Big Science is a Big Business, supporting nearly half the budgets of our major universities. [snip] So the professional scientist union, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, has ads headed AAA$. They aren't shy about it.
The trouble is that money means politics, and politics means shading the truth. As a result, we get politicized science, which corrupts real science. Any kind of Politically Incorrect science therefore becomes very hard to publish. So the cult of PC has invaded the pristine halls of science.
In the last issue of Science Donald Kennedy has an editorial endorsing the Democrat candidate for president. Not exactly in so many words, but it's unmistakable:
"The United States could ... mitigate carbon dioxide emissions: The root cause of global warming and the reef problem. Experience suggests that for this, we might have to await an election."
This is like the union boss telling his members how to vote in a general election if they want to get more money. But global warming is a popular
hypothesis, Dr. Kennedy. It's not established. You do remember the difference, don't you?