Subject: txt 1st fnn =
The U.S. Olympic team came into the day with high expectations and surpassed those lofty goals, marking their best day ever in Winter Games history with six medals — half of them gold. The big names justified the hype, and then some: Lindsey, Shani and Shaun won in convincing fashion. And their less-heralded counterparts were just as impressive...
Friday, February 19, 2010
US Has Near-Perfect Day With 6 Medals, 3 Gold
Iran Enriches Nuclear Fuel, Says IAEA
Subject: txt intl owg gwot nsec iran -United Nations' nuclear watchdog said it has information suggesting Iran may be working to build a nuclear warhead, an assessment that could escalate the U.S. and other Western governments' confrontation with Iran over its nuclear activities.
READ MORE[Maybe now that Iran's ally El Baradei isn't heading it any more the IAEA may actually do something constructive.]
FLASHBACKS for "Baradei":
Tehran on Path to Our Destruction
Subject: txt gwot nsec owg - iran -
Stand by for some bad news. No, I mean really bad news.
The world is not going to apply crippling sanctions to Iran. Even if it did, Iran would not be deterred from developing nuclear weapons. The only way that Iran can be significantly delayed in its pursuit of nuclear weapons is through an Israeli air strike on its nuclear facilities.
Even sanctions would only have an outside chance of working. But the world is not even going to try them. China, and to a lesser extent Russia, are going to make sure that doesn't happen. This is a tragedy far beyond Copenhagen, but like Copenhagen it illustrates the complete breakdown of the multilateral system [I.e., there is no international community - just an international forum (UN) in which they obstruct and we pay the bills].
The US could strike Iran's nuclear facilities far more effectively than Israel could, but to do so would be foreign to every instinct of the Obama administration.
It would also be hugely risky. But the risks of not acting are even greater. Nonetheless, the portents are strong that the Obama administration will dither.
The lost year: Obama's Iran engagement policy a spectacular failure
[HT:SG] Subject: txt gwot intl -
Yeah - but they had good intentions and that counts for more than advancing US security interests.
Soldiers Keep Up Push in Taliban Stronghold
MARJA, Afghanistan — Ten minutes after walking out of the small outpost on Monday morning, the Marines of Company K were ambushed again.
Taliban fighters waited until the patrol of perhaps 25 Marines had entirely entered the barren and flat open ground between two mud-walled compounds. Then they opened fire. Bullets twanged past in the air and thumped among the Marines in the dirt.
There was no cover.
The Marines dropped, fired, then bounded to their feet, running through muddy gunk.
“Break to your left!” one of them shouted. “Go!”
So began the third day for a rifle company alone in northern Marja, where four platoons have been in near constant skirmishing with the Taliban since Saturday. ..
John Brennan and the Politics of Capitulation
Subject: txt gwot nsec islm -
It’s bad enough that John Brennan, President Obama’s national security deputy, thinks Gitmo jihadi recidivism is “not that bad.” But in his talk last week with Islamic law students at New York University, Brennan made even more reckless comments about our counterterrorism programs while pandering to one of the worst Muslim grievance-mongers and sharia peddlers in America.
During the question-and-answer session, Brennan welcomed a question from Omar Shahin:
“We came to this country to enjoy freedom,” Shahin began with faux, flag-waving emotion.
“We feel that since September 11, we aren’t enjoying these values anymore. … Also, we feel that there’s a big lack of trust between Muslims’ community and our government. … My question: Is there anything being done by our government to rebuild this trust?”

Obama, he told the militant 9/11 inside-job theorist and jihad white-washer, is “determined to put America on a strong course”...
The absurd trial of Geert Wilders
Subject: txt intl islm lbrty owg -
At a certain level, the trial of Geert Wilders for the crime of “group insult” of Islam is déjà vu all over again. For as the spokesperson for the Openbaar Ministerie put it,
“It is irrelevant whether Wilders’s witnesses might prove Wilders’s observations to be correct. What’s relevant is that his observations are illegal.”
Ah, yes, in the Netherlands, as in Canada, the truth is no defence...
Sen. DeMint at CPAC: ‘America Is Teetering Towards Tyranny’
Subject: txt 2010 lbrty bbro sclm -
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) told a standing-room-only crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday that Democrats in Congress and the White House are the inspiration for a revolution that he and fellow conservatives hope is sweeping the nation ahead of the 2010 mid-term elections.
''We now see all too clearly that the hope and change the Democrats had in mind was nothing more than a retread of the failed and discredited socialist policies that have been the enemy of freedom for centuries all over the world.''
Only 21% Say U.S. Government Has Consent of the Governed
Subject: txt 1st 2010 lbrty bbro reps libs sclm -
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 61% disagree and say the government does not have the necessary consent. Eighteen percent (18%) of voters are not sure.
That helps explain why 75% of voters are angry at the policies of the federal government...
NPR Blames Conservatives for Obama's Broken Promises
Subject: txt hcar msm bbro sclm -
Whatever version of healthcare reform President Obama gets from Congress will look nothing like the promises he made while campaigning.According to NPR, it has nothing to do with Obama belting empty campaign slogans. Rather, NPR fired off a litany of conservative bogeymen, from Republicans to moderate Democrats to Sarah Palin's "death panels" to explain why Obama's campaign message has failed to materialize.
In an article printed Thursday called "Why Public Support For Health Care Faltered," NPR began with the assumption that President Obama really meant his dream of healthcare for all that would magically be free...
[Your tax dollars at work.]
NHS hospitals ignore safety orders
Subject: txt hcare -Hospitals were accused tonight of putting patients' lives at unnecessary risk after research revealed they were failing to comply with NHS orders designed to prevent deaths from mistakes involving drugs, surgery or equipment.
Information released by the Department of Health after a freedom of information request showed that hospitals were not complying with safety alerts issued by the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA). The NPSA's chairman, Lord Patel of Dunkeld, told the Guardian that the behaviour of the trusts was unacceptable and endangered the health of patients.
[Good point: when it IS big brother running our hospitals, who's to police them?]
Yvo de Boer resigns as top UN climate official
Subject: txt grn msm bias -
Yvo de Boer, the UN's top climate change official, says he will resign after nearly four years in the post. His departure takes effect from 1 July, five months before 193 countries are due to reconvene in Mexico for another attempt at a global deal on climate.
'It was a difficult decision to make, but I believe the time is ripe for me to take on a new challenge.''
Mr De Boer said he would become a consultant on climate and sustainability issues for KPMG, a global accounting firm, and would be associated with several universities....
[ANYTHING in the MSM YET???]
Evidence of Climate Fraud Grows, Media Coverage Doesn't
Subject: txt grn msm -
While the media found nothing worth reporting in this weekend's astounding Climategate revelations, an overweight film director's ejection from an airplane was big news
Newsbusters' Noel Sheppard lets the mainstream media have it for completely ignoring this weekend’s game-changing revelations from Climategate conspirator Phil Jones while jumping all over the ejection of director Kevin Smith from a Southwest Airlines plane for being too fat.
For those who may have taken the three-day weekend off from the blogosphere (and Fox News) -- the BBC released a Q&A and corresponding interview with the embattled erstwhile CRU chief on Friday. In each, the discredited Climategate conspirator revealed a number of surprising insights into his true climate beliefs, the most shocking of which was that 20th-century global warming may not have been unprecedented.
As I pointed out in Sunday’s article, Climategate's Phil Jones Confesses to Climate Fraud, as the entire anthropogenic global warming (AGW) theory is predicated on correlation with rising CO2 levels, this first-such confession from an IPCC senior scientist is nothing short of earth-shattering.
Noel has dug up some statistics on the major news agencies’ coverage of this vital chapter in what history will likely deem its greatest case of scientific fraud ever:
· No mention by the New York Times
· No mention by the Washington Post
· No mention by USA Today
· No mention by ANY major U.S. newspaper EXCEPT the Washington Times
· No mention by the Associated Press
· No mention by Reuters
· No mention by UPI
· No mention by ABC News
· No mention by CBS News
· No mention by NBC News
· No mention by MSNBC
Yet – the complicit media continue to speak of fantasy “green jobs” and the failings of Copenhagen and big-oil-paid-for Republicans and the need to pass President Obama’s so-called climate bill rather than doing the job they signed on for and unequivocally owe the American public: Asking questions.
I think Noel’s choice of closing words and punctuation expresses it perfectly:
Shame on them.
"Miss Me Yet?" Bush Merchandise a Hit Online
It appears a lot of people think it's a fair question.
The online store CafePress saw a spike in demand for items featuring the same image as the billboard, the New York Daily News reports. Ten "Miss Me Yet?" items were on the company's list of its top-selling designs, CafePress spokeswoman Jenna Martin told the Daily News...