Wednesday, December 5, 2007

[test text 'small']

Safari two-step with Source Article tag

     The Pew Research Center finds there has been a dramatic, double-digit jump in the percentage of Americans who believe that the military effort in Iraq is going well. You are the Washington Post. How do you play the story?:

a. You run a front-page story headlined "Study Finds Surge in Positive Public View of War Effort"; or

b. You run a story on page A10 headlined "Military Progress Doesn't Make War More Popular."
     Of course the correct answer is "b." As Ed Morrissey at Captains Quarters noted, WaPo managed not only to bury the story, but to put a gloomy headline on the news. Jules Critteden details how MSNBC spins the Pew story in similar fashion [follow links]
     Both organizations are marching in the proud MSM footsteps of the New York Times. When earlier this month news came that the US-led MNF had successfully routed al Qaeda completely out of Baghdad, the Times buried the story fathoms deep . . . on A19.
Source Article

Firefox two-step posting [4 with links]

The Pew Research Center finds there has been a dramatic, double-digit jump in the percentage of Americans who believe that the military effort in Iraq is going well. You are the Washington Post. How do you play the story?:

a. You run a front-page story headlined "Study Finds Surge in Positive Public View of War Effort"; or

b. You run a story on page A10 headlined "Military Progress Doesn't Make War More Popular."
Of course the correct answer is "b." As Ed Morrissey at Captains Quarters noted, WaPo managed not only to bury the story, but to put a gloomy headline on the news. Jules Critteden details how MSNBC spins the Pew story in similar fashion [follow links]

Both organizations are marching in the proud MSM footsteps of the New York Times. When earlier this month news came that the US-led MNF had successfully routed al Qaeda completely out of Baghdad, the Times buried the story fathoms deep . . . on A19.

[also smallest above, small here {albeit Times v Ariel]

Safari two-step post [4 with links]

The Pew Research Center finds there has been a dramatic, double-digit jump in the percentage of Americans who believe that the military effort in Iraq is going well. You are the Washington Post. How do you play the story?:

a. You run a front-page story headlined "Study Finds Surge in Positive Public View of War Effort"; or

b. You run a story on page A10 headlined "Military Progress Doesn't Make War More Popular."

Of course the correct answer is "b." As Ed Morrissey at Captains Quarters noted, WaPo managed not only to bury the story, but to put a gloomy headline on the news. Jules Critteden details how MSNBC spins the Pew story in similar fashion [follow links]

Both organizations are marching in the proud MSM footsteps of the New York Times. When earlier this month news came that the US-led MNF had successfully routed al Qaeda completely out of Baghdad, the Times buried the story fathoms deep . . . on A19.

['follow links' above = smallest, this note = small - too big in Safari, others?]