Tuesday, May 25, 2010
POLL: 68% Oppose Boycotts of Arizona Over New Immigration Law
Subject: txt immig cali -
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that only 14% of Adults think it’s a good idea for cities or states to join that boycott. Ten percent (10%) don’t care one way or the other, and nine percent (9%) more are undecided.
Forty percent (40%), in fact, say they would avoid doing business with any city or state that boycotts Arizona. Forty-three percent (43%) disagree and would continue to do business with boycotting cities or states. Seventeen percent (17%) aren’t sure.
Fifty-five percent (55%) of voters nationwide favor passage of a law like Arizona’s in their own state. When asked specifically about the chief provision of the Arizona law, support is even higher. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of voters believe a police officer should be required to check the immigration status of anyone stopped for a traffic violation or violation of some other law if he suspects the person might be an illegal immigrant.READ MORE
What Bias? Re: NBC Astonished Poll Finds Most Support Arizona Law and Anti-Terror Profiling; Skip GOP Surge
Subject: txt 2010 immig msm -NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd seemed astonished by how a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll confirmed solid agreement with Arizona's immigration enforcement law – “a whopping 64 percent support the law,” Todd marveled, “and we read them the law verbatim exactly as it's been written” and still, he repeated, “64 percent approve of it.”
NBC also treated as surprising the majority backing for racial profiling to prevent terrorism, while Todd didn't mention what NBC's polling partner, the Wall Street Journal, found most newsworthy. Lead of the WSJ.com post:
Republicans have solidified support among voters who had drifted from the party in recent elections, putting the GOP in position for a strong comeback in November's elections, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.
Todd used the video wall at 30 Rock to highlight the public's belief the government and BP haven't done enough to address the Gulf oil spill, but he didn't note another finding which counters the media's preferences and narrative, that despite the accident, 60 percent support “more drilling for oil off the coast of the United States.”
Oklahoma, Which Passed Serious Immigration Reform in 2007, Continues to Economically Outperform
Subject: txt hots immig econ -
Why is Oklahoma's economy more than OK these days?
The latest piece of evidence supporting that truth arrived on Friday, when Uncle Sam's Bureau of Labor Statistics released April's Regional and State Unemployment Summary.The report tells us that Oklahoma had a seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 6.6% last month. That's far lower than the 9.9% reported for the entire USA two weeks ago. No state with a larger population has a lower unemployment rate than the Sooner State (states with lower April unemployment rates were KS - 6.5%; NE at 5.0%; ND - 3.8%; SD - 4.7%; and VT - 6.4%).
As seen in the chart below, Oklahoma's unemployment rate has been significantly lower than the national rate for well over two years, and on average in 2009 was that way across all major ethnic groups (source data for 2006 to 2009 can be accessed here; scroll down to "Annual Average Statewide Data"):
[California, which didn't, doesn't.]
Mosque unbecoming
Subject: txt gwot islm - hots -
In the 1960s, my parents left their despotic motherland of Syria for the promise of genuine liberty and religious freedom in America. In the decades since, we have led the construction of a number of mosques in the towns where we lived.
Some went up without challenge from the local community, but others met with palpable local discontent. In those cases, the law and the natural American affinity for religious freedom eventually paved the way to the ribbon cutting.
These were all humble mosques, funded locally by our congregations. It's plain the planned "Ground Zero mosque" is something very different...
[Recommended > ]
Feeding America's twilight
Subject: txt hstry othr gdd extra - sclm libs - hots? -
Something is in dangerous intellectual disrepair in America. And if we don't fix it, America will be lost.
Here are just a few of the scores of examples:
• House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called ObamaCare "an entrepreneurial bill" that should encourage Americans to be "creative," and be, say, "a musician." Quit your job, she urged; "focus on your talent" and don't worry about not having health care.
Perhaps that's because other hardworking, tax-paying schmucks are paying for this freeloader's socialist care?
• The Obama administration, in its formal response to the several states' class action lawsuit over ObamaCare, has invoked the Commerce and General Welfare clauses as its constitutional warrant to force people to buy health insurance (and, on this slippery slope, whatever else the government damn well commands).
But James Madison, father of the Constitution, clearly stated (in Federalist 41 in 1788) that the General Welfare Clause is applicable only to the 21 items listed in Article I, Section 8. There's nothing about the federal government forcing you to buy health insurance... [snip]
Shall the few examples of the kind of behavior and thinking that today is legion predominate and prevail, the American aurora will be but a quaint notion, replaced by a sad and tragic dusk.
Writing in Salon.com, Gabriel Winant complains of conservatives' "weird fetishism for the Constitution."
'Nuff said.
[Recommended > ]
Why Sestak’s allegations matter
Subject: txt hots 2010 - msm -Rep. Joe Sestak, D-Pa., said in February that he was offered a job in the Obama administration if he’d drop out of his primary against Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa. Some people wonder why Sestak’s allegations matter. After all, isn’t this what all presidents do, cut deals with taxpayer-funded jobs in order to defuse intra-party rivalries?
The answer is, maybe they do, but it’s still illegal. Such deals are not usually discussed in public, but this one has been and now its potential illegality matters...
Scarborough Rips Press for Lack of Coverage of Alleged Sestak-Obama Deal: 'It is a Federal Crime'
On the broadcast of his May 24 "Morning Joe" program, Scarborough, in a segment with Politico's Mike Allen, wanted to know why an alleged deal that occurred between then-prospective Pennsylvania Democratic senatorial nominee, Rep. Joe Sestak and President Barack Obama, had not gotten more attention...
[Because the MSM shall not do anything to embarrass The Won.]
Senate Takes Up 'Emergency' War Bill Despite Obama Pledge to End Practice
Subject: txt gwot nsec - libs 2010 - hots -
A year after President Obama pledged to end the practice of funding the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq with "emergency" spending bills, the Senate is taking up a $60 billion request that would do exactly that.
Yemeni cleric calls for killing US civilians
Subject: txt gwot -CAIRO – A U.S.-born cleric who has encouraged Muslims to kill American soldiers called for the killing of U.S. civilians in his first video released by a Yemeni offshoot of al-Qaida, providing the most overt link yet between the radical preacher and the terror group.
Al-Awlaki, who was born in New Mexico and is believed to be hiding in his parents' native Yemen, has used his personal website to encourage Muslims around the world to kill U.S. troops in Iraq. He has emerged as a prominent al-Qaida recruiter and tied by U.S. intelligence agencies to multiple terror attacks...
Awlaki Not Among FBI’s ‘Most Wanted’ Terrorists; No Reward Offered for His Capture
Subject: txt gwot -
Anwar al-Awlaki, the U.S.-born Islamic cleric who in a new video clip urges Muslims to kill American civilians, does not appear on the FBI’s list of wanted terrorists and the government has yet to place a reward on his head.As of Monday Awlaki was not one of the 28 men on the FBI’s list of most-wanted terrorists. He is also not among 41 suspects listed in the State Department’s Rewards for Justice program, which offers cash rewards for information leading to the arrest or conviction of terrorist suspects.
Likewise, no references to Awlaki could be found Monday on the Web site of the U.S. Embassy in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a.
Soldiers reunite to give Houston war hero final salute
Subject: txt heroes -

The 78-year-old, who defied death decades ago while saving lives on a Vietnam battlefield, will be there for the festivities and to say a final goodbye to the soldiers he still refers to as his “boys.”
Los Angeles: Tyranny of a Bankrupt City
by Lawrence Meyers
The City of Los Angeles – you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. Slowly, ever since the departure of Mayor Richard Riordan in 2001, the parade of inept mayors and spineless city councils have dragged the city into a morass.Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has always been an empty suit, a smirking, glad-handing fool of epic proportions with a history of questionable ethics. Besides successfully lobbying President Clinton to commute the sentence of a convicted cocaine trafficker, the Los Angeles Ethics Commission accused him of 31 violations of campaign finance and disclosure laws during his 2003 City Council campaign.
Toss in the report that Villaraigosa was a member of MECha, a Hispanic separatist organization, while at UCLA, and attended an unaccredited law school in Los Angeles that allegedly promoted illegal alien causes (He failed the bar exam four times).
This is the Mayor of Los Angeles, and Angelenos have gotten what they deserve.
Subject: txt grn bbro lbrty engry -
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's "endangerment finding" will burden America with a regulatory regime more costly than any climate bill Congress has rejected or declined to pass, says George Allen, a former U.S. Senator and governor from Virginia, and Marlo Lewis, senior fellow in environmental policy at the Competitive Enterprise Institute...
Frank to chair Wall Street bill conference
Subject: txt mny crpt libs - bdd -
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) will lead efforts to reconcile House and Senate legislation overhauling Wall Street regulations, a spokesman for the congressman confirmed Monday. Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, will be chairman of the conference to merge the two bills, which Democrats vow to send to President Barack Obama's desk before the July 4th recess...
[I.e., a principle contributor to the problem now entrusted to fix it. Marvelous.]
Democrats Have No Plan for Dealing with Fannie and Freddie; Ignore Republican Proposal
Subject: txt mny - House Democrats appear to have no plans for dealing with the failed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, despite acting on dozens of other matters in the two months since Republicans proposed a way to rescue the two government-sponsored enterprises. So far, taxpayers have spent $145 billion to keep Fannie and Freddie solvent, and that tab is expected to go much higher.
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) has introduced a bill that would keep the two failed mortgage companies in government hands for the next two years. After that two-year period, the government would determine if Fannie and Freddie could continue operating as private companies. If they could, they would both be completely privatized and heavily regulated. If they proved to be non-viable, they would be dismantled permanently.
Democrats in the Senate defeated a Republican amendment to the financial regulatory overhaul that was inspired by the Hensarling bill.
Instead of offering their own plan for dealing with Fannie and Freddie, however, Democrats proposed having the Treasury Department conduct a study to figure out what to do with the failed companies. Senate Democrats approved that government study amendment.
Stealth IRS changes mean millions of new tax forms
Subject: txt tax -New York - The massive expansion of requirements for businesses to file 1099 tax forms that was hidden in the 2,409-page health reform bill took many by surprise when it came to light last month.
But it's just one piece of a years-long legislative stealth campaign to create ways for the federal government to track down unreported income.
The result: A blizzard of new tax forms that the Internal Revenue Service will begin rolling out next year...
The union label: Paying off Big Labor
Subject: txt crpt -
Rewarding Big Labor for political support, the Obama administration is virtually shutting nonunion contractors out of federal construction projects worth at least $25 million -- and sticking taxpayers with untold millions in higher costs.
Just weeks after taking office, President Obama signed an executive order encouraging use of project labor agreements (PLAs), which require contractors to agree to union representation and work rules...
[And never forget: 'big labor' now IS our government, with the majority of unionized Americans being in the tax-payer funded public sector - i.e., government.]
Activists mark Harvey Milk Day with door-to-door campaign
Subject: txt bdd vals cali -
Targeting districts that voted heavily in favor banning same-sex marriage, gay-rights activists took to the streets throughout Los Angeles County on Saturday and made personal appeals for legalization. Organizers said they hoped to humanize their cause by having gay and lesbian couples share their struggles with residents...
Textbook Texas
Subject: txt edu child bdd libs -
If we Texans don't know by now what a lot of louts and clods we are, we'll surely know it once the national intelligentsia get through raking us over the coals for our state education board's vote last week to primitivize our schools and debase young minds. That's assuming our leaders of thought ever do get through with that holy mission.
They may not. The State Board of Education's offense is great -- namely, restoring to notice in Texas textbooks, to a certain eminence even, quaint ideas about federalism and the religious viewpoint of the American founders...
Obama White House Is Admitting That Their Health Care Plan Will Ration Health Care
Subject: txt hcare -
President Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services -- a strong supporter of the government-run health care system in Britain -- said in a 2009 interview about Comparative Effectiveness Research,
“The decision is not whether or not we will ration care – the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.”
Comparative Effectiveness Research was injected into the U.S. health care system through the economic stimulus bill...
Subject: txt hcare -
Companies are discovering that it's cheaper to pay fines to the government than to cover workers, says John C. Goodman, President, CEO and the Kellye Wright Fellow of the National Center for Policy Analysis...
POLL: 63% Favor Repeal of National Health Care Plan
Subject: txt hcare
Support for repeal of the new national health care plan has jumped to its highest level ever. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 63% of U.S. voters now favor repeal of the plan passed by congressional Democrats and signed into law by President Obama in March.
Global Cooling?
Subject: txt grn msm - Investor’s Business Daily: Climate Science: Noted scientists at a Chicago climate conference declare that global warming is not only dead, but that the planet faces a big chill for decades to come. What about those frozen wind turbines? It’s not exactly Copenhagen or Kyoto, but the 700 scientists attending the fourth International Conference on Climate Change, sponsored by the Heartland Institute, had some chilling news of their own in the most liberal sense.
Subject: txt grn -
Noted scientists at a Chicago climate conference declare that global warming is not only dead, but that the planet faces a big chill for decades to come...
Hit Job: ABC News Attempts to Align Climate Change Skeptics with White Supremacists
Subject: txt msm bias grn -
Curiously Harris makes no mention of the real violence in the form of eco-terrorism that has come from the environmental left or Greenpeace repeatedly targeting the Competitive Enterprise Institute's Chris Horner, by stealing his garbage on a weekly basis, as his Web site points out....
CAIR discovers Southern Tea Partiers have a mind of their own
What does the opposite of dhimmitude look like? Take a look at the Tennessee Tea Party, Pamela Geller, and Republican Rep. Steven King and you'll see. Not kowtowing to the demands of The Council on American-Islamic Relations to drop Geller as a speaker at their inaugural convention, the Tennessee Tea Party kept the "call it as I see it" Geller in it's line-up.
In a press release conveying their reasoning for preventing Geller from speaking, CAIR described Geller as an extremist anti-Islam speaker, far-right blogger, who heads the hate group Stop the Islamization of America. Nice try CAIR, but the Tennessee Tea Party didn't budge.
Responding to a standing ovation at the Tea Party convention with her usual moxie-infused style, Geller said, "Thank you for having the guts to have me speak. You think you're in a little room in Gatlinburg, but this is a battlefield in the information war. They [CAIR] try to shut up everybody who speaks against them. How dare they attack one human thought while they try and impose shariah law in America? They smear all of us so nobody will hear what we say. I am warning you that freedom of speech is the line in the sand."
Failing in their attempt to remove Geller as a speaker, CAIR focused their efforts on Iowan Republican Rep. Steven King. CAIR asked King to cancel his participation in the event if Geller remained on the program. Apparently not lacking a crucial part of his anatomy that so many politicians seemed to have lost when dealing with CAIR and the likes, King sided with Geller. Spokesman for King, John Kennedy, said that he believed the Tennessee Tea Party should be commended for including Geller in its line-up of speakers. He also added, "The beauty of the First Amendment is that it protects even controversial political discussion. The shame of radical Islam is that it punishes, in some instances with death, dissenting views."
Thanks Tennessee Tea Partiers, Geller, and King for acting like red-white-and-blue-blooded Americans who aren't ready for the kind of "relations" CAIR desires. Whatever you've been putting in your tea needs to make the rounds in D.C.
Bill Maher Fights With Reality: Tells S.E. Cupp Media's 'Never' Been Anti-ReligiousOn Friday night's Real Time, HBO talk-host Bill Maher berated conservative (and fellow atheist) S.E. Cupp for her new book Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media's Attack on Christianity -- Maher went so far as to insist the liberal media has “never” attacked religion:
MAHER: But this is your premise, that the liberal media is attacking religion.
CUPP: They are.
MAHER: Where?
CUPP: Every day.
MAHER: Never. Never.
CUPP: Never?
MAHER: Never.
CUPP: Do you watch TV?