Wednesday, July 22, 2009


IF ANYONE ever wondered whether the teachers union views the City Council as a wholly owned subsidiary, they certainly don't anymore.

In an act of unbridled arrogance, lobbyists for the United Federation of Teachers took control of Monday's council hearing on charter schools by distributing printed questions on index cards for legislators to ask of school officials.

"You couldn't get by without them handing you a card," ... "It was almost like an admission ticket to the hearing." [PC indent, no color, l2r post]

recalled Councilman Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn).

The questions for the Department of Education were sharp and confrontational.

The questions for the union were softballs.

UFT officials sat in the front row of the ornate council hearing room to insure their script was being followed.

If that wasn't outrageous enough, legislators were told which question to direct to which official...


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