Thursday, December 17, 2009
Climategate: was Russia’s warming also 'man-made'?
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The Russian business daily Kommersant reports new evidence that Climategate scientists fudged data to exaggerate warming: Climategate has already affected Russia.On Tuesday, the Moscow-based Institute of Economic Analysis (IEA) issued a report claiming that the Hadley Center for Climate Change based at the headquarters of the British Meteorological Office in Exeter (Devon, England)
had tampered with Russian-climate data...
ClimateGate Just Got Much, Much Bigger
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Over at Meteorologist Joe D’Aleo has posted an item on a “Russian Bombshell” highly relevant to the ClimateGate scandal. The Russian media first posted the story and now some Brits are loving it. The long and the short of it is best summarized by the Telegraph’s James Dellingpole:
“What the Russians are suggesting here, in other words, is that the entire global temperature record used by the IPCC to inform world government policy is a crock.”
That is, we have yet further evidence that the data is being cooked to make the long-running claim of an increase in global temperatures, and now to diminish the apparent cooling of said temps. As the gang at EU referendum tout, “it is in Soviet Union that the CRU, NOAA, NASA show the greatest warming.”
Obama's Push for Copenhagen Deal
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President Obama's mission to save the planet from global warming could end up trampling on the U.S. Constitution.When Obama arrives in Copenhagen Friday, he is hoping to cut a deal on a new global-warming agreement. Even though the conference is not likely to produce a legally binding deal, if the president signs an international climate treaty pledging reductions in carbon emissions, he will violate the Constitution...
US Deal In Copenhagen Wrong For Our Country
Subject: txt 1st grn engry sclm bbro libs -
All across this nation, families and businesses are struggling to make ends meet. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs and many more worry that they will be next. But Americans are meeting these times with courage and by putting first things first, at least everywhere but the White House.
It is astonishing that in the midst of the worst recession in 26 years, this administration and Democrat leaders continue to advance job-killing proposals like the national energy tax and will carry that message to the global warming convention in Copenhagen.Rather than making a priority of creating jobs, the president plans to attend negotiations at the United Nation’s convention on climate change in Denmark. This decision is wrong on several levels. The administration’s participation in the Copenhagen negotiations raises a number of concerns that the president should address before catching his flight.
A primary concern is the impact a global cap and tax system will have on our economy.
In June, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would mandate carbon emission reductions amounting to a national energy tax. While there is still a lot of uncertainty about how much the average American household will pay if this national energy tax becomes law, perhaps the best estimate came from President Obama himself.
In 2008, then-Senator Obama said,
“Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”
He went on to say that the costs will be passed on to consumers...
Third of projects fail to win credits
Subject: txt grn 1st owg -Copenhagen - Almost 30 per cent of projects under the United Nations’ carbon trading system failing to deliver any credits, according to a new report...
Copenhagen climate conference: ministers plan new summit
Subject: txt 1st grn owg -
Copenhagen - World leaders could put off major decisions on global warming for another six months time amid a warning from Gordon Brown that at the Copenhagen climate conference is threatened wirth ''deadlock''...
[We can hope.]
READ MOREimage toon - mny grn engry hstry = How dinosaurs became extinct
MSNBC: 'Miserable' Culture 'Pleasures Itself' Over Argument there Isn't Climate Change
[Meanwhile, in our professional media...]
On his Dec. 11 broadcast, the same guy who got a thrill up his leg over President Barack Obama and made an awkward pass at CNBC host Erin Burnett on live television, used a bizarre portrayal to describe those who don't ascribe to the theory that man is causing the globe's temperature to increase (emphasis added).
"Well, what do you think when you read these miserable people in The Wall Street Journal op-ed pages? And I -- I picked The Wall Street Journal. I don't get it. There's some kind of culture out there that sits around and talks to itself, and pleases -- pleasures itself, I should say, over the argument that there isn't any climate change."
Poll: Public sours on Obama's overhaul plan
Subject: txt hcare POLL:
Washington - As Democrats struggle to pass a health care overhaul bill by Christmas, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday found support for the reform plan has sunk to its lowest level since April 2009. Just 32 percent of respondents said that President Barack Obama's health care overhaul proposal is a good idea, with 47 percent responding that the plan is a bad idea.
Oops! Turns out Obama's cost-cutting health plan won't save a dime; cheaper to do nothing
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It's probably just coincidental that bad numbers about President Obama's much-coveted healthcare legislation came out late last week when few people were paying attention.
Analysts in the Obama administration's Health and Human Services Department reported Friday that the nation's $2.5-trillion annual healthcare tab will not shrink at all under the Democrats' legislative blueprint as being pushed by happy Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader in the Senate.
Instead, they said, the nation's medical costs will actually grow faster under the new bill than they would if that chatty crowd of Washington spenders did absolutely nothing...
POLL: 40% Support Health Care Plan, 56% Oppose It
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Perhaps more significantly, 46% now Strongly Oppose the plan, compared to 19% who Strongly Favor it.
Overall support for the health care plan fell to 38%, its lowest point ever, just before Thanksgiving. This is the fourth straight week with support at 41% or less. With the exception of a few days following nationally televised presidential appeals for the legislation, the number of voters opposed to the plan has always exceeded the number who favor it.
“The most significant detail in the data is that 63% of senior citizens oppose the plan, including 52% who strongly oppose it,”
Democrats, whose legislators control both the House and Senate, continue to be the big supporters of the health care plan. Seventy-one percent (71%) of those in the president’s party favor it. Eighty-one percent (81%) of Republicans and 69% of voters not affiliated with either party oppose the plan.
AP Article Cites $60 Billion Per Year In Medicare Fraud
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Such is the case with a report on the arrest of dozens of Medicare ripoff artists in various US cities. While the details of the arrests are indeed important, the final three paragraphs of AP writer Kelli Kennedy's report are the real jaw-droppers, especially in the context of the president's and Congress's dogged determination to set a statist takeover of the entire health care system into motion before the end of this year...
POLL: 62% Oppose Single-Payer Health Care System
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Only 27% of voters nationwide favor a single-payer health care system where the federal government provides coverage for everyone.
Most Democrats (54%) favor this type of system, though 37% are opposed. Most Republicans (87%) and voters not affiliated with either party (64%) are opposed to the idea.
There is little difference in opinion between those voters who currently have health insurance and those who do not.
Five Dem Senators say health care bill violates Obama no taxes pledge
Subject: txt hcare -Last night, Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, asked his fellow senators to help enforce a promise President Obama made during the campaign: No tax increases on families earning less than $250,000 and individuals earning less than $200,000. He didn't get much help from the president's own party.
Crapo filed a motion to send the Senate's health care legislation back to committee until the bill could be said to comply with that promise. The motion was defeated.
POLL: Voters Favor Tort Reform by Two-to-One Margin
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Fifty-seven percent (57%) of voters nationwide favor limiting the amount of money a jury can award a plaintiff in a medical malpractice lawsuit. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 29% disagree and 14% are not sure.
Forty-seven percent (47%) believe that restricting jury awards for medical malpractice lawsuits will significantly reduce the cost of health care in the United States. Twenty-eight percent (28%) disagree, and 25% are not sure.
Other popular reform items include allowing people to purchase policies across state lines. Two-out-of three Americans believe that free market competition is better than government regulation when it comes to controlling costs.
The ObamaCare Leviathan
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As the Democrats inexorably slog toward the finish line, lugging and wrenching their malformed health care bill, the most passionate debate has been on contentious issues like abortion, the public option, and Medicare cuts.
Yet the overriding danger of the Senate bill and its House counterpart is the massive government bureaucracies that will emerge as the legislation takes effect...
[I.e., all the debates about numbers and scoring and names for programs are all smoke: if they pass ANYTHING it will inexorably lead to full government/socialized health care in time, and achieve their goal of obtaining a mechanism to ensure a permanent liberal majority.
Its never had anything to do with health 'care'.]
POLL: 47% Trust Private Sector More Than Government To Keep Health Care Costs Down, Quality Up
Subject: txt hcare
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 33% of adults think the federal government would do a better job of reducing costs and maintaining quality of care. Twenty percent (20%) are undecided.
Seventy-two percent (72%) of Republicans and 52% of adults not affiliated with either major political party say the private sector has the best chance of achieving these goals.
Most Democrats (58%) disagree and have more confidence in the government.
Socialism by any other name...
Subject: txt hcare -
Time is ticking for Democrats to claim some kind of victory on health care legislation, as polls show a public increasingly disillusioned with what is being passed off as "reform."
So now Democrats are trying to rename the public option in the hope no one will notice.
In fact, their new "compromise" is, if anything, a compromise with the furthest-left Democrats who wanted the even more unpopular single-payer system...
Despite all the above polls signaling that the majority of Americans do not want any of the current 'reform' plans, the Democrats are intent on passing it regardless, knowing that any political 'damage' it may cause is acceptable in the short term given the long term leverage acquiring control over 1/6th of our economy will give them.
Again, if ANYTHING passes, we - and worse, our children, lose.
I.e., now folks. Now.
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