Subject: txt msm bias bdd -
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Last Defiant Roar Of the Old Media Dinosaurs
Subject: txt msm bias fnn - Helen Thomas:
Much as the dinosaurs of earth’s past died out to due to changes in their environment, the old media of TV, newspapers and reports are finding it hard to adapt to the changes in the environment of the new media.
One of the true dinosaurs of the old media, Helen Thomas, recently lashed out at the new media and the fact that a majority of Americans now get their news, information and opinions from the new media, which happens to include talk radio, the internet, bloggers and video from camera cell-phones...
[And why our government is now moving to silence such independent information gathering:
Obama and the language of the locker room
Subject: txt bdd vals pltcs libsgrn hots -
In a Today Show interview on June 7th, President Obama said that expert input he was getting about the oil spill would help him decide "whose ass to kick."
That was a first. By uttering that line, Obama crossed a line that no president ever crossed before, passing another milestone in the advance of vulgarity in our culture, and lowering public discourse to a new nadir...
Angry Man Obama
Subject: txt hots grn pltcs -Bill Maher recently voiced his disappointment in President Obama's handling of the Deepwater Horizon oil-rig disaster. "This is where I want a real black president," the not-so-funny comic said.
"I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants."
Filmmaker Spike Lee also voiced his frustration with our unflappable president last week when he said, "If there's any one time to go off, this is it,"
[Well we know who he listens to for his political 'advice'.]
Obama's getting really, really mad _ or is he?
Subject: txt hots grn pltcs PLTCS? =
First he was going to make BP pay for the Gulf oil mess. Then he declared himself in charge. Now he's trying to find out "whose ass to kick" and making clear he'd fire BP's chief if only he could.
President Barack Obama is talking ever tougher as the Gulf oil spill crisis drags on, the public's patience wears thin and the peril to his presidency increases.
But his tough talk addresses only the assignment of blame, including his creation of a commission to get to the bottom of fault - but nothing in the way of helping stop or contain the leak...
Senate to vote on Obama’s power grab
Subject: txt hots grn action -
On Thursday, the Senate will vote on S.J.Res.26, a resolution to block EPA from usurping powers never delegated to it by Congress. Failure means allowing EPA to go forward, apparently in flagrant violation of our constitutional traditions simply because too many in Congress desire, but can’t bear to take responsibility for, more of the Obama agenda. EPA’s breathtaking Power Grab raises questions critical to our form of governance. The powers EPA has claimed for itself include staking out national policy on the contentious “climate” issue, and even amending the Clean Air Act on its own initiative and authority... [?!?]
[Then ACT >
"OPPOSE S.J.Res.26... "
YOUR Senator:
Barbara Boxer web mail
Dianne Feinstein webmail
or: Speed Message them with your personal distribution list...
MSNBC: White Working Class Voters Racist?
Subject: txt hots grn pltcs -
MSNBC continued its defense of President Obama against “racist” critics Tuesday morning. The network’s show “Morning Joe” featured a panel of journalists discussing just how some opponents of President Obama’s agenda refuse to support him–because the President is either a Democrat or African-American. After host Joe Scarborough and Time's Mark Halperin ripped the Drudge Report for its headline painting President Obama as “going street,” Dee Dee Myers and Norah O’Donnell jumped in to offer their two cents about racially-motivated oppositions to President Obama’s agenda...
AP: 'Tolerant' Sweden Can't Tolerate 'Far-Right' Party
Subject: txt tea msm bias -
The Associated Press's Karl Ritter clearly doesn't recognize how close to parody his 'report' ("Rightist group jolts Sweden's tolerant self-image") on the mini-rise of the right-leaning Sweden Democrats Party is (I'll use "SD" as an abbreviation in this post).
Ritter is not afraid to label the SD, but won't label others. He begins by telling us that the SD is "far-right" because it is "preaching sharp cuts in immigration and calling Islam the greatest threat to Swedish society" -- conveniently, I believe, omitting the term "radical" in describing Islam. Other parties, of course, are "mainstream."
The AP reporter describes Sweden as having "a self-image of being more tolerant."
Self-image notwithstanding, a reader who gets as far as the nineteenth paragraph of Ritter's report learns that "tolerance" is a decidedly one-way street (bolds are mine):
WaPo Implies Students in Constitution Class Are Probably Fringy Militia Types
Subject: txt msm bias edu bdd -
"Since the nation's earliest years, some Americans have revered the Constitution as a bulwark against government expansion."
[Some? That's exactly what it was and is meant to be. Evidently, some professional journalists don't know this?]
Name That Party: Tax-Funded Scholarships Edition
Subject: txt msm bias party -The Chicago Tribune reports "Ex-lawmaker waives tuition for supporter's family: Molaro OKs $94,000 despite children not meeting requirements."
The article, which runs about three-dozen paragraphs, doesn't mention that Molaro is - hang on to your hat here - a Democrat.
As documented repeatedly on NewsBusters, party affiliation is often overlooked in news stories reporting improprieties by Democrats. Quite a coincidence, isn't it?
MSNBC Promo Implies Tea Party Seeks VIOLENT Overthrow Of Government
Subject: txt 2010 tea msm - Matthews-
There's no other way to put it: in an MSNBC promo for an upcoming Chris Matthews special on "The Rise of The New Right," Matthews juxtaposes words and images to imply that the Tea Party seeks the violent overthrow of the government.
As images roll of camo-clad men shooting automatic weapons, Matthews proclaims in the voice-over: "the Tea Party is determined to take power."
This is nothing short of a smear. Matthews/MSNBC need to pull the promo--or face a Tea Party libel claim...
NYT Blames Oil Spill on Bush, Cheney, Beck, Palin, Tea Party and Rand Paul
Subject: txt msm bias grn engry libs fnn -
['Economy of slander' I guess.]
NPR Paints Conservative Virginia Attorney General as Persecutor of Science in Climategate Suit
Subject: txt grn msm -Ken Cuccinelli, the conservative Attorney General of Virginia, came under attack on Friday night's All Things Considered on National Public Radio. This is one angle of Climategate the national media have noticed. But they pitch the battle as Cuccinelli vs. Science or Cuccinelli vs. Academic Freedom.
What's most infuriating is the notion that it's Cuccinelli who's "politicizing" science, and not Michael Mann's openly politicized e-mails explaining his data manipulations and plotting to censor his political opponents. Somehow, the Union of Concerned Scientists is painted as non-political.
Host Michele Norris began: "The University of Virginia says it will fight a demand from the state's attorney general. He wants the school to turn over private e-mails and documents related to a former professor's climate research. The case has sparked a national debate over academic freedom."[?!?]
[When such 'academic study' is used as a backbone for political activism, should it not be subject to critical review? Or is academic freedom to mean free to fabricate lies with impunity?]
MSNBC Pretends America Isn't Conservative, Champions Immigration 'Overhaul'
Subject: txt immig msm -Despite the latest NBC/MSNBC/Telemundo poll showing 61 percent of Americans support Arizona’s new immigration law, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell on May 26 failed to interview a single supporter for MSNBC’s special, “A Nation Divided.” She did, however, manage to scrounge up plenty of vocal opponents, including two high-profile Democrats who believe the law is unconstitutional.
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa agreed that the legislation Arizona Governor Janet Brewer (R) signed into law in April divides the country along racial lines and think the federal government should pass comprehensive immigration reform.
“But the fact of the matter is this is a divisive measure, it’s unconstitutional,” insisted Villaraigosa, who supports the Los Angeles City Council’s decision to boycott Arizona. “It violates the rights of people in Arizona and it’s the wrong way to go.”
Mitchell declined to ask how the bill is 'in fact' unconstitutional, and instead asked questions clearly based on the premise Mr. Villaraigosa's opinions were indeed fact...
ABC Attacks Gulf Coast Official as Ignorant for Criticizing Obama Oil Spill Response
Subject: txt engry hots msm -
Good Morning America's Elizabeth Vargas on Friday played defense for the White House, suggesting that a Gulf Coast official might be ignorant for attacking Obama's response to the oil spill as slow. Vargas huffed, "President Obama said in his news conference yesterday, that, quote, 'Those who think we were slow in our response or our response lacked urgency don't know the facts.'" [Audio available here.]
She complained to Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser, "Do you think he was talking about you?"
It didn't seem to occur to Vargas how insulting that might sound, given that Nungesser is on the ground in Louisiana.
Twofer funny...
Who will bid on Newsweek?Today's the day. Those interested in purchasing Newsweek need to make their interest known by C.O.B. today. Who will bid? Keith Kelly: The field looks fairly light as the deadline for first-round "letters of interest" comes due today for Newsweek. The weekly magazine lost $28.3 million last year, but cut red ink down to $2.3 million in the first quarter, according to filings by The Washington Post Co., which owns the mag. Observers think the potential for strategic buyers — who could pick it up and plug it into existing operations is fairly limited...
Liberal Heads Explode Over Prospect of Newsweek Acquisition by NewsMax