Monday, September 21, 2009
Newsweek: Protests Against Obama Are Because He's Black
Media cries of racism every time someone criticizes Barack Obama are becoming quite commonplace now, but this one from Newsweek's Raina Kelley takes the cake:
Let me say this clearly so there are no misunderstandings: some of the protests against President Obama are howls of rage at the fact that we have an African-American head of state. I'm sick of all the code words used when this subject comes up, so be assured that I am saying exactly what I mean.
Got that?
Well, in case you're at all confused, Kelley made things crystal clear in her article published Saturday amazingly titled, "Play the Race Card":
"When "Tea Party" leader Mark Williams ap-pears [sic] on CNN and speaks of "working-class people" taking "their" country back from a lawfully elected president, he is not just protesting Obama's politics; he is griping over the fact that this country's most powerful positions are no longer just for white men."
You believe this nonsense? But it got worse:
"Black skin has meant something very specific in this country for hundreds of years. It has meant "less than," "not as good as," "separate than," and even "equal to." It has never meant "better than" unless you were talking about dancing, singing, or basketball. Obama represents "better than," and that's scary for people who think of black people as shaved gorillas."
I highly doubt Kelley and her ilk really want an honest discussion about this. After all, if Obama hadn't have been black, he would have been far more fully vetted and scrutinized by media members, and therefore wouldn't have had a prayer of defeating Hillary Clinton in the primaries.
The Democratic nomination process would have been over by last February's Super Tuesday if Obama was a white junior senator from Illinois with the exact same qualifications and background. Even Kelley herself would likely have voted for Hillary if Obama was just another white guy from Chicago.
But folks like Kelley don't want to discuss that, for it would indeed mean that Obama was elected largely because of race.
In fact, his entire candidacy was always about race. Even former President Bill Clinton pointed it out on several occasions during the campaign.
And now that it worked and he's run into a bit of a snag as Americans come out from under the ether to recognize the absence of clothing on the man they blindly elected, the MSM want him to continue to play the race card.
For her part, Kelley said that keeping quiet about racism "allows the lunatic fringe to fill the vacuum in the public debate."
Maybe so, but playing the race card allows the lunatic fringe on the left to stifle the public debate.
I highly doubt Kelley and her ilk would like to honestly discuss that either.
How To Find Millions of Racists
How do you create millions of white racists? I have a theory.
I say you can do it by accusing a few million white folks who are not racists and just continue to accuse them of being racists on a daily basis. Keep doing it day after day and week after week, and pretty soon you might just have what you want. The human spirit cannot absorb but so much of this before the inclination to hate the accusers gains traction. What do you expect from just a bunch of "typical white people."
What do you think will happen if you (the liberals) just keep on doing this? [snip]
How should we react if you make sure that you bring up the idea that people can't accept an African American President whenever he is criticized? I mean you do it every single time. Never mind that damned near 65 million folks - most of whom were white - voted for him last November. And never mind that many of these folks are among the Tea Party protesters.
We stood by and watched the media never manage to mention that Barack Obama would get something like 95% of his race while they were debating whether the white folks in the country were racists or not. We instantly saw the intellectual suicide of that analysis, but we were relatively quiet about it. [And now we're paying for that silence - are we learning?]
What will we think if you continue this hateful and libelous attack on us as we shop for Oprah's books or cheer for Tiger Woods or go see Bill Cosby's comedy show? We do a lot of all of that by the way. What are we to think of being called racists while our churches are performing non-government sponsored outreach to the inner cities providing food, shelter, computers and clothing?
And I won't even mention how we'll feel if you do it while we are on mission trips to poor African nations at our own expense.,, [snip]
So let me ask you a question? Have you ever considered that this cheap ploy might have the potential to explode into something much more malignant? What are we to think when normally reasonable folks like Juan Williams jump into the muck of Bill Maher and Jimmy Carter as a knee jerk reaction?
I say this because nothing -- absolutely nothing -- accesses our deepest temper like the totally unfounded accusation of racism. It is so completely wrong and hate filled and transparently desperate that every single time it happens the rage is building. Human nature is human nature, and these accusations are running afoul of it.
Will the real racists please stand up
When a majority of voters elected the first African-American to the highest office in the land, one would have thought it was a positive sign that racism had been dealt a serious blow.
After all, without millions of whites voting for Barack Obama he would have had no chance of being elected president. John McCain, his white opponent, lost the race, even though the overwhelming majority of voters are white. Hence, if racism were as prevalent as some race-baiters proclaim, President McCain would be occupying the White House right now.
Furthermore, given the fact that approximately 96% of blacks voted for the black candidate, we could make the argument that blacks are the racists in this country. Yet, most fair-minded people, me included, didn't try to make that argument because it wasn't hard to understand the motives of blacks, having dealt with a history of discrimination, favoring the first of their race with a serious chance of becoming Chief Executive.
Although I voted for McCain because I believe his service to the country merited his ascension, when Obama was elected I felt it was a good sign that we had achieved a milestone in race relations... [snip]
While standing up under a constant bombardment of calumny from every wacko on the other side of the political spectrum, Bush had no choice but to take it and continue to do his best to protect this country. He didn't have a cadre of supporters claiming that he was being heckled because of his skin color.
The plain fact is that Obama is taking a lot of criticism and losing support because of his liberal policies, not because of his epidermal pigmentation. Nevertheless, his acolytes would have us believe that any disagreement with him indicates bigotry.
If the day ever comes that a president is impervious to criticism, we'll know we've become a dictatorship...
Obama endorses 'choice and competition'
Americans mostly ignored something in President Obama’s speech to Congress last week. “My guiding principle,” President Obama told Congress, “is, and always has been, that consumers do better when there is choice and competition….”
Yes, that’s what he said. I looked back at the text of the President’s speech and wondered: Exactly where does our government give citizens “choice and competition” now?
- 1. The government provides our children’s public education. Do they offer us choice and competition? No.
- 2. Our government provides daily postal service. Any choice or competition? Nope.
- 3. The Feds provide health insurance for our nation’s poor and elderly. Choice? Nada. Competition? Nyet.
- 4. Our government provides the health care of our nation’s proud service men and women. Do they get choice or competition? Nie. (That’s “No,” in Polish.)
- 5) The government controls the future retirement savings of all American citizens, our Social Security. Are we offered choice and competition? Not even.
If our government currently gives American citizens no choice or competition in these five areas, then how well are they doing their job? President Obama knows, “(Americans) do better when there is choice and competition.” Therefore, it stands to reason, Americans would do much better with choice and competition in health insurance, health care, public education, postal service, Medicaid, Medicare, Veterans’ Care and Social Security.
Now that’s the kind of change we can believe in, but it will come at the expense of current governmental power. That's not going to happen with the current crew in Washington...
Amid health reform, massive Medicare
Nine months into his term, President Barack Obama has yet to nominate someone to head an agency that will play an enormous role in implementing any healthcare reform legislation Congress passes this year.
“It’s totally bizarre, what’s going on,” ... "It’s a very bad situation, particularly in a year when healthcare reform is such a big issue.”
The agency has 4,400 employees, a $676 billion annual budget and a duty to provide healthcare to 44.6 million people enrolled in Medicare, 51 million in Medicaid and 6.3 million in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)...
[This is government run health care.]
Obama says insurance mandate is not tax hike
[Don't know how anyone could have confused it for a tax, just because it costs you more money, taken by force, per government mandate.]
CBS Disguises Single-Payer Group's 45,000 Deaths Claim as a 'Harvard' Study
Trying to boost the rationale for ObamaCare, Thursday's CBS Evening News ran two stories from far-left sources, but the network disguised the agenda behind both. Katie Couric announced that
“while the debate goes on over the cost of insuring everyone, a new study reveals the cost of not doing it. The Harvard study says nearly 45,000 American deaths every year are linked to a lack of insurance.”
Neither she, nor reporter Jim Axelrod, noted that the report was really produced by Physicians for a National Health Program,
“the only national physician organization in the United States dedicated exclusively to implementing a single-payer national health program.”[Our professional media.]
Reality Check
"For two years on the campaign trail, this was what I heard from women, that they were being crushed, crushed by the current structure of our health care. Crushed."- Michelle Obama [speech]
Source: US Dept. of Health and Human Services.
Hoven's Index for September 20, 2009:
Of 100,000 white females born alive, those still alive at age 90: 28,082.
Of 100,000 black females born alive, those still alive at age 90: 21,627.
Of 100,000 white males born alive, those still alive at age 90: 16,145.
Of 100,000 black males born alive, those still alive at age 90: 10,432.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Government run health care proponents targeting 'enemies'
The plan for a series of grass-roots demonstrations Tuesday to promote President Obama's health care agenda calls for tightly scripted events and an "escalation" of efforts against "enemies" of reform.
Health Care for America Now (HCAN), which is backed by a coalition of labor unions and liberal groups including ACORN and MoveOn.org, organized the protests to target insurance companies and drafted the plan, which describes the demonstrations as part of its "insurance enemies project."
The document, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Times, details specific talking points, tactics, props and strategies to stage the protests. It lists goals that include action that "mobilizes our base by animating existing anger about private insurers."
The HCAN field plan dictates that each protest will include a minimum of 30 participants, target only health care insurers CIGNA, WellPoint and United Health Care and showcase what it calls "victims" of those companies.
"We built a campaign to win health care reform and that is exactly what we are working on," said HCAN national spokeswoman Jacki Schechner, who authenticated the documents. But she asserted: "There is nothing top-down about this." [snip]
David Palombi, senior vice president of corporate communications for WellPoint, said the "enemies project" is counterproductive to the debate and will do nothing to expand access, reduce costs or improve the quality of health care in the United States.
"It is extraordinarily disappointing that it comes at a time when [House Speaker Nancy Pelosi] and others are calling for a civil discussion."
Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, became emotional at a news conference Thursday when she expressed fear that the harsh rhetoric of the debate would lead to violence.
"Man Admits Possible Al Qaeda Link, Officials Say"
"Possible link"? The man has admitted it.
Oops, this is the Times.
Surrendering to Iran
The most recent stop on America’s surrender tour came yesterday, when President Obama scrapped plans for a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe. The original plan, established by President Bush in 2007, was designed to protect America’s European allies against the threat of an Iranian missile attack. In defending the latest policy of appeasement, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that Iran’s long-range missile threat is “not as immediate” as the United States once thought.
Yet, in April, two months after Iran launched a satellite into space, it successfully launched its Sejil-2 missile, which has a range of about 1,200 miles—meaning the outskirts of Europe is now well within reach of the world’s number-one state sponsor of terror. It’s difficult to imagine a threat being any more immediate than that.
Additionally, in a report filed the same day President Obama and Secretary Gates minimized the Iranian threat, the Associated Press claims to have seen a document produced, and for months buried by, the International Atomic Energy Agency which says Iran now has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is working to build the delivery system needed for the weapon.
It’s impossible to overstate the significance of these dramatic developments in the United States. Forces of appeasement in Washington are now so strong that even the United Nations seems almost hawkish by comparison.
It represents another monumental defeat in the war against terrorism’s primary state sponsor—the regime that has been targeting and killing Americans for going on 30 years.
[Recommended > ]
The Terror Threat Increases
Be it Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Colorado or New York City, the past week has demonstrated that al-Qaida and radical Islamic extremism are alive and ever present and still pose a significant threat to our homeland, U.S. targets abroad and our international allies.
According to published reports, U.S. Special Operations personnel killed a terror suspect in Somalia that U.S. intelligence sources said was a link between and Islamic militia in Somalia, al-Qaida in Pakistan and a group of young Somali-Americans from Minneapolis. The Minneapolis boys told authorities that they recognized the suspect as one of their instructors at an al-Qaida training camp in Somalia.
Federal authorities are reporting increased chatter, and we’re witnessing international training and links between training camps abroad and cities all across this country.
At a time when political divisiveness over healthcare is dominating the airwaves, let’s not lose sight of what appears to be an increased terror threat against us.
The future of this country greatly depends on it.
Well-Funded Authoritative Islam a Growing Threat
Frank Gaffney Jr. spoke recently on the growing threat of authoritative Islam at a conference sponsored by the Endowment for Middle East Truth.
Gaffney said one major danger is its increasing influence fueled by money and power. He drew a hypothetical comparison about how the Cold War might have ended had KGB agents infiltrated the West into power positions involving the flow of capital and credit, especially pertaining to defense.
He said that is exactly what is happening today in "the war of the free world" through "Shariah-compliant finance"...
Christian hotel owners hauled before court after defending their beliefs in discussion with Muslim guest
[United Kingdom]
A Christian couple have been charged with a criminal offence after taking part in what they regarded as a reasonable discussion about religion with guests at their hotel.
Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang were arrested after a Muslim woman complained to police that she had been offended by their comments.
They have been charged under public order laws with using ‘threatening, abusive or insulting words’ that were ‘religiously aggravated’.
The couple, whose trial has been set for December, face a fine of up to £5,000 and a criminal record if they are convicted...
Muslim Prayer Rooms, But No Display of the Ten Commandments
[In America]An article in the Albany Times Union promotes a controversy brewing in local schools in upstate New York. A controversy in that schools are willing to close their doors during Christian and Jewish religious holidays - but not Muslim holidays.
"One request we have seen is for a room during Ramadan for students to pray in, and many districts are attempting to provide those."
What the reporter fails to note is that Worona, who apparently is in favor of separate prayer rooms for Muslim students, opposes the inclusion of a display containing the Ten Commandments in New York schools.

Or does that only apply to the assault on Christianity in our schools, the elimination of nativity scenes, the conversion of labels such as 'Christmas Break' to 'Winter Break', or the deletion of the phrase 'under God' from our Pledge of Allegiance?
Poles, Czechs Voice U.S. Betrayal On Missiles
WARSAW, Poland -- Poles and Czechs voiced deep concern Friday at President Barack Obama's decision to scrap a Bush-era missile defense shield planned for their countries.
"Betrayal! The U.S. sold us to Russia and stabbed us in the back,"
the Polish Fakt declared on its front page.
Polish President Lech Kaczynski said he was concerned that Obama's new strategy leaves Poland in a dangerous "gray zone" between Western Europe and the old Soviet sphere.
Recent events in the region have rattled nerves throughout central and eastern Europe, a region controlled by Moscow during the Cold War, including the war last summer between Russia and Georgia and ongoing efforts by Russia to regain influence in Ukraine. A Russian cutoff of gas to Ukraine last winter left many Europeans without heat.
The Bush administration's plan would have been "a major step in preventing various disturbing trends in our region of the world," Kaczynski said in a guest editorial in the daily Fakt and also carried on his presidential Web site.
In Prague, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Kohout said
"an ally we rely on has betrayed us, and exchanged us for its own, better relations with Russia, of which we are rightly afraid."
"No Radar. Russia won," the largest Czech daily, Mlada Fronta Dnes, declared in a front-page headline.
image toon - nsec intl missile - Oby unlocks russian bear and iran cub
Obama's new protectionism
Mr. Obama announced last Friday night that he would impose a 35% tariff on low cost tires imported from China. The President has once again achieved a trifecta of policy outcomes favoring his agenda: a victory for the United Steelworkers union, a boost for ObamaCare and another blow in his war on prosperity to boot.
In this protectionist climate, the United States ought to be showing leadership in tempering pressures for trade barriers and ensuring that a critical engine of U.S. and world economic growth is allowed to function unimpeded. Instead, President Obama has made a political calculation that firing off an onerous tariff against the country that buys a major portion of our rapidly mounting debt will help him to achieve his top domestic priority of nationalizing the health care system.
While Obama may be aware of the unintended consequences of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, he is either unaware of the unintended consequences that may accrue from his recent tariff action, or more likely, he is not nearly so concerned about possibly igniting a trade war as he is about achieving his political agenda...
Obama open to newspaper bailout bill
The president said he is "happy to look at" bills before Congress that would give struggling news organizations tax breaks if they were to restructure as nonprofit businesses
Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) has introduced S. 673, the so-called "Newspaper Revitalization Act," that would give outlets tax deals if they were to restructure as 501(c)(3) corporations
Obama said that good journalism is "critical to the health of our democracy," but expressed concern toward growing tends in reporting -- especially on political blogs, from which a groundswell of support for his campaign emerged during the presidential election.
"I am concerned that if the direction of the news is all blogosphere, all opinions, with no serious fact-checking, no serious attempts to put stories in context, that what you will end up getting is people shouting at each other across the void but not a lot of mutual understanding,"
[This is a transparent attempt to gain control over the media, and a very, very bad idea.
If these entities aren't for profit, how will their formats be set? When the government is paying the bills?
Reminder; ACORN is a 'non profit' organization.]

"OPPOSE S. 673, "Newspaper Revitalization Act"
Senate-Reid: http://reid.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm
YOUR Senator: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
Sweden slashes income tax FURTHER to boost jobs
We noted here that the United States has the most progressive income tax system in the developed world. That's right--embarrassingly enough, more progressive than Sweden's.
Actually, a generation of economic stagnation has taught the Swedes a lesson. They've learned that government does not produce wealth, and if they want more people to work, jobs have to pay better, after taxes. Sweden is therefore in the midst of a series of tax cuts aimed at preserving the long-term viability of its economy. Today's headline: "Sweden slashes income tax further to boost jobs."
It's an interesting comparison: Sweden experimented with the nanny state, learned that it was devastating to the economic and moral health of its people, and is moving back toward individualism. Here in the U.S., we had the world's most dynamic economy, and the lesson we took away from that--some of us, anyway--was that we were doing something wrong and needed to socialize everything.
[Dangerous - and getting worse by the day.]
Unemployment in California at 12%, Highest in Nearly 70 Years
[HT:Ldot: The joys of socialism writ large in the Golden State]
LOS ANGELES — California’s unemployment rate in August hit its highest point in nearly 70 years, starkly underscoring how the nation’s incipient economic recovery continues to elude millions of Americans looking for work.
While job losses continue to fall, the state’s new unemployment rate — 12.2 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics — is far above the national average of 9.7 percent...
First They Came for the Marlboros
Last Monday dawned clear and bright in the nanny state of New York City. The newspaper brought word that the city's new health commissioner was working on ways to get residents to exercise more.
That same morning, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced his latest assault on unhealthy behavior. By 2012, the mayor hopes "to lower the proportion of adults who drink one or more sugar-sweetened beverages each day by 20 percent."
Tuesday's news was about plans to forbid smoking outside at public parks and beaches.
The scariest part?
If the past pattern holds, initial gasps of outrage at such bureaucratic interference will sputter into acceptance, only emboldening yet greater intrusions by our Nanny government...
[Or, put another way {you knew it was coming}: 'They won't stop until stopped.'
Doing your part?]
Time Mag Flashback 1995: 'Is Rush Limbaugh Good for America?'
As reported Thursday, Time magazine this week published a rather lengthy article entitled, "Mad Man: Is Glenn Beck Bad for America?"
It turns out this piece is in the upcoming September 28 issue with Beck himself on the cover next to the headline, "Mad Man: Glenn Beck and the angry style of American politics" (pictured right).
Apparently, this is somewhat of a retread for Time, for back in 1995, the magazine asked more positively on its January 23 cover, "Is Rush Limbaugh Good for America?"
The sub-headline read,
"Talk radio is only the beginning. Electronic populism threatens to short-circuit representative democracy." [?]
The interior article offered some rather ominous insights concerning the direction of this medium and how the Left might combat it...
Arianna's 'duh' moment
The cluelessness of the left on display this morning, in the juxtaposition of two articles this morning. The first article comes from Arianna Huffington, puzzled at the decline in female happiness:
According to study after study, women are becoming more and more unhappy. This drop in happiness is found in women across the social and economic landscape. It doesn't matter what their marital status is, how much money they make, whether or not they have children, their ethnic background, or the country they live in. Women around the world are in a funk.
And it's not because of the multitude of crises we are facing. Women's happiness has been on a downward trend since the early 1970s, when the General Social Survey, a landmark study, began examining the social attitudes of women and men...
When you think about all that has happened over the last four decades -- with women securing greater opportunity, greater achievement, greater influence, and more money -- the decline in our collective state of mind seems to defy logic, and raises the vexing question: What in the world is going on?
Ms. Huffington should consult Mr. Gerson in the Washington Post:
There is a segment of society for whom traditional family values are increasingly irrelevant, and for whom spring-break sexual liberationism is increasingly costly: men and women in their 20s. [snip]
But delaying marriage creates moral, emotional and practical complications. The challenge, as always, is to humanize change.
The answer, even in the relational wasteland, is responsibility, commitment and sacrifice for the sake of children...
G, B, F...
A chance to have dinner with former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has swelled the coffers of an organization that aids wounded veterans.
The top bid for dinner with Palin, the former Alaska governor, was $63,500. The auction ended Friday afternoon.
Palin offered the dinner as part of a charity auction on eBay for the Ride 2 Recovery program, which supports wounded veterans through cycling programs. All told, more than $95,000 was raised.
Obama 'appointed by God'
Obama was “appointed by God”, we are instructed by a man boasting academic credentials.
Writing in the Orlando Sentinel, a major US newspaper, Jeremy Levitt “associate dean for International Programs and a distinguished professor of international law at Florida A&M University College of Law in Orlando,” makes this case at the conclusion of a rambling attack on critics of ObamaCare and the right in general:
"I would remind the far right what the Apostle Paul wrote, " ... there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God." Hence, Obama is the U.S. president and leader of the Free World because he was appointed by God."
I wonder how much criticism this statement will encounter on the left, from the militant atheists and church-haters?
Can we imagine if anyone associated with the right even approached such an association? A whole new meaning to 'crucifixion' ...
Well-dressed elderly man with oxygen tank robs California bank
La Jolla,Calif. - Authorities say a well-dressed elderly man carrying an oxygen tank has robbed a bank in the San Diego suburb of La Jolla. San Diego police Sgt. Ray Battrick says the suspect on Saturday presented a note demanding money to a teller at the San Diego National Bank.
The robber is described as a tall man in his 70s with white hair, a greymoustache and glasses...