Wednesday, October 7, 2009
CNN Fact Checks Last Saturday's SNL Obama-Razzing Skit
Subject: txt 1st fnn sclm bbro bdd vals sclm libs -
Can one even imagine CNN fact checking any of the skits SNL on President Bush or Sarah Palin?? Heaven forbid SNL finally make fun of President Obama. CNN couldn't help themselves.
They actually fact checked - the jokes.
The transcript of CNN’s “fact-checking” report, which aired 28 minutes into the 6 pm Eastern hour of Monday's Situation Room:
WOLF BLITZER: It seems no politician is safe from Saturday Night Live. While many people think SNL has mostly spared President Obama, what they’re doing now is not necessarily all that kind. They essentially cast the leader of the free world as a do-nothing president, at least so far. Even though SNL deals in comedy, what they said about the President rings true for a lot of you, apparently. So, did the show accurately capture a mood, or did it go off track for comedic effect?
Let’s bring in CNN's Kareen Wynter. She’s checking the facts for us...
[Still think this cult of personalty harmless? We've major news organizations fact-checking Saturday-Night-Live...]
Subject: txt 1st hcare -
Last week, Washington D.C. District Judge Rosemary Collyer handed a victory to three plaintiffs seeking that right. President Obama's Department of Health and Human Services had sought to dismiss the suit challenging so-called POMS rules that say seniors who withdraw from Medicare Part A must also 'surrender' their Social Security benefits (Part A covers hospital and outpatient services). The judge ruled the plaintiffs have standing to contest their claim on the merits.
The Obama Administration argued that the case should be dismissed because the plaintiffs had not exhausted the available administrative remedies for challenging POMS.
Judge Collyer rejected that notion, noting that one plaintiff had sought an administrative hearing but "received no response from the SSA for approximately three years."
Keep in mind that the plaintiffs are merely asking for the freedom to spend their own money for their own health insurance. With Medicare careening toward bankruptcy, letting seniors opt out could help save the taxpayers money.
The plaintiffs argue that they have paid a lifetime of taxes into Social Security and shouldn't have those benefits denied merely because they are willing to pay for their own medical care.
This is a case where federal bureaucrats are using their power to force Medicare on seniors. Let's hope the courts restore a genuine right to choose.
[Let's call it what it is: blackmail. It's not about 'care' or 'security' of any kind, it's about government power.]
Who needs death panels?
Subject: txt 1st hcare -
The WSJ today succinctly illustrates the morass of government healthcare in a Review & Outlook column titled The War On Specialists. In an effort to both reduce costs and increase the number of General Practitioners, the Administration is making some changes to Medicare.
"The 2010 rules, which will be finalized next month, visit an 11% overall cut on cardiology and 19% on radiation oncology. They're targets only because of cost: Two-thirds of morbidity or mortality among Medicare patients owes to cancer or heart disease."
Think about that concept for a minute. What chronic diseases do you think affect Medicare recipients the most? Why would one de-fund the very specialties that are needed the most by recipients?
The reason for these cuts offered by Administration is "cost savings" but one could reasonably ask if Alan Grayson's attack wasn't directed at the wrong party.
There is no free lunch, no matter what the politicians say. Albeit imperfect, our current system is vastly superior to a single payer system because quality care is still rewarded and the medical consumer has a choice.
The citizens of this country wouldn't accept a one party political system, why would they consider the equivalent for their healthcare? A single payer system is tyranny with a fancy name.
The Conservative Case for Reform
Subject: txt 1st hcare -
A majority of so-called Republican strategists believe that health care is a Democratic issue. They are wrong; health care is an American issue, and the Republican Party has an opportunity to demonstrate that conservative principles work when applied to real-world problems.
But memo to Washington: The debate on health care has moved on. Democratic plans for a government takeover are passé.
Washington is the only place in the country that doesn't realize that this...
Subject: txt 1st hcare crpt - -
In 2003, Florida passed lawsuit abuse reforms to tackle the issue of excessive litigation. The new law required attorneys in most workers' comp cases to base their fees on the value of benefits they secured for their clients -- measured by the amount ultimately awarded to the claimant above the initial offer by the employer or insurer to settle the claim. As a result:
- The workers' compensation rates and costs declined 60.5 percent, at a time when costs increased in the neighboring Gulf States.
- This gave employers and insurers an incentive to make their best settlement offers at the start.
- It discouraged attorneys from representing claimants when it was unlikely their work would add significantly to the final award.
As a result of the changes, over the 2003 to 2008 period, the rate of increase in medical costs in Florida's workers' comp system was about a third less than in other neighboring states:
- By 2009, Florida workers' comp rates were among the lowest in the country for similar occupations.
- The time required to resolve claims fell significantly, whether or not attorneys were involved.
- This reduced overall costs and it also reduced the average time before workers returned to gainful employment.
Florida's experience shows the ability of lawsuit abuse reform to reduce litigation costs without harm to the injured. Applied nationwide, such reforms would save billions of dollars off the nation's health care bills while improving the quality of patient care through faster action.
[Yet none of the health 'care' proposals currently being considered by congress address the issue at all...]
image toon - 1st hcare bbro legal - Oby = stop lawsuit bleading by removing victims wallet
White Coats in the Rose Garden
Subject: txt 1st hcare crpt - ,
As noted before, the group that supplied many of the doctors for the Rose Garden event, Doctors for America, is a nonprofit organization that grew out of Doctors for Obama, which worked to help elect the president. But it also appears to be working closely with Organizing for America, Mr. Obama’s political organization.
Rx for Bias: Networks' Top Docs Are Heavy Dem Donors
Subject: txt hcare msm bias bdd -
The Media Research Center (MRC) has revealed that ABC News is not the only network guilty of giving Democratic-donating medical doctors a microphone to "report" on President Barack Obama's government health care proposal.
CBS and NBC medical physician correspondents have also chipped in their own cash to Democratic - but never Republican - candidates.
"ABC, CBS and NBC have no excuse for the applause these doctors have given to promote the largest expansion of government-run healthcare our country has ever seen,"
MRC President Brent Bozell said in a statement.
"There's nothing benign about giving a megaphone to doctors who have a financial stake in the success of liberals' most aggressive platform in decades,"
A search of showed that:
- Prior to joining CBS, Dr. Jon LaPook gave $4,000 to Democratic presidential candidates Al Gore, John Kerry and Wesley Clark, plus a hefty $20,000 donation to the DNC.
- NBC's Nancy Snyderman gave two contributions totaling $800 to Democratic congressional candidates when she worked at the health care giant Johnson & Johnson. This was after her stint at ABC News and before joining NBC.
- ABC's Dr. David Besser gave a $400 donation to Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, a contribution made before ABC hired him and announced he would begin reporting this September.
The full analysis is available at
[ALSO] Visit to access the comprehensive report “Uncritical Care” that shows 70% of network coverage has promoted the ObamaCare health takeover.
Doctors' boos show Obama's tough road
Subject: txt hcare - Analysis:
WASHINGTON – Barack Obama isn't used to hearing boos.
For all the young president's popularity, the response he got Monday from doctors at an American Medical Association meeting was a sign his road is only going to get rockier as he tries to sell his plan to overhaul the nation's health care system.
The boos erupted when Obama told the doctors in Chicago he wouldn't try to help them win their top legislative priority — limits on jury damages in medical malpractice cases.
But what could they expect? If Obama announced support for malpractice limits, that would set trial lawyers and unions — who own the Democratic party — on the attack...
[Liability insurance is the single largest cost to doctors trying to practice - anywhere from hundreds of thousands to multiple millions of dollars - per year - just to cover the no-limit law suits they're inundated with. Until we fix that, we can forget about ever reducing health care costs.]
How Will Doctors Handle Uncle Sam Health Care?
Subject: txt hcare -
We can criticize socialized health care, citing statistics and chronicling the historical record of runaway costs and deterioration of quality. But you have to deal directly with Medicare and Medicaid (or perhaps be a former Soviet citizen) to really appreciate the Twilight Zone nature of government-run programs.
Among federal Medicare regulations -- which are over 130,000 pages long -- there is more than ample room for confusion and some [gallows] humor. After a long search for traction weights (those five pound blocks of metal used to pull fractures out to length) I found them propping open doors to patient rooms in the ER.
It is a punishable offense under Medicare regs if the hospital is caught propping open these doors because they are fire doors.
In 30 years, I have never seen nor heard of a significant hospital fire. However, patients suffer every day by being inadequately monitored. Keeping these “fire” doors closed means the nurse sitting at her desk outside the rooms cannot visually monitor the patients. But, to comply with regulations, all those little rubber doorstops were thrown out.
Fortunately, given a choice between poor patient care and ignoring a government mandate, most nurses care more about the patient than about the wishes of a bureaucrat in Washington. Ergo, the nurses commandeered the orthopaedic traction weights. In case of a pop inspection, traction weights at least provide plausible deniability... [snip]
These are not isolated incidents, but emblematic of a daily clinic in Medicare Absurdistan.
A psychiatrist once told me that we need three things to remain sane -- the ability to deflect criticism, the ability to laugh at oneself, and the ability to accept the absurd.
Until it kills us, government run medicine should provide no end of practice...
[We've been warned.]
Lose Afghanistan, Lose Pakistan, Lose Iran, Lose It All
The gangster regimes of the world are on the march, and they've got our number.
They know how to squeeze more civilized nations. Our weakness is cowardice, and that goes double or triple in the face of nuclear weapons. That's why all the rogues are trying to get nukes as fast as they can. They know it's the perfect blackmail weapon, and it makes them invulnerable to attack.
That is also why President Obama's public rejection of General McChrystal's advice on Afghanistan affects your personal safety and mine. Gen. McChrystal wants more troops. Obama doesn't want to send them because he needs the money to promote his socialist take-over of America.
You can't have both. Look at Europe, where the military have become pathetic social welfare programs. All the air is sucked out by bigger and bigger victim programs.
Obama must be realizing by now that the chance of a major war in the Gulf next year is rising to 100 percent: If Israel attacks Tehran, the Iranians will try to retaliate, either by a missile strike or by local attacks using Hezbollah and Hamas.
If Israel does not attack Tehran, the Iranians will still attack Tel Aviv, because it is the key plank in their ideological doctrine, the one they have been chanting about for thirty years. For Israel it's just in the difference in the timing of an inevitable war.
But it is far, far better to do that before the Iranians get actual nukes.
As soon as rogue nations get their nukes we are in completely unknown territory. Nothing in the US-Soviet balance of power over the last sixty years is guaranteed to work anymore. The nuclear balance will not have two sides, but half a dozen.
Tehran preaches suicide warfare, the first regime to do so since Tojo's Japan sixty years ago. Pakistan does not, but if Pakistan is taken over by the Taliban, you can't trust that any more. India certainly will not trust Islamic radicals with nuclear weapons next door.
So everything depends upon vigorous American action.
Israel is bound and determined to defend herself. If the United States fails to back an Israeli attack on Tehran they will do it anyway. The US will then be caught in the middle, along with Saudi Arabia and all the rest.
There is no substitute for successful preemption. Bush and Cheney tried to point out those harsh realities, but they were shut out by our fantasy-driven media. The Left chose to close its eyes and ears to the plain facts.
Now Obama is in charge.
We're waiting for the answer. So are the gangster regimes.
[More, Highly Recommended > ]
'We must do what it takes' in Afghanistan
Subject: txt gwot nsec - gdd - palin -
Sarah Palin hardened her stance as an Afghanistan hawk this afternoon, calling on Obama to "devote the resources necessary in Afghanistan."
"Now is not the time for cold feet, second thoughts, or indecision -- it is the time to act as commander-in-chief and approve the troops so clearly needed in Afghanistan,"
Palin's words underscore her recent signature on a Foreign Policy Initiative letter backing military calls for more troops in Afghanistan, position her clearly on the victory side of a policy debate now playing out inside the White House, and set up a line of attack on Obama if he steers a middle course or moves to withdraw troops.
Her statement:
image toon = gwot = Drones over Afghanistan -
A virus called ‘Shariah’
Subject: txt islm - gwot -
A Denver airport shuttle driver from Afghanistan who plotted to blow up subway trains in New York City. A Jordanian who tried to destroy one of Dallas' tallest skyscrapers. An American who thought he was detonating a truck bomb aimed at a federal courthouse in Springfield, Illinois.
Law enforcement authorities who successfully stymied these alleged attacks have been at pains to emphasize that there are no connections between the three.
Of course there are.
Maybe it will prove to be the case that the three men at the heart of these interrupted plots - Najibullah Zazi, Hosam Maher Husein Smadi and Michael Finton (also known as Talib Islam) - had no connection in a tactical or operational sense.
Still, it is absurd, and extremely dangerous, to insist that they are not connected in at least one way: What apparently animated all three of these suspects (and perhaps a number of others believed to have been involved in the New York plot who are still at large) is the seditious, supremacist theo-political-legal program authoritative Islam calls "Shariah." ... [snip]
What happens as tolerant democratic societies try to accommodate themselves to the stealthy form of jihad, backed by the persistent threat of the violent form - if not its actual occurrence, can be seen in much of Western Europe. For example, France now has 751 zones urbaines sensibles - Muslim-only areas that amount to "no-go" zones for French authorities. In these zones, Shariah rules instead of the laws of the host government, at the expense most notably of women's rights, due process and public order (especially for Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims). [snip]
The failure by U.S. and other governments' officials to recognize the connection between Shariah and jihad (of either the violent or stealthy kind) is like refusing to acknowledge that there is a common virus causing an outbreak of swine flu. How could the medical community hope to identify appropriate prophylactic measures (for instance: Keep kids in school or shut the schools down? Take antibiotics or not?) if it were not permitted to understand the nature of the virus. There would certainly be little chance of developing effective vaccines under those circumstances.
Our natural allies in taking such a stance against Shariah are the many millions of Muslims around the world whose practice of their faith does not involve adherence to this medieval, barbaric and totalitarian program. Indeed, most Muslim immigrants in America came here to get away from Shariah in their native lands. Only by differentiating such Muslims from the carriers of this lethal virus can we hope to inoculate them against the spread of the disease - and enlist their help in protecting the rest of us...
Former Muslims Address Islam on Capitol Hill
Subject: txt islm -
The Muslim call to prayer was heard on Capitol Hill Friday, Sept. 25 at the “Day of Islamic Unity” in Washington, D.C., but the day before, former Muslims announced that they do not feel safe announcing they have left the faith, even in the United States.
According to Nonie Darwish, author of “Now They Call Me Infidel” and one of the founding members of new organization Former Muslims United, there are thousands of apostate Muslims “in hiding” across the U.S. Darwish also said that the number of Muslims leaving Islam is increasing because there is a new generation of Muslim Americans “who are revolting against their parents’ radical Islamist views.”
Darwish’s appearance came the day before the “Islam on Capitol Hill” event which – though touted as expecting a crowd of 50,000 or more – was only attended by about 3,000. Darwish said that the launch of Former Muslims United was not planned to coincide with the event. “They have the right to gather and express their views, and we have the right to gather and express our views,” she said.
Darwish called it “a little outrageous” for Muslims to claim victim-hood. “I lived as a Muslim in America for a very long time and I was never afraid; I don’t know what [Abdellah] is talking about,” Darwish told HUMAN EVENTS on Tuesday. “Nobody discriminates against Muslims. They are free to build mosques as much as they want, they are walking on the streets and nobody bothers them. … I don’t see anybody that’s running away from America and going back home. They have more rights in America to practice Islam than many other countries.”
“This is a national threat, but it affects us personally. People like me, and others, who left the Middle East, came to America, running away from the oppression of Sharia, only to find people calling it a religious right in America,” she told HUMAN EVENTS. She suggested that adding a statement specifically about Sharia law to the immigration application would be a good place to start addressing the problem. Even something as simple as declaring “if you believe in Sharia Islamic law, please state if you want to live under it” would help, she said.
POLL: 48% Say American Muslims Should Speak Out Against Terrorist Attacks
Subject: txt islm -
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 27% do not think American Muslims have that responsibility. Twenty-six percent (26%) of adults are not sure.
[I.e., the incompetent and insane outnumber the sane. Marvelous.]
Europe’s plot to take over the world
Subject: txt intl owg -
The realisation that the G20 is Europe’s Trojan horse struck me at the G20’s last summit in Pittsburgh a couple of weeks ago. The surroundings and atmosphere were strangely familiar. And then I understood; I was back in Brussels, and this was just a global version of a European Union summit.
The Europeans did not just set the tone at the G20 – they also dominate proceedings, since they are grossly over-represented.
While huge countries such as Brazil, China, India and the US are represented by one leader each, the Europeans managed to secure eight slots around the conference table for Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, the president of the European Commission and the president of the European Council.
Most of the key international civil servants present were also Europeans: Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the International Monetary Fund; Pascal Lamy of the World Trade Organisation; Mario Draghi of the Financial Stability Board... [snip]
And it was at the same G20 'summit' in Pittsburgh that any claims of paranoria were clearly countered, with Europe's IMF successfully acquiring new powers to 'monitor' national economic policies around the world...
Surrendering U.S. Sovereignty at G-20 Summit
We are to subject our most basic national economic policies to the review of a group of nations that includes autocratic Russia, China and Saudi Arabia. Even though our gross domestic product is three times bigger than the second-largest economy (Japan) and equal to that of 13 of the G-20 nations combined, we are to sit politely by with our one vote and submit to the global consensus....
Thus, the world's most successful economy, ours — which is the only one that has produced reliable economic growth for three decades and has lifted real personal incomes almost every year — is going to subject itself to the burden of justifying its own economic policies in front of a global community of 20 nations, some of which do not even embrace free-market economies in the first place...
Administration Defiantly Defends Another Radical Appointee
Subject: txt lbrty sclm bbro bdd - edu -
I continue to be amazed at the naiveté of people who keep giving President Barack Obama the benefit of the doubt concerning his radical appointments, saying his administration isn't doing its job in vetting the appointees.
When will they wake up to the reality that Obama is deliberately picking people, such as Kevin Jennings, who share his radical values?
"Had they vetted Obama, they would have realized that he is Van Jones.''
Subject: txt sclm bbro mny -
Most people think they pay too much to Uncle Sam, but for some people it simply is not true, says
In 2009, roughly 47 percent of households, or 71 million, will not owe any federal income tax, according to estimates by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.
And the ranks of those whose major federal tax burdens net out at zero -- or less [get money back vis-a-vis the 'earned income tax credti' on taxes they never paid] -- is on the rise... [snip]
A key reason why there is a zero-liability group at all is because the U.S. tax system is progressive. Those who bring in more money pay more than those lower down the income scale to support government functions. President Obama thinks the tax system is not progressive enough:
- He has proposed increasing the income tax burden on families making more than $250,000 and individuals making more than $200,000, while offering new measures to reduce the tax bite for most Americans making less.
- One of Obama's proposals is to extend the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts for everyone except high-income tax filers, which was the group that derived the most benefit from those cuts.
- As a result, under Obama's budget, he would expand the ranks of the non-payers even higher than they already are.
Experts say that to pay for all the things on the country's growing tab, the money can't just come from a shrunken pool of taxpayers...
[But class warfare gets people elected and subsequent government dependency keeps 'em elected - look at FDR's electoral 'success' while the country was imploding...]
Only WSJ Looks at Minimum-Wage as cause of Record Teen Unemployment
Subject: txt mny msm -Based on the data, the current job situation for teenagers in America is the worst on record.
According to Uncle Sam's Bureau of Labor Statistics:
- Seasonally adjusted teenage unemployment hit 25.9%. That is the highest rate in the nearly 62 years BLS has been reporting this number. The previous record was last month's 25.5%. The record before that was 24.1% in November and December of 1982. A graphic of the complete history of the teenage unemployment rate that will open in a new window is here.
- Unemployment among black teens not enrolled in school is over 50%.
- The rate among 20-24 year-olds is also alarmingly high at 15.1%.
Almost alone among establishment media publications -- and even then in an editorial, not a regular news report -- the Wall Street Journal commented on this distressing set of circumstances, identified the most likely cause of the problem, and worried about its longer-term consequences:
image toon - mny - Oby's HOPE punctured by unemployment
The New Scientist?
Subject: txt grn -
I enjoy my subscription to The New Scientist in large part for seeing to what lengths they are willing to go to support global warming orthodoxy. Just last week we read the following:
Global population growth has slowed significantly, but it hasn't stopped. By 2050 there may be about 35 per cent more people on Earth than there are today. We are already seeing increasing shortages of food, water and other resources and growing numbers of hungry people.... Nowadays it is understood [?] that the key population-related issue is the destructive pressure human activity is exerting on our life-support systems, posing a growing threat to the sustainability of civilisation... Yet many people still assume that humanity will easily manage to support more than 9 billion people in 2050 and beyond. Such confidence ignores some grim possibilities...
The really surprising thing about this tirade is the name of the authors: Paul and Anne Ehrlich... you know, the guy who wrote The Population Bomb in 1968, which begins:
The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s the world will undergo famines -- hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death...
and goes on to state
... nothing can be done to avoid mass famine greater than any in history, and radical action is needed to limit the overpopulation.
a prediction that, in the event, fell rather wide of the mark. Who would believe that he's still at it? He sorta reminds me of Monty Python's Black Knight...I'll never give up!
Anyway, the article that inspired me to respond with this essay is a review by Michael Brooks, also in this week's issue, of Don't Be Such a Scientist by Randy Olson. Mr. Brooks makes the following astounding statements:
If you want to get a message across to the public, don't obsess about facts. Just look at Al Gore's climate change documentary An Inconvenient Truth, Olson says. The film contained more than a few factual errors, but it also had a profound influence on the world's attitude to climate change. Perhaps compromising on accuracy is a necessary evil. With climate change, perhaps the end justifies the means... given Gore's success and the prevalence of scientific illiteracy, it remains an interesting path to consider.
Let me get this straight: It's OK to lie.
[Let's not forget profitable - to the tune of over 25 billion in US (alone) 'study grants' to support (only!) AWG theory since 1990...]
The Law of Doomsaying
An expert Ehrlich consulted in picking the five was John Holdren, who today is President Obama's science adviser...The Real Population Bomb
[Recommended > for the multiple specifics re: the chronic wrongness to these folks' records - yet chronically ignored by the MSM]
Given how Ehrlich’s predictions turned out, you might think that he vanished into the dustbin of Chicken Little history or at least revised his ideas, right?
How Our Politicized Tax Code Rewards the Inefficient
Subject: txt engry CALI - Politicized
For wind farms, the current code allows the write-offs over 3.5 years, a real boon for investors in wind mill projects. In fact, many such projects depend on this tax advantage to secure financing, especially since the right to take these deductions can be allocated with some freedom amongst the project's investors and the developers.
Alas, for nuclear power plants, the tax picture is not so rosy. They have to take their write-offs over 20.5 years, a significant disadvantage over a comparable investment in a wind project. Taking a hypothetical $5 billion in generation investment in each technology, here's a chart showing when those deductions could be taken and for how much:
From this chart, it is easy to see that the investors in a wind project get to write-off a LOT more money a LOT sooner than the investors in a nuclear plant. This is greatly to the advantage of the wind developers. At a 35% corporate tax rate, the difference in Year 2 alone is over $650 million in bottom line after-tax profits to the wind investors - that's cash money that can cut dividend checks.
Maybe now you can see why T. Boone Pickens is pushing wind farms.
Let's take the figures from Department of Energy's Energy Information Agency for capital costs and productive experience ("capacity factor") to see exactly what this means in terms of electrical production.
So that $5 billion will produce over TWICE the annual electrical output for American consumers if invested in nuclear power plants than if in wind farms.
One has to ask, do these provisions in the tax code really serve Americans' interests or are they written with someone else in mind?
So, in comparing the tax treatment of wind against that of nuclear power, one could get the idea that Congress is rewarding the inefficient while hobbling the productive.
I'd call that perversion and poor public policy.
[Only for us consumers - everyone else makes out like bandits. Again: nothing to do with the environment or energy 'independence'.
The California legislature, to prove its green bona fides, recently passed a law to make California electric consumers buy 33% of their electricity from 'renewables'.
image toon - cali grn engry = CA child instructer = hard left off of cliff re CAFE standards
The $5 million ACORN embezzlement figure is not new — and the NYT knows it
Subject: txt msm bias crpt acorn -
The New Orleans Times-Picayune reports tonight that the ACORN/Rathke embezzlement sum was $5 million, not the widely cited $1 million figure admitted publicly to date by the left-wing racketeering group.
But guess what? The figure is not new — and it is not news to the whitewashers at the New York Times.Former ACORN/Project Vote worker Anita MonCrief — the independent whistleblower who worked closely with NYTimes reporter Stephanie Strom on exposing ACORN financial shenanigans last year before Times editors “cut bait” just weeks before Election Day — informed Strom that the true figure was $5 million.
MonCrief also reported the $5 million figure to Warner Todd Huston in April 2009.
Hey, New York Times conservative media monitor: Why don’t you ask Strom about this? Why don’t you ask MonCrief?
Feinstein tries to hide her ACORN votes
[HT:RMH]Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) was one of 11 Democrats who voted against an amendment to prohibit ACORN funding in the 2010 Interior Appropriations bill (you can see the roll call vote here). But now Feinstein is working overtime to convince her constituents that she never cast such a vote.
Click here to read the letter she is sending out to her constituents, which omits her Sept. 17 vote. Even worse, the letter says she had no role in allowing stimulus money to go to ACORN even though she voted against an amendment that would have prevented stimulus funds from going to the criminal enterprise.
National "Read the Bill" Petition
[HT:RMH {two in one day}]
The town hall meetings in August uncovered a nasty little secret in Washington: Members of Congress don't actually read their bills!!
Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) is preparing legislation that will require bills to be scored by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and posted online at least 72 hours before they can be considered by the Senate or any Senate committee. This will leave Members of Congress with no excuse for failing to read their bills and it will give the public time to express their views before legislation is passed.
If you're tired of politicians sticking you with the consequences of bills they haven't read, sign our
Bill Ayers claims he wrote Obama's "Dreams From My Father"
Seems a blogger walked up to him in the airport and asked.
Maybe the Times should have thought of that.