Thursday, May 27, 2010
Vote Endorses Ground Zero Mosque
Subject: txt hots islm gwot -After a raucous hearing, a Manhattan community board backed a proposal on Tuesday evening to build a 'Muslim community center' near the World Trade Center.
The 29-to-1 vote, with 10 abstentions, followed a four-hour back-and-forth between those who said the community center would be a monument to tolerance and those who believed it would be an affront to victims of the 2001 terrorist attacks.
C. Lee Hanson, 77, whose son Peter was killed in the attacks, said he opposed the center not because he was intolerant, but because he believed that building a tribute to Islam so close to the World Trade Center would be insensitive.
“The pain never goes away,” ... “When I look over there and I see a mosque, it’s going to hurt. Build it someplace else.”
But Mr. Williams was not the only critic. Many families of Sept. 11 victims fervently opposed the proposal, saying they were offended by the idea of building a prayer space so near the site.
“That should be a serene site,” Bill Doyle, a leader of a group of 9/11 families, said in a telephone interview. “Now you’re going to see protests and demonstrations there all the time.”
City officials, including Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg; the City Council speaker, Christine C. Quinn; and the Manhattan borough president, Scott M. Stringer, have rallied behind the proposal... Ms. Quinn pledged on Tuesday to help shepherd the center to completion.
“I’m very confident we could find a way for both the landmark concept and the development of the mosque to move forward,”
U.S. looks at ways to head off home-grown extremism
Subject: txt hots gwot islm -After more than a dozen home-grown terrorist plots involving American Muslims since President Obama took office, the administration is moving to step up its scattershot efforts to counter domestic radicalism, prompting a debate over the proper role of government in addressing ideological threats.
Unlike Britain and other countries in Europe, the U.S. government does not have a national strategy to combat Islamic extremism, and no agency in the vast American national security and intelligence bureaucracy is in charge of understanding and addressing the home-grown threat...
[Gee - where to start? Maybe our >2300 mosques, {some} proven centers of radicalization?]
Wisconsin Veteran Must Remove Flag After Memorial Day, Wife Says
Subject: txt hots bdd vals libs lbrty -An Army veteran in Wisconsin will be allowed to display an American flag until Memorial Day, but the symbol honoring his service in Iraq and Kosovo must come down next Tuesday, his wife told FoxNews.com.
The couple had previously been told they had to remove the flag by Saturday or face eviction...
Senate Judiciary Committee Asks AG Holder to Appoint Special Prosecutor to Look Into Alleged Sestak Job Offer
Subject: txt hots - 2010 crpt -
In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder today, all seven Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee
"urge the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Congressman Joe Sestak's claim that a White House official offered him a job to induce him to exit the Pennsylvania Senate primary race against Senator Arlen Specter."
The seven – Sens. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Orrin Hatch of Utah, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Jon Kyl or Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, John Cornyn of Texas and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma – allege that the offer would appear to violate federal criminal laws...
A Lie or a Felony?
Subject: txt hots 2010 msm bias -
There are one of two things going on here:] Either Joe Sestak is a liar and he's not telling the truth about this, or somebody inside the White House committed a felony. [Federal law] 18Usc211 says that a government official cannot receive anything of value in return for a promise of government employment. That is to say, you can't offer somebody a government job in return for receiving anything that could be considered a benefit.Well, you know, a clear path to the nomination for your political ally is clearly something of benefit...
Justice Department Sued Over Black Panther Documents
Subject: txt hots -The Justice Department has been stonewalling individual members of Congress and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in their efforts to get to the bottom of the Obama-Holder Justice Department’s decision to abandon a default judgment against the New Black Panther Party and multiple individual defendants in a case of blatant voter intimidation.
Now the conservative legal watchdog Judicial Watch is going to court to pry the documents loose: Judicial Watch filed its original FOIA request on May 29, 2009. The Justice Department acknowledged receiving the request on June 18, 2009, but refused to take action...
Walpin-gate reopens
Subject: txt hots -
Senators ought to place an open and immediate hold upon the nomination of Jon A. Hatfield as inspector general of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). The legislative hold is necessary not to question Mr. Hatfield's fitness for the job, but to insist that the job itself should not yet be deemed open.
The former inspector general (IG), the improperly dismissed Gerald Walpin, filed a motion in court May 20 to force a judge to stop ignoring his lawsuit for reinstatement. Until he receives his day in court, no replacement should be confirmed...
The FCC's Covert Mission to 'Balance' Broadcast Media Ownership
Subject: txt hots lbrty - bbro -
Should Americans be concerned about a Federal Communications Commission official having once suggested that if government doesn't help minorities reduce white ownership of broadcast media, then only violence would assure the protection of minorities' civil rights [1]? In the little-noticed 2007 publication "The Erosion of Civil Rights," Mark Lloyd attempted to make a case for Washington controlling media ownership. At the time, Lloyd -- now FCC Chief Diversity Officer -- was a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. Lloyd's contribution, "Civil Rights and Communications Policy-2006," is saturated with straw man arguments...
Cancer patient forced by judge to have surgery
Subject: txt hots - lgl hcare lbrty -A cancer patient is to be forced to undergo life-saving treatment against her wishes after a landmark ruling by a judge. Doctors will be allowed forcibly to sedate the 55-year-old woman in her home and take her to hospital for surgery. She could be forced to remain on a ward afterwards. The case has sparked an intense ethical and legal debate.
Experts questioned [?!?] whether lawyers and doctors should be able to override the wishes of patients and whether force was ever justified in providing medical care....
Apple Passes Microsoft as No. 1 in Tech
Subject: txt hots othr gdd -Wall Street has called the end of an era and the beginning of the next one: The most important technology product no longer sits on your desk but rather fits in your hand. The moment came Wednesday when Apple, the maker of iPods, iPhones and iPads, shot past Microsoft, the computer software giant, to become the world’s most valuable technology company...
Americans Fleeing Border Invasion
Subject: txt hots immig -
They spent ten winters hunting quail in the sun. But those halcyon days ended last week for Terrie and Glen Stoller. Smugglers -- armed, numerous, and brazen -- have frightened them off their southeast Arizona property.
The couple is selling their home, 45 miles north of the Mexican border in the notorious Chiricahua Corridor.
At the precise moment Americans citizens were saying a wrenching farewell to their friends and property, President Obama stood on the White House lawn and listened as Mexican President Felipe Calderón criticized SB 1070, Arizona's own effort to deal with a state under siege...
What Bias? Re: Today Show Features Family Divided by Immigration Laws
Subject: txt
[Yet to feature family divided by illegal alien murder and kidnapping across our uncontrolled border.]
Raising Arizona
Subject: txt immig -
When Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed her state’s new immigration law on April 23, reaction from the political Left was swift and furious. They predicted jack-booted rogue cops staging midnight raids on the homes of everyone.
But after over a month of national debate and media coverage – including criticism from both the American and Mexican presidents, and a host of newly minted experts, a curious thing is happening.The state’s new law has not led to massive deportation or racial cleansing in the desert, and it’s growing in popularity both in Arizona and nationally...
POLL: Public's Attitude Hardens on Illegal Immigrants
Subject: txt immigThree-quarters of Americans want to see the number of illegal immigrants decreased and a substantial majority put more priority on stopping illegal immigration than they do in finding a path for immigrants to become legal residents, according to a CNN/Opinion Research poll conducted May 21-23.
The 76 percent who say they want the population of illegals decreased is the highest figure in CNN polls dating back to June 2006 when those holding this view numbered 67 percent.
Sixty percent want the emphasis of the government to be on stopping illegals from entering the country...
Dems hope to use war funding bill for domestic spending
Subject: txt gwot nsec - sclm -As senators prepare to vote on a $58.8 billion supplemental war-spending bill, a fight is looming over whether to pay for it or simply add the cost to the nation's soaring deficit. President Obama and Democratic leaders are hoping to use the war funding bill as a vehicle for passing billions of dollars in additional domestic spending, including $23 billion to avert teacher layoffs....
Senate GOP to oppose 'blatantly reckless' extenders package
Subject: txt 2010 mny sclm libs -
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) signaled that Republicans would oppose a new tax relief and unemployment aid package that will come to the floor this week, calling the bill “blatantly reckless.” The so-called extenders package would extend tax measures such as research and development tax credit as well as unemployment benefits through the end of the year. “This extenders bill would add another $130 billion on top of that — more debt in one vote than the administration claimed their health care bill would save over 10 years,” McConnell said on the floor. “This is fiscal recklessness,” he added.
[I.e., through the election.]
Obama Call for 'International Order' Raises Questions About U.S. Sovereignty
Subject: txt owg -
President Obama is facing criticism for his declaration over the weekend that he would seek a new "international order," with some questioning how much U.S. sovereignty the administration is willing to cede in exchange for more global cooperation. Obama, delivering the commencement speech Saturday at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, said that "stronger international standards and institutions" and stronger alliances can "resolve" challenges ranging from terrorism to nuclear proliferation to climate change to economic decline. "...
U.N. Internet Tax Dead - For Now
Subject: txt gdd owg -
A United Nations plan to impose consumer taxes on such things as Internet activity and paying bills online in order to drastically restructure the world drug industry hit a wall of disagreement on Friday, and is likely dead -- for now.
Delegates to the World Health Organization’s annual World Health Assembly could not reach agreement on the plan -- first reported by Fox News -- to marry “innovative financing" for global public health with a radically reorganized research, development, production and distribution of medicines around the world...
It is time to kiss off the U.N.
Subject: txt owg bdd -
The U.N. is mostly anti Semitic, anti American and anti Sovereignty. They are universalistic, controlling, greedy and masters at redistributing wealth. Even with the largely socialist, Islamic push, directing the focus and decisions of the UN, we still give them 3 billion a year with all the money we don’t have.
Are we dumber than posts?
There are numerous take over and money making schemes the UN continues to develop and build, such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)....
Teen faces suspension over rosary beads
Subject: txt bdd vals edu child religion -
The parents of a high school student from Rockland County are demanding answers after their ninth grader was suspended for wearing rosary beads to school. He was suspended even though the school doesn't even have a policy banning them.
Jason Laguna is a former altar boy and proud Catholic. He got his rosary beads as a gift, thinks they look cool and sometimes wears them under his shirt at school. But last Friday, right before dismissal, he pulled them out on his way out, and was suspended as a result...
Democrats on BP spill: An argument to go green
Subject: txt grn - engry -
[Incorrect: there is no logical argument to go 'green' for our energy needs because it's impossible, as in not-possible, to get the the amount of energy we need from non carbon and nuclear sources.
What it IS an argument for is petroleum retrieval from our VAST reserves ON LAND - not a mile under the ocean where our government's meddling has forced them to drill.]
Goodbye to 'Law & Order:' 20 Years of Attacking Businesses, Conservative Ideals
"Law & Order," the popular courtroom drama that concluded its 20th and final season May 24, is a primetime TV legend. But the show that boasted its stories were "ripped from the headlines" often provided its viewers a distorted reality in which businesspeople were mostly portrayed as villains.
The Business & Media Institute examined "Law & Order," along with other television dramas' treatment of businessmen in 2005. BMI found that you were 21 times more likely to be kidnapped or killed by a businessman that a mobster.
Since 1990, the cop/attorney drama created by liberal Dick Wolf has covered a host of "bad" businesses from the company secretly testing roach poison on children and the greedy pharmaceutical execs selling a bad vaccine to the military to allegedly dirty defense contractors, landlords and medical device manufacturers.
In two out of three of its final episodes, the original "Law & Order" continued to demonize businessmen. One of those anti-business episodes villainized a bio-research firm, HemaLabs, for "stealing" DNA and blood samples from a family to create cancer treatment drugs. The company never compensated the impoverished family.
Left-wing Nation Magazine Facing $1 Mil Budget DeficitThe far-left Nation magazine is facing a $1,000,000 budget shortfall. Though it attributes it to a weak market for print journalism, conservative periodicals are doing quite well. In fact, the president the Nation worked so hard to elect could spell the magazine's downfall.
The magazine's Washington Editor Chris Hayes wrote a fundraising email saying that "newspapers and magazines are having a rough time." Well, not all magazines. National Review's circulation has increased by roughly 25,000 since 2008. It would have been more accurate to say that liberal magazines are having a rough time.
Here is the full text of the letter: