Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama QAHCAA Health Care Plan 'Almost Laughable'

It is one thing for conservatives to criticize President Obama's QAHCAA (Quality, Affordable Health Coverage for All Americans) health care plan but now even a number of liberals are attacking it as unworkable.

We recently saw skepticism emanating from Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski and now fellow liberal Susan Estrich is expressing deep doubt that any such plan is economically feasable.

"What other explanation could there be for my friends in Congress and the administration thinking that what the country wants them to do right now is raise taxes and spend a trillion dollars to overhaul health care, much less to push it through in a month in a 1,000-page bill being rewritten every day?"

The idea that somehow you're going to tax the "rich" enough to pay for quality health care for every American, not to mention for all of the undocumented aliens who receive it for free now and will continue to in Obama health land, is almost laughable.

It's one of those things candidates say in campaigns, ignoring the fact that it doesn't add up. But in a bill that might pass? Add a 5 percent surtax on every small business in the country that makes $250,000 or more? This is going to create jobs? [Mac x3 indent red bold]
Keep going Susan, you're on a common sense roll:

No one is explaining to people how the big changes in the bill will affect people who have insurance now, which happens to be the overwhelming majority of all Americans (and an even higher percentage of all voters). [ditto above, but r2l posting]
[I.e., the "horribly broken system" Democrats and the MSM are daily reminding us we're demanding [?] they 'fix' is felt, in survey after survey, to be good to very good by nearly 80% of those polled.

Again, how is a system liked by 4 out of 5 Americans 'broken'? Can you name any other system with an equally high rating?

A: The whole effort has nothing to do with improving care and everything to do with transferring control of it from the market to the government. We will regret it should we allow it to happen.]


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