Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Did You Feel the Earth Move?
Subject: txt 2010 -
The ascendancy of the two major political parties has ended. It's over. Kaput. Oh, we may still use the labels "Democrat" and "Republican" for the sake of convenience, but they will be only the shells for a completely different set of political philosophies. In reality, the two contending belief systems are no longer "liberal" and "liberal light."
The Democrats have been infiltrated by Progressives, morphing from "liberal benevolence" to "statist command and control." No longer is it enough to help the downtrodden or disadvantaged. No longer is true equality of opportunity the goal to be pursued. The new goal is the equality of result, with the power to define the result concentrated in Washington.
Republicans, having painted themselves into a corner as "liberal-light," cannot provide the libertarian (small "l") responses that will appeal to the return-to-basic-principles political philosophy that seems to resonate with today's electorate. Those ideas will find their source in the Tea Party movement, which will strongly influence the Republicans in the midterm elections, and in the general election in 2012.
So, the days of the Democrat versus the Republican are over. No more "liberal" versus "liberal-light." The labels may stay the same, but the true battles in the future will be Progressive versus libertarian. It will be a fight that will last for a generation at least, but when you look at the faces at Tea Parties, there are enough younger activists to ensure that they have the shock troops they need to fight the Progressive command-and-control mentality.
[Highly Recommended > ]
South Carolina Republicans unite with tea party
Subject: txt 2010 reps gdd -The South Carolina Republican Party announced Monday that it’s uniting with tea party groups in the state to share resources, coordinate messaging and push the GOP in a more conservative direction.
“This is something the grass-roots pushed up with an understanding that we are stronger together than apart.” Floyd said that working with the groups accomplishes her goals of “growing the Republican Party, electing conservative Republicans and growing the strength of the party,”
Sen. Kaufman: Palin backers 'don't follow what's really happening' in U.S.
Subject: txt 2010 palin - libs -
Voters expressing disagreement with the federal government might not be the most politically aware, Sen. Ted Kaufman (D-Del.) suggested Monday .
Kaufman, in an apparent shot at the so-called Tea Party movement, asserted that the group of 'angry' independents may not "understand the complexity" of many problems facing the U.S.;
''I think most of them don't follow what's really happening..."
POLL: 75% Are Angry At Government’s Current Policies
Subject: txt 2010 1st
Voters are madder than ever at the current policies of the federal government.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 75% of likely voters now say they are at least somewhat angry at the government’s current policies, up four points from late November and up nine points since September.
The overall figures include 45% who are Very Angry, also a nine-point increase since September.
[What's 'really happening', Mr. Kaufman.]
Talk to the Hand, not to the TelePrompter
Subject: txt 1st fnn palin msm bias -
The crew of braying jackasses on Morning Joe today had much merriment with Sarah’s crib notes, as they continue to whistle past the graveyard of the coming annihilation of the Democrat Party this fall. And CNN explicitly compared Sarah’s palm to the TelePrompter of the United States. (No, this clip is not from The Onion.)
So… Hand vs. TOTUS – you be the judge.
First the hand:
And now ladies and gentlemen, the TelePrompter of the United States:
Naturally, Sarah got the last laugh, as usual.
Writes “Hi Mom” On Her Hand

The floor is now open for comment.
image toon 1st fnn libs 2010 - Oby generation = teleprompter at McDonalds
For Third Time in Less Than a Week, MSNBC Tries to Link Conservatives and Birthers, Touts Embarrassing Video of Sarah Palin
Subject: txt 1st 2010 msm -
MSNBC continued its quest to link conservatives with the birther movement- people who don't believe Barack Obama is constitutionally eligible to serve as President.
Previewing an unrelated segment on this weekend's tea party convention, Norah O'Donnell played a clip of Obama criticizing those who raise the issue. She then compared,
"President Obama sends a message to those who question his citizenship, this as the tea party movement has its first big convention."
At no point did O'Donnell explain or justify the connection, other than her apparent assumption that tea partiers equal birthers.
The MSNBC host interviewed author Rick Scarborough, one of the speakers at the convention in Nashville. During the piece, this MSNBC graphic appeared in large font at the bottom of the screen: "Obama: Okay to Question My Policy, Not My Citizenship"...
MSNBC Excels as Exemplar - of Intellectual Dishonesty
Subject: txt 2010 msm fnn -
An old joke comes to mind -- a man hiring for an accountant interviews two applicants. He asks the first applicant, two plus two, what's the answer? Four, the applicant responds.
Second applicant, same question. The response -- what do you want it to be? You're hired, he's told.
After watching Rachel Maddow's default tendency toward deceit for more than a year, I wonder if those seeking work at MSNBC undergo similar winnowing...
Iran’s Nuclear Clock Moves Ahead Another Hour
Subject: txt gwot nsec intl iran -
Thirty-eight days past Washington’s January 1 deadline for Iran to respond to frequent calls for negotiations on its nuclear-weapons program, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad once again thumbed his nose at Barack Obama.
Speaking on live TV, the Iranian president told the country’s atomic energy chief, Ali Akbar Salehi, to “please start 20 percent enrichment” of uranium into nuclear fuel. While both Ahmadinejad and Salehi spoke of the move as part of previously failed negotiations in which the West would accept the continuance of the Iranian program as long as it agreed to exchange its own nuclear material for enriched uranium from another country, the point of the announcement was to force the West to back away from sanctions on Iran.
But given the ignominious failure of previous attempts to work out such a deal and, as even Secretary of Defense Robert Gates pointed out this weekend, Iran’s clear unwillingness to abide by any such rules, there is no point to talks along these lines...
New Iran nuclear sanctions 'only path', says US
Subject: txt gwot nsec intl owg -
The US has said new sanctions against Iran are the ''only path'' after Tehran announced it was stepping up its uranium enrichment programme. (Snip) The US called on the international community to take new action and France called Iran's latest move ''blackmail''. US Defence Secretary Robert Gates and French Defence Minister Herve Morin, after talks in Paris, said their position on Iran was one of ''complete agreement''.
China urges patience in Iran talks
Subject: txt intl gwot nsec owg china iran -China's foreign minister on Friday urged the world to be patient and keep up diplomatic efforts with Iran to try and find a solution to Teheran's nuclear ambitions. Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi told a gathering of the world's top defense officials that negotiations with Iran's government have ''entered a crucial stage'' and called for another round of talks involving the UN Security Council...
[And the 'international community' will be shocked and outraged -at Israel - when it moves to remove this threat to its existence...]
POLL: Americans Reject Keynesian Economics
Subject: txt mny gdd 1st- Rasmussen
Apparently, just about the only people in the country who think you can spend your way out of a recession are Obama and the Democrats
While influential 20th Century economist John Maynard Keynes would say it's best to increase deficit spending in tough economic times, only 11% of American adults agree and think the nation needs to increase its deficit spending at this time.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 70% disagree and say it would be better to cut the deficit. In fact, 59% think Keynes had it backwards and that increasing the deficit at this time would hurt the economy rather than help. To help the economy, most Americans (56%) believe that cutting the deficit is the way to go.
Rejection of Keynesian economics is found across demographic and partisan lines. Republicans and those not affiliated with either major party overwhelmingly reject the notion that increasing the deficit is the right prescription in difficult economic times. Among Democrats, 21% agree with the Keynesian approach, and 47% do not.
Only those who are likely to reject the nose on their face are likely to believe Obama when he says we must spend our way out of the recession.
Obama’s Budget: Fiscal Armageddon
Subject: txt mny -
“We’re not going to save our way out of this recession. We’ve got to spend our way out of this recession.” – U.S. Majority Whip Jim Clyburn
Just days before Congressman Jim Clyburn had the “audacity” to admit what D.C. politicians were actually doing with our tax dollars, U.S. President Barack Obama had the cowardice to continue concealing government’s unprecedented generational larceny.
“It is critical that we rein in the budget deficits that we’ve been accumulating for far too long,”
Obama said in unveiling his latest effort to distract American citizens from a looming fiscal Armageddon. After proposing a so-called “budget freeze” in his State of the Union speech, Obama rolled out the “Mother of all Boondoggles”, a $3.8 trillion spending plan for the coming fiscal year that includes a record $1.6 trillion deficit (on top of the $1.4 trillion deficit government will run in the current fiscal year).
By the end of this month, the Treasury now projects that the U.S. will hit its $12.4 trillion debt ceiling, coming on the heels of a vote last week in the Senate to raise the debt ceiling from $12.4 trillion to $14.294 trillion.
And just this week, Moody’s warned that the nation’s Triple-A rating could be in jeopardy
“if the current upward trend in government debt were to continue and become irreversible”...
[Americans need to read this > ]
Toward a Different Fiscal Future
Subject: txt mny -
Moody's Investors Service's warning last week that the AAA credit rating of the United States is in jeopardy raises fresh concern about the nation's fiscal health.The question to ask about the president's eye-popping budget, also rolled out last week, is whether it prepares the country for its future—or shackles it to past decisions that our leaders would rather not confront.
[Recommended > ]
Audi's ''Green Police'' Ad Offends...Who, Exactly?
Subject: txt grn cali -
The Super Bowl ad generating perhaps the most buzz is Audi's ''Green Police'' spot. In it, people who make environmentally-unfriendly decisions, such as opting for a plastic bag or bottle, turning up their hot tub or throwing away a battery, are arrested by the ''Green Police''.
Environmentalists weren't sure whether to celebrate or denigrate the spot. In one sense, at least, the spot was effective: It was the only car ad to crack the top ten in USA Today's Ad Meter of most popular Super Bowl spots.
[California update: the Audi featured is their diesel version, banned in CA because Audi refused to make a single state version to CA's draconian regulations.

Obama administration proposes new climate change agency
Subject: txt grn bbro sclm bdd libs lbrty -
The Obama administration is proposing a new agency to study and report on the changing climate....
[What do we expect to happen if we create an Agency dedicated to further legitimizing this scam? The sky's the limit...]
New federal climate change agency forming
Subject: txt grn lbrty bbro sclm -
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is forming a new agency to study and report on the changing climate.Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Jane Lubchenco, head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, announced NOAA will set up the new Climate Service to operate in tandem with NOAA’s National Weather Service and National Ocean Service.
“Whether we like it or not, climate change represents a real threat,”
Locke said Monday at a news conference.
[Then >

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or: Speed Message them with your personal distribution list...
Another Life Style Assault
Subject: txt action 2010 cali sclm grn bbro mny -
Just when you thought environmental extremists couldn’t go any further, they surprise you with yet another ploy in their never-ending quest to turn back modernity. With the public push-back on the cap-and-trade scheme and creating man-made droughts to save a 2-inch fish, environmentalists have become craftier in their efforts. Always the vanguard of the latest environmental regulation, California has a new idea for getting polluters out of their cars: get rid of free parking - ALL free parking.
Last week the State Senate passed Senate Bill 518, legislation that would incentivize local governments to begin abolishing free parking spaces within their jurisdictions. The goal of the legislation is to make it so difficult for drivers to find parking that they abandon their vehicles in favor of earth-friendly public transportation or more quaint forms of conveyance such as biking or walking. According to the author of Senate Bill 518,
“‘free’ parking has significant social, economic, and environmental costs.”
A popular tactic of progressives is to make a cultural habit they despise so unpopular that the public will willingly go along with their schemes. Another tactic is to withhold or dole out funding for local governments in exchange for conformity to new regulations.
Senate Bill 518 attempts to employ both tactics... [snip]
But if more convincing was needed as to the benefits of the cash-out parking program, the analysis offers an argument that no progressive could ignore:
“Furthermore, women, minorities, and lower-income workers are less likely to drive to work alone. Parking cash-out corrects this imbalance by providing for equivalent subsidies regardless of the travel mode.”
Yes, by forcing more commuters out of their cars, true gender, racial and income equality will be achieved. Thus, it is necessary to force compliance with such a noble law...

Red light cameras, billed as safety devices since their introduction, are increasingly viewed by many motorists as unreasoning revenue generators for hard-up local governments, says USA Today. Forced by their citizenry Maine, Mississippi and Montana banned red light cameras last year, joining at least four other states, Nevada, New Hampshire, West Virginia and Wisconsin. State senators in Missouri and Tennessee are sponsoring legislation that would limit cameras.