Friday, September 25, 2009
UN security council passes resolution on nuclear disarmament
.New York - Barack Obama today hailed a UN security council resolution on disarmament and non-proliferation as a milestone along the way to
"a world without nuclear weapons".
[How is anyone supposed to take that organization seriously after such childish delusion?
And by the way, it's a 'non binding' resolution that China has never even suggested it would comply with.]
image toon - owg nsec - NKorean and UN resolutions space junk
UN marks World Peace Day in the face of changing global conflicts
September 21 is United Nations International Peace Day. It is the one day that all weapons around the world should fall silent.
But what has happened since the previous Peace Day? Has the world become more peaceful?The report from the Heidelberg institute shows that there was an increase in what it describes as ''high'' conflict'' - their euphemism for war...
[The organization is a global embarrassment - it needs be dismantled and reconstituted with Leading Democracies]
Netanyahu Blasts Ahmadinejad at U.N.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a blistering attack on the floor of the United Nations Thursday on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, saying
the hearing granted the Iranian president the night before amounted to a
Mr. Netanyahu dramatically held up copies of minutes of the meeting of Nazi officials in 1942 where plans were made for the extermination of the Jews, as well as constructions plans of Nazi concentration camps.
"Are these protocols lies?" he asked, waving them in his hand. "Are the successive German governments that have kept these documents for posterity all liars?"
He opened his remarks by saying that the greatest threat to the U.N. effort to prevent a repetition of the carnage of the World War II is the
"assault on truth."
Mr. Netanyahu also denounced a U.N. report accusing Israel of war crimes in its winter war against Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. He said the report turned the victims into the aggressors and encouraged terrorism.
He concluded by quoting Winston Churchill, and his warnings about mounting threats in the run-up to World War II.
"The question facing the international community is whether it is prepared to confront these forces or just accommodate them,"

Meanwhile, Palestinian 'President' Mahmoud Abbas rebuffed an appeal by President Barack Obama that both sides get back to the table promptly, saying that for now "there is no common ground" with Mr. Netanyahu...
image toon - 1st owg gwot = UN empties prior to Imanidiot speech
Exiled Iranians name sites of alleged nuclear bomb research
Iran is currently conducting research and development on nuclear weapons, an exiled opposition group claimed Friday in Paris - identifying two locations near Tehran where such work is allegedly taking place.
''This site and centre are the locations for research and production of the explosion system of an atomic bomb, which is one of the most important aspects of the mullahs' nuclear weapons project,''
China unmoved on Iran sanctions
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu called on all sides to "redouble diplomatic efforts" to persuade Iran to end its nuclear programme.
Her remarks came after Russia indicated it could soften its longstanding opposition to further sanctions.
Iran's nuclear ambitions are set to lead Thursday's nuclear proliferation debate at the UN General Assembly as many Western states believe it is seeking to develop nuclear weapons.
Speaking in Beijing, Ms Jiang said:
"We believe that sanctions and exerting pressure are not the way to solve problems and are not conducive for the current diplomatic efforts on the Iran nuclear issue."
UK Telegraph 050814:
Iran's lead foreign policy diplomat to the IAEA Hosein Musavian boasts in an interview on Iranian TV that Teheran took advantage of nine months of "talk" with the UE 3 to finish work at its Isfahan enrichment facility:
"Thanks to negotiations with Europe we gained another nine months in which to complete the project in Isfahan."
Mr. Musavian also claimed that work onnuclear centerfuges at a plant in Natanz, which was kept secret until Iran's exiled opposition revealed its existance in 2002, progressed during talks with the EU.
"We needed six to twelve months to complete work on the centrifuges, the IAEA gave us a 50 day extension to suspend enrichment - by using it to geginn talks with the EU 3 [Britan, France & Russia] which gained us another year to complete the project"
[Yeah, more talks should do it.]
image toon - gwot nsec owg china = Oby juggles NKorea's Kim alone
Hillary Salutes the Saudi King
Amid all the coverage of President Obama’s address to the United Nations, we should also note the obsequious “salute” that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave yesterday to Saudi King Abdullah.
Using the occasion of Saudi Arabia’s national day, Clinton heaped unqualified and unrelenting praise on the monarch for, among other things, enhancing our security, showing friendship to other religions, helping liberate women, reforming education, and supporting peace with Israel...
[Supporting the Palestinian demand for 'right of return', a transparent ploy to import terrorists into Israel. Yeah, 'thanks' for help...]
Former CIA Chiefs Seek Halt to Interrogation Probe
WASHINGTON — Seven former CIA directors are asking President Barack Obama to reverse Attorney General Eric Holder's investigation into CIA interrogations of terror suspects during the Bush administration.
The request came in a letter Friday from every CIA director serving back to Carter.
Holder announced in August that he was appointing an independent counsel to investigate incidents of potential abuse that were reported by the CIA inspector general to the Justice Department.
Obama rebuffs call to nix interrogation probe
In his first public comments on Attorney General Eric Holder’s decision to launch an inquiry into Bush-era interrogations of terror suspects,
President Barack Obama said he won’t interfere with the Justice Department’s efforts to enforce the law, and trusts career prosecutors to be judicious...
[IF that were true he'd stop Holder's ruse immediately - as he's not investigating anything new, but reviewing what was done under a previous administration.
I guess Obama's career professionals are inherently better than their predecessor's.]
It looks like Lyndon Baines Obama is about to repeat the mistakes of his Democrat predecessor.
Barack Obama and the Democrats spent years defaming the national security policy of the United States during a time of war. This opposition transcends criticism of policy or attacks on President Bush. Senator Reid, while our troops were in the field, pronounced the Iraq War lost. Other Democrat senators equating the conduct of our soldiers with Nazis or with rogue forces that bombed villages. "Bush lied, People died" bumper stickers popped up like ugly pimples on the back of countless vehicles in America. Our current Secretary of State essentially called General Petraeus a liar, without the slightest evidence.... [snip]
If our goal is to win in Afghanistan, then we should win.
Obama should whip Democrats into support or silence. He should reach across the aisle to Republicans. He ought to apologize, even if indirectly, for demonizing President Bush and his war on terror. If he is going to keep American troops in Afghanistan, those brave men and women deserve a commander-in-chief who is willing himself to make [political] sacrifices for them.
He should do what the military leaders in the region feel is necessary. He should explain to the American people our mission and our goals. He should speak of Afghanistan as part of "our common and united war on global terrorism." He should publicly insist our NATO allies to keep their forces in Afghanistan for practical and psychological reasons.
But Obama shows no inclination to do either of those things.
Obama will not withdraw from Afghanistan, but he will not really try to win. Like four decades ago, Americans serving their nation will be led by a leader who will not lead. Like four decades ago, our brave countrymen will be killed and maimed for no purpose greater than the political cynicism of a corrupt politician.
Obama will have his Vietistan and those who risk their lives for us will pay the price...
[Recommended > ]
The rules murdering our troops
When enemy action kills our troops, it's unfortu nate. When our own moral fecklessness murders those in uniform, it's unforgivable.In Afghanistan, our leaders are complicit in the death of each soldier, Marine or Navy corpsman who falls because politically correct rules of engagement shield our enemies.
Mission-focused, but morally oblivious, Gen. Stan McChrystal conformed to the Obama Way of War by imposing rules of engagement that could have been concocted by Code Pink:
- * Unless our troops in combat are absolutely certain that no civilians are present, they're denied artillery or air support.
- * If any civilians appear where we meet the Taliban, our troops are to "break contact" -- to retreat.
And what has our concern for the lives of Taliban sympathizers accomplished? The Taliban now make damned sure that civilians are present whenever they conduct an ambush or operation..
So they attack -- and we quit the fight, lugging our dead and wounded back to base... [snip]
We've been through this b.s. before. In Iraq, we wanted to show respect to our enemies, so the generals announced early on that we wouldn't enter mosques. The result? Hundreds of mosques became terrorist safe houses, bomb factories and weapons caches.
Why is this so hard to figure out? We tell our enemies we won't attack X. So they exploit X. Who wouldn't?
It isn't just that war is hell. It's that war must be hell, otherwise why would the enemy ever quit?
As a real general put it a century ago, "The purpose of an Army is to fight." And the purpose of going to war is to win (that dirty word). It's not to sacrifice our own troops to make sad-sack do-gooders back home feel good
We need to recognize that true morality lies in backing our troops, not in letting them die for whacko theories.
The next time you read about the death of a soldier or Marine in Afghanistan, don't just blame the Taliban. Blame the generals and politicians who sent them to war, then took away their weapons.
Meanwhile, our troops die because our leaders are moral cowards...
[Then ...

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image toon - gwot nsec - War rules = US soldier deaths