Wednesday, October 28, 2009
As previously predicted, on the very day Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will be introducing a new healthcare proposal which includes a government-run component, NBC will be releasing results of a new poll showing support for such a plan
What's more, to reach that 'highest level', the numbers had to take a ten point positive swing - in one month.
This will make it perfect for the evening news programs to share details about the Democrats' bill as they try to convince viewers Americans are for it.
Obama Advisor Tells CNN Fox Is Biased, Won't Comment On MSNBC
Subject: txt msm bias reps libs b
A senior White House advisor on Tuesday told Campbell Brown that Fox News is biased, but refused to comment when the CNN host asked her,
"Well, then do you also think that MSNBC is biased?"

"I don't want to generalize..."
MSNBC's O'Donnell Performs Possibly the Worst Interview in History
Subject: txt msm bias -
Is it a requirement at MSNBC that program hosts interrupt conservative guests whenever possible thereby preventing anyone other than liberals to make a point?Such certainly appeared to be the case Thursday evening when Lawrence O'Donnell filled in on "The Ed Show" and treated his guest, Peter Schiff, more poorly and unprofessionally than just about anything I've ever witnessed.
It was so bad that by the end of the segment, when O'Donnell said, "We're out of time. I gave you as much time as you wanted to tell me one thing," Schiff marvelously replied,
"But you kept interrupting me."
Of course, since Schiff has just formed an exploratory committee to examine a possible run for Senate in 2010 against Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), the folks at MSNBC probably think O'Donnell did a good job (video embedded below the fold with full transcript, h/t Ed Morrissey):
MSNBC’s Olbermann and Maddow:
Subject: txt msm bias fnn bdd -
Throughout the previous administration, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann would nightly attack President George W. Bush and members of his administration and regularly bash some conservative personalities for being too cozy with Bush.
However, when he and his MSNBC colleague Rachel Maddow engage in the same brand of coziness, meeting with President Barack Obama earlier this week, it's no longer an indiscretion...
Media of Manufacturing Return of Public Option
Subject: txt 1st hcare -George Will on Sunday accused the media of manufacturing the return of government mandated healthcare to the current reform debate.
Discussing the subject on the recent installment of ABC's "This Week," Will said it was highly unlikely Democrats actually have the votes for what they call a "public option," but the media are assisting them in
"cleverly and skillfully manufacturing a sense of inevitability that they hope will be self-fulfilling."
In effect, although it is quite doubtful the votes are currently there for any form of government run healthcare, the press are doing their darnedest to change that (video embedded below the fold with partial transcript):
On 'Hate Crimes Day,' Remembering Media Blackout of Jesse Dirkhising's Death
Subject: txt bdd vals msm bias -On a day in which media liberals will celebrate President Obama for signing a bill against "hate crimes" against gays and lesbians, a bill named for Matthew Shepard, it might be time again to remember the name of Jesse Dirkhising, who died ten years ago this fall to a national media blackout. Here's Brent Bozell from 1999:
When Matthew Shepard died on October 12, 1998 at the age of 21, five days after getting into a pickup truck with two goons who beat him mercilessly, he had already become a huge national news story that continues today. It made the cover of Time magazine with the headline "The War Over Gays," with reporters predictably using the occasion to blame religious conservatives and call for hate-crime laws and other gay-left agenda items.
But when Jesse Dirkhising died on September 26 at the age of 13 from suffocation after being bound, gagged with underwear in his mouth, blindfolded, taped to the bed, and sodomized by one gay man while another gay man watched, the national media said nothing, even after The Washington Times exposed the untold story...
WaPo Website Inverts Kristol's Meaning to Slur Conservatives
Subject: txt msm bias libs crpt -
Brent Bozell found the homepage of funny today. William Kristol’s op-ed, titled "A good time to be a conservative," began with this thought:
Bien-pensant conservative elites and establishment-friendly Republican big shots yearn for a more moderate, temperate and sophisticated Republican Party. It's not likely to happen. And probably just as well.
But here’s how the Kristol piece was promoted on the Post homepage:
"The GOP’s right turn: A more moderate, temperate and sophisticated Republican Party is not likely to happen."
Black Churches Rally Against 'Gay Marriage' in DC, But WaPo Headline Claims 'Both Sides Mobilize'
Subject: txt bdd vals msm -The Washington Post has a funny way of covering conservative protests. Take Sunday's protest against "gay marriage," in which black churches have rallied to insist the people vote by referendum instead of letting the D.C. council dictate. The headline is "Both sides mobilize in same-sex marriage." Doesn't the reader assume that means that both sides mobilized.... yesterday? This headline would not happen in a story on a liberal protest.
Post reporter Tim Craig suggests distaste for the protesters in the first few words: "A small but noisy group of protesters, many bused in from churches," rallied Sunday. This would not happen in a story on a liberal protest. Size would almost be irrelevant. (And their transportation wouldn't be a negative.)
Craig counted "about 150 opponents of same-sex marriage" in the second paragraph. Earlier this month, when hard-left protesters rallied outside the White House to get the U.S. out of Afghanistan, the Post waited 25 paragraphs to tell readers only 176 people showed up.
They put that rally on page one, not page one of Metro (where yesterday's protest landed).
Journalism Students Mock Fox News and Hannity in Hip-Hop Song
Subject: image toon msm edu -People always ask why a liberal bias is so prevalent in the media when more Americans admit being conservative than left-leaning.
One of the answers is that journalism schools at our nation's colleges and universities are hot-beds of liberalism.
As a perfect example, the following song was created by graduate students at Columbia University's School of Journalism.
Rapping over Jay-Z's "Empire State of Mind," the students mocked the Fox News Channel and host Sean Hannity as they sang to their class about ethics in journalism (video embedded below the fold with subtitled lyrics, h/t Breitbart TV):
CNN’s 'Wingnut' Analyst Equates Conservatism With Racism
Subject: txt bdd vals msm -John Avlon of the Daily Beast gave his “Wingnuts of the Week” on Friday’s American Morning on CNN, and omitted the Democratic past of his “wingnut” on the right- Lousiana justice of the peace Keith Bardwell, who recently denied a marriage license to an interracial couple. Avlon didn’t give judge’s party ID at all, and gave the impression that he was on the “right” merely because of his racist conduct.
Newsweek Gets Flood of Anti-Biden Letters, Publishes None of Them
Subject: txt msm bias reps fnn -It's bad enough that the new design of Newsweek came with blatant cover-story campaigning for Joe Biden. Then in the next edition, when it was time for Letters to the Editor, was there any chance of an anti-Biden message being published? No.
In the October 26 edition, there were only four pro-Biden letters hailing his "valiant voice of sanity." But here's where it gets funny: Newsweek ran a chart of its reader mail. Of the letters on the Biden cover, it said 25 percent were positive, 25 percent were neutral, and 50 percent were critical.
Not one of them was worthy? It's like Newsweek is saying: "Stop criticizing our heroes. We're not going to publishing your critical letters anyway."
In fact, this issue ran only seven letters: four for Biden, two criticizing Newsweek for allowing Christopher Hitchens to lament Obama's Nobel Prize, and one generic attack on "the right wing media."
LAT Runs Op-Ed by ACORN Consultant Without Disclosing Relationship
Subject: txt crpt msm bias bdd -In running Dreier's op-ed, the Times miscalculated at least twice:
- First, the paper failed to disclose Dreier's past relationship with ACORN as a consultant, something that is right there in his Occidental College bio, and that readers had a right to know.
- Second, the Times somehow thought Dreier's propaganda would get past LA blogger and certified Times nemesis Patterico aka Patrick Frey. That was the far more serious blunder
Here are key paragraphs from Dreier's drivel:
The Media’s Complicity: Analysis of ACORN Coverage
Subject: txt msm bias -The mainstream media were complicit in their coverage of the ACORN scandal. Their behavior was and continues to be an insult to democracy and journalistic responsibility as the Fourth Estate has ignored facts, engaged in one-sided sourcing, and avoided basic and inherently important journalistic questioning. First, there was avoidance...
CNN Psychoanalyzes Talk Radio Listeners - With Liberal Psychiatrist
Subject: txt msm bias -
CNN’s Carol Costello began a new series on political talk radio on Monday’s American Morning, suggesting it was unfairly dominated by conservatives, and brought on a liberal psychiatrist who theorized that Rush Limbaugh has an audience because he’s ''operating like the bully, and if you’re on the want to be...under the bully’s wing and go along with him and get...some power by proxy.''
Magazine Editors' Group Creates Award Category for Obama Covers
Subject: txt msm bias bdd fnn -
[Hmm, wonder who will win?]
Dan Rather Hailed for 'Courage' at University of Texas
Subject: txt msm bias edu bdd -Disgraced CBS anchorman Dan Rather continues to make the rounds, trying to rehabilitate his image and paint himself as a man wronged by an overcorporatized, politically neutralized media structure. That's no longer surprising. But why would schools of journalism gloss right over his embrace of fabricated National Guard records in 2004?
Propossed: Government Run News
Subject: txt msm sclm bbro bdd -
The news business' tenuous hold on profitability has threatened its sustainability and requires massive government involvement, according to a new 'report' authored by Michael Schudson, a professor at the Columbia Journalism School.
"American society must now take some collective responsibility for supporting news reporting through varying combinations of philanthropy, subsidy and government policy."
In other words, newspapers need a federal bailout like General Motors, with all the government control that implies.
Among their alarmingly anti-competitive recommendations:
- A national Fund for Local News paid with taxes the Federal Communications Commission collects from or could impose on telecom users, broadcast licensees or Internet service providers.
- A gigantic ramping up of public [GOVERNMENT] radio and television, reoriented to provide significant local news reporting in every community served by public stations.
- Universities and colleges becoming institutional sources of local, state and accountability news reporting...
News gets worse for the MSM
Subject: txt msm bias gdd fnn - sclm bbro -
There have been a lot of bad days recently for what’s come to be known as the Mainstream Media – or MSM – but Monday was one of the worst. New circulation figures showed that big city papers had lost as much as a quarter of their circulation in the last six months...
Newspaper circulation falling fast, down 10.6 pct
Subject: txt msm gdd -
NEW YORK -- The decline in U.S. newspaper circulation is accelerating as the industry struggles with defections to the Internet.Figures released Monday by the Audit Bureau of Circulations show that average daily circulation dropped 10.6 percent in the April-September period from the same six-month span in 2008.
That was greater than the 7.1 percent decline in the October 2008-March 2009 period
Top 25 Newspapers' Year-Over-Year Circ Drop Is 'Largest in Decade'
Subject: txt msm gdd - fnn - It's a variation on the old riddle, "What's black and white, but read all over?"
If you change one word and add two others, the answer to the resulting question -- "What's still mostly black and white, but red all over?" -- would be, based on just-released information about their daily circulation, "every one of the nation's top 25 newspapers turning in comparative numbers."
The figures come from the newspaper industry's Audit Board of Circulations (ABC), and cover the April-September 2009 time period.
Here are a few paragraphs from Michael Liedtke's coverage of the carnage at the Associated Press, which depends largely on newspaper subscription fees for its lifeblood. Note the "so far" reference in Liedtke's third paragraph:
[I.e., the next convenient 'crisis' to to require government intervention...]
Are You Ready to Subsidize Reporters?
Subject: txt sclm bbro bdd msm mny -Have you ever stumbled on an oxymoron so stunning that it takes your breath away? Try coupling this with a case of chutzpah so revealing that the lack of shame on the part of those involved serves as prima fasci evidence that their elite cultural isolation has rendered them incapable of critical thinking. Behold the "Independent Journalism Tax." In order to preserve independent journalism in the age of the Internet, a national Fund for Local News.
In the current era of single party rule, is there any chance that this further intrusion of the government into our lives might actually come true? Might we one day be forced to pay a tax every time we make a cell phone call to make sure the Press Room in the White House is stuffed with even more reporters eager to credulously swallow whatever nonsense comes out of the President's mouth? Could truly independent newspapers be forced to compete with government subsidized lapdogs like, say, truly independent banks or car companies?
Obama's Media Control Strategy
Subject: txt crpt libs reps lbrty sclm bbro -
You may not have noticed that the Obama Administration, in addition to trying to seize control of the health care and energy sectors, is implementing a national "broadband plan" to redefine the media and transform America's system of government. It's designed, they say, to provide "open government and civic engagement." But it looks increasingly like an excuse for the federal government to control the Internet and access to information and even tell us what is truth.
Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute recently explained at a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) "National Broadband Plan Workshop" that it is necessary to have "a common space with shared facts." Armed with $7.2 billion of "stimulus" money, the federal government is going to provide this. It looks like various progressive groups are lining up at the public trough for their share of the loot. They have in mind what the George Soros-funded Free Press calls "an alternative media infrastructure."
If you think we already have that, with public TV and radio, think again. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which has received $8 billion in federal tax dollars since it was created in 1967, is not considered radical enough by these folks. The Free Press favors an additional $50 billion "Public Media Trust fund" financed by a tax on home electronic devices. It also wants the federally-funded AmeriCorps to finance jobs for journalists.
A new national broadband plan, combined with the just-announced FCC plan for "net neutrality," or regulating access to the Internet, provides the opportunity for the federal government to define a "new public square" with a "common space with shared facts," as Ornstein put it at the August 6 FCC event. He explained, "It's something that was easier when we had three broadcast channels and virtually everybody in the society tuned into them."
Those were the days, you may remember, when Walter Cronkite claimed "That's the way it is," and many people believed him. We know better now. But Ornstein seems to be pining for the "good old days" when Cronkite and other liberals dominated the dissemination of news and information...