza Strip.
'Signals of weakness'
Subject: txt israel - Bachmann:
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Tuesday that President Barack Obama has encouraged Israel’s enemies by sending “signals of weakness” in the U.S. commitment to its ally.
“We have to ask if the Obama administration remains committed to the state of Israel and the right of Israel to exist and defend herself,” ... “The Obama administration, through its word and its actions, has been sending the world mixed signals - at best.”
How Wars Begin
Subject: txt 1st israel -In hindsight, it will probably be obvious that the missteps of the Obama administration vis a vis Israel were critical catalysts to a war that today seems ever more likely to engulf the Middle East, and perhaps the world more generally.
Throughout their seventeen months in office, the President and his senior subordinates have been at pains to "engage" the Muslim "world." As we've consistently seen, 'engagement' with the Muslim 'world' only means increased aggression by its violent minority.
Assuming such an outcome is neither the intention of the President and his team, nor desired by them, American course corrections must be urgently taken...
Napolitano asks terror SPONSOR for help
Subject: txt gwot -
... attendees at the Abu Dhabi meeting included officials from Syria, which is listed on the State Department’s website as “one of the countries determined by the Secretary of State to have repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism.”Yemen, where alleged Underwear Bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab trained for the Christmas Day plot with an al Qaeda cell, was also represented at the summit, even though “Yemen is a near-perfect haven for terrorists from South Asia,” Christopher Boucek of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, told ABC News in January.
Two questions: Does Napolitano expect government officials who can’t – or won’t – keep terrorists out of their own countries to somehow keep them out of ours?
And should we be sharing technical and intelligence information about terrorists with a country like Syria, which our own State Department has determined actively supports them?
PBS: Far More Christian Terrorists Than Muslim Ones, Tea Party Comparable to Jihad
Subject: txt gwot tea msm -
Tavis Smiley has apparently been asleep for the last ten years. That, at least, is the only logical explanation for his claim that Christains engage in terrorism far more often than Muslims. He also thinks the Tea Party is a comparably dangerous force to radical Islam.
"There are so many more examples of Christians who do that," Smiley claimed, referring to terrorism, "than you could ever give me examples of Muslims who have done that inside this country where you live and work."
He was discussing terrorism with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born writer and former member of the Dutch Parliament.
Ali claims it is her mission to "inform the West about the danger of Islam," but Smiley was more concerned with the danger posed by Tea Party protesters, who "are being recently arrested for making threats against elected officials, for calling people 'nigger' as they walk into Capitol Hill, for spitting on people." None of those claims are true, but then again the segment was replete with falsehoods (Full video and transcript below the fold - h/t Greg Hengler).
[Shouldn't it count that one was accurate and the other an attempted fabrication?]
The Warrior Code vs. The Da Vinci Code
Subject: txt bdd vals islm -We’ve grown accustomed to video images of ten-year-old boys in Palestinian training camps, dressed like mujahideen and wielding AK-47’s.
Luckily, the West knows how to respond to such shows of aggressiveness. For instance, in the last few years “tag” and similar games have been banned from numerous school playgrounds in the U.K. and the U.S. on the grounds that they are “hazardous” and “inappropriate.”
So there, take that, you little jihadist!
As it did in the seventh century, Islam is taking on the appearance of an unstoppable masculine force. But in the West the masculine spirit looks more like a ghost. In The Suicide of Reason, Lee Harris puts the matter in stark biological terms: “While we in the West are drugging our alpha boys with Ritalin, the Muslims are doing everything in their power to encourage their alpha boys to be tough, aggressive, and ruthless.”
Sounds like Harris is talking war, but in reality his book is more about cultural conflict than armed conflict. [snip]
It’s also telling that in Europe, where Christianity exerts much less influence, the submissiveness is more pronounced. So feminization and its attendant emasculation are not problems that are specific to Christianity.
Nevertheless, because it’s a large part of American culture, the health of Christianity ought to be of concern to all. Our culture derives much of its strength from its Christian faith, but a Christianity without a strong masculine presence won’t be able to keep young men from defecting to the religion of guns n’ poses.
There are a lot of young men in our world who are uncertain whether to follow the sign of the crescent moon or the sign of the cross, but it’s a good bet not many of them will be interested in following the “yield” sign which some contemporary Christians have taken as their emblem.
FTC to “reinvent” journalism
Subject: txt bbro sclm lbrty -
The nation needs a strong, independent press, the FTC argues, and so they want to find ways for government to “reinvent” journalism. If that sounds vaguely Orwellian to you, the actual language in the Federal Trade Commission’s discussion-points memo should have hairs standing on the backs of necks across the nation. It shows a wildly laughable rationale for government intervention that would prop up the failing newspaper model in a manner that would put the entire industry at the mercy of the federal bureaucracy it’s supposed to keep in check.
This FTC study is rated R for anyone who thinks the federal government, the object of copious news coverage itself, has no business deciding which sectors of the private media business survive and thrive through its support, subsidies and encouragement with things like tax incentives.
Yet that’s what this Obama administration paper is suggesting as another of the ex-community organizer’s galactic reform plans.This is not a document meant to salvage an independent press. It’s a road map for government control over the news.
[Wake up America: tyranny is being installed one {rapid} step at a time.]
Hey FTC, FCC: As Long As We’re On the Subject of ‘Hate Speech…’
Subject: txt lbrty immig msm -
Various lefty organizations have petitioned the Federal Communications Commission to start monitoring “hate speech” on radio and on the internet [but not TV]. According to this story, the groups include: [the usual - snip]
Adopting the Rahm Emanuel principle of never letting a good crisis go to waste, the Obama administration is clearly using the travails of the dinosaur media as an opportunity to “save” it — by destroying press freedom and putting those pesky blogs and websites like this one out of business.You can bet they’ll have have plenty of useful idiots in the MSM and in academe on their side in this endeavor.
But hey, as long as we’re on the subject of hate speech and the legacy media, what about this oldie-but goodie — from the left, naturally:
Subject: txt hcare -American fans of single-payer health care have long held Canada as an example of success in both providing health care and controlling costs. Canadians have more reason to question both, however, especially the latter. The provinces, which bear a significant portion of those costs, may end some services and curtail others as ballooning costs have exposed the cradle-to-grave system as unsustainable:
Poll: Obamacare Schedule fails to sway public
Subject: txt hcare -
The White House has, for weeks now, rolled out popular health reform benefits well ahead of schedule, items like coverage for young adult children and tax credits for small business, hoping these early deliverables would shore up public support. But a new poll, released this morning by the Kaiser Family Foundation, suggests the accelerated implementation schedule has failed to sway a skeptical public — or even keep health reform’s most ardent supporters on board.
Buy Socialism Now, Pay for It Later
Subject: txt 2010 sclm hcare mny -
One of the more stunning bits of insanity to come out of 2008 is that during an economic crisis caused by “Buy Now, Pay Later” fiscal planning, a candidate whose entire economic philosophy was built on “Buy Now, Pay Later” was voted in. The difference is that Obama’s “Buy Now, Pay Later” plans weren’t there for capitalism, but to fund socialism. And now with the national debt tripled, and his approval rating lower than a skunk’s at an aromatherapy session, he’s pushing out ObamaCare’s “benefits” ahead of schedule.
Still Buy Now, Pay Later...
ubject: txt mny
Italy becomes latest to release austerity measures
While some economists may applaud Italy's proposed 24 billion-euro austerity package for preventing a Greece-level debt crisis, the cutbacks could take a toll on Prime Minister Berlusconi's already declining popularity. (Snip) If approved by parliament, the measure would help the government trim its budget deficit from 5.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) to 2.7 by 2012. European Union regulations require member states to keep budget deficits within 3 percent of GDP, although many countries have broken the rules since the economic and financial crises. Italy's need for austerity measures is not as extreme as those of Greece, Spain or Portugal...
National Debt Soars Past $13 Trillion
The U.S. national debt has passed the $13 trillion mark, according to, an independent website that tracks the real-time growth of U.S. revenues and spending. The Treasury Department has yet to update its official national debt-tracking website: lists the national debt, as of Monday, May 24, as nearly $12.99 trillion. The Treasury Department did not immediately return a request from ABC News for comment. (Snip) ''As early as today, we'll reach a dubious milestone in America: a $13 trillion national debt -- the first time in history we've crossed this frightening threshold.
This extenders bill would add another $130 billion on top of that. ... This is fiscal recklessness...
Despite Soaring National Debt, Congress Goes on Spending Spree
Subject: txt msm tax -
As the national debt clock ticked past the ignominious $13 trillion mark overnight, Congress pressed to pass a host of supplemental spending bills to, among other things, fund the continuing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, ramp up security on the U.S.-Mexico border and prevent teacher layoffs.
Taken together, the Democratic-led U.S. Congress is trying to find a way to pass about $300 billion more in unfunded spending before Memorial Day – a spending spree that rivals anything drunken sailors have been accused of...
CNN Money's Plan to Save Social Security: Raise Taxes, No Mention of Reduced Spending
Subject: txt mny sclm libs msm -
Jeanne Sahadi at has finally realized Social Security needs urgent reform - and by reform, she means going after the wealthy, of course.On Monday, Sahadi reported on news from the Congressional Budget Office that Social Security is dipping into savings already this year and will not be able to meet its obligations by 2037. That's at least 15 years earlier than what the CBO had predicted during the last administration, and with 27 years to go it's entirely possible the deadline will move again, especially if the current recession persists.
But Sahadi wasn't worried. In fact, she began her piece by saying "it should be a snap" to rescue the program from bankruptcy.
After blissfully assuring readers that Social Security will be fine for another 27 years, Sahadi offered three easy-peasy steps that could be enacted over time to make the program solvent.
Sadly, all three ideas were predictable:
Michelle Obama’s obesity report: Tax pop and candy, subsidize fruits and veggies
Subject: txt bdd vals lbrty sclm bbro -
Michelle Obama’s 124 page Childhood Obesity Report is complete for the ‘Let’s Move! campaign’ and it is now online for review. Most families will not disagree with the ‘findings’ of the report but the extent that common-sense recommendations are detailed in ‘government-speak’ is laughable. A simple piece of advise such as “Turn off the TV and go out and play” turns into this: “An association between television viewing and risk of being overweight in preschool children, independent of socio-demographic factors. Specifically, for each additional
[Michelle did a report? And her qualifications for doing so are...?]
Sorry, sweetie: Candy tax kicks in Tuesday
Subject: txt cali tax -Do you buy bottled water? Bad for the environment; good for state coffers.
Have a sweet tooth? Your dentist may tell you to cut back on candy, but your legislator might say please don't.
Knock back a few beers on a hot summer day? As long as you're not driving, swill away. Your state needs you.
Taxes on candy, gum, bottled water and beer are expected to bring in a combined $122 million over the next year to help deal with a $2.8 billion state budget gap.
Smokers and soda-sippers also are being tapped: A $1-per-pack boost in the cigarette tax kicked in May 1, and a tax on carbonated beverages starts July 1. Together, those two are expected to bring in $135 million by the end of June 2011.
Those taxes and more — nearly $800 million in all — are being added to keep government spending levels where they are despite a recession occurring in the private sector...
A lifetime of self reliance and accepting personal responsibility
The more our governments and their deficits grow, the more I think of my late mother-in-law.
A trained bookkeeper and armchair economist, she had ideas that could save the country some real money today. She came to America at 13, speaking only Yiddish. When she died some 70 years later, her Yiddish was still perfect. But so was her English.
That's because in the 1920s, teachers and parents did not know about diversity training and political correctness. So they placed her in classes with much younger English-speaking kids...
Why the Texas Textbook Debate Matters
Subject: txt edu hots hstry - child -
Is America a “constitutional republic” or a “democratic” one? Is Country & Western more of a significant cultural movement than Hip Hop? Is there such a thing as “separation of church and state”?
These are but a few of the hundreds of questions the 15 elected members of the Texas State Board of Education [SBOE] have been agonizing over for nearly a year as they struggled to reach an agreement and adopt the Lone Star State’s standards for social studies.
The vote is in, and the social studies standards were finally adopted last week following a marathon debate that was often contentious and racially charged. [Guess who brought race into it.]
“We are adding balance,” to a liberal bias, says Dr. Don McLeroy, a practicing dentist and Republican from Bryan.
“They can just pretend this is a white America and Hispanics don’t exist,” said Democrat Mary Helen Berlang.
[You decide.]
Have the AP or Denver Post Actually Read the New Texas Curriculum?
Subject: txt hots edu msm -
In two articles over the last two weeks, the AP has written the following (sometimes more than once) about the new Texas curriculum:
A far-right faction of the Texas State Board of Education gained a giant step forward Friday in injecting conservative ideals into social studies, history and economics lessons that will be taught to millions of students for the next decade. (Emphasis added. Nothing like setting the tone up front.)
A far-right faction of the Texas State Board of Education gained a giant step forward Friday in injecting conservative ideals into social studies, history and economics lessons that will be taught to millions of students for the next decade.
(Emphasis added. Nothing like setting the tone up front.)
Reading the actual curriculum documents (elementary school, middle school, high school, and economics), here's what they actually say about these issues:
[Recommended > ]
Obama: I intend to find the votes on climate 'in the coming months'
Subject: txt grn - libs - bdd -
President Barack Obama will vow Wednesday to personally corral Senate votes for a sweeping climate change and energy bill in the coming months. His comments are sure to hearten environmentalists, who have been pressing for the White House to exert more political pressure on lawmakers this year.
“The votes may not be there right now, but I intend to get this done,”
Sarah Palin Implicates Environmentalists For BP Oil Spill on Facebook
Subject: txt grn - engry -
If "extreme environmentalists" were not successful in prohibiting land based oil drilling in the United States, then companies like BP would not have to resort to looking for oil in the deep oceans.
It's an argument that's catching on as the layers of restrictions which have driven U.S. oil development have become better known....
Gregory Asks Obama's Energy Adviser: Should We Start Drilling in ANWR?
[Credit where due - and from Gregory ?! - this is a sign...]A rather startling thing happened on Sunday's "Meet the Press": David Gregory asked White House Energy Adviser Carol Browner if in response to the Gulf Coast oil spill, America should start drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
After a lengthy discussion about what went wrong in the Gulf to cause the current crisis, Gregory asked his guest,
"Is the problem that we're drilling in water that's just too deep?"
He continued, "Should you even rethink your own approach to the environment to say,
'Maybe in the Arctic Wildlife Reserve [Refuge], we ought to be drilling there. We ought to be going into shallower waters so that this can be done more safely?'"
(video follows with transcript and commentary):
Obesity Ills Are A 'Myth'
Subject: txt othr msm -
ACCEPTED medical wisdom that overweight people are more susceptible to diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure is a myth, a new report suggests. Even people who are obese suffer no adverse health effects until they turn 40. The research flies in the face of Government attempts to combat the so-called “obesity timebomb”, which it has been claimed will lead to a generation of youngsters dying before their parents...
Democrats Want To Run Against Carly
Carly Fiorina (aka Cara Carleton Sneed) sat on the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum, which has observer status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
But congressional support for global governance will not wane on Carly’s watch. Agenda 21 and “sustainable development” are the new buzz words for “global socialism” through global governance and Carly sits on the Foundation Board at the mother ship.
This is by no means new for Fiorina though. Her affiliation with global activists dates back many years and includes some of our nation’s most nefarious characters... [snip]
Is there any public figure with a real backbone out there? Are there any real conservative candidates who aren’t just parroting Tea Party talking points for a few votes?
A: Yes;
Capitalism is good for kidsThe other engine of this progress is the spread of free markets in the past three decades, says Stephen Moore an economist and co-author of "It’s Getting Better All the Time: 100 Greatest Trends of the Last 100 Years." He pointed to how China and India, combined, in just the past 30 years have brought 500 million people out of poverty. In addition, he said, "A lot of Asian countries have moved toward capitalism, although not as fast as we would like to see." And free-market gains have been seen in Africa as well.
He pointed out that free markets clearly bring greater prosperity than socialism. And more prosperity translates into higher health standards. After all, it costs money for the things the study said contributed to the decline....