Wednesday, March 24, 2010
[Confusing: when one Republican votes for the thing to get it out of a committee the MSM preface each reference of it with 'bipartisan'.
Yet the bill has actually had bipartisan opposition all year, without exception, and finally passed with only (but not nearly all) Democrat votes - yet you won't even hear the MSM referring to it as controversial? -- despite 13 States immediately filing law suits against it?!?
Has there been any more controversial bill all year???
And now we're subjected to repeated references of Democrat "victory laps" re: its passage without any of our professional journalists reminding the American people that it was THEIR WILL over which the Democrats were 'victorious'.
No bias here - by all mens get your news from TV - move along...]
CNN poll: Americans don't like health care bill
Subject: txt hcare POLL:
Washington - A majority of Americans have a dim view of the sweeping health care bill passed by the House, saying it gives Washington too much clout and won't do anything to reduce their own health care costs or federal deficits, according to a new poll released Monday. A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll found that 59 percent of Americans opposed the bill, and only 39 percent favored it...
[A twenty point spread. Three times that of Obama's 'landslide' victory in '08. What a great 'victory' for the Democrats over us ignorant masses]
Obama basks in glow of health care victory, but now comes the hard part: selling it to the people
Subject: txt 1st hcare lbrty -President Obama started a victory lap on health care Tuesday, signing it into law at a White House lawn party - and hitting the road to sell it to the American people. That may be the tough part. A national CNN poll last night found Americans opposed the bill 59% to 39%. A majority fear it will cost them money while giving government too much power. Sen. John McCain mocked "champagne toasting" at the White House and pledged a dragged-out fight.
"Outside the Beltway, the American people are very angry"
[Not to worry, our professional media will convince them accept the inevitable and actually get them to thank the Dems in the six months between now and November. Note how they're glossing right over the fact that the 'selling' of the People on Obama's ideas after he passes laws they dislike is evidently not even news worthy/mentionable - no, it's his next challenge {for which he'll be lauded when again victorious, I'm sure}.
As in '08, the MSM is demonstrating its loss of integrity is absolute. ]
POLL: 49% Support State Lawsuits Against Health Care Plan
Subject: txt hcare -
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of likely voters finds that 37% disagree and oppose their state suing to challenge that requirement. Fourteen percent (14%) are undecided.
Seventy-two percent (72%) of Republicans and 58% of voters not affiliated with either major party favor such lawsuits. Sixty-five percent (65%) of Democrats are opposed.READ MORE
[Yet in our MSM...]
CBS to Steele: What if People 'Like' ObamaCare? Is RNC too Extreme?
Subject: txt hcare msm - 2010 -
"What if, now that it's a reality and people start to see the benefits, [no bias there] they actually like it?"
Steele replied:
"David Axelrod didn't talk about the $506 billion that's being taken out of Medicare....He didn't talk about the $500 billion in new taxes that are going to be imposed on those small businesses....there's a lot in this bill that have yet to be revealed to the American people. And when it's further revealed, it'll be less – less liked."After Steele's response, Rodriguez felt the need to incredulously criticize the RNC for being too "extreme" in its opposition:
"I looked on the RNC website this morning. I have to say, I was surprised by what I saw. The home page shows a big photograph of Nancy Pelosi and in huge block letters it says 'Fire Pelosi' ....Isn't this a little bit extreme?...What can you accomplish with this?"
Naturally, Rodriguez failed to mention the latest CBS News poll showing Nancy Pelosi only has an 11% approval rating.
Steele dismissed Rodriguez's characterization:
"Actually, I tamed it down. You know, the reality of it is I don't know why you're surprised. Nancy Pelosi is the architect of the demise, in my view, of one-sixth of our economy. She should be fired for her failure to serve the interests of the American people."[Get it? With all that's transpired in the last month, it's the Republican actions that are 'extreme'. Of course.]
To 'Indefatigable' Pelosi, Sawyer Wonders What Her Dad and Mom 'Would Have Said About this Moment?'
Subject: txt hcare msm -
ABC anchor Diane Sawyer shared the glow of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's health care policy victory, showing her, in an “ABC News exclusive” interview, a Washington Post with the headline of “Democrats Claim Health Votes” as she wondered:
“What do you think your dad and your mom would have said about this moment?” Sawyer followed up: “Did your dad have a phrase, a sentence that meant the most to you when he'd say it to you, or your mom?”
Pelosi's answer, “make sure you have the votes,” cracked up Sawyer, who chuckled...
[And the thwarted will of the people? Not mentioned.]
The Moral Case Against Government Health Care
The greatest expansion of American government and the social welfare state since the Great Society passed the House Sunday night. Opponents recognize that this bill violates the most important principles of American government, and as such, is immoral. In a free society, does one individual's needs constitute another individual's obligation to provide? The answer is no; rather, it is the duty of free individuals to decide what and whose needs appear most important to them. In a free society, the individual is of supreme importance and should not to be used as a means to society's ends. The individual has the right to order his actions and possessions in the manner most consistent with pursuing his own happiness and values. This view is consistent with America's founding principles. The Declaration of Independence states:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.The above rights are known as "Natural Rights," and they protect the individual's right to freedom, autonomy, and self-government -- in other words, to take all the actions required to support the furtherance, fulfillment, and enjoyment of one's own life. They provide no material assurances or particular opportunities to the individual, but rather set conditions that allow the individual to decide what use he shall make of the circumstances in which he finds himself -- to act in his own best interest so long as his actions don't infringe on the equally protected rights of others. Based on this logic, government programs that involuntarily transfer or redistribute wealth are immoral because they violate the individual's natural right to order his own actions and possessions. Theft is immoral. Likewise, theft via the government is immoral. Karl Marx and Thomas Jefferson highlight the differences between collectivism and individualism. The philosophy of collectivism regards the individual as a means to society's ends and is thus immoral, whereas individualism respects the freedom and autonomy of each member of society.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." - Karl Marx, 1875 "A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned." - Thomas Jefferson, 1801Another important question is: What constitutes a need, and who should decide? Should it be the patient in concert with his or her physician? This seems like the obvious choice. However, if society is paying the cost of whatever service is required to satisfy "the need," then the provision of that service must be regulated to prevent overutilization and runaway costs. In other words, it must be rationed. In a free market, prices perform this rationing function. In the absence of a free market, some third party must ration based on a formula other than price. Rationing by price is moral because this unbiased mechanism allows individuals to maintain complete freedom and autonomy. A patient who cannot afford a service that he deems a "need" is still free if he can pursue any course of action in order to meet that "need." Likewise, a provider who feels that his patient "needs" a service is free if he can pursue any course of action in order to provide that service. Some members of society today confuse the concept of true freedom or liberty with the concept of how many options are available to an individual, and this encourages them to advocate for collectivist schemes to help those who may be less fortunate.
"[Liberty] describes the absence of a particular obstacle -- coercion by other men ... the range of physical possibilities from which a person can choose at a given moment has no direct relevance to freedom. The rock climber on a difficult pitch who sees only one way out to save his life is unquestionably free ... if [he] were to fall into a crevasse and were unable to get out of it, he could only figuratively be called 'unfree,' and that to speak of him as being "deprived of liberty" or of being 'held captive' is to use these terms in a sense different from that in which they apply to social relations." - F.A. HayekUnfortunately, the only alternative to rationing through price is rationing through the government, and this is immoral because the decision of what constitutes a "need" is made by a third party with no personal connection to the individual or his circumstances. Ultimately, these decisions are made by those with the most political influence -- a situation that inevitably breeds corruption. These governing bodies do not respect the primacy of the individual, but rather view the individual as a means to society's ends. Bureaucrats don't make decisions about health care according to an individual's "need" or preference, but rather, they ration resources based on a social-driven calculus. As evidence of this, the health care bill under consideration has a Medicare board of unelected officials to determine the program's treatment protocols as a method of limiting costs.
'Emboldened Obama' Just Getting Started on Expanding Government
Subject: txt grn bbro sclm -
Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, now chairman of the conservative FreedomWorks organization, tells Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview that an "emboldened" President Obama, fresh off a big healthcare victory, will redouble his efforts to transform America by escalating the size and reach of government.
"Obama's apparent triumph in altering the one-sixth of the U.S. economy represented by healthcare, immeasurably the likelihood of him saying, 'All right, now it's time to go for climate change.'"
After health, Obama allies zero in on climate
Subject: txt grn engry bdd 2010 - hcar -
After a hard-fought victory on health care reform, President Barack Obama's allies in Congress are setting their sights on climate change...
Environmentalists hope Obama will seize on new political momentum to push forward climate legislation, though.
Senator John Kerry, who has spearheaded climate legislation, said that White House officials can now "pour their energy and attention" into the issue;
"In the wake of health care's passage, we have a winning method to make this the next breakthrough legislative fight,"
[Not to worry - every poll says the majority of Americans don't want this - what can they do, ignore us?]
POLL: Voters Take Global Warming Less Seriously
Subject: txt grn engry -
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 28% say it is a serious problem, down three points from last month and the lowest level measured since the beginning of 2009.
Forty-two percent (42%) don’t think global warming is a serious problem.
Voters weren't nearly as closely divided on the issue one year ago, when 64% saw global warming as a serious problem and 32% did not.
Women are more likely than men to see global warming as a serious problem. Those voters between the ages of 18 and 29 are more likely than their elders to see the issue as serious.READ MORE
Britain Bans Ads Exaggerating Danger of Global Warming
Subject: txt grn intl msm - lbrty -
A British agency has banned two government television ads for exaggerating the danger of global warming.In what we would call public service announcements in the States, the Department of Energy and Climate Change actually used nursery rhymes to scare people into thinking England was in imminent peril as a result of Nobel Laureate Al Gore's favorite money-making theory.
As reported by Wednesday:
Senator slams Al Gore on climate 'hoax'
Subject: txt grn -
Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) attacked former Vice President Al Gore on the Senate floor Monday, calling climate change "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people" and claiming that Gore is now "running for cover."In front of the backdrop of a blown up Weekly Standard cover featuring Gore, Inhofe railed on the former vice president. "After weeks of the global warming scandal, the world's first climate billionaire is running for cover. Yes, I'm talking about Al Gore," Inhofe charged.
We, The People EPA
Subject: txt grn -
Regulation: The New York Times says the EPA should use its authority to regulate our very breath if a Democratic Congress isn't "goaded" into action.
Whatever happened to government of the people?