Friday, June 11, 2010
Experts Say White House 'Misrepresented' Views to Justify Drilling Moratorium
Subject: txt engry grn crpt libs -
The seven experts who advised President Obama on how to deal with offshore drilling safety after the Deepwater Horizon explosion are accusing his administration of misrepresenting their views to make it appear that they supported a six-month drilling moratorium -- something they actually oppose.
The experts, recommended by the National Academy of Engineering, say Interior Secretary Ken Salazar 'modified' their report last month, after they signed it, to include two paragraphs calling for the moratorium on existing drilling and new permits...
A Ban On Truth
Subject: txt engry hots crpt libs bdd -
Energy Policy: The advisory board on offshore drilling says it never endorsed a moratorium, which was added later by the interior secretary.Experts brought together by the Obama administration to review offshore drilling safety were asked to review recommendations in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon disaster. They did not give their blessing to the six-month drilling moratorium announced by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and have accused him of deliberately appending their report to make it seem like they did.
The only thing transparent about this administration is its lies.
Dem majority rejects move to block EPA power grab in Senate
Subject: txt 1st action grn - The Senate has rejected a bid to stop the Obama administration from imposing regulations on CO2, giving a boost to President Barack Obama as he pursues broader clean energy legislation. Senators turned back a resolution that would have rescinded the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate CO2 under the Clean Air Act.
Supporters of the measure, mostly Republicans, argued that the EPA had usurped the authority of Congress to set climate policy and that the EPA regulations would increase energy costs and kill jobs...
[Damn. Thanks to those who joined me yesterday in trying, it matters.
Publisher Provides Disclaimer With U.S. Constitution, Will Media Notice?

"This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today."
On Wednesday's America Live on FNC, host Megyn Kelly reported the controversy, will the rest of the media follow? [Click on image for larger view of disclaimer]
In an example of political correctness run amok, the disclaimer goes on to warn parents of the literary material to follow:
"Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work."
The provocative pamphlet also includes the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation.
On FNC, correspondent Trace Gallagher concluded: "You know, it's one thing when you republish 'Lady Chatterley's Lover,' its another when you slap that thing on the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence 'Warning children'"
BP Rage: Aided and Abetted by 'Kick-A**' Rhetoric?
Subject: txt grn engry hots - bdd vals intl -
Instapundit's Glenn Reynolds employed sarcastic irony this morning when he wrote that
"Obama’s hate speech is promoting violence against BP."
Well, it's at least clear that the blame game out of Washington isn't helping the situation.
Reynolds is referring to a report from TV station WREG in Memphis about an incident involving property damage at a local BP station, and other instances that have occurred in other parts of the country (video is at the link):
Bullets Shatter Glass at BP Gas Station
(Southaven, MS) -- Windows at the BP Gas Station on Highway 51 at Custer Drive were shot out overnight. Folks who work at the store believe the suspects were expressing anger over BP and how it's handling the oil spill.
CNN Highlights 'Big Oil' Cash to Republicans, Omits Obama's
[Meanwhile, in our professional media...]On Wednesday's Rick's List, CNN's Rick Sanchez twice highlighted how "several Republicans want to keep the cap on what oil companies pay for spills at $75 million" and how apparently that's about "how much they [oil companies] spend on campaign contributions to politicians each year,"...
but omitted that President Obama was the top recipient of money from BP during the 2008 election cycle...
Iran Unbowed
Subject: txt intl nsec owg -The UN Security Council approved a resolution yesterday (Wednesday, June 9th) imposing a fourth round of sanctions on Iran in response to its continued nuclear enrichment program, which is in violation of prior Security Council resolutions. The vote was 12 in favor, 2 against (Brazil and Turkey) and 1 abstention (Lebanon)...
'Isolated' Iran Seems To Have Lots Of Friends
Subject: txt owg intl nsec -In announcing the passage of a U.N. Security Council resolution imposing sanctions on Iran, President Obama stressed not once but twice Iran's increasing "isolation" from the world. This claim is not surprising considering that after 16 months of an "extended hand" policy, in response to which Iran actually accelerated its nuclear program — more centrifuges, more enrichment sites, higher enrichment levels — Iranian "isolation" is about the only achievement to which the administration can even plausibly lay claim.
"Isolation" has failed to deflect Iran's nuclear ambitions, but it does enjoy incessant repetition by the administration....
Israel targeted in U.N. nuclear debate
Subject: txt owg israel intl nsec -
[Yup, that should be the focus of the middle eastern nuke threat: Israel.]
[The organization is worse the worthless.]
Taliban Hangs 7-Year-Old Boy in Grisly Warning
Subject: txt islm -As thousands of American troops pour into southern Afghanistan, insurgents have launched a vicious offensive against the Afghans supporting the surge. In the last day a suicide bomber blew himself up inside a wedding hosted by an anti-Taliban tribal leader, and insurgents publicly hanged someone who they labeled a spy for local troops.
The Afghan accused of spying was a 7-year-old boy.
[Our enemy.]
Debt Spreading 'Like a Cancer'
Subject: txt intl mny sclm -
The economic situation today is drastically worse than a couple years ago, and the euro is doomed as a concept, Nassim Taleb, professor and author of the bestselling book ''The Black Swan,'' told CNBC on Thursday. ''We had less debt cumulatively (two years ago), and more people employed.
Today, we have more risk in the system, and a smaller tax base,'' Taleb said. ''Banks balance sheets are just as bad as they were'' two years ago when the crisis began and "the quality of the risks hasn't improved," he added.
[I.e., northing's been fixed.]
Bernanke: ‘Things Will Come Apart’ If Entitlements Are Not Reformed and Spending Controlled
Subject: txt mny econ tax -( – Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke delivered a frank assessment to Congress on the fate of the economy if entitlement programs are not restructured. On Wednesday, Bernanke warned that “things will come apart” if Congress allows the federal entitlement programs and the deficit spending they cause to continue on their current unsustainable path...
Video: Bernanke Says There's 'NOTHING on the Table at this Point' to Tackle Fiscal Crisis
Subject: txt hots mny econ -
While appearing before Congress, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke was asked by newly-elected Rep. Charles Djou (R-Hawaii) whether or not the federal government has a plan to tackle the continuing financial crisis. Check out his answer:
POLL: Plurality Oppose Kagan's Confirmation To Supreme Court
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows 33% think Kagan should be confirmed as a Supreme Court justice. But 41% do not think she should be confirmed, up eight points since President Obama announced her nomination in early May. Another 26% remain undecided.
What Bias? Re: WaPo Devotes 60-Paragraph Front Page Story to Workaholic Kagan, Pays Little Attention to Her Philosophy
Subject: txt lgl -
Borrowing a line from one of her Harvard colleagues, the Washington Post entitled its June 10 front-page profile of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, "Her work is her life is her work."*
But the 60-paragraph story by staff writers Ann Gerhart and Philip Rucker shed barely any light on the judicial philosophy that Kagan's life work demonstrates. Instead, Gerhart and Rucker presented a gauzy profile that rehashed the usual trivia -- Kagan loves poker and the opera -- while painting Kagan as a workaholic who still has time to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on to friends in distress:
She has arrived at the age of 50 in a blaze of accomplishment. But her achievements can obscure how relatively narrow her world has been...
U.S. Moves Toward 'Majority Minority'
Subject: txt bdd vals immig othr -
Whites are on the verge of becoming a minority among newborn children in the U.S., marking a demographic shift that is already reshaping the nation's politics and economy.
The Census reported Thursday that nonwhite minorities accounted for 48.6% of the children born in the U.S. between July 2008 and July 2009, gaining ground from 46.8% two years earlier. The trajectory suggests that minority births will soon eclipse births of whites of European ancestry.
[This isn't counting 'immigration' {of various forms}.]
POLL: 67% Say Military Should Be Used On Border To Stop Illegal Incursions
Subject: txt immig -
A new Rasmussen Reports nationwide telephone survey finds that just 18% are opposed and another 15% are not sure.
A majority of Democrats, Republicans, and unaffiliated voters all support the concept of using the troops to stop illegal immigration.
President Obama recently announced that he is sending troops to the Mexican border, but the stated purpose is to prevent the spread of drug-related violence.
The new survey also finds that just 26% of voters believe the U.S. Department of Justice should challenge the legality of Arizona’s new law in federal court. Fifty-six percent (56%) oppose such a challenge, and 18% more are not sure. Earlier polling found that most Americans trust the Arizona state leaders more than leaders in Washington, DC on the topic of immigration... READ MORE
Were You Fooled By the Biggest Hoax Ever-Global Warming?
Subject: txt grn intl -
Being taken for a fool was never an easy thing to admit and when it came to the biggest, most expensive hoax ever committed on modern man, even the brightest people were taken in, especially if they were of a liberal mindset and actually consider the major media trustworthy...
Scientist booted off oil panel over writing
Subject: txt hots grn engry bdd vals sclm bbro libs -The Energy Department removed a St. Louis scientist from a select group picked by the Obama administration to pursue a solution to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico because of writings on his website about homosexuality and race relations...
[Pay attention America: this is how ideological tyrannies are grown, one step at a time.
Consider: now that our government has a monopoly on college loans, how long will it be before past postings of applicants are checked to ensure none with the 'wrong' ideas get their educations financed by tax payers?]
Oil Spill: Leftist Hollywood Circles Wagons For Obama; Demand Higher Taxes, Fewer Jobs
This is a little off-topic, but whenever I read something conjured by some A-lister over at the HuffPo, I’m always struck by how dull and humorless the writing is. These are big shots, performers, stahs, and most of them write as though they’re submitting some kind of college entrance exam...
Feds backs off plan to take Vt. farm for border port
Score one for David. Goliath decided it just wasn't worth the fight.
The federal government has decided to close a tiny U.S.-Canada border station rather than push ahead with a controversial plan to expand it by seizing a dairy farmer's land, officials announced Thursday. U.S. Customs and Border Protection had sought to renovate the sleepy Morses Line port of entry in Franklin — which gets about 2 1/2 vehicles an hour — by seizing a 2.2-acre parcel from the Rainville family dairy farm, which adjoins the station....
[It can be done, we need do it more often.]
What Bias [ignorance]? Re: GOP Women Win Primaries,
ABC News Thanks ...
Hillary Clinton

All three network morning shows touted the good showing by a bevy of Republican women and Arkansas Democrat Blanche Lincoln in yesterday's primaries. NBC's Today and CBS's Early Show both headlined "Ladies Night," while ABC's Good Morning America's take was "Women Rule."