Monday, June 7, 2010
Helen Thomas: Jews Should Go Back to 'Germany' or 'Poland' and 'Get the Hell Out of Palestine'
ject: txt hots israel msm -
[My view: Finally, she's worth listening to: in her dotage she's letting the truth about liberalism's antisemitism slip out - America should pay attention.]
Ari Fleischer Says Hearst Should Fire Helen Thomas
Subject: txt israel msm - Former Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer, who endured a lot of pointed Helen Thomas questions, told Sam Stein of The Huffington Post that Hearst Newspapers should dismiss Thomas for saying Jews need to "get the hell out of Palestine" and go back to Poland and Germany.
"She should lose her job over this," Fleischer said in an email. "As someone who is Jewish, and as someone who worked with her and used to like her, I find this appalling."
"She is advocating religious cleansing. How can Hearst stand by her? If a journalist, or a columnist, said the same thing about blacks or Hispanics, they would already have lost their jobs."
[Why? Because she's {supposedly} a reporter. There was a day reporters knew the danger in their opining in an effort to shape the 'news'. Ah but she was espousing liberal hate-speech: no foul.]
The Flotilla Choir Presents: We Con the World
Subject: txt hots israel - fnn -
What do you do when you're a radical Hamas sympathizer who wants to wage a public relations campaign against Israel? You arm yourself with knives and attack Israel Defense Force officers who stop your boat at an Israeli maritime blockade - but don't worry, as long as you call yourself a "peace activist," the network news stations will take your word for it!
Watch the "Flotilla Choir" sing about how they conned the mainstream media into "abandoning reason" in a hilarious video put together by Caroline Glick's media satire website Latma:
Full lyrics:
[Starts slow and is a little long, but really excellent otherwise - not a weird-Al cheapy production but very high talent group - funny for its accurate parody and even sounds good.
Highly Recommend >> ]
UN Chief Proposes Commission to Probe Israeli Raid
Subject: txt hots israel owg -
[And the terrorist groups manning the ship running a security blockade, are they to be 'probed' as well? A: Not a word.
If memory serves, we had a president by the name of Kennedy who took the world to the brink of nuclear war rather than allow the importation of weapons to a nearby puppet regime where they could do us harm with a naval blockade.
Exactly the same with Israel, except it asked only that the 'flotilla' stop in a port to be check before letting it continue with it's 'aid' mission - but was refused by those who said they'd either break the blockade or become martyrs.
It's a scam from beginning to end, now given creditability by the UN's corrupt involvement. For shame.]
Canada imposes sanctions on N. Korea for warship sinking
Subject: txt intl gdd -Ottawa - Canada is imposing sanctions on North Korea for the sinking of a South Korean naval vessel in March. Prime Minister Stephen Harper says in a statement issued today that the sanctions will include enhanced restrictions on trade, investment and other bilateral relations with North Korea. The government will also suspend high-level visits to Canada by North Korean officials.
''Canada has condemned the reckless North Korean regime for this egregious violation of international law and its blatant disregard of its international obligations.''
[Where are the 24/7 protests and White House press core condemnation of this act of war?
A: They're not Israel, so whatever.]
FCC Has No Authority to Regulate Broadband
Subject: txt bbro lbrty libs - Four senior congressional Democrats inadvertently confirmed Monday that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)—which, under Chairman Julius Genachowski’s leadership has been trying for months to impose contentious net neutrality rules—lacks the authority needed to regulate the Internet.
For weeks, the FCC has been threatening to “reclassify” broadband in order to subject it to regulation that would institute net neutrality, despite concerns regarding jurisdiction and agency powers.
Employers added practically NO jobs to their payrolls in May
Subject: txt mny econ -
Virtually all the job creation in May came from the hiring of 411,000 census workers. Such hiring peaked in May and will begin tailing off in June. By contrast, hiring by private employers, the backbone of the economy, slowed sharply. They added just 41,000 jobs, down from 218,000 in April and the fewest since January.
As many not drinking the left-wing Kool Aid suspected, employers postponed permanent new hires as Europe began crushing under the weight of Greek debt. Think about it: why would you consider adding to payrolls until after our friends across the Pond resolve a financial crisis that could possibly lead to a double-dip recession here?
Subject: txt mny -America's financial situation is unsustainable. In 2009, the federal government spent $3.5 trillion but collected only $2.1 trillion in revenue, resulting in a $1.4 trillion deficit, up from $458 billion in 2008.
What's more, with the impending entitlement crisis requiring more future borrowing, the national debt could grow faster than the economy. In 2020, if current trends continue, the country will owe more than $20 trillion, or 85 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), says Veronique de Rugy, a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
Why do deficits matter, asks de Rugy?
Debt is very expensive:
- The more we borrow, the higher the cost of borrowing; by 2020 the federal government will spend a projected $900 billion each year just to pay interest on our debt.
- That is more than what the United States spends right now on two wars, plus the Departments of Defense, Education, Energy, and Homeland Security combined.
Large and sustained deficits and debt inevitably cripple economic growth:
The money the federal government borrows comes from Americans' savings; so does the cash that Americans invest in private sector growth.
There comes a point where there just are not enough savings to satisfy both masters.
Our growing debt means the federal government has to rely increasingly on foreign investors to pay its bills:
- This reliance can give significant bargaining power to individual foreign governments, such as China, in their diplomatic negotiations with Washington.
- According to Donald Marron, an economist at the Georgetown Public Policy Institute, the willingness of countries like China to finance our debt gives them leverage in negotiations about other issues, ranging from nuclear proliferation to human rights.
A growing debt sends signals to investors that we are becoming riskier borrowers:
- We are constantly rolling over short-term debt.
- When our lenders wise up and start setting our interest rates to reflect the risk we have become, access to capital will become harder for everyone.
- The resulting inflation would reduce the value of each dollar, and introduce high levels of uncertainty into the economy.
- Such a situation means less innovation and less entrepreneurship, and therefore less economic growth and more hardship.
Assembly committee OK's higher biz taxes
CALIFORNIA“The Assembly's Democrat-dominated Revenue and Taxation Committee on Monday approved an array of higher taxes on business while blocking Republican-authored tax cuts. Assemblyman Anthony Portantino, D-La Cañada Flintridge, the committee chairman, said that if all the bills pending before the committee -- those raising taxes and those cutting them -- had been approved, they would mean a net "loss" [?] of $5.5 billion a year in state revenue.”
Subject: txt mny crpt sclm -State and local governments now owe at least $1 trillion to public employee pension accounts; to pay that debt, taxpayers would have to spend $1 million a day for the next 2,740 years, says the Pew Center on the States...
Their clout in peril, public employee unions push back
Subject: txt sclm crpt bbro -
Public employee unions are pushing Congress for $23 billion to extend stimulus payments to school teachers, including an ad campaign that shows children dressed as Wall Street bankers asking for a bailout.
WIth their influence in jeopardy, unions that represent public employees will be waging a costly battle in the months ahead to support pro-union candidates in a difficult electoral environment...
What Bias? Re: ABC News 'Political Director' Takes Communications Gig With Far-left SEIU
Subject: txt crpt msm -The revolving door of political journalism underscores the brazen liberalism of today's newsrooms -- 15 former journalists now populate the Obama administration. And though taking a job in such a far left administration demonstrates journalists' overwhelming liberal politics, ABC News's deputy political director Teddy Davis has managed to raise the bar.
Davis announced yesterday his intention to leave ABC, and said he will be "working with the SEIU team on their political campaigns and policy agenda." The Service Employees International Union, of course, is a group of liberal shock troops who recently tried--and failed--to field far left candidates in an effort to defeat centrist Democrats.
So while some journalists have gone to bat for the Executive, Davis has managed to one-up virtually all of them in accepting a gig with one of the most partisan and thuggish groups on the political scene.
N.J. Gov. Christie Takes on Teachers Union
[There are real conservatives to vote for, but we must vote for them.]
Pacifica Radio Dedicated Memorial Day to Ripping Ronald Reagan, That 'Monstrous Creature' and 'Grand Criminal'
Subject: txt msm bias edu hstry libs bdd -
On the occasion of Memorial Day, the radical-left Pacifica radio network devoted their hour of "Democracy Now" programming to the soft-spoken radical leftist whack-a-demic Noam Chomsky, who ripped into Ronald Reagan as a singular criminal:
"Another stunning illustration of the success of propaganda, which has considerable import for the future, is the cult of the great killer and torturer Ronald Reagan, one of the grand criminals of the modern era..."
[Professor Chomsky. Grand.]
Chomsky, America, Israel and the Left
Subject: txt islm gwot edu child bdd -
In a speech delivered at M.I.T. on October 18, 2001, entitled “The New War Against Terror,” Noam Chomsky, in a typical effort to manufacture dissent, asserted that in retaliation for 9/11 the U.S. was “apparently trying to murder 3 or 4 million people,” that “plans are being made and programs implemented for the death of several million people in the next couple of weeks, not Taliban of course, their victims” and that the coming American strike against the Taliban and Osama bin Laden should be understood as “some sort of silent genocide.”
[Did I mention he's a professor, charged with shaping the minds of our young?]
Fiscal Fraud of Obamacare Snowballing Already
Subject: txt hcare -Remember the health care issue? Well, the fiscal consequences of the socialized medicine scheme enacted by President Barack Obama and Congress just two months ago are already beginning to snowball. (Snip) On Friday, Waxman declared that the sky is about to fall on the Medicare system. He went to the House floor to "urge" his colleagues to vote for a bill that includes $102 billion in new federal spending and would add $54 billion to the national debt over the next 10 years -- $25 billion of it in the few months remaining in this fiscal year...
Reversing A Mistake
Subject: txt hcare action -
Medical Care: Monday's headline from Reuters — "Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model" — is a warning. In the not-too-distant future, the headline will be used again, except "U.S." will replace "Canada."
The Canadian health care model is irreparably broken. Rather than reassess, Canada would be better off rejecting in whole a system that is not delivering. The publicly funded, single-payer program provides universal care, but its rationing is also universal — and sometimes deadly — and its costs are simply out of the universe...
POLL: 60% Favor Repeal of Health Care Law
Subject: txt hcare -
...and is the second straight week to find support for repeal of the bill at 60% or above.
Currently, just 36% oppose repeal.
The new findings include 45% who Strongly Favor repeal of the health care bill and 27% who Strongly Oppose it.
Sixty-two percent (62%) believe the law will increase the federal budget deficit, and 58% think it will raise the cost of care. A smaller majority (51%) say the new law also will hurt the quality of care.

CNN Waits 2 Weeks to Release and Then Bury Anti-ObamaCare Poll Results
Subject: txt hcare msm -CNN tried to downplay poll results it released on Wednesday which indicated continuing opposition to ObamaCare, while emphasizing how the poll also found "growing support" for the President's call for increased federal regulation of the financial institutions. The network and its partners at Opinion Research also took two weeks to publish the results of only two questions from the poll.
["The most trusted name in news."]
Low-lying Pacific islands 'growing not sinking'
Subject: txt grn -Sydney - A new geological study has shown that low-lying Pacific islands are growing, not sinking. The study of 27 islands over the last 60 years suggests that most have remained stable, while some have actually grown...
The study, published in the magazine the New Scientist, predicts that the islands will still be there in 100 years' time...
Detonate Nukes in Gulf to Stop Oil Spill
Detonate Nukes in Gulf to Stop Oil Spill
How's this for outside-the-box thinking - use nuclear explosives to stop the BP oil spill that is ravaging the Gulf Coast?
According to some of the panelist on Fox News Channel's "Forbes on Fox," using nuclear materials would be a more expeditious way to solve this calamity.
"That's right, nuke it." "Forbes on Fox" host David Asman said on the show's June 5 broadcast. "Some scientists do advocate this. The Soviets apparently succeeded in doing it. Here is the video they say actually shows it.
[But nuclear anything is 'bad' - besides, its continuing to leak for months provided the political fodder to kill off shore drilling in the US (but nowhere else) - and as we've essentially banned it on-shore as well, the desired result is achieved - no oil from the country sitting atop the largest know recoverable reserves in the world.]
Daily Kos Imagines 'Fat, Repulsive Angel of Death Cheney' Gloating Over Wildlife-Killing Oil Spill
Subject: txt msm libs 2010 - hots engry bdd fnn -
[And you thought nukes were thinking outside the box.]
Americans Sick and Tired of Motorized Transportation, Transportation Secretary Says
Subject: txt libs othr bdd fnn sclm bbro - engry grn -
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said Friday that Americans are “tired” of motorized transportation and its attendant hassles, and instead are looking for other options such as bicycle lanes and walking paths, which the government will add to its infrastructure.
“People are sick of being stuck in traffic, stuck in their automobiles, and we want to help communities and neighborhoods that want more walking paths or biking paths—more transit,”
LaHood told
[Demonstrably false, as evidenced every morning and evening on virtually every highway in the nation, where the vast majority of tax payers continue to use the best form of private transportation there is - cars - despite all the "attendant hassles" purposely imposed on drivers by governments to make it as unpalatable as possible.
This isn't just any wacko pushing this disinformation, he's Obama's appointed Transportation Secretary empowered to force his radical view on the rest of us.
Appointments are policy. We need change the appointers.]
Damn Men Re: NBC's Mitchell: 'What Is It About Testosterone That Gets Us Into War?'
Subject: txt gwot nsec heroes msm bias -
[How about love of liberty? Protection of home and family? The morality of right vs. wrong? {yes I know that last won't be understood at all}
Damn men, the world would be so much better without them.]
[I'm so relieved.
Having spent most of a decade now chronicling the daily objective evidence of pervasive liberal bias in the MSM the most gracious I can possibly be toward folks like this is to consider that their years in the highly insular environment of 'major' media has rendered them literally incapable of recognizing the systemic slant with which they approach all topics.
If not true, that only leaves that they know what they do.]
[As a practical matter the difference is moot:
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