Friday, November 6, 2009
Pelosi's Reform Bill Establishes Waiting List
Subject: txt 1st hcare -
H.R. 3962, the Democrats’ health insurance reform bill, to be voted on this week by Congress, contains a provision to establish waiting lists as a mechanism to control costs.
Such waiting lists have long been a characteristic – and a bane – of socialized medicine.
Indeed, the Canadian Supreme Court ruled them illegal in June 2005.
"Access to a waiting list is not access to health care,"
wrote Canada’s Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin
image toon - c-art - hcare = Government health care take a number: 9 v 94,000
Americans rally on Capitol Steps
Subject: txt 1st hcare - to Take Their Country Back
Washington,DC- If President Barack Obama didn’t hear the thousands who swarmed the Capitol today, then he needs to have his ears checked. You could have heard the crowd citing the Pledge of Allegiance and singing The Stars & Stripes clear across the Potomac. With voices raised in unison, the singing of the patriots who came in response to Rep Michel Bachmann’s “Emergency House Call”...
Subject: txt 1st hcarea =
Remember what Barack Obama said about Hillary Clinton's health plan?
"Hillary's health care plan forces everyone to buy insurance, even if you can't afford it…and you pay a penalty if you don't."
Welcome to Obama Care:
- Require every American to buy a health insurance plan that will be designed in Washington and (through time) be shaped and molded by special interest pressures or pay a hefty tax.
- Cause millions of families to move from private coverage to Medicaid and S-CHIP programs (where health care access is much more limited).
- Cause millions of Americans to obtain insurance in an artificial market (the 'Exchange'), where insurers will have perverse incentives to underprovide to the sickest patients.
- Nationalize the private health insurance marketplace by effectively outlawing a real market for health care risks.
But unlike Hillary's plan, this bill has two additional harsh features:
- A 35 percent tax on private health insurance -- initially targeting "Cadillac" plans, but eventually reaching all plans.
- An employer play-or-pay mandate that is effectively an implicit tax as high as 26 percent or more on the wages of middle-income workers.
image toon - 1st hcare = Dems hcare = use until private care gone
Thousands rally to protest health care bill
Subject: txt 1st hcare
WASHINGTON - Chanting "Kill the bill," thousands of Americans rallied at the Capitol on Thursday against the Democrats' health care overhaul plan. The campaign-style event kicked off a day long protest against the legislation.
"This bill is the greatest threat to freedom that I have seen,"
House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio told the crowd gathered on the lawn near the West Front of the Capitol... [snip]
"We certainly have well over 218 people who say they want to vote for the bill," Hoyer (D) said in an interview with wire service reporters. That is a majority in the 435-member House.
Obama also planned a rare trip to the House on Friday to try to win over wavering lawmakers.*
[*So there's still hope...]
Weekend Vote Before Costs Are Estimated
Subject: txt 1st hcare =
Medicare's chief actuary told The Hill on Thursday that it is unclear if he will have a cost estimate of the House healthcare reform bill before a scheduled vote this weekend.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has put the cost of the measure at $894 billion over 10 years, noting that it would reduce the deficit by $30 billion over the same time period.
Independent actuaries believe the price tag of the bill will exceed two trillion...
On the Hill, Protesters Chant ‘Kill the Bill’
Subject: txt 1st hcare gdd -
Alex Brandon/Associated Press A crowd of health care protesters in front of the Capitol on Thursday.Thousands of opponents of the Democrats’ health care legislation are gathered outside the Capitol, for a noon news conference and rally led by Representative Michele Bachmann, Republican of Minnesota, and the chants are already under way, echoing across the Mall.
“Can you hear us now?”
A series of spot interviews suggests that the protesters have come to Washington from all across the country – Texas, Ohio, Oregon and the greater Washington area. They are deeply skeptical of the government, many of them adamantly opposed to any government run system.
“The government couldn’t even get the shots out,” ... “Let’s just get the government out of all this.”
The crowd is waving signs, some predictable, others inventive.
“No Socialistic Health Care.” “Sweeping Away Socialism One Democrat at a Time.” “Politicians Lie, Patients Die”
Mr. Hershberger said he was hoping to make a difference.
“I literally got off my butt yesterday,” ... “We might have an impact. A politician can’t be a politician if they get voted out of office.”Art Scevola, a financial consultant from Portland, Ore., said that he felt a mission to come to Washington.
“We want to see limited government, not more taxes put in our face. We don’t believe our health care system entirely broken. We need to slow down, stop and start over with this legislation.”
image toon - 1st hcare = Trojan Donkey re hcare
MSNBC Personally Attacks Bachmann (Again) Rather Than Address Policy Implications
Subject: txt 1st hcare msm -
After a pattern of attacking Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, on a nightly basis, one of the strategies is becoming apparent - MSNBC is in need of a boogeyman to give a face to the opposition of these radical steps being undertaken to fundamentally change health care in the United States.
So rather than attack where the opposition is wrong on a policy level, MSNBC "Countdown" fill-in host Lawrence O'Donnell is going to apply one of the tactics from Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" to promote a dramatic shift in the U.S. health care system -
"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
[Our 'professional' media.]
Sen. Burris Cites Unwritten Constitutional 'Health' Provision to Justify Forcing Americans to Buy Health Insurance
Subject: txt 1st hcare crpt libs reps -
When asked by what specific part of the Constitution authorizes Congress to mandate that individuals must purchase health insurance, Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.) pointed to the part of the Constitution that he says authorizes the federal government ''to provide for the health, welfare and the defense of the country.''
“Under state law, we have every one required to have automobile insurance,” ... “Now, think about that...
so, under this here, we’re providing in the legislation where every one would be able to acquire health insurance.”
In fact, the word ''health'' appears nowhere in the Constitution.
[Last time I checked:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
The 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution.]
Sen. Hatch Questions Constitutionality of Obamacare
[FLASHBACK from 091103]:
Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, who has served in the Senate for 33 years and is a longtime member of the Judiciary Committee, told that he does not believe the Democrats’ health-care reform plan is constitutionally justifiable, noting that if the federal government can force Americans to buy health insurance ''then there is literally nothing the federal government can’t force us to do.''
According to the Congressional Budget Office, the federal government has never before mandated that Americans buy any good or service...
Eleven States Declare Sovereignty Over Obama’s Action
[you're probably tired of the 24/7 TV coverage of this, but just in case you missed it...]
House to vote [THIS] Saturday on health bill
[Repost from 091105]
The House could hold a rare Saturday vote this weekend to pass its healthcare reform legislation. An aide to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Wednesday that a vote could happen at 6 p.m. on Saturday, a schedule House Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) suggested in reports Wednesday afternoon....
[If you've any remaining doubt about how disastrous passage of this bill would be for us and our children, go HERE for a 'FLASHBACK' compilation that exposes this canard for what it truly is - and then...

YOUR Congressman:
or: Speed Message them with your personal distribution list...
Loud And Clear
Subject: txt 2010 -Election '09: Conservatives decisively won two of three bellwether races, and would have taken all three if not for a betrayal by an opportunistic liberal Republican. Historical comparison shows the significance. So much for "The Death of Conservatism," as a New York Times Book Review said of the fate of Reaganism in the Obama Era...
Pelosi's Suicide Pact
Pelosi's Suicide Pact
The voters be damned:
That seems to be Speaker Nancy Pelosi's attitude in the wake of big Democratic losses on Tuesday.
"House Democratic leaders, undeterred by delays in the Senate or this week's Republican electoral triumphs, plan to call a vote Saturday on the most sweeping overhaul of U.S. health-care policy in four decades to move on the $1.05 trillion legislation..."
Hoffman 2010?
Subject: txt 2010 -
Saranac Lake, N.Y. - In the end, Doug Hoffman couldn’t overcome the hurdle that all third-party candidates face: Most voters tend to pull the lever for the R or the D. Never mind that in this race, the absence of Hoffman would have left voters with a choice-in-name-only (a CHINO?). But Hoffman supporters should not despair. The Democrat who beat him, Bill Owens, faces a tough year ahead. If he runs in 2010, Hoffman will win...
[Don't buy the MSM meme that this was a defeat ('crushing' according to some of the liberally deluded) - consider: Hoffman was and unknown just three weeks before the election (until he took part in a televised debate), who was facing two major party candidates with no comparable political machinery behind him, who's primary opponent endorsed the Democrat when she withdrew -- and he still received 45% of the vote.
It doesn't take a rocket biologists to recognize the tremendous implications to both the democrat and republican parties - just honesty. But don't hold your breath waiting for that in the MSM's reporting of this...]
The Madness of Queen Nancy
Subject: txt 2010 -It's one thing to be serene under fire, it's another to be delusional. More than a few Democrats in Congress are perplexed and worried that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is insisting on ramming through a 1,900-page health care bill on Saturday, just days after her party took heavy losses in Tuesday's elections.
"It reminds me of Major Nicholson, the obsessed British major in the film 'Bridge on the River Kwai,'"
Liberals think average Americans are extremists
[OR: MSM portrays average Americans as...]Republicans are receiving a lot of free advice from liberals, who say three things: Your party is too extreme, your party is too extreme, your party is too extreme...
Democrats want people to believe Republicans as extremists who oppose gay marriage and abortion.
Embracing gay marriage would push Republicans to the left of President Obama, California and now, Maine. All three have rejected gay marriage. As for abortion, Gallup polls repeatedly show that a majority of Americans now oppose unrestricted access.
The tea parties and the town hall meetings could be a precursor of what will happen should Democrats be foolish enough to pass a government takeover of the nation's medical care.
The proposal includes taxing pacemakers, regulating vending machines and creating 111 new federal bureaucracies staffed by Democratic Party appointees.
Democrats portray Republicans as being in the Party Of No.
No is sounding pretty good these days.
Make no mistake, while the race for New York's 23rd congressional district went to the Democrats, in the ongoing battle for the meaning of the Republican party it went to the conservatives...
The Great Mystery
Subject: txt 1st 2010 lbrty gdd bdd othr hstry sclm bbro -
One of the great mysteries in today's United States is how a country founded on the principle of individual freedom, having achieved great wealth and world influence, could have developed a political class bent on transforming the nation into a collective dominated by a powerful central government.John Adams wrote in a letter to his wife of his need to study politics and war so his sons could study mathematics and philosophy and his grandchildren could study poetry and music. Surely this grand new experiment known as the United States, based on the rights of the individual and not the state, could avoid the pitfalls that plagued other nations. The peace, prosperity, and lack of national adversity Adams envisioned came to pass, and future generations were able to study subjects other than war.
Unfortunately, destructive modern political philosophies, such as Marxism and socialism, manipulated by the self-absorbed to achieve political power, were matters John Adams and his fellow founding fathers could not have anticipated.
One need only watch many in the committed American Left make pilgrimages to those second- and third-world countries controlled by Marxist governments and fawn over their rulers. The diminished standard of living, the loss of liberty, and the bleak future for the people of these nations are ignored while the power achieved by the head of state is celebrated.
While John Adams and his fellow founders could not have anticipated what has happened to the country they established, they did give it a framework -- a constitution -- which can enable us to avoid the same egocentrism that led to the downfall of other major civilizations.
The country can return to the path of economic and social prosperity and relegate the Left to the background of the nation's politics, where they belong, once and for all. The key is time, and time is something we have little of.
The 2010 elections will be the most important midterm election in our history.
So much Obama damage control, that David Axelrod even talks to Fox News
Here's how desperate Obama administration spokesmen were Wednesday to fill the info void they'd created by hiding away during the previous night's bad news election returns: