Monday, May 10, 2010
A bullet in Baghdad, a son's need, a mother's love
Subject: txt 1st gwot heroes
MANASSAS PARK, Va. (AP) -- There are mothers who will spend today missing sons and daughters fighting overseas. There are women who have lost children in those wars, for whom Mother's Day will never be the same.
And then there is Eva Briseno.
Joseph Briseno Jr., Eva's 27-year-old son, is one of the most severely wounded soldiers ever to survive. A bullet to the back of his head in a Baghdad marketplace in 2003 left him paralyzed, brain-damaged and blind, but awake and aware of his condition.
Eva takes care of "Jay" in her suburban Virginia home where the family room has been transformed into an intensive care unit, with the breathing machine and tubes he needs to stay alive.
Try to imagine this life.
POLL: 64% Still Rate Being A Mother As A Woman’s Most Important Role
Subject: txt gcon vals -
Sixty-four percent (64%) of Americans think that being a mother is the most important role for a woman to fill in today’s world, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Eighteen percent (18%) disagree, and another 18% aren’t sure.
These figures are virtually unchanged from our survey a year ago, and have remained constant over the past few years.
Women are more likely than men to think being a mother is their most fulfilling role. There is virtually no difference of opinion on this between those with children in the home and those who don't have children living with them.
Americans continue to view Christmas and Independence Day as the nation’s most important holidays, while Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day have been at the bottom of the list for several years now. Mother’s Day ranks in the middle.READ MORE
Nashville Flood 2010: The Disaster You May Not Have Heard About
A great American city is currently buried under a sea of water, but you may not know much about it given all the attention media have given to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the failed car bomb attempt in New York's Times Square.
The rain totals are almost unimaginable as is the flooding.
Damage estimates at this point have already surpassed a billion dollars, and are likely to go higher.
Several of my readers have asked me to post the following video. I cried most of the time I watched. See if you can control your emotions better than I did (video follows with a list of some charitable organizations involved in storm relief, multiple hat-tips to readers in the area):
I'm currently trying to locate charitable organizations doing storm relief. One is the Middle Tennessee Red Cross.
Another option just sent to me by a reader is the Tennessee Emergency Relief Fund at online or 888-540-5200.
For those near the area or looking to head there to help out, Hands On Nashville has a listing of volunteer events.
Here's an extensive list of organizations helping with the crisis from WKRN-TV.
There's a country music auction going on with items available at eBay. The Grand Ole Opry has information available including a list of items up for bid.
Lessons for the GOP from the UK Election
Subject: txt 2010 gcon reps - intl -
Conservatives came in first in Thursday’s election in Great Britain, but it’s their failure to win a majority that Republicans should examine for the lessons it teaches. If the GOP listens, they’ll improve their chance of winning control of Congress in the congressional midterm election on November 2.
In the British election, this was one reason Labor was able to turn out its core vote and keep Conservatives from winning a majority. The lesson for Republican, facing an unpopular Democratic Party, is obvious: don’t expect circumstances to win for you.
You need to run an aggressive campaign, with alternative ideas that distinguish you from you competition...
Bennett out; GOP delegates reject 18-year Senate veteran
[HT:LDot: "Sign O'the Times: First they came for the RINOs."]
Three-term Sen. Bob Bennett became the first victim this year of a wave of voter anger toward Washington in a defeat that will likely send a jolt through incumbents everywhere.When it was announced that Bennett had been eliminated from the race, a huge ovation swept through the convention hall and there were hoots and shouts of "He's gone! He's gone!" Other delegates hugged and tea party members waved their yellow "Do Not Tread On Me" flags.
Bennett, who is the son of four-term Sen. Wallace Bennett, was in tears as he answered questions during an emotional meeting with reporters.
"The political atmosphere, obviously, has been toxic and it's very clear some of the votes that I have cast have added to the toxic environment," he said, choking up. "Looking back on them, with one or two very minor exceptions, I wouldn't have cast them any differently even if I'd known at the time it would cost me my career."[He contributed to liberalism under the ruse of bipartisan cooperation, which only means capitulation to it as it steadily grows over time {what's the most recent roll-back of big government?}.
Now he's been fired by his constituents for misrepresenting them, but still says he'd do it the same way again regardless.
Good riddance, we need more conservatives fighting for what they believe in DC, not mealy-mouth 'bi-partisans'.
Or put more succinctly:
Bennett’s Loss in Utah a ‘Damn Outrage,’ ‘Non-Violent Coup,’ Part of Larger Intolerant GOP Narrative
[Meanwhile, in our professional media...]
“This is a damn outrage,”

Brooks fretted he was punished for being by “a good conservative who was trying to get things done” by “bravely” working with Democrats on health care and supporting TARP...
[Both of which were against his constituent's wishes...
It's the MSM trying to impose an intolerant narrative of intolerance here - have representatives a right to be elected? Or have voters the right to hire and fire as they see fit based on the performance of our so-called representatives?
Rhetorical: once again; NO, MORE, RINOS.]
It's tea party time
Subject: txt tea 2010 -
NO ONE doubts the sincerity or power of the tea party movement anymore. We get it:
Free-market principles, limited government and individual liberty.
Those are the three fundaments of the tea party's "Contract from America," to which any serious Republican must subscribe.

Much the same is happening in other states.
In Arizona, uber-veteran John McCain, whose American Conservative Union rating last year was only 63, is fighting for the Senate seat he has held for more than 23 years against tea party favorite J.D. Hayworth. In Indiana, Rep. Mark Souder was pummeled by car dealer-challenger Bob Thomas for his vote on TARP. In Florida, Marco Rubio has the tea winds at his back for the U.S. Senate nomination, which forced Gov. Charlie Crist to declare himself an independent.
It is certainly not objectionable that Americans reshuffle the deck now and then.
Entrenched politicos become too beholden over time to special interests, and the false ideal of win-at-all-costs electoral job security. Our Founding Fathers warned against professional politicians for good reason...
Giuliani: Policy of Political Correctness Has Led to Missed Signals
Subject: txt gwot nsec libs -
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani says a ''policy of political correctness'' has led to missed signals in recent terrorism investigations. In my ''This Week'' interview, Giuliani told me,
''I'm just not talking about the Obama administration. I'm talking about our entire apparatus that has to be fixed. We missed the signals with the bomber in Detroit. We missed the signals with Major Hasan. We missed the signals here [in the Faisal Shahzad case].''
The go-fly list for terrorists
If America’s homeland security policies were subject to truth-in-advertising laws, the “no-fly” list would be known around the world by its right and proper name: the “go-fly” list. As in: Go right ahead, jihadists, and fly our planes... [snip]
... at federal counterterrorism centers, “watch list” means putting the names of dangerous operatives into massive databases — then idly watching potential bombers waltz through our airports and onto our tarmacs while grandmas and grade-schoolers and war heroes patiently pass through a gauntlet of wands, checkpoints and screening obstacles, ...... the Christmas Day 'fruit-of-the-boom' plotter and had been on the counterterrorism radar screen for his radical jihadi threats (which had been reported by his father to U.S. embassy officials in London).
But the young, single, rootless Muslim extremist with suspicious travel patterns — ding, ding, ding, ding, ding — did not meet the 'watch-list standards' for even being placed it onto the second-tier “secondary screening" list... [snip]
By contrast, beleaguered 8-year-old Mikey Hicks of Clifton, N.J., still can’t get off the selectee list after years of ridiculous harassment while traveling on family vacations... [snip]
A command-and-control government that squanders its time and our money taking over businesses it has no business running — health insurance, auto manufacturing, banking, student loans — is a government neglecting its most fundamental mandate: providing for the common defense.
The warped priorities of the Obama White House imperil us all.
Taliban disowns 'idiot bomber' Faisal Shahzad
Subject: txt 1st fnn gwot islm -
A Pakistani Taliban terror group is distancing itself from the attempted car-bombing in New York's Times Square, as details emerge about mistakes made by the self-confessed attacker, dubbed the ''idiot bomber''.
After previously claiming responsibility for the attack in a YouTube video, the Pakistani Taliban's decision to disown Shahzad came as the New York Post dubbed him the ''idiot bomber''...
torturers have to worry about an image problem.
Subject: txt pubmny intl sclm -Greece needs to restructure its debts and adopt wholesale economic reforms. If you want to understand why, a good source is the annual World Bank "Doing Business" survey for 2010, says the Wall Street Journal.
The spark for this financial crisis has been decades of overspending and cooking of the public books, but the survey reveals the underlying causes of the Greek disease:
- In terms of overall ease of doing business, Greece comes in 109 out of 183 countries around the world.
- It is dead last among the 27 members of the European Union as well as the advanced economies in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
- You have to go up 30 slots to find the next worst EU performer, Italy. The U.S. ranks fourth and Singapore is first.
- At 109, Greece ranks below such models of transparency and free enterprise as Egypt (106), Zambia (90), Rwanda (67) and Kazakhstan (63).
A country has to work hard to do this poorly, says the Journal...
[Aka socialism. How many overt examples must be made before our intelligentsia learn.]
Federal Government Outpaces Private Sector in Job Creation
Subject: txt sclm bbro -
"Gallup's Job Creation Index for April reveals significantly more hiring within the federal government than in the private sector.
Both show a substantially more positive picture than state and local governments, where firing far eclipses hiring."
UN Security Council permanent members back nuke-free Mideast
Subject: txt intl gwot nsec owg - israel -The United States, Russia, Britain, France and China on Wednesday voiced support for making the Middle East a nuclear-arms-free zone, which would mean Israel would have to scrap any atomic bombs in its possession.
'We are committed to a full implementation of the 1995 NPT resolution on the Middle East and we support all ongoing efforts to this end,"
the five permanent UN Security Council members said in a unanimous statement issued at a conference taking stock of the 1970 nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. ...
[So, we force tiny Israel to give up its nukes, surrounded my enemies that routinely, publicly call for it destruction, and then trust the likes of Iran to also be good to their word.
There's only on democracy anywhere in the 'middle east'. That used to mean something to America.]
- Federal Judge Awards Illegal Immigrant $145G Over Civil Rights Violation
Subject: txt lgl immigAn illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet got a $145,000 parting gift from New York City taxpayers before he was deported, after a federal judge ruled his civil rights had been violated when he was held too long on Rikers Island...
CBO Estimate: $85 Billion April Deficit, Federal Receipts Still Falling; AP, Rest of Media Ignore
Subject: txt pubmny msm -
If a genuine, sustained economic recovery is truly underway, why can't the government show us the money? This would appear to be a question the establishment press has no interest in answering.
When the government's Monthly Treasury Statement is released next Wednesday, the anticipation is that it will show an April deficit of $85 billion. That estimate comes from the Congressional Budget Office, which released its Monthly Budget Review yesterday.
The government almost always runs an April surplus because it's the biggest month for tax collections.
But as seen in the chart that follows, April receipts have cratered during the past two years by stunning amounts compared to April 2007 and 2008. The April 2010 plunge continues a nearly unbroken trend of year-over-year declines in monthly receipts going back almost two years:
Ga. Seniors Told They Cannot Pray Before Meals
Subject: txt bdd vals -Preston Blackwelder proudly showed off a painting of his grandmother that had hung next to the front door of his Port Wentworth home. She was the woman who led him to God, Blackwelder said Friday.
And with that firm religious footing, Blackwelder said it would be preposterous to stop praying before meals at Port Wentworth's Ed Young Senior Citizens Center near Savannah because of a federal guideline...
Pelosi: It’s Cheaper to Treat Teens for Drug Use Than Interdict Drugs at Border
Subject: txt immig 2010 libs bdd child - CHILD ON LIST? -
While pointing out that it is the responsibility of the federal government to secure the U.S.-Mexico border, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) said Thursday it is cheaper to treat teens for drug use than it is to interdict drugs being smuggled across the border. pointed out to the speaker at her weekly press briefing that a recent Justice Department report indicated that one in five U.S. teenagers used drugs last year...
You won't see this May Day video on TV...
Subject: txt immig cali action = FW: Patriot Alert! You WON'T
Here's the video that Rachel (from TriValley Patriots) and Steve (from the Minutemen) shot at the May Day Protest last Saturday, May 1st, in San Francisco. Please rate it on YouTube (this makes it more visible on the internet.)
Ignited by the recent passage of Arizona's immigration law, fueled by many Democratic politicians, left wing, communist and socialist groups, and spurred on by the liberal media, these marchers took aim at us tax paying American Citizens.
They chanted "racist go home" as they advanced to the barricades that the police placed there to protect us from harm. We were forty and they were two thousand.
Joined by many radical left Americans (what else would you expect to find in San Francisco these days), it was obvious to us that they had "pre-judged" us as racist, neo-Nazis , white supremacist and anti immigrant, just because we want the United States borders secured and illegal immigration stopped.
We stayed two and half hours, enduring there shouts, slurs, middle finger gestures and dirty looks, in a country that is ours, and in a state that we pay taxes to. All so many of these people can eat, get an education, get medical care, and pay rent - on our dime. And San Francisco welcomes illegal aliens with open arms, having declared itself a "Sanctuary City" for these foreign nationals in 1989.
The Police escorted us to the parking lot, or surely this crowd of "harmless people", "here just to make a living and feed their families", surely would have attacked us.
Only in America could non citizens be placed ahead of Citizens who were born here, lead good honest lives, and pay taxes to keep America safe and secure.
I'm disgusted at what the United States of America has become over the past 30 years.
Americans Sick and Tired of Motorized Transportation, Transportation Secretary Says
Subject: txt libs othr bdd fnn sclm bbro - engry grn -
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said Friday that Americans are “tired” of motorized transportation and its attendant hassles, and instead are looking for other options such as bicycle lanes and walking paths, which the government will add to its infrastructure.
“People are sick of being stuck in traffic, stuck in their automobiles, and we want to help communities and neighborhoods that want more walking paths or biking paths—more transit,”
LaHood told
[Demonstrably untrue: one need only look at the vast majority of Americans that choose to drive each day, despite the war being waged against them leading to ever greater traffic through a willful refusal to build the additional lane-miles our growing populace requires.
Driving is the best form of transportation: personal, comfortable, take your junk with you {or pick it up from the stor} - all 24/7, door(s) to door(s).
A French national friend told me years ago that Europeans envy our primary transportation and infrastructure (highways, parking lots et al) being based on the automobile - most of them are 'stuck' {his word} using public transportation because their governments have made auto ownership so expensive...
I.e., don't buy a word of the leftest propaganda on this; we've absolutely no reason to apologize for our love of cars and the freedom they bring {or our 70-degree thermostats).]
Father featured on TV show kills one of three who tried to invade his home
An alleged female decoy for a pair of heavily armed home-invasion robbers was shot dead early Saturday morning outside the West Hamblen County home of a family featured on a television reality show, authorities say. Hamblen County Sheriff Esco Jarnagin identified the woman as Holly Ann Repasky, a 29-year-old from Knoxville. Scott Knight, who lives with his wife, Penny and three children, survived an assault-weapon barrage uninjured and fired the shot that killed the woman, according to Jarnagin. Jarnagin says he considers the fatal shooting in the Timbercrest subdivision to be a clear-cut case of justifiable homicide.
Picking up on a story from Louisiana about a bill to allow concealed carry for firearms in houses of worship, MSNBC's Tamron Hall asked viewers of the network's live coverage shortly before 3 p.m. EDT today if the legislation was "Crossing the Line."
True to the segment's formula, only one side of the controversy was represented in the form of a guest to discuss the matter, in this case, an opponent of the bill, State Rep. Barbara Norton (D).
Despite its being widely-reported and a perfect fit for the church angle of the story, she chose to ignore the Colorado Spring incident two years ago where Jeanne Assam, an armed security volunteer for New Life Church, put an end to a church shooting by spree killer Matthew Murray...
MSNBC Tracks Down True Culprit in Oil Spill Mess – Dick Cheney
[You can't make this stuff up.]