The New York Times and the rest of the media can't get enough of the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at President Bush during a press conference in Baghdad, with a front-page story calling the potentially dangerous action a "defiant act" and a "mythic moment" and commenting on shoe-hurling Muntader al-Zaidi's "hero status" in the Arab world.
The Times's editorial board blog joined in on the irresponsible fun with a lame headline, "If the (Thrown) Shoe Fits...." [snip]
Yet the Times, casting its own rhetorical shoe in its eagerness to draw a picture of Bush's unpopularity and the "glee" felt in the Arab world, sailed right by an idea raised by columnist Ralph Peters in the New York Post; THE SHOE 'NUF TRUTH - AN IRAQI FREEDOM MILESTONE:
"Bush won. Even if shoe-thrower Muntadar al-Zaidi (who works for an Egypt -based media outfit) walks out in his stocking feet and becomes a hero to dead-enders, he unwittingly showed what a great thing has been accomplished in Iraq.READ MORE
"Other than Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, what Arab head of government holds free-wheeling press conferences? President" Mubarak of Egypt? Assad of Syria? The Saudi king? Qaddafi? If an Arab reporter had "shoed" any other leading Arab ruler during one of their staged events, he would've been fortunate to escape with his life."
Newsweek Still Dancing for Joy Over Anti-Bush Shoe-throwing Incident
Yesterday, Newsweek's daily Conventional Wisdom feature assigned a down-arrow to President Bush over Sunday's now-infamous shoe-throwing incident,
Today Newsweek continued to try to milk the incident for maximum Bush-bashing potential by assigning an up-arrow - to al-Zaidi:

Shoe-thrower: Iraqis rally to support Bush's assailant, Libyan first daughter awards him a medal.