Wednesday, January 7, 2009
How the U.N. Perpetuates the 'Refugee' Problem
Palestinian children are dying today not because of Israeli brutality, but because their own leaders have chosen to use their children as human shields, and their pain as a battering ram against Western sensibilities.
It is they, after all, who deliberately put their weapons caches in mosques, their rocket launchers in schoolyards, and their command centers in hospitals -- all with the explicit goal of maximizing the tragedy of an Israeli response.
For decades, the international community has actively assisted in building the terrorists' unique system of control -- over where Palestinians live and in what conditions, and over what they think -- by allowing terrorists to turn the refugee camps into the center of the Palestinian war machine.
Instead of working to relieve the refugees' misery, the United Nations has dedicated an entire agency, UNRWA, to perpetuating it. For the rest of the world's refugees, the U.N. works tirelessly to improve their conditions, to relocate them, and to help them rebuild their lives as quickly as possible.
With the Palestinians, the U.N. does exactly the opposite, granting refugee status to the great-grandchildren of people displaced in 1948, doing nothing to dismantle the camps, and acting as facilitators for the terrorists' goal of grinding an entire civilian population under their thumb.
And so, invariably, the script is played out: Hamas fires its missiles, Israel responds with military force in Gaza, children are killed, their pictures are played countless times on televisions in the West, articles are published saying both sides are evil, and Israel is pressured to stop.

Until next time...
[Recommended > ]
Who're the real Nazis?
'Go back to the oven! You need a big oven, that's what you need!"
This is what one young woman thought passed for acceptable discourse last week during an anti-Israel rally in, of all places, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Other chants were similarly unlovely. You can watch it on YouTube, if you like.
First, let us note that if supposedly all-powerful Israel is dedicated to exterminating the Palestinian people, it is doing a very bad job. The Palestinian population has only grown since 1948. There are more Arab citizens living in Israel today than there were in all of Palestine the year Israel was founded.
Perhaps one reason Israel fails at genocide is that it isn't interested in genocide? That would explain why Israel warned thousands of Gazans by cellphone to leave homes near Hamas rocket stockpiles. It would clarify why, even amid all-out war, it offers aid to enemy civilians. It would even illuminate the otherwise mysterious clamor from Israelis for a viable "peace partner."
But no. For millions of Israel haters, the more plausible explanation is that the "defiant" Palestinians have miraculously survived Israel's determination to wipe them out.
Meanwhile, calls for the complete extermination of Israel are routine...
[Jonah Goldberg's typical good work - short, Recommended > ]
Fears mount of Gaza conflict spill over in Europe
Government officials are concerned the conflict in Gaza may spill over into violence in Europe -
[pop quiz: How many folks think they're concerned about rampaging European Jews?]
Face of Defense: Soldier Rejoins After 38-Year Service
BAGHDAD, 2009 – Young men and women frequently follow the footsteps of their parents and grandparents by joining the military. Army Maj. (Dr.) Robert Sexton reversed that role when he followed his two sons into the military after a 38-year-break from his previous service.
"My two sons inspired me," he said. "Then, two years later, after reading what the Army had done over there, I got more and more inspired with everything I read."Concluding that the fight against terrorism would be a long one, and feeling he could still make a contribution, Sexton accepted a commission to the Army in November 2007 and has been serving as a doctor in Baghdad since October.
Sexton said he finds great satisfaction helping Iraqis by providing them with needed medical care, and he expressed a desire when his tour is over to go to other places with the Army where he can continue his work.
Top al-Qaida recruiter romanticized by mainstream media
If CNN is telling the truth, Belgian investigators, who first arrested then set free Malika el-Aroud, described her as “an al-Qaida living legend”. So el-Aroud slipped by justice yet again, this time with an ego boost that will manifest itself in loss of human life.
The signature of this 48-year-old woman credited as Mother of the Female Suicide Bomber is the Islamic black veil covering all but the two slits that are her eyes any time she’s out on the street. At home for a sympathetic New York Times interview, she sported a pair of powder-blue slippers monogrammed in gold with the letters SEXY.
Mainstream media praise has been heaped on el-Aroud for her “open support” of bin Laden and al-Qaida. “Suicide bomber’s widow soldiers on” was the headline on an Aug. 15, 2006 CNN story, in which el-Aroud confirmed she “still loves Osama bin Laden.
Tracking “The Black Widow of the Global Jihad” amid mainstream media hype is the dedicated It is courtesy of the savvy website that we know the names of the websites el-Aroud uses to recruit for al-Qaida...
New EU President Klaus, Globaloney Critic, Is a 'Figurehead'
To say that President Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic is not liked by Euro-elitists is a grand understatement.
European media has generally bent over backwards to give European Union politicians and bureaucrats in Brussels respect and the benefit of the doubt. If there is a voter referendum that enhances EU power, the press is for it, and those in countries like Ireland who reject its advances towards socialism are 'unenlightened'.
That has changed now that Klaus, a fervent advocate of democracy and ardent opponent of statism, whatever its disguises -- including "climate change" -- has taken over that office. David Charter, Europe correspondent for the UK Times Online, led the charge last Friday (the picture and caption above is from the Times's story page):
EU's new figurehead believes climate change is a mythREAD MORE
The European Union's new figurehead believes that climate change is a dangerous myth and has compared the union to a Communist state.
The views of President Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic, 67, have left the government of Mirek Topolanek, his bitter opponent, determined to keep him as far away as possible from the EU presidency, which it took over from France yesterday.
The Czech president, who caused a diplomatic incident by dining with opponents of the EU’s Lisbon treaty on a recent visit to Ireland, has a largely ceremonial role.
Sustaining the Unsustainable
How has the scam that humans are causing global warming worked so effectively? One answer is exploitation of fear, the technique of which was accurately explained in the late Michael Crichton’s book “State of Fear.”
Much fuel for the fear was effectively built into the structure and methods of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Of the 2,500 people involved only 600, most of whom are not scientists, are in Working Group I (WG I) and produce the 'Science Report'. 1900 people produce the Reports of Working Groups II and III (WG II and WG III). These accept without question WG I’s conclusion that human CO2 is causing runaway global warming and then extrapolate what will happen.
Henderson and Castles are major critics with telling concerns about what is wrong with the economics. ( Richard Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at MIT and a participant in the IPCC, was more scathing. He called the scenarios “children’s exercises.”
[yeah well, Meteorologist at MIT - what would he know...]
Mahatma Gandhi identified four phases in the transition to the truth.
“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.”I believe, based on a career educating people about climate change, that we are in the third phase. Claims of doom are more extreme as they try to sustain the unsustainable.
[we'll see. So many stand to make so much money off this scam that I can't help but be pessimistic that, with the media's help, they'll succeed in putting laws on the books - and once there...] [Recommended > ]
Europe starts to shiver as Russia cuts gas supplies
Russia cut gas exports to Europe by 60% today, plunging the continent into an energy crisis “within hours” as a dispute with Ukraine escalated. The row immediately sparked fears of gas supply shortages and rising energy prices in the UK with the country suffering one of its coldest nights this century with temperatures plunging to as low as -10C.
[energy as geopolitical weapon - yet we refuse to arm ourselves]
Obama Predicts 'Trillion-Dollar Deficits for Years to Come'
President-elect Barack Obama predicted Tuesday that the nation could see ''trillion-dollar deficits for years to come,'' but said the country needs to continue spending taxpayer dollars to get the economy back on track.
[OR, he could cut taxes by the same amount and just leave the money with those who earned it, who not only have a far superior track record of investing it for positive returns, it wouldn't increase the deficit a penny*. Of course, government would lose control of how it was spent...]
Mexico launches ''virtual'' judge system against drug gangs
Mexico City - Amidst a soaring number of murders connected to escalating drug gang conflicts, Mexico on Monday launched a system of 'virtual' judges who are to respond online and within 24 hours to requests for search warrants, preventive arrests or telephone tapping of organized crime suspects. The six new 'control' judges - five men and a woman - are intended to speed up efforts against crime and work under a cloak of anonymity...
Governors Should Demand That Harry Reid Respect the Constitution
The last time I checked, we had a Constitution that governed the election and appointment of Senators. America’s governors should demand that Harry Reid comply with it. When it comes to Governor Rod Blagojevich’s appointment of Roland Burris to the Senate, the Constitution requires Reid to comply with that decision and seat Burris. Frankly, anything short of honoring Illinois’s decision should create a constitutional crisis.
[ah, but our courts have repeatedly set the example that our constitution is little more than a guideline...]
[btw: we don't need no stinkin govnrs:'SEAT Roland Burris'
Reid 1-866-SEN-REID (736-7343)
Traditional fairytales 'not PC enough'
Parents have stopped reading traditional fairytales to their children because they are too scary and not politically correct, according to research.
Favourites such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella and Rapunzel are being dropped by some families who fear children are being emotionally damaged. [snip]
Top 10 fairy tales we no longer read:
1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2. Hansel and Gretel
3. Cinderella
4. Little Red Riding Hood
5. The Gingerbread Man
6. Jack and the Beanstalk
7. Sleeping Beauty
8. Beauty and the Beast
9. Goldilocks and the Three Bears
10. The Emperor's New Clothes
[snip] Two-thirds of parents said traditional fairytales had stronger morality messages than many modern children's stories.
Proposition 8: Speak Softly and Carry a Big Poll
Undoubtedly spurred by the most altruistic of motives, analysts at the California Public Policy Institute, an independent, objective and non-partisan research network -- in their own humble estimation that is -- sensed a compelling interest in determining who exactly it was that voted in favor of Proposition 8, a ballot measure designed to insert language in that state's constitution, defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. In keeping with their trademark fair-minded pursuit of the unvarnished truth, PPI did what every respectable public policy research organization would do that wants to get the unbiased and incontestable facts on any controversial issue: they conducted a poll.
To wit, the poll results yielded -- amid other equally provocative data -- that roughly 85% of those who identified themselves as evangelical Christians voted in favor of the measure, as well as 69% of people who never attended college. Apparently, there are still a good number of unenlightened folk, who do not view this rather narrow qualification obstinately interwoven in the traditional definition of marriage as much of a novel rendition. What the results did not show is that this ballot initiative was approved by a majority of citizens, who primarily sought to discourage activist judges from arbitrarily nullifying voter approved measures; a problem that appears to have become an endemic reality in other progressively inclined states.
This is not a new strategy, and you'd think by now the liberal elite would have realized that demeaning those whom you do not agree with by claiming intellectual superiority tends to alienate the very people you want to convince. Furthermore, it leaves them suspecting that you probably don't have much of an argument.
ABC Again Searches for Secret Racism of Everyday Americans
On Tuesday's "Good Morning America," an ABC reporter once again attempted to probe and examine the secret racism of American citizens. Correspondent John Quinones, the host of a series of ABC hidden camera specials designed to test how people react to ethical situations.
The ABC crew had the pretend employee scream at a confused day laborer, saying things such as "We're building walls to keep you guys out of the country! You don't speak English, you don't get service! We don't serve your kind here!" Quinones then theatrically lectured, "...On this day, the only thing they [the customers] are being served is prejudice." He later observed that the experiment "uncovered some of the dark impulses many of us share."
[you'd think the election of a black president might have dented the race-baiter's arguments, but apparently not - to much money in the victim industry evidently]
Bozell Statement on Coulter: Have the People at NBC Lost Their Minds?
"As for NBC, I have only one question: Have you lost your collective mind? Every broadcast network, yours included, is bleeding to death, your audiences abandoning you by the millions. The biggest body leaving is conservatives who correctly see you as having abandoned any pretense of objectivity in favor of a leftist political agenda. And how do you respond? By banning one of the best-known conservative voices in America. This is your commitment to political balance and the very idea of free speech, and the reason why, when the last of you leaves the building, you need to remember to turn out the lights."