I have to say it: the "small-government conservatives" deserve this one. For years, I have railed against the ineffectual advocates of "small government" who direct all of their anger toward "earmarks"—which in total constitute less than one tenth of one percent of the federal budget.
Earmarks are small government;
it's the rest of the budget that's big.
Well, Barack Obama has the perfect answer to them. He has proposed a colossal $775 billion public-works bill—but he has declared that he wants to ban earmarks and find "efficiencies" in how the money is spent. Oh, and he also wants to make the spending "transparent," so we can go on the Internet and track to the last penny exactly how our money is being wasted.
But the part of this story that ought to make you really scared is Obama's pledge to create an
"economic recovery oversight board." According to the article below, "Obama's proposed Economic Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board is to include members the administration deems relevant to helping the country rebound from the year-old recession."
In effect, this is a new central planning board for the American economy—
a revival of the oldest, most discredited ideas of the Left...