Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cap and confuse

HERE'S HOW to get a dubious bill into law, or at least past the U.S. House of Representatives, which last week deserved to be called the lower chamber:

First, make the bill long. Very long. So long no one may actually read it, supporters or opponents. Make even a key amendment 310 pages long. Introduce this horse-choker of an amendment at 3 in the morning of the day of the roll-call vote. So it can't be examined too closely or too long. Only after the bill passes may its true costs emerge.

To cite an old proverb we just made up: Pass in haste, repent at leisure.

Make sure the bill itself, which already was 1,200 pages long before this super-sized amendment was added, surpasseth all understanding. No sense risking a reasoned debate. Just round up enough party-line votes and give the majority its orders...


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