Friday, November 13, 2009
Thank you former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush
We know absolutely no one in Bush family circles and have never met former President George W. Bush or his wife Laura.
If you have been reading us for any length of time, you know that we used to make fun of “Dubya” nearly every day…parroting the same comedic bits we heard in our Democrat circles, where Bush is still, to this day, lampooned as a chimp, a bumbling idiot, and a poor, clumsy public speaker... [snip]
We were convinced that ANYONE who was president would have done what Bush did, and would have set that right tone of leadership in the wake of that disaster. President Gore, President Perot, President Nader, you name it. ANYONE, we assumed, would have filled that role perfectly.
We were wrong.
The world needed George W. Bush, his bullhorn, and his indominable spirit that day…and we will forever be grateful to this man for that.
As we will always be grateful for what George and Laura Bush did this week, with no media attention, when they very quietly went to Ft. Hood and met personally with the families of the victims of this terrorist attack.
FOR HOURS... [snip]
We hope someday to be able to thank George W. and Laura in person for all they’ve done, and continue to do. They didn’t have to head to Ft. Hood. That was not their responsibility.
The Obamas should have done that.
But didn’t.
Thank goodness George W. is still on his watch, with wonderful Laura at his side.
Backlash Hogwash
''U.S. Homeland Security officials are working with groups around the United States to head off any possible anti-Muslim backlash following the shootings at Fort Hood in Texas.''
The Department of Homeland Security is in good company in its confusion. Gen. George Casey, the Army's top general, also worried that
''this increased speculation could cause a backlash against some of our Muslim soldiers."
Backlash Against the Backlash
Subject: txt gwot nsec msm -Islam played in the Fort Hood atrocity is like staring at a shark bite and thinking, “bicycle.” When a fundamentalist kills thirteen innocent people while shouting “allahu akbar,” Islam isn’t just a small player – it’s got a starring role. And now that U.S. intelligence admits Hasan tried to contact al Qaeda, it should make it increasingly hard for anyone to say otherwise.
I say it “should,” but it won’t.
Look at the news.
Over at Time, thoughtful types speculate over a “secondary trauma” that could have driven Hasan to kill. Never mind terror – one news network tells us we should focus more on “a backlash against Muslim soldiers.” On a major website, they want us to ponder the “next McVeigh.” And our very own Homeland Security secretary says she’s hard at work preventing “a possible wave of anti-Muslim sentiment.”
And that’s the drill: concern over crimes that have never happened, as opposed to the terror that has. When Americans are murdered in cold blood, the first step in our screwed-up world is to chant, “backlash.” Never mind that backlash concerns may have allowed this massacre to occur in the first place. Hasan exhibited more signs than a horoscope – yet fears over appearing politically incorrect kept him around.
The fact is, in mosques all over the world, the desire to destroy the west continues – and our administration still worries about what you might do. The PC thing? Avoid “connecting the dots,” but stick to the “square peg in round hole” equation: a troubled man feeling hopeless in a weird world, suddenly snaps and kills people.
But it’s more than that. The defiant Muslim living in America has contempt for modern life, your lifestyle, your beliefs. Add to this a rejection of female equality, and you’ve got a madman on a mission.
I suppose saying all this makes me a right-wing hate monger. But that’s the point. When a man kills Americans in the name of Allah – and you become a bad guy for pointing that out – then it’s time to be the bad guy.
It’s far better than moaning “why do they hate us.”
POLL: 60% Want Fort Hood Shooting Investigated as Terrorist Act
Subject: txt gwot nsec islm -
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 27% want the incident investigated by civilian authorities as a criminal act. Another 13% are not sure.
Those following the story Very Closely are even more likely to want the shooting investigated as an act of terrorism.
Sixty-five percent (65%) of all voters say Major Nidal Malik Hasan should receive the death penalty if convicted. Nineteen percent (19%) disagree, and 16% aren't sure.READ MORE
CNN Considers Political Correctness as a Factor in Ft. Hood Shootings?
Subject: txt gwot islm msm -On Wednesday’s Situation Room, CNN’s Brian Todd actually considered that political correctness prevented earlier action against Ft. Hood shooter Nidal Hasan. Todd also cited three others who were certain of the political correctness factor.
The CNN correspondent did not lead his report with any mention of the possible PC treatment the Muslim army major might have receive, a graphic on-screen hinted what was to come later in the report: “Hasan’s Contacts & Behavior Examined: ‘Political correctness’ a possible concern.” ...
[I believe that CNN's willingness to ask such questions to be a direct result of competition from the internet, which has consistently embarrassed the MSM by breaking stories weeks if not months before they did, and some of them are finally waking up to the fact that if they continue to ignore liberal 'off-message' stories they'll be ignored in turn.]
Feds Move To Seize 4 Mosques, Tower Linked To Iran
Subject: txt gwot islm -NEW YORK -- Federal prosecutors Thursday took steps to seize four U.S. mosques and a Fifth Avenue skyscraper owned by a nonprofit Muslim organization long suspected of being secretly controlled by the Iranian government. In what could prove to be one of the biggest counterterrorism seizures in U.S. history, prosecutors filed a civil complaint in federal court against the Alavi Foundation, seeking the forfeiture of more than $500 million in assets.
The assets include bank accounts; Islamic centers consisting of schools and mosques in New York City, Maryland, California and Houston; more than 100 acres in Virginia; and a 36-story glass office tower in New York.
Prosecutors said the Alavi Foundation managed the office tower on behalf of the Iranian government and, working with a front company known as Assa Corp., illegally funneled millions in rental income to Iran's state-owned Bank Melli. Bank Melli has been accused by a U.S. Treasury official of providing support for Iran's nuclear program, and it is illegal in the United States to do business with the bank.
The U.S. has long suspected the foundation was an arm of the Iranian government; a 97-page complaint details involvement in foundation business by several top Iranian officials, including the deputy prime minister and ambassadors to the United Nations.
"For two decades, the Alavi Foundation's affairs have been directed by various Iranian officials, including Iranian ambassadors to the United Nations, in violation of a series of American laws,"
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in a statement.
Iran began second nuclear plant 7 years ago
Subject: txt gwot nsec owg - Diplomats:
Iran's recently revealed uranium enrichment hall is a highly fortified underground space that is a year away from completion after construction that first started seven years ago, diplomats told The Associated Press on Thursday...
[The organization is worthless - the IAEA in particular.]
Netanyahu on the capture of Iranian ship loaded with arms
Subject: txt israel owg -
In his usual forthright manner, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forcefully labeled
the contents of a disguised heavy weapons laden ship sent by Iran, bound for Syria and then ultimately to Hezb'allah in Lebanon. It was a ship whose purpose was
"to attack and kill as many civilians - women, children and the elderly - as possible"
It was a war crime of such dimension that he called upon the UN General Assembly, to convene in special session, especially since it was in gross violation of UN Security Council resolutions.
"This is a war crime which we know the Iranian regime intends to repeat, further arming Hezbollah, which has already fired thousands of missiles at our communities."
Having extensive experience, Netanyahu is not a starry eyed fool hoping that the UN's eyes will finally be opened to the evil that Iran, Syria and others are plotting.
"This is what the international community should concentrate on at all times but especially today. But instead, they have chosen to assemble and condemn the IDF and the State of Israel, and to try and undermine our legitimate right to defend ourselves."
And so, he promised
"I would like make it as clear as possible: This will neither deter us nor prevent us from continuing to act in order to defend Israeli citizens because Israeli citizens know the truth, that the IDF is a moral army without peer, either qualitatively or morally. We know that it is the IDF and the security services of the State of Israel that stand against the war criminals who plan to perpetrate war crimes against Israeli citizens."
In closing he challenged the UN--and the passive international community that supports its distortions--
"I think that the time has come for the international community, at least its more responsible countries, to recognize the truth and not promote a lie."
But it is the so-called more responsible countries that have refused to recognize the truth and have even helped promote the lies.
Either way, Israel and the US will continue to defend themselves, with or without the UN. And the UN's passive international community which has enabled the UN member countries to flaunt decency and condemn the decent while glorifying the perverted will be the ultimate losers if they don't recognize the truth.
'Obama must choose - Israel or Iran'
Subject: txt israel - '
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on the US to choose between Israel and Iran on Tuesday night, according to Iranian state media
The New Iran Man at the State Department's Iran Desk
Subject: txt gwot nsec intl iran islm -
John Limbert will be the senior Iran official at the State Department, replacing Dennis Ross who has moved to the National Security Council (and who has not been heard of publicly since). Should America be concerned? Yes. Limbert is not a neutral arbiter; he serves on the advisory board of the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), widely considered to be the de facto lobby for the Iranian regime in America.
What is the National Iranian American Council?
The NIAC adamantly opposes any military attacks on Iran. In other words, it all but serves as Iran's Embassy in Washington-though the NIAC vociferously dispute this characterization. However, there is very little sunlight between the views of Tehran and the NIAC... [snip]
There are a range of efforts that the NIAC has undertook to enhance its power in Washington: it has placed interns in the offices of Congressmen; persuaded House members to sign a letter to President Bush in 2006 calling for unconditional negotiations with Iran's regime; and has, among other steps, hired the Iranian-American Press Secretary for Representative Marcy Kaptur (not known to be a stalwart supporter of the America-Israel relationship) to help improve their lobbying in Congress. The key goal of the NIAC, as made clear in their master plan, was to place its supporters into key positions of power in Washington.
Their efforts have reached fruition: the National Iranian American Council now has one of their own as the Iran man (literally and metaphorically) at the State Department.
The caviar is flowing in Tehran...
[Appointments are policy.]
Medvedev warns Russia opposition not to rock boat
Subject: txt intl russia -Moscow - President Dmitry Medvedev warned Russia's opposition in his annual address on Thursday not to use democracy as a cover to ''destabilise the state and split society.''
The harsh words came alongside modest pledges by Medvedev to boost regional democracy in Russia.
''Any attempts to rock the situation with democratic slogans, to destabilise the state and split society will be stopped.''
EPA Lawyers: Cap-And-Trade "Fatally Flawed"
Subject: txt grn - grn -
After stifling a report questioning the science behind climate change, the EPA is censoring two of its lawyers for saying the proposed solutions are also problematical. The debate isn't over. It's being suppressed.
In the proud tradition of EPA whistle-blower Alan Carlin, whose leaked study blew the lid off the EPA's hyped and flawed science behind climate change, two EPA lawyers, Laurie Williams and Allan Zabel, have produced a Web video titled "A Huge Mistake." In it they say cap-and-trade in general and the Waxman-Markey bill in particular are the wrong answers anyway.
Williams states:
"Cap-and-trade for climate change has been tried in Europe. It produced harmful volatility in energy prices and few greenhouse gas reductions. It raised energy prices for consumers and raised billions in windfall profits for utilities."
Zabel says:
"carbon offsets won't work because they can't be certified or verified as real additional reductions." Williams says carbon offsets are like "subprime mortgages and other clever financial instruments" and similarly "lack integrity."
They compare the mammoth Waxman-Markey bill that includes cap-and-trade provisions to the Challenger disaster, where administrators "refused to listen" to experts who knew better.
They say it and other proposals like it create "perverse incentives" to continue polluting while others trade offsets for fun and huge profits...
[Translation: another scam, again at taxpayer expense.]
WaPo: EPA Forces Employees to Pull Down YouTube Video Critical of Cap-and-Trade
Subject: txt grn engry - lbrty sclm bbro -
Imagine if you will, that during the prior presidential administration two EPA employees put up a video on YouTube that criticized environmental and energy policies supported by Republicans in Congress and President Bush, only to be told by EPA officials that they need to take down the video.
Given the media's consternation about the Bush administration's alleged efforts to squelch proponents of the theory of manmade global warming, such a story would likely be front page news in many newspapers, including the Washington Post.
But in this instance, the administration in question is Obama's, and the EPA employees are going at the president from his left flank, arguing the so called "cap-and-trade" plan would "lock in climate degradation."
Despite this, the Washington Post placed David Fahrenthold's November 11 story, "EPA tells workers to take down YouTube clip about climate bill" on page A8...
Fat mothers to be banned from hospital
Subject: txt 1st hcare bdd vals lbrty -A hospital has banned fat women from giving birth at its maternity ward. Mothers-to-be who have a body mass index (BMI) of over 34, the equivalent of an average woman of 5ft 6ins weighing 15 stone, will be turned away from Weston General Hospital, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset. Instead patients will have to travel 20 miles to the nearest full-facilitated maternity unit at St Michael’s Hospital, Bristol.
[Think this could happen in the private sector? Only empowered governments can discriminate like this - better not to empower them.]
Liberal Concedes Health Care Bill Will Create New Entitlement "Impossible to Rescind"
[HT:CM]Like most liberals, the John Cassidy supports the passage of health care legislation. But, unlike most liberals, he's honest about the costs and consequences of passing it. Via WSJ, I see this item Cassidy recently wrote. While the substance should not surprise anybody who is a regular reader of this blog, it is rather startling coming from the pages of the New Yorker.
"[W]e will be dealing with its consequences for decades to come...
Sen. Ben Nelson: ‘I’m Not Going to Be Able to Answer That Question’
Subject: txt 1st hcare lbrty - Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) told that because he is not a constitutional scholar he was “not going to be able to answer that question” of where specifically the Constitution authorizes Congress to mandate that individuals purchase health insurance...
[Whereas the 10th Amendment explicitly bars it from doing so...]
Palin: Health bill should be DOA
arah Palin said Thursday that the health care bill passed last weekend by the House should be “dead on arrival” in the Senate.
“We need to be vigilant in investigating the ramifications of the Pelosi Health Care Bill,” ... “Some provisions sound so outrageous as to be considered impossible to fathom, but they’re right there in the bill in black and white.”
Palin urged supporters in a note on her Facebook wall.
Naval Academy Changed Color Guard to Appear More 'Diverse'Naval Academy leaders are under fire after altering the composition of the military color guard at a World Series game last month so the group wouldn't be made up only of white men. The Navy Times and other media reported that two white midshipmen were removed from the performance and replaced with a Pakistani-American man and a white woman so the group would appear more diverse...
[PC run amok: evidently there's something wrong with white men - so much so it overrides merit. Is this America?]
WASHINGTON—In a rare display of bipartisanship, senators on both sides of the aisle set aside their differences Tuesday and passed off responsibility for the nation's problems by an overwhelming 91-8 margin.
"As senators, it's our duty to get any sort of blame out of Congress and onto the president's desk as quickly as possible,"
said Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), who recalled a similar 2005 decision in which the Senate firmly rejected accountability by a vote of 93-6.
"Someone has to accept this blame and do the right thing, and both Democrats and Republicans alike understand the importance of fighting tooth and nail to ensure that it's not us."