Monday, January 11, 2010
Obama's havoc to the intel system
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
President Obama blamed "the system" for failing to stop al Qaeda's Christmas Day bombing plot. The weakness with that excuse is that Mr. Obama fails to connect the dots between the systemic failure and his administration's year- long record of destroying the morale of the intelligence community... [snip]
There is an old saying in intelligence circles: Big operation, big risk; small operation, small risk; no operation, no risk.
The president's proposed "solution" to the failures of the intelligence system will reinforce a climate of mistrust in which it will be difficult to take the risks necessary to make the system work.
And next time we may not be so lucky...
Training the next generation of terrorists
Subject: txt gwot islm msm -
The title of a post on Brietbart’s new website Big Journalism is Why Won’t MSM Cover Islam? What Are They Afraid Of? After accidentally viewing the video placed in the center of the article, I know the answer to the question.
I didn’t read any disclaimer like, Warning: Graphic Content. So, I jumped right in and viewed the video used by radical Muslims to train their pre-pubescent boys in the art of beheading.
I stopped watching after the first seconds. I asked myself, how anyone, much less a child, could perform this demonic act. I couldn’t find any words to describe the horrific scene, and I’m sure I will have nightmares about it.
The article addresses the MSM’s tacit approval of radical Islam by their reluctance to report what really goes on in the world of terrorism. Alicia Colon writes:
The video of Daniel Pearl’s beheading could not be shown on the public airwaves but was easily available on the web. Gruesome as it was it cannot compare with this video [my warning: graphic evil] of children 'training' for Jihad beheading a man all the while praising Allah.
“It’s the next generation of mujahideen who are expected to fight and kill infidels to establish global Islamic rule.”
In order to fight the enemy, one must know the enemy.
The MSM along with the rest of the world would rather not look at the bloody side of Islam. Instead they look the other way while a religion based on murder and lying as acceptable means to an end continues spreading its errors across the globe. The world must see Islam for what it is.
These are the truths that must come out. For it is only by exposing evil to the light of the truth that we can stop atrocities like the mujahideen training their children to murder in the name of Allah.
Why Won’t the MSM Cover Islam? What Are They Afraid Of?
txt gwot islm msm -
There are many things on the World Wide Web that are not suitable for public viewing but that should be required viewing for journalists and political figures to alert them to the horrors that exist in some parts of the world. This should not be to incite but rather to rinse away their naïveté in dealing with a hostile culture and our potential enemies.
It is apparent that the mainstream media has no interest in covering stories that shed an unfavorable side of Islam and, frankly, this smacks of cowardice.
The elite will instead claim that the “vast majority” of Muslims are peace-loving and are just as horrified at the acts of a small number of radical terrorists. That may very well be true but even a fraction of a billion is a very large number and that number is growing and gaining influence around the world thanks to the stupidity and cowardice of what should be called the “lamestream” press and those in our government today.
The Internet bloggers are doing the nasty job of covering the world of Islamic jihadists and it is truly chilling. The video of Daniel Pearl’s beheading could not be shown on the public airwaves but was easily available on the web. Gruesome as it was it cannot compare with this video of children training for Jihad beheading a man all the while praising Allah.
How the Government Funds Radical Islam
txt gwot - islm -
I have been reading David J. Rusin on a website called He reports how “misguided” the Preventing Violent Extremism program has been. Close to a million pounds has been handed out to Islamist organizations that are propagating Muslim supremacy, hatred of non-Muslims, and terrorism.It beggars belief that politicians and civil servants can be idiotic enough to device a crack-brained scheme of the kind. What naïvety, what self-deception! PVE positively invites trickery and misappropriation of money that non-Muslims are unable to supervise, let alone control.
All those involved are a danger to the public and ought to be summarily fired, yet as far as I can find out, they have not even been identified.
What will it take to bring these people to their senses? David J. Rusin sums up with the unanswerable judgement: “Only one adjective properly describes a government that funds those who seek its destruction: suicidal.”
POLL: 59% Favor Racial, Ethnic Profiling For Airline Security
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 59% of adults say factors such as race, ethnicity and overall appearance should be used to determine which boarding passengers to search at airports. Twenty-six percent (26%) say these factors should not be used to determine which passengers to search. Another 15% are not sure.
Interestingly, however, even more Americans (71%) believe such profiling is necessary in today’s environment.
In November, 63% of voters said political correctness prevented the military from responding to warning signs from a Muslim U.S. Army officer, Major Nadal Malik Hasan, that could have prevented the Fort Hood massacre from taking place.
An earlier survey found that a plurality (48%) of adults believe it is the responsibility of American Muslims to speak out against terrorist attacks on the United States.
Forty-nine percent (49%) of Americans think that most of their fellow countrymen have already forgotten the impact of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in which 3,000 died.
[Don't care for the title, as doesn't convey the component aspect of race/ethnicity as evident in the first paragraph, and would prefer the proper focus on 'terrorist' factors - which are known (ask Israel) -- but the bottom line is that our continued liberal delusions (I'm not calling 'em 'correct' in any context) COSTS LIVES - and we should make our decisions with that realization clearly in mind at all times.]READ MORE
Judge tosses out most evidence on Gitmo detainee
Subject: txt gwot nsec -WASHINGTON—A federal judge has tossed out most of the government's evidence against a tarrorism detainee on grounds his confessions were coerced, allegedly by U.S. forces, before he became a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay.
In a ruling this week, U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan also said the government failed to establish that 23 statements the detainee made to interrogators at Guantanamo Bay were untainted by the earlier 'coerced' statements made...
[As predicted: we've handed the conduct of a war to the single most unaccountable and liberal (they can't graduate law school if not) of ideologues we have: our judges...
As bad as our other two branches of government are, the harm they can do this nation pales in comparison to the Judiciary as it is no longer checked by the other two and, worse, no longer considers itself accountable to the people.
I.e., it's here we need true, systemic reform...]
The Constitutional Crisis and the Security Crisis
Subject: txt gwot nsec bbro legal -
On detainees, either ignore the judges or rein them in.
When courts illegitimately claim authority over these matters, and the political branches let them get away with it, it means our most vital political decisions are being made by unaccountable, non-political officials. The American people cannot remove judges when they get these vital questions wrong. This undermines the separation of powers and imperils our constitutional system, which is designed to protect popular self-government — not to usher in judicial oligarchy.
The courts have no more right to tell the president to release an enemy combatant than a president has to tell a judge how to rule on the validity of a contract. The president’s war powers are more than adequately checked by Congress, which could close Gitmo and require the repatriation of all enemy combatants tomorrow if it were disposed to do so. The courts should have no say in the disposition of alien enemy combatants in wartime. If they try to have a say, they should be ignored. Courts and presidents refuse to enforce unconstitutional acts of Congress, and Congress and the courts rein in unconstitutional acts of presidents. Unconstitutional judicial acts must likewise be checked by the other branches.
For too long, we have allowed one branch of government to override all constitutional restraints. That practice is not just restricting our freedom; it is now threatening our lives...
[Spot on: our 'independent judiciary' was intended to be independent of the other branches of government - only - never the will (or power to recall by) the people.
Long, but instructive as to how long and how badly one branch of our government has overstepped its bounds - Highly Recommended > ]
Ditch the 'smoking gun' standard, Mr. President
Subject: txt gwot nsec -
A smoking gun means that bullets have been fired. If bullets have been fired they have been directed towards a particular target intended to destroy that target. Our current administration continues to insist that a smoking gun is necessary to implicate a serious terrorist threat -- excuse me, man-made disaster.
Does Mr. Obama need another 9/11 to wake up from his Hawaiian dream world?
Iran can build bomb by 2011
Subject: txt gwot nsec intl iran - Iran will possess the technology to build a nuclear bomb by early 2010 and be able to produce one the following year, Israeli media quoted Israel's defence minister as saying on Monday.
Defence Minister Ehud Barak delivered his assessment before the Israeli parliament's defence and foreign affairs committee.
It broadly matches assessments from other nations including the US, which estimates that Tehran could produce a nuclear weapon between 2010 and 2015...
An Iranian military ultimatum to the regime?
txt gwot nesc intl iran - lbrty -
Afshin Elian, a professor at Leiden University, confirms in an article for Pajamas Media that a letter signed by key members of the Iranian military is a warning to the Iranian mullahs and their revolutionary guard henchmen that the army will intervene on the side of the protestors if the regime attempts a more serious crackdown on dissent: [snip]
The military in Iran has a tradition of obeying the civilian commanders and of eschewing efforts to drag them into domestic political matters. I take this letter as a sign that the regime is at a tipping point: Further, more brutal repression of the peaceful demonstrators will end in a military revolt against it...
Iran's opposition spreads to heartland
Subject: txt gwot nsec intl iran -Defying the predictions of some who dismissed it as a phenomenon limited to big cities, the "green" opposition movement appears to have spread to the heartland, with video and credible reports emerging from towns in the provinces.
Activists such as Mohammad are the foot soldiers, discreetly reaching out to people in small, tightknit communities that don't enjoy the anonymity of Tehran.
The activists take enormous risks. Five large military bases guard Birjand, regarded as the springboard for Revolutionary Guard anti-drug operations along the eastern border.
But it also has five universities and four colleges, making it a potential opposition stronghold. More than 60% of Iranians are younger than 30, and 70% of college students reportedly opposed Ahmadinejad.
Students spray-painted graffiti on walls. "Death to the dictator!" they scrawled with green markers on phone booths, just as in the capital. Some went to jail. One of Mohammad's friends was sentenced to nine months in prison for distributing leaflets.
In the classrooms, professors lifted students' spirits by discussing the Islamic Republic's missteps, and what sorts of protest actions were effective and which were counterproductive.
One professor spoke to students about the difference between real and superficial freedom...
[The ONLY scenario that doesn't lead to WAR is regime change from within - and it's trying to happen NOW - where the hell is Obama?]
Tehran is about to blow! Where's Obama?
Subject: txt nsec iran china -I try not to overdose on the fear factor, but the shocking intelligence failure in the Christmas airline plot isn't the only national security night mare facing America. While we were all absorbed with the underwear bomber, the Iranian nuke mess took another big turn for the worse.
President Obama's end-of-the-year deadline for the mad mullahs to make a deal on uranium enrichment came and went, but not without incident.
There were three, none good... [snip]
Gibberish aside, the "dual track" is a fiction because sanctions are off the table.
A top Chinese diplomat made that clear, saying last week, "This is not the right time or right moment for sanctions," and more "patience" with Iran is needed.
Not coincidentally, a report surfaced showing Chinese companies routinely evade the three rounds of sanctions the United Nations already slapped on Iran...
Subject: txt trade -
While the Obama administration has put its energy into trade wars with China, free trade is marching on without the United States...
- China and Asia's Tigers -- the Association of Southeast Asian Nations -- scrapped 7,000 different tariffs to form a $200 billion open market for about 2 billion consumers, one-third of the world's population.
- Jan. 1 also heralded another ASEAN free-trade pact with mighty India, ending tariffs on 4,000 products staggered through 2016; this deal will expand a $50 billion market for 1.5 billion consumers into something even bigger.
- ASEAN also signed off on free trade with Australia and New Zealand, tacking on another $50 billion market to expand for their 600 million consumers.
- It follows ASEAN's Dec. 1 agreement with Japan, which created a $240 billion market for 670 million.
- In addition, Thailand and South Korea completed the last step of 2007's ASEAN-Korea pact, finalizing expansion of the zone to a $72 billion market for 600 million.
A year or three from now, the Obama administration may still be coddling jurassic labor unions that abhor free trade and fencing off America's market and hoping no one notices, but nobody doubts the Asian states are going to be growing...
Housing, Jobless Benefits and Unemployment
Subject: txt mny - sclm bbro -
While there are varying views as to what tomorrow's unemployment report will reveal, it's generally assumed that the number will be too high. But what's not spoken of enough is how the very federal government seen as so eager to put people back to work is blocking the kind of recovery that would make more hiring possible.
To put it very simply, hiring is a cost born by investors and employers. And the problem with the latter in mind is that continued governmental efforts to drive non-market outcomes are reducing the amount of available capital for hires, all the while raising the cost of luring workers from the sidelines.
Somewhat ironically, efforts to prop up the housing market with an eye on jobs are actually making job creation more difficult. To understand why, it has to be remembered that there are no jobs without capital. Simple as that.
Study: Stimulus spending doesn't stimulate economic growth
Subject: txt mny - Government stimulus spending programs have never stimulated sustained econonic growth, according to a new study by the Heritage Foundation's Brian M. Riedl. By way of introduction, Riedl points to these six instances of massive governmnt spending designed to stimulate economic growth and the similar results seen in each case: * During the 1930s, New Deal lawmakers doubled federal spending--yet unemployment remained above 20 percent until World War II.
U.S. leaders steering blindly toward the cliff
Subject: txt reps libs crpt sclm bbro -Things go all to hell fast. That's why you need to stay alert while driving, keep your eyes on the road and both hands on the wheel to avoid a collision. Lightning strikes without warning; health fails in a moment; one can be employed in the morning and unemployed after lunch. What holds true for individuals also can be true for presidential administrations, Congress and the nation.
Things go all to hell fast.
Those who enjoy genuine success in life, built upon lots of hard work, understand this. Those who don't get it, keep on slipping and sliding around.
From here, it looks like Obama and the congressional Democrats are steering toward the cliff.
The worry here is, they will take the rest of the nation over the cliff with them and things will truly go all to hell fast...
Now stim bill money being sent to fake zip codes
Subject: txt mny sclm bbro -
Jim Scarantino of New Mexico Watchdog was the first to uncover the fact that stim bill money was being listed as spent in non-existent congressional districts.
Now he's uncovered another tasty tidbit; the money is going to fake zip codes...
Subject: txt hcare msm -
The United States ranked 29th in the world in 2006 in life expectancy at age 50, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). That places it more than three years behind the world's leader, Japan, and more than one-and-a-half years behind Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Iceland, Spain and Switzerland.
Despite the WHO study's contention, the low longevity ranking of the United States is not likely a result of a poorly functioning health care system,
But according to researchers with the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the WHO's numbers are highly suspect. Its data shows that, on the contrary, the United States functions well compared to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in terms of death avoidance:
- Mortality reductions from prostate and breast cancers have been exceptionally rapid in the United States relative to a set of peer countries.
- These unusually rapid declines are attributable to wider screening and more aggressive treatment of these diseases.
- Screening for other cancers also appears unusually extensive, and five-year survival rates from all of the major cancers are very favorable.
- Survival rates following heart attack and stroke are also favorable and the proportion of people with elevated blood pressure or cholesterol levels who are receiving medication is well above European standards.
It's noteworthy that while in the United States reporting entities are usually not those responsible for care, the exact opposite is true in many OECD countries who's governments essentially run, and report on, their health care systems...
Where U.S. Health Care Ranks Number One
Subject: txt hcare -
Last August the cover of Time pictured President Obama in white coat and stethoscope. The story opened: "The U.S. spends more to get less [health care] than just about every other industrialized country." This trope has dominated media coverage of health-care reform. Yet a majority of Americans opposes Congress's health-care bills. Why?
The comparative ranking system that most critics cite comes from the U.N.'s World Health Organization (WHO). The ranking most often quoted is Overall Performance, where the U.S. is rated No. 37. The Overall Performance Index, however, is adjusted to reflect how well WHO officials believe that a country could have done in relation to its resources.
The scale is heavily subjective: The WHO believes that we could have done better because we do not have universal coverage. What apparently does not matter is that our population has universal access because physicians treat indigent patients without charge and accept Medicare and Medicaid payments, which do not even cover overhead expenses.
The WHO does rank the U.S. No. 1 of 191 countries for "responsiveness to the needs and choices of the individual patient."
Isn't responsiveness what health care is all about?
[I.e., another UN paid for political propaganda piece mascarading as a 'study', and another literal example of what makes the organization literally worse than worthless: it does harm, again and again.
But watch: it's the WHO 'report' that'll get MSM air time.]
The End of Insurance
Subject: txt hcare -Barack Obama's health care plan ensures spiraling costs and will convert health insurance companies into cost-plus health reimbursement utilities, or else bankrupt them completely.
Health insurance as we know it (think home/auto/life) will no longer exist...
The Risk of Catastrophic Victory
Subject: txt hcare lbrty -
Passage of the health-care bill will be, for the administration, a catastrophic victory. If it is voted through in time for the State of the Union Address, as President Obama hopes, half the chamber will rise to their feet and cheer.
They will be cheering their own demise...
[Will they? While weak Dems running again this year likely will, once we're all dependent on them for health 'care' exactly who will be controlling whom?]
[Better to stop it now - please, again...
YOUR Senator:
YOUR Congressman:
or: Speed Message them with your personal distribution list...
The Man Who Can Stop Obamacare
Subject: txt 1st hcare action -
The Democrats have gotten to the precipice — to borrow President Obama’s word — of victory on health-care reform for one reason above all others: 60 votes.
Their supermajority in the Senate empowered them to muscle through a sprawling mess of a bill by partisan fiat. If the ball had bounced the other way in a close race or two (or if Arlen Specter had felt more loyalty to his party of decades), the Democrats wouldn’t have gotten to 60. Once there, they were willing to resort to any expedient to stay at the magic number. After Ted Kennedy’s death last summer, the Massachusetts legislature rushed to change state election law to allow for an interim replacement in advance of a special election, explicitly to keep the Democrats at 60.
Now, the special election for the seat is less than two weeks away. It represents the only electoral threat to 60 that Democrats will face until November. Republican Scott Brown is mounting a surprisingly strong bid, trailing Massachusetts attorney general Martha Coakley by only 9 points in the latest Rasmussen poll. A state senator, Brown is running an anti-spending, anti-Washington campaign perfectly suited to the political moment.
Should he win, it could make it all but impossible for Harry Reid to get 60 votes for the current version of Obamacare — and he’ll almost certainly need to meet that threshold at least one more time.
In short, Scott Brown is the man who could pull the brake on this train right before it gets fully out of the station...
Mass. Senate Race Now Just ‘Likely’ Dem
In the wake of the Rasmussen poll showing GOP’s Scott Brown down just 9 points vs. Democrat Martha Coakley (and just 2 points among those saying they’re sure to vote), the Cook Political Report has moved the Massachusetts Senate race from “solidly” Democratic to “likely.”
Cook still believes Brown has an uphill battle to win in the very blue Bay State [it's Kennedy's seat].
But an upset would have major implications, including possibly blocking the health care overhaul...
[More often than not, initiating change means putting your dollars where your mouth is - and our opponents are doing so.
Scott would be in place in time for the Senate's final vote on the health 'care' plans underway, and would deny them their 60th vote for filibuster cloture!
Please consider joining me in contributing, today, per link below, to Mr. Brown's campaign -

Bright Red CONTRIBUTE button at top right - one time for any amount - it worked well for me...
...and please do pass on to like minded friends.]
ACLU Says Oregon Woman Has Right to Bike Naked; Local Law Begs to Differ
They call Jen Moss "Ashland's Naked Lady."A hit with the city's men, Moss is known for biking around Ashland, Ore., in just a g-string, nothing up top and no word on a helmet... [snip]
Tuesday night's decision to expand the ban brought a threat of legal action from the American Civil Liberties Union, which says it violates the Oregon Constitution's protection of free expression...
[Yet more proof to never say never: in the case of Miss Moss, specifically {pictured!}, I feel the ACLU may actually be in the right.
And they say I'm not open minded.]