Monday, October 26, 2009
NYT - Yes, NYT: White House Attacking Fox Because It Is News, and That's the Problem
Subject: txt msm bias 1st gdd -
The cat is out of the bag at the New York Times. The Times has exposed, albeit passively, the true motivation behind the White House's Fox News attacks. Contrary to the administration's claims, it is deriding Fox not because it doesn't report the news, but rather because it does.It is news, after all, when an organization potentially receiving billions in federal funds aids and abets what it thinks is a criminal organization. It is news when a high-level White House adviser, responsible for the distribution of $80 billion in federal funds, is outed as a communist and a 'truther' conspiracy theorist. It is news when the president's chief communications officer admits her admiration for a murderous dictator.
If these stories were not newsworthy, there would be no pressure on the mainstream media to cover them, and the New York Times certainly would not apologize for delaying its coverage.
The fact that Fox News actually reports news that is important to Americans, thereby forcing other outlets to report the story, is what concerns the White House. As Rich Lowry stated at The Corner,
"their problem is not that Fox isn't a real news organization, their problem is that it is."
49% Say NO Health Care Reform Better Than Current Plans
Subject: txt 1st hcare -
Forty-nine percent (49%) of voters nationwide say that passing no health care reform bill this year would be better than passing the plan currently working its way through Congress.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 39% disagree and say the current effort is better than doing nothing.
Pelosi calls an emergency meeting on push for ‘robust’ public option
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is scrambling to push back the notion she lacks the votes for a “robust” public option. Pelosi (D-Calif.) called an emergency meeting of her caucus Friday morning to declare that she has not abandoned the push for including that provision in a healthcare bill. ...
[Why would the democrats to blatantly risk the public's wrath over this?
A: It's worth it, for once they have the lever of your family's health care in their control they become the permanent majority party.
It's never had anything to do with health care.]
Pelosi Says: 'Are You Serious?'
[HT:SO]Subject: txt reps 1st hcare crpt bdd -When asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday where the Constitution authorized Congress to order Americans to buy health insurance--a mandate included in both the House and Senate versions of the health care bill--Pelosi dismissed the question by saying:
''Are you serious? Are you serious?''
Pelosi then shook her head before taking a question from another reporter...
Public option for Congress
Subject: txt 1st hcare -
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) submitted three versions of a public option in healthcare to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to be scored. Not one of them includes a query on cost or savings to taxpayers should Congress subject itself to the taxpayer-funded government plan commonly referred to as the “public option,” not to be confused with the fully tricked-out Cadillac plans they now have, for which we, the taxpayers, are footing the bill.
The public option should not be optional for Congress. It should be mandatory.
Congress is already on a publicly funded plan more generous than almost any private plan offered anywhere in the United States. But why shouldn’t they be on the same public plan they have in store for their fellow citizens? Is it too much to ask for Pelosi, et al, to put their money where their mouth is? (Or rather, our money?)
[Stop debating details - government run health 'care' needs be avoided in its entirety if we're to retain our civil liberties.]
U.S. Gets Rolled
Subject: txt gwot nsec owg -
Diplomacy: Internationalists are cheering a new nuclear deal reached with Iran. But with Tehran getting enriched uranium in exchange for nothing, all it means is that it gets a bomb. This is not smart diplomacy. Feeling vindicated about their policy of engagement with America's enemies, administration officials are expressing "satisfaction" with a just-completed deal.
The list of potential problems is long. Iran will hand over its enriched uranium for a few months, then get it all back. That's fine for Iran. It won't need enriched material for bombs until the long-range missile system it's working on is ready.
Second, Iran hasn't renounced enrichment.
So while the West lulls itself into a false sense of security that Iran's illegally enriched uranium is now in safer hands, Iran can go right on enriching more . And with recent news of more Iranian enrichment plants surfacing, the pile could grow...
Facing a cataclysm.
Subject: txt nsec -Victor Davis Hanson is a military historian; Robert Baer a former CIA field officer. Both have studied the Middle East for decades, traveled to the area repeatedly in recent years and written about the region extensively. And both have become convinced that we may be facing a cataclysm.
Hanson and Baer each presented his analysis during an interview this past week. Although they differ on certain matters, they agree on five observations. The first: If not already capable of doing so, Iran will be able to produce nuclear weapons in mere months...
[Recommended > ]
Looking Better Every Day
Subject: txt intl - nsec -
After nine months the president has gone a long way toward defining his foreign policy. Earlier in his term experts and pundits debated over whether Obama was seeking the path of least resistance in foreign policy (so as to focus on domestic policy) or whether he was hopelessly naive (believing he could talk Iran out of nukes and Russia out of its belligerence). But there is really a much simpler, and disturbingly juvenile explanation for this: he’s continuing the “Not Bush” campaign.
Go down the list and it’s a festival of contrarianism. (No, Bush did not manage an effective policy against Iran or North Korea, but he at least resisted any suggestion that we should genuflect before despots.) Perhaps, like the Daily Kos and the Harvard-faculty crowd, Obama has become Bush-obsessed, and simply assumes the key to brilliance in foreign policy involves doing the opposite of whatever Bush did - regardless of the consequences.
Obama is reminding us of the very real achievements and admirable qualities of the Bush foreign policy.
The Bush team kept us safe for seven and a half years after 9-11, which few thought possible. The Bush team liberated tens of millions of Iraqis from a brutal dictator and when the chattering class clamored for retreat, he put war fighting above politics and avoided a horrible defeat. The Bush team stood squarely on the side of democracy advocates and human-rights dissidents. The Bush team fostered fulsome and productive relations with a wide range of nations — from Israel to India to Poland — who came to rely on the president’s word. And that president did not dither or equivocate.
History will render its judgment on the Bush administration, but it’s looking better every day. And much of the credit goes to his successor.
China Expands Cyberspying in U.S., Report Says
Subject: txt nsec intl -Washington - The Chinese government is ratcheting up its cyberspying operations against the U.S., a congressional advisory panel found, citing an example of a carefully orchestrated campaign against one U.S. company that appears to have been sponsored by Beijing. The unnamed company was just one of several successfully penetrated by a campaign of cyberespionage
The report concluded the attack was likely supported, if not orchestrated, by the Chinese government...
Sharia Banking Comes to Germany
Subject: txt intl mny owg islm -Germany's Muslims are finally getting a bank offering financial products that comply with Sharia law. It is a market worth billions, and one that many major banks around the world have long discovered. There are four million Muslims living in Germany. (Snip) Early next year, the first Islamic bank in Germany to offer products that are in compliance with Sharia law will open its doors.
US Files Polanski Extradition Request in Sex Case
Subject: txt bdd vals intl gdd -The United States has asked Switzerland to hand over Roman Polanski to authorities in California, where he could serve up to two years in prison for having sex in 1977 with a 13-year-old girl, Swiss and U.S. authorities said Friday. The request has been forwarded to Zurich authorities, who will hold a hearing on an unspecified date to decide whether Polanski should be sent back to Los Angeles.
Broadband access a legal right?
Subject: txt owg -
Finland has become the first country in the world to declare broadband Internet access a legal right. Just wait.
The UN is gettign involved too.
The Science of Disinformation
Subject: txt grn owg -
In the dictionary:
Science is defined as "knowledge gained by the study of the physical world."
Knowledge is defined as "possession of ... truths."
Disinformation, is defined as "false ... information."
Hence, The Science of Disinformation is the deliberate, immoral disregard of truth for the sake of selling something packaged as science. Think it can't happen? It is happening in a very big way, and right in front of our very eyes.
Whatever one's view about global warming,1 it is an odds-on bet that most of us don't know very much about the science underlying what has become a global socio-economic phenomenon.2 For example, most people don't know that many scientists think Al Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth propagated the theory of human global warming based on some very inconvenient untruths.
Most people also don't know that when Al Gore was chosen for political reasons to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in connection with his global warming advocacy, he was supposed to share that prize with the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.3
However, IPCC scientist Dr. John Christy refused to accept the Nobel Prize because he did not want to dignify "jump-to-conclusion advocates" and "scientists who see in every weather anomaly the specter of a global-warming apocalypse."
So, what's going on here? Why do the mainstream media continue to tell us that the science "is in" on global warming, when so many scientists who actually deal with the scientific data say otherwise?
[A: Money & power.]
image toon - grn = Gore & MSM ignore growing polar bear population
POLL: Supermajority Oppose Government Regulation of Blogsites
Subject: txt sclm bbro lbrty libs -
Personal blogsites are becoming increasingly more common on the Internet, but just 11% of Americans believe that the government should regulate their content.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 66% of adults oppose federal government regulation of the sites. Twenty-three percent (23%) are not sure.
Support for regulation is higher among those 50 and older.
There are virtually no partisan differences on this question.
[That's unusual - not that it'll make any difference; we little folks just aren't qualified to make such decisions - according to our new Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein...]READ MORE
Anti-Free Speech Push by Liberals in the FCC
Subject: txt lbrty - MRC-TV: Motley Discusses
Media Research Center Communications Director appeared live in studio with Glenn Beck on his Fox News program where he discussed more damning information he's unearthed about FCC diversity czar Mark Lloyd: his ties to Marxist Hugo Chavez defender Robert McChesney. [MP3 audio available here]
McChesney's leftist group, ironically styled Free Press, co-authored with Lloyd and the liberal Center for American Progress a paper exploring "The Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio," which essentially serves as a treastise to justify "balancing" political talk radio via government regulation...
Key FCC vote on net neutrality proposal looms
Subject: txt lbrty - AT & T poised to lose
If the Federal Communications Commission votes today in favor of crafting rules to let the government oversee access to the Internet, it could be a sign of a fundamental shift of power under the Obama administration...
Bloggers Are Journalists, Too
Subject: txt lbrty -
Robert Giles, the editor of the Online Journalism Review, has come down on the side of bloggers as journalists, at least to the extent that bloggers should be regulated by the Federal Trade Commission.
I do not believe that the purpose of the First Amendment was to provide legal protection to specific class of corporations, namely, newspaper companies...
[Bloggers are journalists?! -- That's just mean.]
Four-year-olds got homeowner tax credit, U.S. says
Subject: txt 1st hcare mny -
Children as young as 4 years old received first-time homebuyer tax credits as the U.S. failed to adequately screen filings, a Treasury inspector general told lawmakers today.
''Some key controls were missing to prevent an individual from erroneously or fraudulently claiming the credit and receiving an erroneous refund of up to $8,000,''
[Health 'care' anyone?]
POLL: Americans Oppose Second 'Stimulus' by Greater than Two to One
Subject: txt mny -
Some in Congress are considering a second stimulus plan to fight the country’s growing unemployment problem, but 62% of U.S. voters oppose the passage of another economic stimulus package this year.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 29% favor a second stimulus plan this year.
These numbers are virtually unchanged from July when 27% supported a second stimulus plan while 60% opposed it.READ MORE
Jobless claims dent recovery hopes
[HT:UG]Subject: txt mny - New York - The number of first-time filers for unemployment insurance rose last week, snapping two weeks of significant declines, according to a government report issued Thursday.
There were 531,000 initial jobless claims filed in the week ended Oct. 17, up 11,000 from an upwardly revised 520,000 the previous week, the Labor Department said in a weekly report.
A consensus estimate of economists surveyed by expected 515,000 new claims.
'Fierce urgency' for jobs, not health care
Subject: txt 1st hcare mny - How many times have you heard Barack Obama talk about "the fierce urgency of now"? The president has used the quote, from Martin Luther King Jr., to call for quick action on the war in Iraq, on global warming, on homelessness, on education -- you name it.
[Again, its got nothing to do with health care, but seizing control before we can wise up to their true agenda.]
China-India Accord to Scuttle UN Climate Treaty
Subject: txt grn intl -
On October 22, an accord was signed by Xie Zhenhua, China's vice minister at the National Development and Reform Commission, and Jairam Ramesh, India's environment minister, in New Delhi. The memorandum provides an alternative framework to counter pressure from America and Europe to adopt mandatory limits on greenhouse gas emissions in a new UN treaty. The two Asian powers will collaborate on the development of renewable power projects and improved energy efficiency programs, while rejecting any outside mandates that would slow economic growth... [snip]
An article published in China's Science Times on September 7 cited a study done by Ding Zhongli, vice president of the Science Academy of China. It argued that there is no solid scientific evidence to strictly correlate global temperature rise and CO2 concentrations. Professor Ding noted that some geologists believe that global temperature is related to solar activities and glacial periods, meaning human activity is only one factor that can cause climate change. "Up to now not a single scientist has figured out the weight ratio of each factor on global temperature change," he wrote. [snip]
The danger is that the West will draft a treaty that will only apply to America and Europe, crippling their economies. This was certainly the hope of the Nobel Committee when it awarded its Peace Prize to President Barack Obama. "Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting," said the Nobel proclamation.
The most controversial part of the Nobel Committee's award statement was the assertion that Obama's "diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."
Basing American policy on foreign opinion is not the proper duty of a President of the United States whose job is to lead his own nation to greatness.
But the Nobel Committee was also being delusional in an ironic way. The majority of the world's population wants to progress and improve its material standard of living. The governments which represent them outside America and Europe reject the notion that they should give up their aspirations for a better world to appease an unfounded climate paranoia among Western liberals.
And they are right...
[But we'll do it to ourselves anyway.]
Petroleum is a major part of America’s energy picture. Shall we get it here or abroad?
Given that we’re spending billions of stimulus dollars to rebuild our highways, it makes sense to think about what we’ll be driving on them. For years to come, most of what we drive will be powered, at least in part, by diesel fuel or gasoline. To fuel that driving, we need access to oil. The less use we make of our own reserves, the more we will have to import, which leads to a number of harmful consequences.
Building an energy-independent Amer ica will mean a real economic stimulus. It will mean American jobs that can never be shipped overseas. Think about how much of our trade deficit is fueled by the oil we import — sometimes as much as half of the total. Through this massive transfer of wealth, we lose hundreds of billions of dollars a year that could be invested in our economy. Instead it goes to foreign countries, including some repressive regimes that use it to fund activities that threaten our security.
Reliance on foreign sources of energy weakens America. When a riot breaks out in an OPEC nation, or a developing country talks about nationalizing its oil industry, or a petro-dictator threatens to cut off exports, the probability is great that the price of oil will shoot up. Even in friendly nations, business and financial decisions made for local reasons can de stabilize Amer i ca’s energy market, since the price we pay for foreign oil is subject to rising and falling exchange rates. Decreasing our dependence on foreign sources of energy will reduce the impact of world events on our economy.
In the end, energy independence is not just about the environment or the economy. It’s about freedom and confidence. It’s about building a more secure and peaceful America, an America in which our energy needs will not be subject to the whims of nature, currency speculators, or madmen in possession of vast oil reserves.
That means we need to drill here and drill now.
Battle Over Census Becoming Fight Over Illegal Immigration
Subject: txt immig -
Whether the 2010 census should have 10 questions on it, as it's currently written, or 11, as Sens. Robert Bennett (R-Utah) and David Vitter (R-La.) suggest, seems a simple enough issue.Even though 100 million forms have already been printed, the census director recently told a Senate panel that reprinting the forms would cost about $22 million, not exactly a princely sum in Washington these days. Although supporting materials and training manuals would also have to be changed, Bennett said on the Senate floor recently that adding an 11th question would be "not that big a deal."
But to Democratic activists and civil rights organizations, it is a very big deal, because Vitter (pictured) and Bennett want the 11th question to ask respondents if they if are American citizens.
The debate over that question, and whether legal or illegal immigrants should count toward states' apportionment in Congress, is the subject of an amendment by the two lawmakers to an appropriations bill now pending in the Senate...
[Then >
"OPPOSE The Commerce, Justice, Science appropriations bill "
YOUR Senator:
or: Speed Message them with your personal distribution list...
Kevin Jennings' twisted terminology
.Kevin Jennings is Safe School Czar not by some vetting breakdown.
He was an official in the Obama Campaign as its Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual fund-raising co-chair. For twenty years until 2008, Jennings succeeded on a massive scale at pro-homosexual propagandizing of school children.
His adeptness and accomplishment at semantic deception are extraordinary.
In a 1990 "report" for the Massachusetts Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, it was Jennings himself who re-coined the very term "safe school" to mean a pro-homosexual school. Just as the word "gay" is forever tainted and can now rarely be used in its original sense without prompting the snickers or confusion of the listener, so the term "safe school" is now a post-op product of Jennings that bears no similarity to its original meaning.
This fairly recent change is lost on most of the public, to the severe detriment of millions of American children in public school whose curriculum is controlled by edu-crats who use the Jennings definition... [snip]
Fox News and Rush Limbaugh recently covered the scandal of some 250 California public schools ordering the pro-homosexual "Boy in a Bikini" cartoon indoctrination video. I am the father who was interviewed recently on Fox and Friends with my attorney, Brad Dacus of the Pacific Justice Institute.
The topic was the force-fed pro-homosexual curriculum in my school district and others. Although until now the Jennings and school-video scandals have been covered separately, there is a substantial connecting line to draw between Kevin Jennings and "Boy in a Bikini."
Kevin Jennings founded the GSA in 1988. Youth in Motion, the video producer comprised of a partnership between Jennings' GSA and the company Frameline, actually produced "Boy in a Bikini" and 'distributes' it to hundreds of schools -- including our local elementary school.
Expect more of this, funded with your federal tax dollars...
[The primary reason I voted for prop. 8 the 2nd time but not the first: I'd learned in the interim of the aggressive promotion of gay-lesbian 'lifestyles' in our government-run schools regardless of parents wishes...]
[Recommended, MUST READ for school age children > ]
53 Republicans demand firing of 'safe schools czar' Kevin Jennings
Subject: txt edu crpt lbrty -Fifty-three House Republicans have written President Barack Obama asking him to remove ''safe schools czar'' Kevin Jennings from that position. The lawmakers accused Jennings of ''pushing a pro-homosexual agenda'' and said that Jennings's past writings exhibit a record that makes him unfit for the position. The letter was signed by 53 Republican colleagues, including two members of leadership...
[Following this in the MSM? Oh I forgot, they're not covering it.]
Hot dog vendor relishes his sales-tax victory
As light on his feet as the prizefighter he once was, Bill Connell moves quickly around his Carpinteria hot dog stand, jabbing hot sausages, whipping Monster Dogs into buns, and boasting about the recent knockout he scored against state tax officials.
"They told me the law didn't mean what it said in plain language, and I told them: 'Are you kidding me? I was educated in Catholic schools! I know what the law says!' "
For Connell, all is well. He claims the state owes him $30,000 in sales taxes he paid over the years, but his pending lawsuit is a fight for another day.
"He's an individual," Jorgensen said. "In Sacramento, they hate people like him."
[Thank you Bill.]