Thursday, December 3, 2009
Bozell on ClimateGate: The Greatest Scandal in Modern Science
Subject: txt grn msm - 1st -
ABC, CBS and NBC’s collective silence on “ClimateGate” has reached ridiculous levels as the broadcast networks continued to ignore the great and growing scandal. The bias by omission has now become scandalous.
“The networks’ silence on ClimateGate is deafening. Scandal, cover-ups and conspiracy are the bread and butter of the media. Yet they have selectively and deliberately decided not to report this bombshell – or any of the incriminating details surrounding the scandal – because it goes against their left-wing agenda,"
Media Research Center President and NewsBusters Publisher Brent Bozell complained in a statement released today.
Phil Jones announced yesterday that he is temporarily leaving his post as head of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) pending the investigation into the controversial e-mails and documents that started ClimateGate.
Yet none of the broadcast network weekday morning and evening news shows addressed ClimateGate or the incriminating Jones development since the news broke yesterday. This marked 12 days since the information was first uncovered that they have ignored this global scandal...
[I warned a friend that, as the election of 2008 proved, anything can be hidden from those that get their 'news' from TV...]
Biggest Story of 2009: The Rise of the Virtual Newsroom
[HT:BS {good shooting Bob :^) }]Subject: txt 1st msm bias gdd fnn othr vals hstry - If you doubt, ask ACORN. Or Van Jones. Or the So We Might See campaign. You won't need Time magazine's once clout-filled "Man of the Year" issue to figure it out, either. Just take a look back at the bestseller lists, the ratings of Fox News or simply turn on your local AM radio dial.
The single most important news event of 2009 was the emergence of The Virtual Newsroom. A newsroom run by a virtual army of citizen journalists famous and unknown, their individual and collective impact multiplied exponentially by millions of Internet users, radio listeners, readers and television viewers.
What is particularly interesting here -- and a key to the success of the entire Virtual Newsroom -- is that the Virtual Newsroom itself is a living, breathing example of what Levin calls Adam Smith's devotion to free markets as "spontaneous order."
The problem for American progressives today -- be they the activists of ACORN, Van Jones, the So We Might See group or others -- is that they are unaccustomed to finding themselves on the receiving end of this kind of attention from any form of media.
Accustomed to velvet-gloved treatment from their progressive buddies in the Old Media, they simply never factored the existence of the Virtual Newsroom into the equation.
Newsflash to progressives. The Virtual News room is here to stay. Not only is it not going away -- in spite of whatever shenanigans may be going on behind the closed doors of the FCC -- it is gaining in both size and strength...
MSNBC: West Point, Site of Obama Speech "The Enemy Camp"
Subject: txt gwot nsec msm =
[Our West Point, an enemy camp to our President?
Think about this mindset.]
How nations decline
"As interest payments eat into the budget, something has to give-and that something is nearly always defense expenditure... This is how empires decline. It begins with a debt explosion. It ends with an inexorable reduction in the resources available for the Army, Navy, and Air Force."Source: The Congressional Budget Office.
Amount of defense cuts proposed by President Obama: 10%.
Celtic fans urged to wave Palestinian flags at match against Tel Aviv club
Subject: txt icrpt slm israel -Scottish trade unions called on supporters of Celtic soccer club to wave Palestinian flags at their Europa League home match on Wednesday against Hapoel Tel Aviv in ''solidarity with suffering Palestinians''.
But the Glasgow club, whose fans often wave Irish flags because of their historic ties with Ireland and the Roman Catholic community, urged their supporters to ignore the call.
Lebanese Cabinet lets Hezbollah keep its weapons
Subject: txt israel islm -
Beirut, Lebanon - Lebanon's new government Wednesday endorsed Hezbollah's right to keep its weapons, the latest sign that the group has no intention of meeting a U.N. resolution calling for it to disarm. Lebanon's government is a shaky coalition of Western-backed factions and the militant group Hezbollah, which has virtual veto power over the government. The group is believed to have thousands of rockets and missiles hidden in
Hate crimes against Muslims decrease
Subject: txt islm -
Hate crimes against Muslims in the United States have decreased, but civil rights-related complaints are rising, according to a study to be released Thursday by a Muslim advocacy group.Karen Dabdoub, executive director of the Cincinnati office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), called the trend "serious" and an indicator that there is hatred for Muslims in the United States.
The morning of Aug. 5, 2004, U.S. forces were on the ground and Iraqi police were taking al-Sadr fire from the sprawling Wadi-us-Salaam cemetery. That changed the rules of engagement, says Maj. Stephen Mount, then a captain, flying a Huey gunship. The Battle of Najaf had begun...
The Scientists Involved in Deliberately Deceiving the World on Climate
Subject: txt grn intl -
Liberal is an anagram of braille. Appropriate because they appear unable to see or read about the climate science scandals.—Tim Ball - The Public and Mainstream Media Still Don’t Grasp the Implications.
Tentacles of Climategate will reach far as information is divulged. People will rush to get on or off the bandwagon in the hope the world can be made to forget their prior involvement...
Researchers Call for Climategate Professor Jones To Be Banned
Subject: txt grn - Researchers are calling for Professor Jones to be banned from contributing to agenda-setting United Nations 'reports'.
Eduardo Zorita, an expert in European climate trends, said that future reports from the UN's International Panel of Climate Change would lack credibility if Professor Jones was involved in their compilation.
As director of the University of East Anglia's prestigious Climatic Research Unit, the professor has provided temperature data key to previous reports used by governments around the world when setting climate change policy.
Dr Zorita also said that the content of thousands of emails and documents published on the internet confirmed that global warming research was riddled with 'machination, conspiracies and collusion'...
Boxer: Hackers should face criminal probe over 'Climategate'
[Meanwhile, in America...]Leaked e-mails proving climate change science was politisized should be treated as a criminal matter, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said Wednesday afternoon.
But Boxer, the top Democrat on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, said that it's the leak of e-mails showing scientists overstating the case for climate change which should be treated as a crime:
"You call it 'Climategate';[UFB. Again, there's too much money and power to just let this scam die - we're in for a knock-down fight to prevent it - but we'll pay the price should we fail...]
I call it 'E-mail-theft-gate,'"
Australia's Parliament Rejects Cap and Trade
Subject: txt grn intl owg engry -
"Australia's parliament rejected laws to set up a sweeping carbon emissions trade scheme on Wednesday, scuttling a key policy of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and setting a trigger for an early election."
So reported Reuters moments ago.
With global warming-obsessed media pushing for cap and trade legislation to pass here next year as well as for something positive to come out of the upcoming climate conference in Copenhagen, it's going to be very interesting to see how this gets covered in the next 24 hours:
Obama's 'Prestige' on the Line in Copenhagen
Subject: txt intl owg grn -

"I would like to express my concern regarding reports that the administration may believe it has the unilateral power to commit the government of the United States to certain standards that may be agreed upon (in Denmark).
... The phrase 'politically binding' has been used," ...
"As you well know from your time in the Senate, only specific legislation agreed upon in the Congress, or a treaty ratified by the Senate, could actually create such a commitment on behalf of our country"
But a Kyoto successor is what the international community is focusing on when it comes to climate change. And the split is wide between developed countries like the United States and developing countries like India and China, which are hesitant to commit to binding targets...
[I.e., the loony left is proceeding forward on their energy-control plans despite the dam-burst of evidence proving it's a scam. It would be the most costly 'prestige' in history [in dollars and lives] - let's 'decline' its purchase.]
The new ruling class
Subject: txt lbrty bbro sclm -
Amid the necessary focus on our Dear Leader, we often forget that the problem isn't simply Obama, or the Congress, or even the Democratic Party as a whole. The problem is liberalism -- what it is and what it may be in the process of becoming.We seem to be edging into a new form of aristocracy, with the noble egalitarian liberals leading the way. A shadow aristocracy, lacking many of the hereditary and legal aspects of the European variety, but an aristocracy all the same: a limited-entry oligarchy with privileges denied the rest of the populace.
If we look around at the third millennial world, it is hard to deny this as the default state of human society. Russia, China, Latin America, Central Africa -- a society that fails to adapt a civilized system of governing devolves to some form of aristocratic rule. Europe too appears to be going in that direction, with a privileged bureaucratic class holding unlimited power over the countries comprising the European Union.
Will the United States be far behind?How do we prevent such an outcome? By utilizing every democratic tool that we possess. Tie them all -- politicians and financiers both -- down with as many laws and regulations as necessary. Keep them under the microscope, watch them constantly, allow them to get away with nothing. Assure that the lines are clearly drawn and nail anyone who crosses them from either direction. Bury the malefactors in federal prisons "to encourage the others". Treat them the way that William Jefferson was treated, and announce the results far and wide. We can start with the trio mentioned above. Human nature being what it is, there will be no lack of others.
And while we're at it, we can overthrow liberalism, the major carrier of the aristocratic impulse in our epoch. But that will require a little more thought.
[Recommended > ]
The high tax rates necessary to balance the budget in the next several years will discourage all income-producing endeavors
To say that the deficits of the current White House are extraordinary and unprecedented is almost to underplay the reality. From 2009 through 2012, we will add as much to the nation's debts as we did in the first 234 years of America's existence. In fact, the coming wave of deficit spending is simply alarming:
- Over the next 10 years the United States will rack up $13 trillion in debt -- an amount nearly equal to our entire current economic output.
- This year alone, the deficit will be an astounding 11.2 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), or $1.4 trillion.
- Over the next 10 years, the deficit will average 5 percent of GDP; that compares with an average of 2.4 percent from 1970 to 2008.
Why is this happening? The culprit is spending:
- In the postwar era, we spent an average of about 20 percent of GDP on the federal government.
- Over the next decade, it will average 23.5 percent -- a real gain of 18 percent a year.
Soaring costs for Social Security and Medicare, the $787 billion "stimulus," $700 billion in bailouts and increased outlays virtually across the board have pushed spending out of control.
If nothing's done, the spending and deficits will have ruinous effects on our economy and standard of living by forcing taxes up. As a recent report from the nonpartisan Tax Foundation notes, just to close this year's expected deficit would require a tripling of tax rates for all taxpayers:
- Today, joint filers face tax rates that range from 10 percent to 35 percent of their income.
- To eliminate the deficit, the tax rates would have to soar to a range of 27.2 percent to 95.2 percent.
"There can be little doubt that the high tax rates necessary to balance the budget in the next several years would discourage all income-producing endeavors,"
says Tax Foundation Policy Director Bill Ahern, author of the report.
image toon - mny = Oby's solution = burden grand-children
Subject: txt hcare mny cali -New Medicaid spending required by ObamaCare will cost Texas ($2.8 billion in extra state spending), Pennsylvania ($1.5 billion), California ($1.4 billion) and Florida ($909 million), to name a few... [snip]
The following chart indicates the amount of new state money each of the 39 affected states would have to come up with "apart" from federal aid to cover the unfunded mandate...
POLL: 60% Say Passage of Health Care Reform Will Increase Deficit
[HT:MG]Subject: txt hcar =The CBO has projected that the health care legislation now being considered by Congress would make the federal budget deficit a bit smaller over the coming decade, but only 17% of voters believe that’s true.
Seventy-five percent (75%) also believe it is at least somewhat likely that middle class taxes will have to be hiked to cover the cost of health care reform. Fifty-nine percent (59%) say such a tax increase is Very Likely.
Overall, voters believe that of the four budget priorities listed by Obama early in his presidency, cutting the deficit in half by the end of his first term is the most important.
[Yet passage of a health 'care' bill will blow it up. It's all a shell game with ulterior motives to everything.]READ MORE
Is there an endless supply of oil?
A scientific theory that is gaining some currencyIn doing some research on my modest energy investments, I came across a link that led me to a website called Energy Probe where I discovered a very interesting article entitled Endless Oil by Canadian environmentalist, Lawrence Solomon, which if true, could cause anti-fossil fuel Greens to turn hotly red.
According to Solomon, there is new evidence to support Russian and Ukranian geological scientists who are convinced that the time-honored and universally-taught belief that petroleum deposits are derived exclusively from long-dead plants and dinosaurs is about as scientifically sound as the concept of Anthropogenic Global Warming.Rather, they say, hydrocarbons may be developed in an abiotic process by the high temperatures and huge pressures existing far below the earth's 25 mile deep mantle, some 40 to 95 miles beneath our feet. This theory, first proposed in 1877 by Mendeleev, inventor of the periodic table (which should vouch for his scientific credentials) has been widely accepted by Russian/Ukranian earth scientists since the early 1950's. According to this abiogenic theory, existing pools of petroleum are being continually replenished and new ones being created as newly-formed hydrocarbons migrate upward through cracks in the mantle.
While the concept has had little past support in the West, an article published in the July issue of Nature Geoscience, co-authored by the Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution in Washington, the Lomonosov State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology in Moscow and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, reports research that indicates this process is scientifically viable.In other words, the world itself may be the world's largest oil producer in an ongoing natural process. If these scientists are right, rather than running out of oil as the doomsayers loudly proclaim, we may have an endless supply.
E.P.A. Says It Expects to Raise Amount of Ethanol Allowed in Fuel Blends to 15%
[Meanwhile, our government...]
Washington - The Environmental Protection Agency said Monday that it would probably increase the amount of ethanol that gasoline retailers could blend into ordinary fuel, to 15 percent, if tests established that the blend would not damage cars. The maximum ethanol blend is now 10 percent, except for cars specially equipped to handle higher blends. The agency said it was likely to approve the increase to 15 percent next summer...
[I.e., a 50% increase in the amount of FOOD we're to burn.]
Guess whose book just went platinum
The Audacity of Sarah. Sales of her first book topped 1 million copies in its first two weeks on sale. It took Barack Obama three weeks to sell 182,000 copies and his book had just as much hype. Consider this from a Nov. 9, 2006, New York Times story:
Propelled by a potent publicity cocktail of “Today,” “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and major magazine covers, Senator Barack Obama’s new book, “The Audacity of Hope,” seemed primed for best-selling status. Same hype, one-sixth the sales — in 3 weeks instead of 2.
I have not finished the book yet, but I like it so far. Apparently, so do a million other people.
Jon Stewart on ClimateGate: 'Poor Al Gore - Global Warming Debunked Via Internet You Invented'
If you needed any more assurance the growing ClimateGate scandal is far more significant than America's media has been portraying, you got it Tuesday night from Comedy Central's Jon Stewart.
Somewhat surprisingly, "The Daily Show" host in his opening sketch tore apart the scientists involved in sending the obtained e-mail messages for showing "a clear effort to raise fears about global warming, and hide evidence against it."
Stewart even mocked the man responsible for spreading more fear on this subject than anyone on the planet:
"Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. OH. OH the irony."
Irony indeed (video embedded below the fold with transcript, vulgarity alert, h/t Story Balloon):
[But not yet on network 'news'.]