Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Iran could fire nuclear missile within two years
Subject: txt intl nsec gwot iran - , says think tank
Iran will be able to deploy a missile capable of carrying a one-tonne nuclear warhead within two years, according to a report from a leading security think tank. The International Institute for Strategic Studies said Iran's missile development programme was expanding in tandem with its drive to acquire an atomic capability.
''Iran is the only country to have developed a missile of this reach without first having developed nuclear weapons,''
the report said. The missile would be capable of hitting Israel and parts of southern Europe...
Why MAD will fail with Iran
Subject: txt nsec gwot iran -
They managed to do it.
Two leading U.S. journalists from the two most important U.S. papers, Bret Stephens from The Wall Street Journal and Roger Cohen from The New York Times, succeeded in the impossible. In The Iran Debate on Friday, April 30, they debated for an hour and a half without mentioning the very crux of the problem... [snip]
"In this context, mutually assured destruction, the deterrent that worked so well during the Cold War, would have no meaning. At the end of time, there will be general destruction anyway. What will matter will be the final destination of the dead--hell for the infidels, and heaven for the believers. For people with this mindset, MAD [mutual assured destruction] is not a constraint; it is an inducement."
They managed to debate for 90 minutes without mentioning the word Mahdi to whom Ahmadinejad devoted a considerable part of his address to the UN General Assembly... [snip]

["Why can't we just be friends?" A: They've no wish to be our friends, they seek to dominate us through intimidation based on murder and the threat of national martyrdom.]
Republicans Push Obama to 'Pull the Trigger' on Iran
Subject: txt nsec intl iran -As Iran gets closer to fulfilling its nuclear ambitions, Republican lawmakers are pushing the Obama administration to stop whistling past the graveyard and get tough with the Islamic Republic. Sen. John McCain said Wednesday the United States has been backing away from a brewing fight with Iran, while U.S. officials admitted that that country's accelerated nuclear program is roughly a year away from producing a weapon.
McCain opened a Senate hearing by saying that Iran will get the bomb unless the U.S. acts more boldly...
Sudden new respect
Subject: txt heroes -
Has anyone else noticed that during the past 16 months we've seen a major increase in overdue respect, honor and appreciation for our nation's military heroes?
It's absolutely true.
Just turn on your TV, open a paper, or walk around your local downtown, and you'll notice love for the troops we've not seen since at least 1991, if not 1945. Suddenly, aside from the clinically insane, most everyone seems to admire the soldiers who provide us our cherished freedoms; but why, especially when from 2001-2008, that admiration was pitifully lacking?
Oh yes, we have a different president. That's the unspoken reason.
Suddenly John Kerry has stopped bashing them, and Democrat leaders who were calling them murderers and seeking defeat at any cost now find them heroic?
Saturday is Armed Forces Day, a little known holiday outside of military circles; but hey, it's the Obama Era -- we're 'post partisan' or something, despite really the opposite -- therefore we'll surely hear some love.
I'll honor all our service members, of course, but as someone who works to honor military men and women every day of my life, I am offended at the blatant politicization that makes doing so contingent upon which party is in power...
Hotshot sniper in one-and a-half mile double kill
A BRITISH Army sniper has set a new sharpshooting distance record by killing two Taliban machinegunners in Afghanistan from more than a mile away.

In a remarkable tour of duty, Harrison cheated death a few weeks later when a Taliban bullet pierced his helmet but was deflected away from his skull. He later broke both arms when his army vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb.
Harrison was sent back to the UK for treatment, but insisted on returning to the front line after making a full recovery.
“I was lucky that my physical fitness levels were very high before my arms were fractured and after six weeks in plaster I was still in pretty good shape,” ... “It hasn’t affected my ability as a sniper.”
Elena Kagan’s most notable foray into public life was kicking military recruiters off of Harvard’s campus
Subject: txt heroes lgl -
President Obama’s latest choice for the Supreme Court has held a number of high-profile jobs over the years, but she has left a relatively thin paper trail, with one major exception.As the dean of Harvard’s law school, Kagan fought to bar military recruiters from the university’s campus. Her reasoning?
Even with two wars in progress, she contended, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell should disqualify the US military from having any association with the school...
Embracing Female Genital Mutilation
Subject: txt islm bdd libs -There is no limit to the depravity of the cultists who worship at the altar of multiculturalism. 100 to 140 million girls and women around the world have been subjected to genital mutilation.
And now, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is embracing this barbaric expression of misogyny in the name of cultural sensitivity and immigrant outreach.
Equality Now is stunned by a new policy statement issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), which essentially promotes female genital mutilation. According to the AAP:
"It might be more effective if federal and state laws enabled pediatricians to reach out to families by offering a ritual nick as a possible compromise..."
Hey, let’s compromise! We can also reach out to the Muslim community and ask men to commit honor “nicking” instead of honor murder. It’s a win-win. They get to continue violently victimizing women under the guise of preserving “honor,” and we get to hold hands and sing “Kumbaya.”
What’s a little broken skin as long it's in support of multiculturalism?
Mali imam living in fear after backing women's rights
Subject: txt islm -An imam in Mali is living in fear after backing a new family law which no longer obliges wives to obey their husbands, angering Muslim groups. He has received threatening phone calls and local Muslim leaders have tried to dismiss him. The new law is currently being given a second reading in parliament after Mali's president refused to sign it because of the Muslim protests.
Its most contentious provisions give more rights to women....
The Greek Crisis and the Reactionary Left
Subject: txt intl pubmny primny sclm libs -
Visit Newsreal I put this question to my investor friend, whom I’ll call Angel Ware, about the situation in Europe: Any insights into the ramifications of the Greek crisis?
Here is his answer:
“...the good news is that there is plenty of time between here and there for governments to get their acts together and keep the game alive (the game being that people buy bonds from countries with bad balance sheets due to the implication that they will be bailed out by larger governments with bad, but larger and better balance sheets). However, it could get considerably uglier.
"The other thing to keep in mind is that the last time that large European countries defaulted and couldn’t pay for their social programs, Hitler rose to power and we had WWII.”
Well, there’s a happy thought. It may turn out that the greatest tragedy of the 21st Century is that people failed to learn the lessons of the 20th. But then what else is new?
The welfare state's death spiral
Subject: txt sclm - pubmny intl -
What we're seeing in Greece is the death spiral of the welfare state. This isn't Greece's problem alone, and that's why its crisis has rattled global stock markets and threatens economic recovery. Virtually every advanced nation, including the United States, faces the same prospect.
Aging populations have been promised huge health and retirement benefits the countries simply can't afford. The reckoning has arrived in Greece, but it awaits most wealthy societies.
Americans dislike the term "welfare state" and substitute the bland word "entitlements", but it's on the same path to insolvency...
Obama planning a Dept of Truthiness?
Subject: txt lbrty bbro bdd -
The President's latest wide-ranging speech at Hampton University made a halt at a very strange outpost, before moving on to education. Obama, it seems, is vexed by the idea of conspiracy theories.
Apparently people aren't thinking the right thoughts.
Obama's internet Yoda, Professor Cass Sunstein*, is also besotted with the idea. Two years ago, Sunstein proposed what you might call an 'active government solution' to conspiracies...
Did YOU Know...
The following thumbnails describe a very small sampling of the 'brain trust' President Obama has deliberately chosen to help him guide America's ship of state. ...
10. Cass Sunstein -- ["Regulatory Affairs"] "Animals should be permitted to bring [law] suit, with human beings as their representatives....", "the Internet is anti-democratic because of the way users can filter out information of their own choosing."...
Why Bother With the Constitution?
Subject: txt lgl lbrty bdd -
It’s Supreme Court nomination time again, which means that it will soon be nomination hearing time, which means that Elena Kagan will soon be asked how she believes the Constitution should be interpreted.
But just in time comes a new book — “The Living Constitution,” by David A. Strauss — that tells us not to bother about that question because, odd though it might seem, the Constitution does not play a central role in constitutional interpretation.
“the text of the Constitution will play, at most, a ceremonial role.” Even “when a case involves the Constitution, the text routinely gets no attention,” for “on a day-to-day basis, American constitutional law is about precedents, and when precedents leave off, it is about commonsense notions of fairness and good policy.”
The incoherence of what Strauss is urging is spectacularly displayed in a single sentence. Given the importance of common ground, “it makes sense,” he says, “to adhere to the text even while disregarding the framers’ intentions.”
I am at a loss to know what “adhere” is supposed to mean here. According to the dictionaries, “adhere” means “to stick fast to” or “to be devoted to” or “to follow closely.” But you don’t do any of these things by “disregarding” the intentions that inform and give shape to the text you claim to “honor”; you don’t follow closely what you are in the act of abandoning.
Instead, you engage in a fiction of devotion designed to reassure the public that everything is on the (interpretive) up and up:
“The Court could take advantage of the fact that everyone thinks the words of the Constitution should count for something.” Here “something”
means “anything,” as long as it hooks up with what everyone thinks; and the advantage the Court is counseled to seize is an advantage gained by pandering.
If this is what the “living Constitution” is — a Constitution produced and reproduced by serial acts of infidelity — I hereby cast a vote for the real one.
Why Ultra-Liberal Obama Needs Kagan On the Court
Subject: txt lgl -
President Obama needs a Supreme Court that will rule that the Constitution allows the federal government to impose Obamacare’s individual mandate, ordering Americans how they must spend their own money. He needs a Supreme Court that will allow him to impose job-killing cap-and-trade and card-check rules through executive action, instead of legislation. He needs a Supreme Court that says you have a right to same-sex marriage—which the Constitution does not mention—but that you do not have a right to own a gun—which the Constitution explicitly mentions in the Second Amendment.In short, President Obama needs a Supreme Court that will endorse his far-left vision for America. As we show in “The Blueprint,” much of Obama’s agenda is unconstitutional. It cannot survive unless he creates a Supreme Court in his own image, with justices who share his vision.
President Obama firmly believes he has found such a justice in Elena Kagan...
More ‘Gangster Government’ as Obama appointees rewrite the rules for airline unions
Subject: txt crpt -
In last week’s primary election in North Carolina, Democrats failed to select a Senate nominee. Elaine Marshall finished first and Cal Cunningham second, but the failure of either candidate to reach the 40 percent threshold means that the two must face each other once again in a runoff next month.
Imagine what would happen if the governor of North Carolina stepped into this situation and decided, unilaterally, to change the rules so that Marshall can win with her plurality rather than a majority.This is essentially what Democratic appointees on an obscure labor panel have done to the airline industry, the Associated Press reports. As a huge favor to the unions that want to organize Delta Airlines, the least unionized major airline in a heavily (two-thirds) unionized airline industry, they have effectively lowered the threshold of employee support for unionizing airlines.
This collusion from the Obama administration comes only after repeated, failed attempts by unionists to take over at Delta under the current rules on union elections...
[I know the nets are swarming all over this story - sorry for the redundancy.]
Video: Calif. Student Told Drawing U.S. Flag 'Offensive' But Obama Drawing Praised
Subject: txt cali edu bdd vals libs bias -
Just a week after the last time a California school told its students that the American flag was somehow racist, another California school repeated the lesson. This time a middle school student was taught that drawing an American flag was wrong:
However, drawing a picture of President Obama was apparently praise worthy.
Make sure you read this Eyeblast blog post to get all the details.
New York Times to Greece: End socialized medicine to save money
Subject: txt hcare msm bias fnn sclm intl pubmny primny -Another reform high on the list is removing the state from the marketplace in crucial sectors like health care, transportation and energy and allowing private investment. Economists say that the liberalization of trucking routes — where a trucking license can cost up to $90,000 — and the health care industry would help bring down prices in these areas, which are among the highest in Europe.
Getting the government out of health care saves money? Why didn’t the Times tell us before we adopted socialized medicine! The article also notes that a major reason why Greece is in this predicament:
Among the most significant features of the plan, a Greek government official said, would be a measure making it easier for the government to lay off some of the many thousands of public sector workers, whose low levels of productivity and high wages are a big contributor to Greece’s debt problem. Until now, the government has not been able to lay off civil servants, whose employment rights are in effect constitutionally guaranteed.
I’d say that’s messed up but - as a resident of a country that has $3 trillion in outstanding public pension liabilities, I’m not really in a position to criticize...
Deficit Strategy Can Begin With Health Care
Subject: txt mny tax hcare -
Spending Cuts: We see the president's debt commission as little more than a fig leaf for the White House's inevitable tax hikes. But an idea placed on the table by one member could keep the panel from being worthless. President Obama keeps claiming the Democrats' health care overhaul won't increase the deficit one dime. Yet Chief Medicare Actuary Richard S. Foster has released a report finding that "federal expenditures would increase by a net total of $251 billion" through 2019....
POLL: Most Rate U.S. Health Care System Good or Excellent
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 55% of Likely Voters rate the current health care system as good or excellent.
The latest finding includes 17% who rate the current system as excellent. Just 13% of voters currently give the health care system a poor rating.
45% who are not insured are included in the majority who rate the system good or execellent.
When it comes to the recently passed health care reform law, most U.S. voters continue to believe it will be bad for the country, and they favor its repeal...
[No matter how you slice it, America did and does not want Obamacare - yet we got it anyway.
Representitive government?
It's time for real change.]READ MORE
Expect a surprise cap- and-trade vote in the Senate
Subject: txt grn engry crpt libs -
This week in the Senate may prove to be a big week for the cap-and-trade issue even though most Hill watchers will see the Senate debating the highly publicized financial reform bill, plans are afoot to introduce the carbon taxation bill 'under the radar' this week...
Media’s ‘Bird Obsession’ Trumps Loss of Human Life
Subject: txt grn msm bias engry - IBD Editorial:The editorialists at Investors Business Daily are not pleased with the values on display in the relative importance given to three major stories: the deaths of 11 oil rig workers off the Gulf Coast, the oil spill that resulted from that rig's collapse, and the historic flooding in Tennessee that has taken at least 30 lives.
Here's the newspaper's take:
What does it say when 11 men who perish on an exploding oil platform, or 30 poor souls who die in a 1,000-year Tennessee flood, get less coverage than two oil-soaked birds? It says news is driven from the left.
It is to the credit of the one media outlet that reported the paparazzi-like scrums of reporters trailing rescue workers as they tried to clean off one oil-soaked gannet caught in the oil spill off Louisiana waters after a rig exploded in the Gulf on April 20. Not only did the U.S. and European media obsess breathlessly about the bird, and later about a brown pelican that followed, they seemed to be panting for more.
That's because birds are convenient tools for driving the radical green agenda to halt all oil drilling. TV media and the national papers pounded the bird story because it served a political purpose.
Inland Empire had nation's largest influx of Latinos in last decade, study finds
A new study has found that the Inland Empire had the largest increase in Latino population of any metropolitan region in the nation during the last decade.
The Brookings Institute study is the latest to underscore the dramatic demographic trends occurring in Riverside and San Bernardino counties, which saw significant growth in the last decade.
An examination of census data last year found that the construction boom of the early 2000s helped fuel the increase in Latino population. As hundreds of thousands of immigrants chased construction and service jobs...
California can use $2 billion in local money to balance budget, judge says
Subject: txt cali lgl pubmny bbro sclm -Sacramento Bee
"A Sacramento Superior Court judge ruled Tuesday that California can take $2 billion from local redevelopment agencies for state budget relief, avoiding for now a pitfall that had threatened to exacerbate the state deficit."[Our legal system is out of control.]
Seniors Can Pray Before Meals at Georgia Center
Their prayers have been answered. The Georgia senior center that barred elderly citizens from saying a communal prayer before meals has changed its policy after inquiries from FoxNews.com and other news organizations.
Residents at the Ed Young Senior Citizens Center in Port Wentworth, Ga., were told last week that instead of participating in a prayer, they should observe a moment of silence before their federally-funded meal.
Officials from Senior Citizens Inc., which operates the center, had said the meals they provide to visitors are mostly covered with federal money -- so saying a communal prayer before their consumption violated the government's rules that accompanied its subsidy...
[Two morals:
Speak your mind, don't be cowed by PC.
Government money means government control.]
What not to wear boarding a flight
... a pair of electronic massage shoes (complete with batteries and an on/off switch)
A passenger was detained by airport authorities in Pakistan after electrical circuits and batteries were found in the soles of his tennis shoes, an airport security official said today. Officials were investigating what the components could be used for and why they were concealed. Similar materials can be used in the construction of bombs.
Mohammad, a building constructor who was heading for Muscat in Oman, told investigators he bought the shoes from a market in Karachi and had no idea there were circuits hidden inside the soles...
[The poor man's been profiled - how barbaric!]
