Wednesday, February 17, 2010
CNN poll: 52% say Obama doesn't deserve reelection in 2012
Subject: txt 1st 2010 -
52 percent of Americans said President Barack Obama doesn't deserve reelection in 2012, according to a new poll. 44 percent of all Americans said they would vote to reelect the president in two and a half years, less than the slight majority who said they would prefer to elect someone else. Obama faces a 44-52 deficit among both all Americans and registered voters, according to a CNN/Opinion Research poll released Tuesday. Four percent had no opinion.
Liberals Say U.S. Is Ungovernable. Again.
Subject: txt 1st 2010 libs -
Liberals are at it again. They are worrying that the U.S. is "ungovernable." Political scientist Jay Cost has the details: [snip]
Liberals were saying exactly the same thing in 1980, thirty years ago, in the darkest days of the Carter administration. The mess of inflation, recession, Iran hostages, and gas lines, they decided, was not a direct result of stupid Carter administration policy. It was a sign that America's best days were behind us, and that there was nothing to do but decline gracefully.
You'll remember that U.S. voters had a different idea. They decided to elect a B-movie actor to the presidency, who immediately set about cutting tax rates, strengthening the dollar and cutting government spending. The result was a twenty-year boom. And now here we are back where we started, with a nasty economy, a soft dollar, a failed presidency, and another generation of liberals complaining that the U.S. is ungovernable.
Don't they realize that the founding fathers wrote the U.S. Constitution precisely to make it hard to control the Senate? The founders wanted to restrain momentary Pelosian majorities in the House of Representatives with regional power in the upper house. They set the controls to make the U.S. almost ungovernable -- by design.
It wasn't so much governing as getting government out of the way. So when liberal wring their hands because the U.S. seems to be ungovernable, we conservatives chuckle. That's not a bug, liberals; that's a feature...
“Support Our Troops” slogan falls foul of Olympic rules
Subject: txt 1st gwot heroes -
Trouble is brewing over United States ice hockey goalie Jonathan Quick and the “Support Our Troops” slogan on his helmet. Slogans of this sort are banned under Olympic rules and Quick will be told to remove it, the International Ice Hockey Federation has told Reuters.
IOC rules forbid political propoganda [?] or advertisements being placed on equipment.
World Inspired By First Snowman To Win Luge
[HT:FG - wy not]Subject: txt 1st fnn =VANCOUVER—In what has become the most inspiring story at the XXI Winter Olympiad, the luge was won Sunday by the most unlikely of competitors: Tom, a snowman rolled together just two days earlier by the Kansy family of Vancouver...
Recent Sports:
- Flat, Unending Landscape Still Makes Veteran Cross-Country Skier Nervous Before Race
- Extremely Uptight Olympic Procession Director During Opening Ceremony: 'Wrong, Wrong, This Is All Wrong!'
- Intelligent, Respectable Women Across Globe Inexplicably Excited For Figure Skating
Obama names special envoy to global Islamic group
Subject: txt gwot islm -President Barack Obama on Saturday named a White House lawyer as his special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, part of his continuing effort to repair strained U.S. relations with the world's Muslims.
Obama announced Rashad Hussain's appointment during a video address to the 7th U.S.-Islamic World Forum meeting in Doha, Qatar.
As his liaison to the OIC, the president said Hussain will continue working to repair U.S.-Islamic relations and develop the types of partnerships Obama called for when he addressed the Muslim world during a speech last year in Cairo.
U.S. relations with the Muslim world became 'strained' after [?] the [ongoing] wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Obama's Islamic Envoy Quoted Defending Man Charged With Aiding Terrorists
Subject: txt gwot islm nsec -
President Obama's new envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference, Rashad Hussain, is at the center of a controversy over remarks attributed to him defending a man who later pleaded guilty to conspiring to aid a terrorist group.
The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs quoted Hussain in 2004 as calling Sami al-Arian the victim of "politically motivated persecutions" after al-Arian, another university professor, was charged in 2003 with heading U.S. operations of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad...
image toon - gwot nsec = Feds = helping al qaeda if critic
Police probe 'Kill Jews' Oxford chant
Subject: txt edu israel islm - British police are investigating the verbal attack on Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon after an Oxford University student shouted ''slaughter the Jews'' during a talk he gave at the university on Monday night.
During the event, hosted by the university’s Student Union, a Muslim student, who had been heckling the deputy foreign minister, got up and shouted in Arabic ''Itbah Al-Yahud'' – ''slaughter the Jews'' as he was leaving the lecture hall.
Muslim students scream 'killer' during Israel envoy speech in L.A.
Subject: txt israel islm edu - California police reportedly made 12 arrests on Monday after a speech by Israel's U.S. Ambassador Michael Oren descended into chaos. Hecklers interrupted Oren's lecture at University of California, Irvine, over 10 times, shouting ''killers'' and ''how many Palestinians did you kill?''
Oren took a 20 minute break after the fourth protest, only to be interrupted again by young men yelling at him every few minutes, local press reported. Many members of the audience also applauded..
Welcome to UC Islam
Muslim students are not always cowards. But the Muslim Student Union (MSU) is often the least tolerant and most cowardly student group on a given college campus. The gulf between the speech they prevent and what they practice with administrators' consent is enormous.
What follows [in source piece, linked at end] is a summary of a recent, and increasingly typical, incident. I have included links to video of the incident for verification. I have also included the chancellor's complete contact information so that “infidels” can express disgust with unchecked Muslim bigotry and intolerance on our nation’s campuses.
Readers of this column need to watch this five-minute video and ask themselves whether this looks more like a university in Iran than a university in California:
The UCI chancellor's contact information follows for those who wish to express concern for what they saw on the video:
Chancellor Michael Drake
University of California, Irvine
Office of the Chancellor
Irvine, CA 92697-5125
To date, I’ve seen nothing about this in the main edition of the Los Angeles Times. But suppose the Syrian ambassador had been interrupted just once by the Jewish Student Association. Do you think they would have found that newsworthy?
Mideast Expert: Obama Should Support Iran Dissidents
Subject: txt nsec intl lbrty - owg -
President Barack Obama should “absolutely” be more vocal in supporting the dissidents fighting the radical Islamic government in Iran, says Ilan Berman, vice president of the American Foreign Policy Council.
“The leader of the free world should never remain silent when people are seeking freedom, certainly the way they are in Iran,”
he told Newsmax.TV’s Ashley Martella.
“There’s probably not a game-changer we can apply. But if we remember the experience of Soviet dissidents during the Cold War, what we said was very important. The way we altered international trade with the Soviet Union was very important.”
“These are the kinds of things we should be doing.”
image toon - gwot nsec iran = Oby duped by Iran
Recession a point of view?
Subject: txt mny bbro sclm lbrty bdd 2010 -
"How do we contend with the traditional definitions of what success should look like, those beliefs that still hold sway over so many young people -- the idea that success means money, or power, or prestige, and that it comes with a nice house and a fancy car? How do we counter those voices that tell them, ‘Well, if you don't get paid a lot money for what you do, then maybe what you do really isn't that valuable.' Or voices that say, ‘Well, that's awfully nice that you want to do service, but when are you going to get a real job?' (Applause.)"First Lady Michelle Obama.
Source: Josh Barro at The Manhattan Institute.
- Average hourly compensation (wages and benefits, not adjusted for inflation) increase in last two years for federal government civilian employees: 9.9%
- For state and local government employees: 9.8%
- For private sector employees: 6.9%
Source: Josh Barro at The Manhattan Institute.
Public Employee Benefit Plans: Up to $1 Trillion in Unfunded Liabilities
Subject: txt crpt sclm bbro - bdd -
For years, employers in the private sector have been moving in the direction of versatile, 401(k) style retirement accounts. However, a vast majority of the 20 million state and local government workers in the U.S. have kept their generous, defined-benefit pension plans and over the years and have become huge liabilities that severely threaten the financial health of many states...
State of the Nation
Subject: txt crpt sclm bbro gdd - edu -
This headline brightened up my breakfast:
Unionized Rhode Island Teachers Refuse To Work 25 Minutes More Per Day, So Town Fires All Of Them
The teachers at the high school make $70,000-$78,000, as compared to a median income in the town of $22,000. This exemplifies a nationwide trend in which public sector workers make far more than their private-sector counterparts (with better benefits).
The town is Central Falls, Rhode Island, pop. 19,000.
School Supt. Frances Gallo notified the state that she was switching to an alternative she was hoping to avoid: firing the entire staff at Central Falls High School. In total, about 100 teachers, administrators and assistants will lose their jobs.
Is there any national-policy angle to the story?
No, none at all. Absolutely not. Don't even think about it.
Just keep moving along, please...
A Resurgent Federalism?
Subject: txt 2010 gdd vals - lbrty bbro sclm -
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 59% of likely voters say states should have the right to opt out of federal government programs they don’t agree with. Just 25% disagree, while another 15% are not sure...
Sixty-three percent (63%) of voters also think states should have the right to opt out of federally mandated programs if the federal government doesn’t help pay for them. Seventeen percent (17%) say states should not have the right to opt out of federally mandated programs.
Voters strongly believe that a state should have the right to avoid federal programs it doesn't like, but they draw the line at states seceding from the union.
David Freddoso asks, "Is the Tenth Amendment becoming sexy again?"
[We can hope.]
Nation’s Top Conservatives Will Sign Philosophical Declaration of War against Big Government( - The nation's top conservative leaders will gather Wednesday at Collingwood in Alexandria, Va.—a property that was once the site of George Washington’s River Farm—to sign a document organizers are calling the Mount Vernon Statement.
It is designed to signal that a united and resurgent conservative movement is declaring philosophical war against the big government and moral relativism advanced by the nation’s liberal cultural, academic and political establishments.
The statement emphatically says no to the type of "change" pushed by political leaders who ignore the Constitution's limits on government power...
[HT:GC - I just post 'em folks.]
Our planet is populated with plenty of bizarre and astonishing creatures … here are two from the Bat Family ... without the need to resort to fiction.
Sucker Footed Bat
A rare bat that roosts upright clings to slick leaves by secreting a "modified sweat" into pads on its wrists and ankles, a new study says. New research shows that the bat is actually using wet adhesion, a sticky trick employed by certain insects and tree frogs.
Blood Sucking Left-Wing Ding Bat
Unable to fly on it's own and relies on the US Air Force, funded by taxpayers.