Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Election 2010: Florida Republican Primary for Senate
Subject: txt 2010 1st gdd -Former state House Speaker Marco Rubio has now jumped to a 12-point lead over Governor Charlie Crist in Florida’s Republican Primary race for the U.S. Senate. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely GOP Primary voters in the state finds Rubio leading Crist 49% to 37%.
[Very good news. Those of you that joined me in supporting Mr. Rubio, thanks & well done {well, not done, yet, but odds are...}]
Despite pledge, Reid calls major Senate vote
[HT:WD]Subject: txt 1st crpt libs 2010 trade mny -Despite a promise that he would not "rush" important votes before Massachusetts Sen.-elect Scott Brown is seated sometime next week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, has scheduled a Monday vote on the contentious nomination of M. Patricia Smith to be solicitor for the Department of Labor.
Mrs. Smith, now New York's labor commissioner, has come under fire from conservatives and some business groups for the state's "Wage Watch" program. The project, which started in January 2009, enlisted unions and advocacy groups to visit private businesses and report potential wage violations to the government...
[I.e., another radically inappropriate appointment {and another discarded promise}]
The Age of Obama: Anno Domini 2
by Charles Krauthammer
Abstract: America faces the reality of Iran's intransigence and aggressiveness; China's headlong pursuit of its own national, regional, and global interests; Russia's determination to regain its Near Abroad; the Arab states' refusal to accept any kind of a reasonable settlement of the kind that Israel has already offered under several governments; Syria's designs on Lebanon; and Hugo Chávez's designs on the weaker countries in Latin America.
President Obama's foreign policy agenda of gradual American retreat will have inexorable consequences: When erstwhile allies see the American umbrella being withdrawn, they will have to accommodate themselves to those from whom we were protecting them.
If Obama proves impervious to empirical evidence and experience, all these accommodations, the weakening of alliances, the strengthening of centers of adversarial power in Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, Caracas, and elsewhere will continue until we are awakened by some cataclysm...
[Long but typically insightful by Dr. K - Highly Recommended > ]
The Most Important Story You Didn't See Last Week (and Probably Won't Ever See)
Subject: txt gwot nsec - msm bias -
A Senate hearing last week confirmed the public's worst concern about Barack Obama:
"I do not think he [Obama] has a firm grasp yet on the intelligence community,"
9/11 Commission Vice-Chairman and former Democrat congressman Lee Hamilton told the Senate Homeland Security Committee.
This, even though Obama has been in office for over a year now.
"We were not paying close attention in this area,"
commission Chairman Thomas Kean testified at the hearing into intelligence lapses prior to the Christmas Day attempted airliner bombing. Kean noted that Obama has instead been focused on such issues as health care and cap-and-trade.
The two men have historically been circumspect about making politically charged statements, but they painted a portrait of an intelligence community, America's first line of defense against its jihadi enemies, that is devolving into disarray under Obama... [snip]
The Obamedia all but ignored the hearing, of course. It was more important for them to protect their anointed One...even if folks' lives are at stake.
[More astounding testimony from historically reserved intelligence/defense experts - Highly Recommended > ]
No Civilian Trial — In NYC or ANYWHERE
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
Like the decision to close Gitmo, which was announced without regard for the imperative of detaining committed jihadists, the decision to hold civilian trials for alien enemy combatants was made without regard for security, costs, the prospect of surrendering national defense information to the enemy during wartime, or the betrayal of humanitarian law caused by rewarding the worst war criminals with gold-plated due process. Not holding the civilian trial in New York City is a good thing.
Not holding a civilian trial at all would be a far better thing.
Since we have not made provisions for a national-secuirty court to deal with the novel challenge of international terrorism, wartime alien enemy combatants should be tried by military commission in the safety of Guantanamo Bay — which is what it was built for, at great expense to the American taxpayer.
What Bias? - AP Headline Tells Readers DOJ Lawyers Approved Torture; Article Content Differs
Subject: txt gwot nsec msm -
Well if you can't win the propaganda war by twisting the content of something you don't like, you can at least plant a presumptive seed in the heads of those who will only see a story's headline.
That seems to be the logic behind an unbylined Associated Press report this morning. Its headline ("Report: No sanctions for lawyers who OK'd torture") would tend cause anyone not reading further to believe that what was under review is indisputably considered "torture."
But that is not the case, and the underlying article itself proves it.What follows is a graphic example of spin-by-(misleading)-headline:
Iran's Leader Predicts Israel's Destruction
Subject: txt israel iran -
Iran's supreme leader predicted the destruction of Israel in comments posted on his Web site on Wednesday, in some of his strongest remarks in years about the Jewish state.
In the past, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called Israel a "cancerous tumor" that must be wiped from the map, but the new comments mark the first time in years he has openly speculated about Israel's demise.
"Definitely, the day will come when nations of the region will witness the destruction of the Zionist regime,"
Tehran is accused of supporting Lebanon's Shiite Muslim militant group, Hezbollah, which fought Israel until it withdrew it soldiers from southern Lebanon in 2000. Hezbollah continues to launch attacks against Israeli troops in a disputed strip of land on Lebanon's southern border. Iran also backs Hamas, the Islamic militant group that controls the Gaza Strip.
Barak: Without Syria peace, we could be headed for all-out war
Subject: txt israel owg -
Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned Monday that the stalled peace process with Syria could augur ill for the future of the Middle East.
"In the absence of an arrangement with Syria, we are liable to enter a belligerent clash with it that could reach the point of an all-out, regional war,"
"If the other side believes that it is possible to bring down Israel, to wage a battle of attrition against it, or lure it into a honey trap, then it will prefer to do so."
[Where would they have gotten the idea it's possible to bring Israel down?]
It's not just Israel: How Obama undermines US allies
Subject: txt nsec gwot israel -
For those worried that US President Barack Obama is particularly antagonistic toward Israel, there's good news and bad news: The good news is that Israel is hardly Obama's obsession; the bad news is that his administration's conduct toward it is consistent with its pattern of backing away from embattled American allies - a predictable byproduct of Obama's approach to foreign policy through dictator outreach...
Obama Budget to Nix Moon Mission
Subject: txt lbrty hstry othr bdd mny intl china -
President Barack Obama's 2011 budget, to be submitted to Congress on Monday, will propose abandoning a program to return US astronauts to the Moon, two Florida newspapers said.
Citing administration and NASA officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, the reports said the White House would call on the space agency to focus on other programs, including the development of commercial services to ferry US astronauts to the International Space Station.
U.S. space surrender
Subject: txt grn hstry bdd othr libs -
More than a year into his administration, President Obama is finally on the verge of formally introducing his space policy. It's a lamentably short-sighted plan for a politician who does a lot of talking about the future.History has shown manned space exploration to be an excellent investment. It's a commitment to science and innovation, areas where nations must excel to thrive in a global economy. It is a powerful symbol of international leadership.
It's no mistake that Russia and China remain committed to their programs.
Lawmakers would be smart to invest money in exploration recommended by the panel, so that America won't squander its proud and hard-earned legacy of leadership in space. Under the president's policy, the United States would surrender its leadership in manned space exploration without firing a rocket.
Subject: txt grn intl owg - mny -
There could have been significant damage to many nations' economies if the global warming alarmists' full agenda had been adopted at Copenhagen, says Pete du Pont, a former governor of Delaware and current Chairman of the National Center for Policy Analysis...
"A promise of support for $30 billion over the first three years and a goal of growing it to $100 billion annually by 2020."
But of course the game has not ended. Here in America, President Obama, Congress and the Environmental Protection Agency all seem committed to regulating our behavior and consumption under the guise of addressing a crisis that is not a crisis.
They will do so in a way that will not meaningfully reduce global temperatures, but will substantially hurt the economies and opportunities of the world's people...
Global Climate Deal Debated at Davos
Subject: txt grn owg -
The success of talks this year to salvage a global climate accord hinges on money, Mexico's President Felipe Calderon said Friday, urging executives at the World Economic Forum to pay more to fight climate change.
Despite recent scandals that have invigorated global warming skeptics, Calderon and the U.N. climate chief vigorously defended scientific work showing that sea levels are rising and glaciers melting, with consequences for millions of people and economies worldwide.
[Actually, no and no.]
Calderon will host the U.N. climate summit in Cancun at the end of the year, which hopes to improve on the failure last month in Copenhagen to produce a binding accord limiting carbon emissions.
"If we can find an economic mechanism [tax] ... we will be on track."
[There's simply too much money {trillions} on the line to just give up on this scam - and having the press in your corner means all things are possible. It will fall to us...]
.There are now more unionized government workers than unionized private-sector employees in America. Time was, unionization meant blue-collar workers laboring on production lines, at construction sites and in mine shafts. While some of those industries are still unionized, most have seen dramatic reductions in their number to allow them to compete in the global marketplace.:
- In 2009, only 7.5 million private-sector workers were unionized, down from 8.3 million in 2008 and far off the mid-1950s glory days when more than 35 percent of the work force was unionized.
- Meanwhile, 7.9 million public-sector workers belonged to organized labor in 2009, up from 7.8 million the year before.
- Rather than represent 17 percent of the unionized work force as they did in 1973, government workers make up 52 percent of the union rolls.
This may be good for union members and bosses, but not for taxpayers:
- Leo Troy, a Rutgers economics professor who has studied unions for years, notes "the collaboration between the nominal public employer -- elected officials -- and unionism suggests that taxpayer comes out on the short end."
- "Collective bargaining," adds James Sherk of the Heritage Foundation, "gives government employees the power to tell voters how to spend their tax dollars instead of the other way around; that is why early labor leaders rejected it as undemocratic."
As did policymakers. Until the laws began to be changed in the 1960s, federal, state and local governments did not allow public employees to collectively bargain with taxpayers.
The wise move would be to return to those restrictive policies.
But the unions aren't about to let that happen. Nor would lawmakers, with whom the unions have developed what Troy calls an "incestuous" relationship.
After all, unionized public employees are a natural voting bloc for lawmakers who keep handing them raises. It is the kind of relationship that is crushing California and will eventually devour Oregon and other governments...
[Ultimately the 'lawmakers' too work for us, and this change can be made to happen if we 'insist' on it.]
The Government Party
Subject: txt 2010 libs sclm lbrty bbro -
At the local, state and federal level, there are 19 million to 20 million government employees. And if one takes only Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and earned income tax credits, we are talking of scores of millions who depend on government checks for the necessities of their daily life.
These vast armies of voters — these tens of millions of government employees and scores of millions of government beneficiaries — are the big battalions of the Party of Government. They provide implacable resistance to any party that pledges to cut or curtail government. For they are fighting for their livelihood... [snip]
Democrats are the Party of Government. They feed it, and it feeds them. The larger government grows, the more agencies that are created, the more bureaucrats who are hired, the more people who become beneficiaries, the more deeply entrenched in power the Party of Government becomes...
[And that's the game plan in a nutshell: in a democracy, once societal consumers outnumber contributors they've the voting power to force continued consumption of wealth until, like any parasite, the host is consumed - as has been the cased of every failed socialistic society in history.
We are, right now, at the 50% threshold (government employees and social program, including tax 'credit' recipients combined) - the passage of either current government run health care proposal alone would irrevocably tip the scale - and why the Dems are hell-bent on passing one regardless of obvious citizen sentiment.]
New Obama Spending Plan Sends Deficit Soaring
Subject: txt mny -
President Barack Obama sent Congress a $3.83 trillion budget on Monday that’s chock full of spending for jobs programs while boosting taxes on entrepreneurs and small business.
The deficit for this year would surge to a record-breaking $1.56 trillion, topping last year's then unprecedented $1.41 trillion gap.
Obama Budget Would Impose Host of Tax Increases
Subject: txt bbro mny - engry -
While President Barack Obama is proposing to cut some taxes for companies that hire workers, his budget would raise a host of other taxes on businesses and wealthy individuals.
It imposes nearly $1 trillion in higher taxes on couples making more than $250,000 and individuals making more than $200,000 by not renewing Bush-era tax cuts for them.
Obama revived numerous proposals for business tax increases that didn't fare well in Congress last year, including a scaled-down plan to increase taxes on U.S. companies with major overseas operations, and plans to increase taxes on oil and gas companies...
The President’s Tax Hike on Drilling
Subject: txt mny engry -One well-publicized element of President Obama’s proposed budget is the elimination of “subsidies” for fossil fuels. But, in large part, these are not subsidies at all. One proposal relates to the tax treatment of oil-company incomes.
According to the New York Times, Obama proposes to eliminate the expensing of what are called intangible drilling costs. These represent about 70 percent of all drilling costs and are made up of labor, supplies, contractors, and fuel... [snip]
So Obama, in proposing to eliminate expensing of these drilling costs, is not abolishing a tax subsidy, but is imposing a tax penalty. And, given his often-articulated disdain for fossil fuels, he is probably quite aware of this fact.
Schwarzenegger: Send Calif. Illegal Inmates to Mexico
Subject: txt cali immig mny -
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger suggested California could ease its crowded prison system by sending thousands of undocumented inmates to specially built jails in Mexico.
"We pay them to build the prison down in Mexico. And then we have those undocumented immigrants down there in prison. It would half the costs to build the prison and run the prison. We could save a billion dollars right there that could go into higher education."
Schwarzenegger's remarks come as California prepares for the latest in a long line of state budget crises.
What did Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower have in common?
Back during The Great Depression, President Herbert Hoover ordered the
deportation of ALL illegal aliens in order to make jobs available to American
citizens that desperately needed work..
Harry Truman deported over two million Illegal's after WWII to create jobs
for returning veterans..
And then again in 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower deported 13 million
Mexican Nationals! The program was called 'Operation Wetback'. It was
done so WWII and Korean Veterans would have a better chance at jobs.
It took 2 Years, but they deported them.
Now...if they could deport the illegal's back then - they could sure do it today.
lf you have doubts about the veracity of this information, enter Operation
Wetback into your favorite search engine and confirm it for yourself.
Reminder: Don't forget to pay your taxes... 20 million Illegal Aliens are depending on you...
Black History Month Should Be about Black History
I've often said jokingly that Black History Month should more accurately be called "white people and America suck" month. Rather than focusing on all of black history, every February, the liberal media and most democrats gleefully bring up all of America's past sins.
Fine. I mean, after all, it is a part of history. But what is wrong is that these race exploiters imply that current race relations in America have not come very far from the days of blacks being lynched. Thus, Black History Month in reality is the liberal democrats' annual fundraiser and promo campaign for more entitlement programs. In fairness, Carver, Washington, and Walker are featured during Black History Month in classrooms and the media. But it is not mentioned that the success of these outstanding Americans is a testimony of the greatness of our country.
American blacks have achieved amazing things under extraordinary circumstances, most of which could not have happened without the assistance of good, decent, God-fearing whites. But we never hear about these whites...
Fox News Winning in Quantity and Now Quality
A poll conducted last week by Public Policy Polling found that among 1,151 registered voters surveyed, Fox News Channel crushed the other networks in trust, with 49 percent of respondents saying they trusted FNC. That's 10 percentage points more than CNN, and 14 points more than MSNBC, the home of Obama-boosting or leftist personalities such as Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz.
Reacting to the news, Media Research Center President and NewsBusters Publisher Brent Bozell issued the following statement:
The proof is in the pudding. Americans want balanced news, not liberal advocacy. Fox offered them ‘fair and balanced' journalism, and America has embraced them.
Eyes Wide Shut: How the Elephant In the Room Is Now Anchoring the Evening News
One of two things is happening here; a) The leftist activist old media is on a mission to push their agenda and nothing else matters, or b) they really don’t know what they’re doing and the stories just take on a life of their own and like NASCAR , they just happen to take left turns nearly all the time.
I’ll take the former on this one. I’m not going to bother debating whether the activist old media turns left. It’s all well documented here on Bigjournalism.com and elsewhere. Besides, you know what you know, you see what you see, and you’ve figured this out long ago. I do wonder if the activist old media would rather see their businesses destroyed than to admit they have a bias. Perhaps.
What claim to fair and balanced coverage when you believe your purpose is to save the world from Evil Fat Cat Bankers? Bernie Madoff stealing $50 billion leads the newscasts, but the Obama Administration stealing $1.8 trillion from our grandchildren falls on the cutting room floor... [snip]
The ratings don’t lie. Fox News destroys its “competition.” CNN had a 20-year head start and its numbers don’t come close, MSNBC has the power of NBC news behind them its numbers are in the toilet. Do they think Fox beats both of them combined because they have better graphics?
Evening newscasts are in a ratings freefall. Let’s blame that on George W. Bush just because we’ve gone half way through this column and haven’t blamed him yet.
It’s amazing the efforts media takes to try to figure out why people watch, listen or read what they do. The analysis that takes place, the consultants, the dollars that are spent and the effort that goes into research of whether to use Blue #2 or Blue #3 on the graphics would shock you.
Meantime, if they just provided honest, balanced coverage, eyeballs would return to screens.
This is not a fun thing to watch. After spending 30 years in TV news it’s like watching a close friend do a slow crash and burn. Everybody knows it, can see it, they know what needs to be done -- except for the friend. Eyes wide shut. Yes, it is the elephant in the room that the media will never address, and it is an elephant, not a donkey.
Perhaps that’s why it’s so hard for the media to see it.