Friday, July 2, 2010
Star Spangled Bummer
CALIFORNIASunol [CA] - A mural of an American flag three friends painted on a concrete slab on the Sunol Grade after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks was covered by gray paint this week after Caltrans said it was considered graffiti on state-owned land. Caltrans spokesman Allyn Amsk said Wednesday morning's removal had nothing to do with a lack of patriotism and everything to do with policy.
"We don't allow graffiti on state property," ... "No matter what kind of graffiti it is. We don't show favoritism."
[An American flag in America is now favoritism? For and against whom?
Fire everyone involved.]
Kagan Hearings, Day #3: ABC and NBC Skip Nominee's Partial Birth Abortion Advocacy
Subject: txt hots msm - lgl -Wednesday's evening news shows and Thursday's morning programs continued to minimize or leave out important moments of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's confirmation hearings. ABC's Good Morning America, for instance, has offered only 67 seconds of coverage over three days.
Today and The Early Show each provided a single ten second news brief on Thursday.
Kagan the conqueror
Subject: txt hots lgl 2010 reps tea -The Republicans have failed - once again.
The Senate confirmation hearings on Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court have been a farce. Republican senators refused to challenge thoroughly and aggressively Ms. Kagan's transnational, leftist agenda. Instead, they hardly laid a glove on her. This is inexcusable.
Ms. Kagan is one of the most radical nominees to sit on, potentially, the highest court in the land. She is a postmodern academic cultural Marxist. Like Justice Sonia Sotomayor (the "wise Latina"), Ms. Kagan thinks social engineering trumps constitutional self-government...
If the Republicans cannot stand up against such a blatantly unqualified nominee and irresponsible ideologue, it is time conservatives consider abandoning the GOP and creating a third party.
Ms. Kagan's nomination deserves to be filibustered. That Republicans won't means they are unwilling - or unable - to confront the liberal regime. Ms. Kagan is laughing all the way to the top.
[Republican Rinos will be the death of this nation.]
48% See Government Today As A Threat to Individual Rights
Subject: txt lbryt bbro sclm -
Nearly half of American Adults see the government today as a threat to individual rights rather than a protector of those rights. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 48% of Adults see the government today as a threat to rights. Thirty-seven percent (37%) hold the opposite view. Fifteen percent (15%) are undecided.
Additionally, most Americans (52%) say it is more important for the government to protect individual rights than to promote economic growth. Just 31% say promoting economic growth is more important. But again a sizable number (17%) of Adults aren't sure which is more important.
What is the Tea Party? A growing state of mind
The "Tea Party" is less a classic political movement than a frustrated state of mind.A year and a half after the idea of a Tea Party burst into view, three of 10 Americans describe themselves in the USA TODAY/Gallup Poll as Tea Party supporters — equal to the number who call themselves Republicans — though many of them acknowledge they aren't exactly sure what that allegiance means.
Post Reply
Revisionism, rationalization and flat-out lies from the people that brought you the series on 'Obama's Accomplishments.'
The one thing that continues to fluster the left is the lack of figurehead in the Tea Party (which should serve as proof in itself that the TP is organic). They SO want to have John or Jane Q. Public elevated to the status of leader so they can crank up the Character Assassination Machine and turn someone - anyone - into the next David Duke.
[Any movement/'party' with which over a third of the nation self-identifies is going to be diverse, but above all the Tea Party stands for a return to Constitutional fidelity.]
After November
Subject: txt 2010 gdd heroes -
There is something seriously wrong with our government. Some of us may choose to ignore it, others may wish it would go away, but we all, at least on some subconscious level, see it in dozens of ways: persistent high unemployment, government spending through the roof, a health care system made worse by "reform", two thousand miles of southern border left wide open, taxes set to explode next January 1, vote buying at the highest levels of the Administration, terrorist states building nuclear weapons, and an oil leak that has been a Charley-Foxtrot of mismanagement from Day One...on and on...
Behind all of this, down in the pit of our stomachs, is the gnawing feeling that many, even a majority, of those we've sent to Washington have no interest in looking out for the country's best interests.
Electoral victory will not be enough. Victory at the ballot box will need to be based upon -- and followed up by -- a plan for swift, sure action. No pussy footing around. The moment the new Representatives and Senators take the oath of office, they get in gear.
So, what can we, the John and Jane Does out here, do to further help mold Congress into a sharp, focused and effective band of legislators, one that takes seriously its Constitutional duties, one that will put the interests of the nation first?
The answer to that question appeared Monday, June 28th is an essay by Kieran Michael Lalor entitled "Top 10 Reasons GOP Must Rally behind Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran Candidates"
The message of Lalor's essay is very encouraging. Those vets know more than the average citizen how to simplify things down to what they can carry on their backs. They know how to organize. They know how to solve problems. And they know how to face an enemy. These Iraq and Afghanistan veterans potentially offer a mix of resolve and leadership it will take to turn things around in Washington.
Read Lalor's article. After listing 10 good reasons, the author does us the further service of listing seventeen Iraq and Afghanistan vets running as Republicans in various parts of the country. In order for them to help us, we must first help them... [snip]
In November, if the American people elect a new Republican Congress and include a squad of lean and mean military vets, starting in January we stand a good chance of hearing some coconuts knocked together.
[Highly Recommended > ]
Gaza gunmen 'set fire to UN summer camp for children' [again]
Subject: txt israel islm owg -Masked gunmen in the Gaza Strip have set fire to a United Nations-run summer camp for children. This follows a similar attack in May on another UN-run summer camp. Some militants view the UN as a symbol of the West and claim that the summer camps allow boys and girls to mix freely - something that the UN denies. The attackers tied up the guard at the camp in central Gaza before setting fire to chairs, tables, easels and other equipment. The UN says about 25 armed men attacked the beach camp in the middle of Sunday night.
Government Dependency Surges; Addiction To Get Worse
Subject: txt sclm bbro lbrty -Today the conservative Heritage Foundation released its 2010 version of the Index of Dependence on Government. In a word, YIKES! Americans’ dependence on government grew by 13.6% in 2009. That’s the biggest increase since 1976 and the fifth largest going back to 1962, when Heritage began tracking dependence. The index measures federal government programs that can crowd out or constrain private sector or local government alternatives...
Media Defend Obama's Call for More Spending, Despite G-20 'Rift'
Subject: txt 2010 msm bias intl mny econ sclm -
In the wake of a European debt crisis, the recent G-20 meeting in Toronto revealed the intention of many European nations to begin dramatically tightening their fiscal belts.
The world leaders agreed to cut deficits in half by 2013 and "start to stabilize their debt-to-output ratios by 2016," according to Bloomberg Businessweek. That goal conflicted with President Barack Obama's wishes. During the economic summit, he "urged continued spending"
An "American Morning" segment painted a flattering picture of Obama at the G-20 summit by ignoring the "rift" between Obama's push for more stimulus and Europe's desire to slash budgets.
Christine Romans made it sound as if everyone came to an agreement... with Obama...
CNBC's Santelli Warns U.S. 'Could End Up Worse than Japan' Facing a Lost Decade
Subject: txt mny econ -
"The notion that we are turning into Japan has been something talked about on this floor for probably a year and a half," Santelli said. "What changes though, is that it is now a toss up between Japan and Greece and trust me the eventual solutions or recommendations for avoiding the pitfalls of either are completely different strategies. A lot of Japanese say, ‘More Keynesian, more stimulus, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend.' And the other side of the equation says, ‘Well then, you are going turn into Greece.' Where does the truth lie? One thing I can tell you is, is that demographics are a big issue in this story as well. The Japanese have a demographic time bomb similar to the U.S. in terms of underfunded pensions and liabilities."
Holder’s Black Panther Shame
Subject: txt hots crpt lgl -Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Christian Adams, who served in the Voting Section of the U.S. Department of Justice for 5 years. He was previously in private practice and also General Counsel to the South Carolina Secretary of State. He has litigated election cases across the United States on a variety of issues, including voter intimidation and redistricting under the Voting Rights Act. He is a member of both the SC and VA bar.
He talks to us today about his personal experience in witnessing how Attorney General Eric Holder dropped a New Black Panther voter intimidation case for racial reasons...
Civil Rights Division Attorney Talks: Time to Remove Holder from Office
A shocking tale of justice denied by the man who resigned rather than ignore a subpoena from the Civil Rights Commission J. Christian Adams, an attorney with the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division who resigned rather than comply with the Department's ruling that he not respond to the U.S. Civil Rights Division's subpoenas to testify about the dismissal of the voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia, tells all in the Washington Times.
It's time for Attorney General Holder to be removed from the office he is so badly serving. He is undermining justice, not advancing its cause...
New financial regulation bill a farce
Subject: txt hots mny crpt - libs - bdd econ -
The big banks will be able to operate pretty much as before, free to take us into another financial meltdown
The financial reform that is about to be passed is a farce. Like so much in Washington, it is strictly for the tourists. The following article from Sox First provides commentary on the legislation: [snip]
It is another of these 2,000 page monstrosities with God-knows what buried in the detail. Another bill that no one has read or understands. Another bill with special interest provisions tucked in the fine print. Probably another bill, like healthcare, that has internal inconsistencies that will require on-going interpretations and modifications to make it even workable.
An economy cannot prosper when capital is allocated politically. Capital is scarce and must be allowed to flow to the highest and best economic uses. Instead, we will be moving more toward central planning. Washington rather than markets will be allocating more of the available capital. Your standard of living is going to decrease unless you are politically connected. Capital will flow to the Al Gore-type hucksters instead of the Bill Gates-type innovators.
Just another big step on the Road to Ruin.
[Did we really expect the people who caused the problem to 'fix' it?]
A Conservative Kid Tries To Survive In California Schools
Subject: txt edu child pltcs libs bdd cali -
My name is Sam Besserman, I'm eleven years old, I live in Beverly Hills, California, and ever since I can remember I have been subjected to political bias in school
...This past year, however, I seem to have been subjected to the ultimate in ideological bigotry. My social studies and English teacher should win an award. After Scott Brown won the third big election since Obama became president, she told the class, "Right wing Nazis are taking office all over the place." She also told us, "Racist bigots from the south are refusing to shake Barack Obama's hand." She lectured us about Mao Tse-Tung and failed to mention that he killed 70 million people. She also told us that Russia was better off under communism and that under communism people could rely on each other. To her, the only problem with communism is that it hasn't been done right yet.
In an effort to stop her politicization of the classroom, I circulated a petition and, incredibly, thirty-two kids signed it although nine kids eventually crossed their names out in fear of retribution. As it happened, those kids were right, because right after I met with the principal to discuss the situation, he spoke with our teacher and she then told us that those who signed the petition would have their grades affected. She also caught me taking notes in class -- something she said I shouldn't do -- and lied about what I had written, telling the class I wrote that she had Alzheimer's and was running around the room bleating like a sheep. Although I wrote no such thing, she said I was being disruptive to the class.
Meanwhile, my science teacher taught us -- for the umpteenth time -- that man was responsible for global warming which encouraged a number of students to taunt me by shouting, "Global warming is real!"...
... After all these years you'd think I'd have given up. My country is undermining itself in its schools. It's teaching boys that they can't even compete with girls. It's teaching those of us who have pride in our country that it is misplaced....
[Recommended > ]
Sam Besserman on the air
Eleven year old Sam Besserman, whose AT article about the problems facing a conservative kid in liberal schools drew widespread attention, will be interviewed at 2 PM PDT on the Dori Munson Show on Seattle's KIRO radio. An internet feed is available here. Podcasts can later be downloaded here.
Some commenters suggested that Sam's article could not have been written by an 11 year old.
They are invited to hear this young man...