Monday, September 28, 2009
Liberal McCarthyism': W In Doubt, Blame It On Racism
txt 1st vals msm - 'Leave it to George Will to perfectly explain in just two words all the recent accusations by Democrats and their media minions that anti-government sentiment sweeping the nation is caused by racism.
Liberal McCarthyism.
Fortunately for those not understanding the reference, Will explained further when the Roundtable discussion on Sunday's "This Week" turned to all the recent pronouncements of racism directed at anyone having the nerve to challenge President Obama's agenda:
What we’re hearing is the liberals’ McCarthyism, which is, when in doubt, blame people for racism. Litigators have an old argument: When the law’s on your side, argue the law. When the facts are on your side, argue the facts. When neither’s on your side, pound the table. This amounts to pounding the table.
I have yet to see evidence, is there -- does evidence even intrude in this conversation? Is there any evidence that these people are racists? I think not.
Unfortunately, those pounding the table include so-called journalists who should be exposing the lack of evidence rather than participating in the charade...
The Unhealthy State of America
Subject: txt 1st vals -
The disdain and contempt that Americans are expressing towards our government have been categorized by the left as nothing more than racist vitriol. The facts behind our discontent are quickly ignored as liberals cohesively race to point out, in a miraculously orchestrated way, what they believe is the true motive behind our actions.
"They don't agree with us, so it must be because he's a black man."
We, honest Americans who wish for nothing more than to be heard and answered, have been pushed to the opposite side of a chasm of division that grows wider each day. No longer is it acceptable to have an opinion-unless it mimics that of leadership. No longer are we encouraged to be heard unless we're parroting the thoughts that will forward the agenda of those is power. Winston Churchill once said that
"criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things."
Will future events be further categorized as un-American fringe activities, or will this administration finally realize that the American body recognizes the unhealthy activities that are-for the moment-causing pain, but that will eventually become terminal and cripple this great nation...
Truth trumps the race card
[HT:HE]Subject: txt 1st vals -
Did I miss something extremely important in the fine print on our presidential ballots last year?
Was there some fishy legalese in there specifying that if Barack Obama were elected, then I as a citizen, would thereby give up my right to free speech and would have to walk barefoot over hot coals if I criticized any of his policies? Did I miss some dictate down there on the ballot in my Southern state that notified me of my loss of U.S. citizenship in the event that Barack Obama became the first black president?
I don't think so. [snip]
Investors Business Daily enumerated 15 distinct, quite problematic instances of misinformation uttered by the President in his speech before Congress. The Heritage Foundation debunked 10 false claims in the speech. Reason Magazine, a fierce supporter of the President's election, published a column calling it like it is, "Obama's Lies Matter, Too." The not-known-for-racism group, listed six big areas where the President fudged the truth in very carefully worded ways that seemed intentionally misleading.
Whether one chooses to call these "lies" or "misinformation" probably depends upon one's own proclivity for candor... [snip]
So, the next time some insanely condescending liberal tries to pull the race card from his hand and lay it on the table like it's some kind of cockamamie trump card, be ready and armed with the truth. Because truth trumps the race card every single day of the week.
It ain't about race.
Oh, and the establishment media needs to understand once and for all that if they're not willing to be colorblind protectors of the people's right to know, then they will be -- in perfect capitalistic fashion -- moved right off the stage posthaste...
Hypocrisy In Media's Race Baiting
txt 1st vals msm -In the first segment on the most recent installment of CNN's "Reliable Sources," Kurtz and his panel discussed comments made by various press members last week that opposition to Barack Obama's agenda is being fueled by racism.
Unfortunately, what Kurtz failed to point out was that in two of the examples he gave -- Duke and Gates -- the press's own prejudices and biases caused them to badly get the story wrong.
After all, media members were quick to assume the white Duke lacrosse players were guilty of raping a black woman, and never apologized for their error to the families whose lives were destroyed by their negligence when it was proved she made it all up.
As it pertains to Gates, the old media never questioned whether the President's background, experiences, and prejudices drove him to capriciously characterize the Cambridge police department as having acted stupidly well before he had all the facts.
What REALLY would have been a teachable moment concerning that incident would have been the news media asking America's first black president whether his own biases led him to act stupidly.
Alas, that didn't happen, and Kurtz didn't mention it Sunday.
The rest of the story...
Subject: txt 1st othr gdd bdd hstry -
Sometimes people ask me why I insist on writing column after column about Barack Obama, or before him George W. Bush, when I am just a small-town editor. The answer is simple. Because I care about what happens to this country.
If you know of anything more important to write about than the takeover of health care under Obama or the attempted surrender of sovereignty under Bush, let me know what it is.
Obama is stifling dissent on health care reform
Subject: txt 1st hcare -
By: Sen. Mitch McConnell
OpEd Contributor
September 24, 2009
"First and foremost, this episode should be of serious concern to millions of seniors on Medicare who deserve to know what the government has in mind for their health care. But it should also frighten anyone who cherishes their First Amendment right to free speech -- whether in Louisville, Helena, San Francisco, or anywhere else... [snip]
"Let's review: at the instigation of the Chairman of the Finance Committee, the author of the health care legislation now working its way through Congress, the Executive Branch, through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, has launched an investigation into Humana for explaining to seniors how this legislation might affect their coverage.
"One more time: a private health care provider told its elderly clients how health care legislation might affect their lives. And now the federal government is putting its full weight into investigating that company at the request of the senator who wrote the legislation in question. [snip]
"Yesterday my office called CMS to ask for the legal authority that would warrant them imposing an industry-wide gag order on an issue of public concern. We're still waiting for a response. So this morning, I'm asking the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to provide my office with its justification for telling a company it can't communicate with its seniors...
[More, all bad - Recommended > ]
Obama's best of intentions...
Subject: txt gwot nsec owg -
UNITED NATIONS — For President Obama, the handshakes and hugs during his first visit to the United Nations last week masked a cold reality: nine months into his presidency, he is being forced to retool his most important foreign policy initiatives, from the war in Afghanistan to peace in the Middle East and his diplomatic overture to Iran.
Iran Nuclear Site Could Pose Test to U.S., Israel Ties
Subject: txt gwot nsec - israel -
Iran's disclosure that it has been building a nuclear site ratchets up already simmering tensions between the Islamic Republic and Israel, raising questions about whether President Obama retains enough influence to prevent Israel from launching a preemptive military strike should Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government turn to its last resort. Polls show Obama's popularity is waning in Israel, where some say his administration is too conciliatory toward the Palestinians.
Iran test-fires short-range missiles
Subject: txt gwot islm owg nsec -
TEHRAN-Iran said it successfully test-fired short-range missiles during drills Sunday by the elite Revolutionary Guard, a show of force days after the U.S. and its allies condemned Tehran over a newly revealed underground nuclear facility that was being secretly constructed. English-language Press TV reported the Fateh-110, Tondar-69 and Zelzal were test fired in a missile defense exercise, but did not give specifics on range or other details. All are short-range, surface-to-surface missiles.
World's Cowards Exposed
Subject: txt owg israel - gdd -
WASHINGTON -- It's amazing how simple moral clarity slices through the toxic drivel that has come to define the United Nations. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strode into the world's billion-dollar debating society yesterday and, in calm, deliberate tones, reminded us all of the real purpose for the UN's existence -- so long forgotten... [snip]
Generously, Netanyahu commended those who rose and walked out during Ahmadinejad's speech.
It tells you all you need to know about the UN these days that walking out when a lunatic takes the podium passes for courage.The only thing more criminal than sitting there listening to the lies and pure hate of these lunatics is standing there idly by watching history repeat itself.
The History Lesson Obama Missed
Subject: txt hstry owg reps libs -
Much has been written about what motivates Barack Obama. Some suggest he is simply naïve; others suggest he is pure evil. Some look to his socialist upbringing and his narcissistic personality. The one obvious and consistent feature self-evident in speech after speech comprising his world apology tour is Obama's disdain for America. Obama stands with the world's evil-doers in rejecting American exceptionalism. If there was a question about Obama's love of his country, the disparaging remarks on Wednesday about the country he was elected to lead confirm his scorn.
There was no mention of the good that American men and women have done for the people of the world in the 20th and 21st centuries. There was no mention of the soldiers that have fought, been maimed, and died on battlefields across the globe so that people could be free of dictators the likes of which sat in the General Assembly and applauded for Obama. There was no mention of the financial support, the humanitarian aid, or the work of various American not-for-profits that exist solely to help individuals less fortunate the world over. And of course, there was no mention of the international AIDS-fighting campaign launched under George W. Bush, Obama's predecessor who received the biggest bashing in his speech.
But notwithstanding Obama's motives for reaching out to the dictators of the world, Americans must take note of the fact that the lessons of history and basic understanding of human nature teach that irrational megalomaniacs cannot be reasoned with. No matter how articulate America's president, his Messiah-like aura will not turn evil into good, the devil into an angel...
[Recommended > ]
Old Media claim recession is over, but Americans aren't buying it
[HT:MG]Subject: txt msm bias mny -
Pundits proclaim the recession is "technically" over. Yeah, right. The Daily News Impact Panel begs to differ. (Snip)
"As you walk along the city streets, do you see fewer For Rent signs on closed businesses?"
upper East Side pharmacist Glenn Jacobi asked.
"Have the credit card companies started to charge less interest than the mob?"
The dead end kids
Subject: txt mny - sclm bbro - The dead end kids
The unemployment rate for young Americans has exploded to 52.2 percent -- a post-World War II high, according to the Labor Dept. -- meaning millions of Americans are staring at the likelihood that their lifetime earning potential will be diminished and, combined with the predicted slow economic recovery, their transition into productive members of society could be put on hold for an extended period of time...
[And Democrats are still raising the (arbitrary) minimum wage...]
Reuters: 'Obama Scores Twin Coups on Iran, Economy'
Subject: txt gwot mny msm -
Woo! Hoo! Break out the victory champagne! Wonderful news on the diplomatic and economic fronts!Obama's expressions of deep concern have caused Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to wilt under the pressure and announce that Iran will destroy its nuclear plants. On top of that there is news of soaring employment numbers as well as a booming economy.
Okay, so maybe none of this is really happening but one could be forgiven for believing these fantasies if his reading material were limited to Reuters which jubilantly published a story by Steve Holland titled Obama Scores Twin Coups on Iran, Economy: [snip]
Out of work? Losing your home to foreclosure? Good news! Cheerleader Steve of Reuters has reported that Obama made it possible for China to have a greater role in the global economy. Now don't you feel so much better?
NRO: Data Underlying Global Warming Claims May Be Gone
Subject: txt grn msm -
At National Review Online Wednesday morning, Patrick J. Michaels told us that:
.... the data needed to verify the gloom-and-doom warming forecasts have disappeared.
Or so it seems. Apparently, they were either lost or purged from some discarded computer. Only a very few people know what really happened, and they aren’t talking much. And what little they are saying makes no sense.
There have been many questions about the integrity of the science behind global warming, but what Michaels describes may be the most troubling example yet cited.
Here's more from his column:
Since the 1980s, we have merged the data we have received into existing series or begun new ones, so it is impossible to say if all stations within a particular country or if all of an individual record should be freely available.
In other words, we're being told that a lot of the raw data is gone. We're just supposed to trust that the adjustments made were done accurately and properly. Even if they were done conscientiously at the time based on the best available knowledge, there's no way to modify those adjustments for better information that may have come along in the last three decades.
So here's the bottom line:
.... So the question remains: What was destroyed or lost, when was it destroyed or lost, and why?
.... If there are no data, there’s no science. U.S. taxpayers deserve to know the answer to the question posed above.
It looks like there's a lot of material in place that should motivate someone in the establishment press to do an investigative report. Will anyone in the establishment media, which incessantly questions the accuracy of scientific reports based solely on who paid for them, even care to tell us that much of the scientific data supporting what I have for years referred to as "globaloney" apparently no longer exists?
Don't hold your breath.
Oxy oil discovery could spark new interest in California's energy potential
Subject: txt engry cali -
The biggest find in the state in 35 years, somewhere in Kern County, could herald new exploration in California and the U.S., experts sayThe Westwood company revealed in July that it had found the equivalent of 150 million to 250 million barrels of oil and natural gas in an undisclosed part of Kern County using techniques that the oil company's executives would rather not talk about... [snip]
Despite steady declines in petroleum output to about 214.5 million barrels last year from about 394 million barrels at the 1985 peak, California still ranks fourth in the nation behind the combined federal offshore drilling sites and Texas and Alaska.
The U.S. Geological Survey travels the country to assess petroleum reserves and the potential for new discoveries. In 2003 and again in 2007, its geologists said that it was likely that an additional 4 billion barrels "may be added to reserves in existing oil fields"...
[Again and again, our discovery of reserves outpaces our increasing consumption throughout the history of oil - when we but look for it...]
Subject: txt intl bdd immig -
More skilled immigrants are giving up their American dreams to pursue careers back home, raising concerns that the United States may lose its competitive edge in science, technology, and other fields.
"What was a trickle has become a flood,"
says Duke University's Vivek Wadhwa, who studies reverse immigration:
In the next five years, 100,000 immigrants will go back to India and 100,000 to China, countries that have had rapid economic growth.
For the first time in American history, the United States is experiencing the brain drain that other countries experienced.
Suren Dutia, CEO of TiE Global, a worldwide network of professionals who promote entrepreneurship, says the U.S. economy will suffer without these skilled workers.
"If the country is going to maintain the kind of economic well-being that we've enjoyed for many years, that requires having these incredibly gifted individuals who have been educated and trained by us,"
Wadhwa surveyed 1,203 Indian and Chinese immigrants who had worked or been educated here before returning to their homelands and found the exodus has less to do with the faltering United States economy than with our immigration process:
Multinational companies that belong to the American Council on International Personnel tell Executive Director Lynn Shotwell that skilled immigrants are discouraged by the immigration process, waiting up to a decade for permanent residency...
Subject: txt edu -
New York City students who win a lottery to enroll in charter schools outperform those who don't win spots and go on to attend traditional schools, according to a new study, led by Stanford University economics Prof. Caroline Hoxby.
Charter schools are publicly funded schools, typically with nonunion teachers, that are granted more freedom by states in curriculum and hiring, and are often promoted as a way to turn around failing schools.
- Among students who had spent their academic careers in charter schools, the average eighth grader in Hoxby's study had a state mathematics test score of 680, compared with 650 for those in traditional schools;
- Hoxby's study also found that the charter-school students, who tend to come from poor and disadvantaged families, scored almost as well as students in the affluent Scarsdale school district in the suburbs north of the city; the English test results showed a similar pattern.
- Lastly, the study found students were more likely to earn a state Regents diploma, given to higher-achieving students, the longer they attended charter schools.
This year, the Renaissance Charter School in Queens and the Democracy Prep Charter School in Harlem each had 1,500 applicants for 80 seats.
Renaissance co-principal Stacey Gauthier says 90 percent of students go on to college.
"We have to perform well or we lose our charter," ... "It makes us step up our game."
Critics of charter schools have long argued that any higher test scores were not necessarily attributable to anything the schools were doing, but to the students themselves, on the premise that only the most motivated students and families elected charters.
Hoxby's study sought to address that argument by comparing students who attend charters directly with similarly motivated students -- those who sought to attend charters but were denied a seat through a random lottery...
image toon - edu crpt libs - Oby wants kids in school - but not voucher schools
N.J. Principal Unapologetic for Kids Praising Obama, Would Do It Again
Subject: txt edu crpt libs -
The principal of a New Jersey elementary school where young students were videotaped singing the praises of President Obama is making no apologies for the videotape and says she would allow the performance again if she could, according to parents who spoke with her Thursday night.
[We need universal, unencumbered {school system 'managed'} vouchers.]
Giant ACORN nuts in 'shell game' : report
Subject: txt crpt libs acorn -
Washington - The embattled community group ACORN, comprising a mind-boggling 94 different affiliates, amounts to ''a big shell game,'' a biting Senate Finance Committee study shows.
The study, by the staff of Iowa Republican Charles Grassley, reveals four ACORN charity groups give more than half their revenue to taxable entities that engage in ''impermissible lobbying and political activity'...'
The MSM Lambaste Giles and O’Keefe’s Politics and Faith
Subject: txt 1st msm bias crpt libs - bdd -
Let me see if I have this right: ACORN, in five locations coast-to-coast are on tape counseling tax fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, and the coup de grace, how to set up a whorehouse for 12 to 15-year-old El Salvadoran sex slaves, and now the MSM are POed about it being exposed without ACORN’s consent?!
MSM: Attack the Messenger(s)
Subject: txt msm bias acorn -

O’Keefe was not just targeted by MSM backbenchers, but the Big Three: New York Times, Washington Post, and the Associated Press.
The results weren’t even close. It was a lopsided victory for O’Keefe, as all three titans of media issued corrections on damning allegations... [snip]
None of the above was a small mistake, either in terms of relevance or harm to reputation. Between the Big Three’s articles, there were a total of seven reporters on the byline or listed as contributors, most of whom were veterans. That’s not even counting editors or the ample resources available to the MSM journalists.
One wonders if the MSM reporters with egg on their faces realize the irony: the 25-year-old, self-described “skinny nerd” with scarce resources has outclassed deep pocketed media titans. He has no corrections, and each of the Big Three has one — and that’s just in the past few days.
Public trust in the mainstream is at an all-time low. Its reaction to the ACORN revelations and ham-handed attacks on O’Keefe will only accelerate the downward spiral....
[We can hope.]
Lingua Crapa
The decline of the mainstream media is not only a matter of liberal bias, but of linguistics. The dinosaur media is losing readers because it is full of bad writers. I grew up with the Washington Post, and still pad down the driveway faithfully every morning to read the paper. To be sure, the leftward tilt is annoying, but to me it's only what the writers are saying, but how they are saying it.
[Didn't read it - the title got it posted.]