Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Remember that ash cloud? It didn't exist, says new evidence
Subject: txt 1st grn fnn bdd -
Britain's airspace was closed under false pretences, with satellite images revealing there was no doomsday volcanic ash cloud over the entire country. Skies fell quiet for six days, leaving as many as 500,000 Britons stranded overseas and costing airlines hundreds of millions of pounds.
However, new evidence shows there was no all-encompassing cloud and, where dust was present, it was often so thin that it posed no risk. The satellite images demonstrate that the skies were largely clear, which will not surprise the millions who enjoyed the fine, hot weather during the flight ban.
The National Air Traffic Control Service decision to ban flights was based on Met Office computer models which painted a picture of a cloud of ash being blown south from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano.
These models should have been tested by the Met Office's main research plane, a BAE 146 jet, but it was in a hangar to be repainted and could not be sent up until last Tuesday - the last day of the ban.

Why Military Tribunals Are Consistent with the Geneva Conventions
[HT:MH]Subject: txt heroes nsec gwot -At last week’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, after Attorney General Eric Holder again refused to rule out a civilian trial for Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) shot back:
“We know the administration is not going to hold the trial in New York. They should just say it already.”
But the Obama administration will fight reality on this issue for as long as politically possible because the far left and Attorney General Holder still believe military tribunals for KSM and other terrorists are inconsistent with the Geneva Convention, despite easily available evidence to the contrary...
Smacking ban delays caused by 'unwelcome government intrusion', Europe says
Subject: txt owg bdd sclm bbro othr intl - child -
Britain is one of the few countries in the world not to have completely banned smacking, European Union leaders say, as they called for a change in the law.
The British government’s ''unwelcome'' intrusion into family affairs was to blame for the delay in the complete ban of the practice, the Council of Europe warned.The Council, a body which monitors compliance with the European convention on Human rights, also blamed [?] traditional parenting practices that were based on ''authority''...
[When I say liberals won't stop until stopped, I mean it literally.]
Elite U.S. Units Step Up Drive in Kandahar Before Attack
Small bands of elite American Special Operations forces have been operating with increased intensity for several weeks in Kandahar, southern Afghanistan’s largest city, picking up or picking off insurgent leaders to weaken the Taliban in advance of major operations, senior administration and military officials say.
The looming battle for the spiritual home of the Taliban is shaping up as the pivotal test of President Obama’s Afghanistan strategy, including how much the United States can count on the country’s leaders and military...
The nine-bin nightmare: Families forced to follow green zealots' new recycling diktats
Subject: txt grn sclm - intl -
Families are facing a nightmare future of recycling confusion. In a regime set to spread across the country, residents are being forced to juggle an astonishing nine separate bins. There has already been a storm of protest with warnings that the scheme is too complex and homes simply don't have the space to deal with the myriad bins, bags and boxes...
[Still going...]
Society of Cowards
.Comedy Central, as we by now are well familiar, censored images and references to Muhammad in the latest episode of South Park. One would think that in our free society, our leaders, media and citizens would collectively stand together and defend South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
Unfortunately, the situation is the reverse; the L.A. Times’ coverage of the Muslim death threats made to Parker and Stone perfectly manifests our media’s and culture’s disposition: the report does not back free speech nor denounce the censorship of the show, let alone the death threats or the Islamic theology on which they are based...
Weakening America starts with emasculating intelligence agencies
Subject: txt nsec -Fifteen months into his presidency, it's no longer possible to assume President Obama is simply naive. His defense and foreign policy decisions and policies will reduce America from unchallenged superpower to a shell of its former self, to a nation incapable of defending its interests or its allies around the world.
To understand why this is so, let's start with the component that is the foundation of all others in defense and foreign policy, intelligence, and how it's been under assault from the liberal majority now in control of our government....
Hu Tells Obama China Will Follow Its Own Path on Yuan
Subject: txt china trade -President Barack Obama 'urged' China to move toward a ''more market-oriented exchange rate'' and President Hu Jintao told him the country wouldn’t yield to ''external pressure'' in deciding when to adjust the yuan. Any currency revaluation by China must be ''based on its own economic and social-development needs,'' China’s official Xinhua news agency cited Hu as saying.
[I.e., the economic war continues unanswered by the U.S.]
Thousands Protest Obama's Stance on Israel
Subject: txt israel -NEW YORK - Thousands gathered outside the Israeli Consulate Sunday to protest President Obama's position towards Israel. Organizers said the event supports "Israel's right to build and live in its own country".They are also protesting the Obama Administrations' disregard of the democratic Jewish state.
"We are outraged that President Obama is scapegoating Israel and wants to expel Jews from their homes in Jerusalem..."
More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship
Subject: txt tax lbrty bdd othr -
Amid mounting frustration over taxation [American expats are taxed twice], growing numbers of overseas Americans are taking the weighty step of renouncing their citizenship. “What we have seen is a substantial change in mentality among the overseas community in the past two years,” said Jackie Bugnion, director of American Citizens Abroad, an advocacy group based in Geneva.
“Before, no one would dare mention to other Americans that they were even thinking of renouncing their U.S. nationality. Now, it is an openly discussed issue.”
Newsweek Writer Claims 200,000 Coffee Party Members
Subject: txt tea msm -
Does anyone out there remember the Coffee Parties?You can be forgiven if you have forgotten them. They made a brief appearance due to media driven hype over a month ago and then quickly disappeared from view when they inspired a collective yawn from the public. The photo at right shows a typical Coffee Party "rally" from back then. Typical in that few people showed up
However, despite the utter failure of the liberal Coffee Parties to counter the popular Tea Parties, the MSM continues to hype them to the point of absolute absurdity.
And the latest entry in this category comes from Steve Tuttle of Newsweek with his claim that the Coffee Party now has 200,000 members and that they had 500 meetings one one day recently. Here is Tuttle in the midst of extreme hype mode. Please be prepared to have your BS meters fly off the scale while reading:
Media Pounces on Bizarre Study Claiming Only 67,000 in Tea Party
Subject: txt 2010 tea msm bias - 1st -
Is the Tea Party movement nothing but a mirage? That’s the impression left by an 'coincidental confluence' of recent reports.
First, the Christian Science Monitor’s Patchwork Nation blog reported that the entire Tea Party movement consists of just 67,000 members. PBS NewsHour cross-posted the story on its The Rundown blog the same day. The next day, CNN reported the findings on its Political Ticker blog and Politico’s Jonathan Martin and Ben Smith co-authored a piece titled “The tea party’s exaggerated importance.”
The findings in the Patchwork Nation post, as author Dante Chinni admitted, are based on anecdotal opinion presented as data.
“To get an understanding of how big the loosely affiliated movement is and where it’s based, Patchwork Nation has combed through online directories to find people who have registered with tea-party organizations–not a perfect system but one that captures the overwhelming majority of registered members,”
[Who overwhelmingly don't register for anything: I've attended two such parties, never registered myself for anything.]
Including “registered members” in the report seems a tactic geared toward arriving at the lowest possible number, as polls show many more Americans sympathize with the movement’s goals and identify themselves as supporters of the movement. Even on the low end, a recent New York Times/CBS News poll that found 18 percent of Americans identify themselves as Tea Party supporters. That puts the number of Tea Party supporters closer to 40 million than 67,000. [and that percentage figure roughly double in most other polls]
The weirdly tiny number, presented as sound statistical analysis, is the latest in the media’s case against the Tea Party movement.
Thursday, Newshour on PBS concluded by directing viewers to check out the report on the PBS.org website. CNN’s blog not only reported the findings as scientific fact, but juxtaposed the data against the estimations of the RNC. The implication, of course, is that while this “new report by a nonprofit organization” grounded its findings in rigorous analysis, the RNC is just throwing out figures to inflate the movement’s numbers.
As the Media Research Center detailed in its comprehensive review of media coverage of the Tea Party, “TV’s Tea Party Travesty,” the major news networks have aired a mere 61 stories over the last 12 months, with only 19 stories airing in all of 2009.
This flurry of disparagement spurred by the Patchwork Nation data reflects an assortment of news outlets shamelessly uninterested in honest reporting on the size, scope, and importance of the Tea Party movement...
New Tax Math: Single Moms + Big Brother
Subject: txt tax bdd vals sclm -
The wrong-headed welfare system started in the 1960s with Lyndon Johnson's Great Society and his proclaimed war against poverty. The system should have been called the war against marriage. LBJ's Great Society set up a grossly immoral system whereby millions ofpeople were taught they had an "entitlement" to pick the pockets of law-abiding, taxpaying families if they met two conditions: They didn't work, and they were not married to someone who did work.
This destroyed the work ethic and subsidized illegitimacy by giving single moms money and scores of benefits, such as welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, housing, utilities, WIC and
The goal of Republican welfare reform was to help families move to employment and self-sufficiency and end long-term dependence on government assistance. This policy was repealed by Obama's stimulus, which will add more families to welfare dependency by paying bonuses to states that increase their welfare caseloads.Obama's real goal is a permanent expansion of the welfare system.
Nothing promotes that goal as much as discouraging marriage and providing financial incentives to increase the number of single moms.
Don't Try This Again
Subject: txt mny crpt -
Since the Obama administration took over, Washington has passed two recovery bills costing more than $800 billion. At that price, shouldn't we be experiencing an employment boom?
Taxpayers are being fleeced.Less than a month after his inauguration, President Obama signed the $787 billion stimulus bill. The promises flowed freely. In the flush of the moment, the White House said that by the end of 2010, 3.5 million jobs would be created 'or saved' — 90% of them in the private sector — and unemployment would peak at 8%...
Democrats' bailout bonanza
Subject: txt mny tax - crpt - sclmAmericans watched in horror in 2008 as their tax dollars were used to prop up, bail out or otherwise broker the rescue of one Wall Street institution after another. That year, we were promised that if we just voted for Democrats, they'd take care of those big, bad banks and nothing like this would ever happen again.
Two years later, none of the misguided government regulations that caused the mess are even being discussed. Instead, Democrats are demonizing the business that played by the rules they themselves imposed and are setting taxpayers up for massive and never-ending bailouts - at government's discretion of course...
[Like the health care canard, it's title has nothing to do with its real intent: it's all, and only, about increasing the federal government's power wherever possible - 'never let a crisis {real or manufactured} go to waste', don't forget.]
Praising Arizona
Subject: txt immig bbro lbrty -(In Border Battle)Arizona moves to protect its citizens from a raging border war, and the administration and its activist supporters cry racism.
Why is antelope protection more important than protecting American lives?
'We in Arizona have been more than patient waiting for Washington to act, but decades of inaction and misguided policy have created a dangerous and unacceptable situation."
Arizona's new law is a reminder that the states formed the federal government and not the other way around...
Arizona immigration law: Are you listening, Mr. President?
Subject: txt immig - 2010 -
Fifty three percent of Arizona voters are concerned that the state's tough new law targeting illegal immigrants could allow violations of civil rights of United States citizens. But 70%, a super majority, support it anyway.
Such is the state of the state of Arizona, where the federal government's refusal to do anything to stem the tide of alien invasion has bred justified fear for the safety of its citizens.
What a shame that is has come to this...
[It's not just a case of who Obama doesn't listen to, but to who he does...]
GOP Bill Would Empower Border Patrol to Secure U.S.-Mexico Border without National Guard Help
Subject: txt immig - gdd -Legislation recently introduced by House Republicans would
“prohibit the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture from taking action on public lands which impede border security on such lands."
If passed, the bill will allow the U.S. Border Patrol to secure the southern border without the assistance of the National Guard...
[Good idea, but from the 'wrong' party, can't use it - sorry.]