Thursday, April 22, 2010
The Naked Communism of Earth Day
It is no accident that April 22, Earth Day, is also the birth date of Vladimir Lenin, an acolyte of Karl Marx, the lunatic who invented communism as an alternative to capitalism.
Earth Day is naked communism.
To begin, it substitutes a worship of the Earth, Gaia, for the worship of God, creator of the universe and the instructor of moral behavior for mankind.
The Earth does not demand a moral code of personal behavior. Indeed, the lesson it teaches is “the survival of the fittest “and an indifference to suffering. The “natural events” mankind fears most all involve the potential for significant loss of life and for injury.
The Earth is a beautiful place, but it is utterly merciless. Man has learned to adapt to it and, by adapt, I mean to use its resources to build shelter and protection from it, to plant and harvest crops from it, and to domesticate some of its species while hunting and fishing for others for food.
Earth Day postulates that man is the cause of harm to Earth by virtue of his cities, his highways, his use of its sources of energy, and even the garbage that results from the normal course of maintaining life. For centuries mankind routinely burned and buried garbage. Now we are told we must separate and recycle it. We are told that everything plastic is bad even though it is one of the great inventions of modern times.
Communism is a litany of murder and oppression
Communism reached its zenith in the last century. Its imposition in the former Soviet Union, in China, and elsewhere is a litany of murder and oppression. In the 20th century, a minimum 110 million people died as a result. It enslaves mankind wherever it can.
Environmentalism has been built on the foundation laid by communism because both exist to control everyone’s life. They are opposite sides of the same coin, both are opposed to the ownership of private property and both regard man as state property to be drained of his earnings through taxation.
Environmentalism’s preferred method is coercion and the mechanism for this is government.
While America was established to ensure “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, environmentalism exists to exert more and more control over our lives by limiting our choices, our liberty. Environmentalism redefines happiness as doing without the advances of science and commerce that protects and prolongs our lives.
There is nothing voluntary about environmentalism.
There is nothing voluntary about having to recycle. There is nothing voluntary about having to fill your tank with a mixture of gasoline and ethanol. There is nothing voluntary about the imposition of mileage standards for cars. There is nothing voluntary about losing access to beneficial chemicals that control countless insect and rodent pests that spread disease and destroy property.
While the vast majority of Americans clamor for the government to permit access to our nation’s vast natural resources of coal, oil, and natural gas it stands in the way, claiming always that drilling and mining pose a threat to the environment. At the same time it acquires more and more of the nation’s landmass to deter access and economic growth.
Greatest hoax of the modern era, “global warming.”
In the name of the environment, the U.S. government is set to impose a Cap-and-Trade law on Americans that has no basis whatever in science and is, in fact, based on the greatest hoax of the modern era, “global warming.”
Cap-and-Trade will tax energy use and directly control how much energy individual Americans can use to heat or cool their homes through “smart grid” technology controlled by the utilities, not the consumer.
Environmentalism is the reason the U.S. has not had a single new refinery or nuclear plant built since the 1970s. Think about that every time you drive your car or turn on the lights.
The spread of endless environmental propaganda has been taken up by the nation’s mainstream media and has infiltrated the nation’s schools through its textbooks and other means of instruction. Earth Day will be the occasion for an orgy of media coverage.
Just as communism failed the former Soviet Union and just as Red China abandoned communism as the model for its economy, environmentalism continues its relentless quest to deter economic growth and security in America. It is the infrastructure of a New World Order.
Do not celebrate Earth Day. Denounce it.
Voters Take Global Warming Less Seriously
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A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 54% of voters still believe global warming is a serious problem, but that's down eight points from a year ago. The new numbers includes 29% who consider it very serious, a number, too, that has been inching down in recent months.
But 43% now say global warming is not serious, including 21% who say it is not at all serious. The number who say global warming is not serious at all is at its highest level measured in regular tracking in over a year. The overall number of voters who question the seriousness of global warming crossed into the 40s for the first time in January.
Forty-eight percent (48%) of voters say global warming is caused by long-term planetary trends, while only 33% blame human activity. These results are identical to those found last month.
Belief that human activity is the primary cause of global warming has declined significantly. In April 2008, the numbers were nearly the mirror image of the current findings. At that time, 47% blamed human activity, while only 34% named long-term planetary trends as the reason for climate change.
Celebrate Earth’s Best Friend
This Earth Day we are reminded of the value of environmental protection. Clean air, clean water, species protection, and pristine wilderness are items we all value. The United States, relative to most of the world, is exceptionally blessed with each of these environmental goods. This Earth Day we should all celebrate the single most important factor in making all these environmental goods possible: the free market.
Only a wealthy society can afford the economic sacrifices necessary to put expensive scrubbers on smokestacks, to build and maintain the infrastructure necessary to sustain clean waterways, and to set aside productive lands for conservation and species protection. And the wealthiest nations are those that respect and nurture market freedom.
When the Obama administration earlier this month imposed new fuel economy mandates on automakers that, according to the administration itself, will raise the cost of the average new vehicle by nearly $1,000, it was our national wealth that enabled us to even consider such a financial imposition. By contrast, citizens of nations that have historically stifled economic freedom—China, India, etc.—cannot afford the expensive clean-air technologies that Americans purchase as a matter of course.
How stark is the difference in environmental quality between nations that encourage the market and those that stifle it? A study published in the January issue of the science journal Nature documents that so much pollution from Asia is crossing the Pacific Ocean that U.S. ozone levels are rising even though U.S. ozone precursor emissions are declining. States in the Western United States are having difficulty meeting federal ozone standards because pollution from relatively poor nations in East Asia is offsetting declines in U.S. emissions.
For nations such as China, India, Bangladesh, Laos, and Vietnam—each languishing in the bottom third of The Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom World Rankings—imposing expensive environmental mandates on citizens who cannot afford food, clothing, and shelter is not an option. Western-style environmental protections first require Western-style wealth. And Western-style wealth was made possible, and will remain possible, only through free markets and economic liberty.
This Earth Day we will hear a great deal of talk about global environmental problems, and many of them are real. Yet we in the United States are benefitting from a great boom in environmental quality. We are in the middle of a Roaring ‘20s of environmental improvement.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, aggregate U.S. emissions today of the six principal pollutants tracked by EPA total less than half what they were in 1980. This astonishing reduction in pollution occurred even though the U.S. population jumped by 34 percent, vehicle miles traveled increased by 91 percent, and gross domestic product more than doubled.
If we compare current air quality to 1970—the year Earth Day was first celebrated—the results are even more striking. Aggregate U.S. emissions have declined by 60 percent, even as the U.S. population surged by 48 percent, vehicles miles traveled rose by 163 percent, and gross domestic product more than tripled.
While U.S. politicians debate the extent to which mercury, sulfur, and other pollutants should be scrubbed from modern power plant emissions, people in Asia and Africa burn dung to cook their food and heat their homes. Dung patties may be a renewable and “sustainable” fuel source, but you will never find impoverished Third World citizens protesting plans for a new coal-fired power plant.
The extent to which current and future generations of Americans can afford environmental protections that are nonexistent in the rest of the world will depend primarily on the extent to which our government allows free markets to flourish. More intrusive government regulations, higher taxes, and penalties on financial success may be motivated by good intentions, but the real-world impact always has been, and always will be, to stifle economic growth and reduce the amount of societal wealth that can be devoted to environmental protection.
So this Earth Day, let’s remember to celebrate the environment’s best friend: the free market.
POLL: 59% Say Scientists Disagree 'Significantly' Over Global Warming
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Most Americans now believe there is a significant disagreement within the scientific community over global warming, up seven points from early December just after the so-called “Climategate” scandal involving doctored or deliberately undisclosed scientific evidence first broke.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that a quarter of adults (25%) think scientists do agree on global warming, showing no change from the earlier survey. Fifteen percent (15%) are not sure.
Just 16% say stopping global warming to save the environment is a bigger priority for our national leaders than stimulating the economy to create jobs. A sizable majority (72%) say creating jobs is the bigger priority. These results show little change from past polling.
The increase in skepticism about scientific research on global warming is consistent with trends found in separate surveys about the cause of climate change. In April 2008, 47% of voters blamed human activity for global warming, while only 34% viewed long-term planetary trends as the cause. Since then, these results have reversed, and now long-term planetary trends are seen as the chief culprit for global warming.
Still, international leaders, including President Obama, continue to work on a UN-sponsored global treaty aimed at reducing the human activity they believe is to blame for global warming.
Gore's Film Sparks Indoctrination in Schools Controversy in New Zealand
Subject: txt grn fnn -Another country is looking into whether or not Al Gore's schlockumentary "An Inconvenient Truth" should carry a warning before it is shown in public schools.
In October 2007, a British judge ruled that there were so many material falsehood's in the film that they had to be disclosed to students before it was aired.
Now, a petition is being distributed in New Zealand for similar provisions to be implemented.
As New Zealand's National Business Review reported Wednesday:
Inconvenient Youth: Al Gore's group takes new step
Subject: txt grn edu crpt bdd -
Teenagers are being asked to be 'inconvenient'. It’s all about being green and sharing ideas on what they’re doing and what can be done. The effort - called Inconvenient Youth - will be launched on Earth Day, which is Thursday, by Nashville-based The Climate Project.
“Inconvenient Youth is built on the belief that teens can help lead efforts to solve the climate crisis,”
said former Vice President Al Gore, founder of The Climate Project, in a prepared statement...
[Adults are seeing through our ruse, so let's target their children - preferably in the captive setting of school...]
Al Gore and the Greenies Sell Out to Big Chemical
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Former VP Al Gore has just enjoyed a 20-year ride becoming a carbon credit billionaire off the fraud of global warming. Since Climate-gate, that cash cow isn't going to be milking as much anymore, it's on to the next great thing! Gore is now entering the ''clean water'' zone, sponsored by .....Big Chemical. Dow Chemical is sponsoring ''Live Earth'' activities around the world as it now seeks to reconstruct itself as a good, clean citizen of the world with the ''blessings'' of Al Gore, who accepted Dow's sponsorship check.
[It never had anything to do with the climate.]
Environmentalists are simply not serious about energy production
Legislation introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) would permanently seal off a million acres of the Mojave Desert from solar plants and wind farms. Since Feinstein is chair of the Senate sub-committee that controls the Interior Department's budget, her wish will be its command. For example:
- California is headed by an environmentalist governor who signed into law that by the year 2020, one third of the electricity produced in the state must be from "renewable sources," of which solar and wind power are the most often touted.
- The Mojave Desert is the best location in California for both solar plants and wind farms.
- Plans were made for 13 large wind farms and solar plants, which would have gone a long way towards meeting the requirements of the law.
Feinstein, an environmentalist, has blocked these plans.
Feinstein's 'concern' is that these wind farms and solar plants will be large and ugly and spoil the view from the freeway that runs across the Mojave.
This raises a key question: Why is the view from some freeway sacrosanct, whereas building such plants elsewhere in the state is OK?
Of course, the ordinary nuclear plant the size of a football field can reliably supply the electricity that solar plants and wind farms covering many square miles do unreliably.
However, Feinstein hates nuclear energy too...
[Nothing will change until we make changes.]
Last in Class: Critics Give U.N. Climate Researchers an 'F'
Subject: txt grn owg -
It may be time for the United Nations' climate-studies scientists to go back to school. A group of 40 auditors -- including scientists and public policy experts from across the globe -- have released a shocking report card on the U.N.'s landmark climate-change research report. And they gave 21 of the report's 44 chapters a grade of ''F.''
The team, recruited by the climate-change skeptics behind the website, found that 5,600 of the 18,500 sources in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) Nobel Prize-winning 2007 report were not peer reviewed...
Quiet sun puts Europe on ice
Subject: txt grn -Brace yourself for more winters like the last one, northern Europe. Freezing conditions could become more likely: winter temperatures may even plummet to depths last seen at the end of the 17th century, a time known as the Little Ice Age. That's the message from a new study that identifies a compelling link between solar activity and winter temperatures in northern Europe.
The research finds that low solar activity promotes the formation of giant kinks in the jet stream. These kinks can block warm westerly winds from reaching Europe, while allowing in winds from Arctic Siberia...
Good thing Obama says he disregards polls
Subject: txt engry -President Obama recently appeared to endorse offshore oil drilling in certain areas, though any oil and gas production is years away.
This poll found an overwhelming majority of Americans agree on the need for offshore drilling and a clear majority support it off the entire U.S. coastline.
They would include California and New England, strongly Democratic areas that Obama still excludes...
LaHood Gives the Green Light
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At a National Press Club event last year, a panel moderator decided to quiz Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood on his department's policy. "Some in the highway-supporters motorist groups have been concerned by your livability initiative," he said.
"Is this an effort to make driving more torturous and to coerce people out of their cars?""It is a way to coerce people out of their cars,"
answered LaHood, with a blunt frankness rare for a politician.
These days, the Department of Transportation is sticking its nose into everyone's lives.
Climate Science and Groupthink
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In mid-March, Students for a Free Economy held a forum at Central Michigan University with three panelists who discussed their doubts about the research that is being used to support the climate change concerns of the U.S. government and the governments of many other industrialized nations. SFE is a campus outreach project from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.
McDiarmid's flier listed 11 U.S. scientific organizations that he claimed backed the panel, including the American Physical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Academy of Sciences.
Will Happer said McDiarmid's claim in the flier was "a propaganda statement."
Happer is the Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics at Princeton University and a fellow at the American Physical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Academy of Sciences.
In 2009, Happer told a U.S. Senate Committee that man-made global warming fears were mistaken, according to the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
He says he was fired in 1993 from his role as director of the research budget for the Department of Energy by then Vice President Al Gore. Happer said he was let go for questioning the global warming agenda in private meetings.
Happer said global warming advocates have infiltrated the ranks of the leadership of many scientific organizations and have posted positions without consulting with the membership or even doing their own study...
Obama administration admits new fuel efficiency standard will raise new car costs $1,100+
Subject: txt engry grn mny -
That's the net effect of the Obama administration's ridiculous new fuel efficiency standards, according to the Institute for Energy Research: In a best-case scenario, the Obama Administration says that its regulation will increase the price of a car by $1,100 per vehicle. Other estimates are much higher—a study by Global Insight found that this kind of regulation would increase power-train costs by $1,000 for small cars and $5,000 for larger vehicles...
Networks Praise New Fuel Standards, Call Them 'Nothing Short of Historic'
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New fuel standards make both the left and the media happy. It's easy to tell. There wasn't a single voice of opposition criticizing the latest act of Big Government on major prime-time news outlets ABC, CBS or NBC.
"Environmentalists are hailing the move as nothing short of historic,"
ClimateGate's Mann Demands 'Hide the Decline' Video Be Removed From YouTube
[and finally...]ClimateGate scientist Michael Mann has threatened Minnesotans For Global Warming with legal action if their hit video "Hide the Decline" is not removed from YouTube.
As NewsBusters reported in November, M4GW, in response to highly incriminating e-mail messages hacked from the British Climatic Research Unit weeks earlier, created an absolutely delicious version of the Tommy James and the Shondells' classic "Draggin' the Line."
On Tuesday, M4GW informed their many fans that for financial reasons they have complied with Mann's request.
Hockey stick Mann's New Year's Surprise
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The Telegraph reports that Michael Mann of climategate's Hockey Stick fame, received a surprise today, a notice to all his colleagues that there's an effort to collect data on misuse of federal funds in his operation in an effort to mount a Federal False Claims Act suit:
[Past time.]
[The character is Michael Mann, creator {in every sense of the word} of the now infamous hockey-stick global warming graph, and 'star' of M4GW's "Hide The Decline" video I posted in November...]
[here again, for your viewing pleasure {it's kind of catchy}...
Hide the Decline
Subject: txt 1st grn -
In this country, even a global warming denialist with a carbon fetish and bad intentions has the right to see the inner workings of government.
Or, at least, he should.
When leaked e-mails recently exposed talk of manipulating scientific evidence on global warming, Kevin Trenberth, head of the Climate Analysis Section at The National Center for Atmospheric Research, argued that skeptics and other evildoers had cherry-picked and presented his comments out of context.
In fact, Trenberth's work is one reason the nation is moving toward rationed energy use via cap-and-trade legislation. His work is one reason the Environmental Protection Agency, through its endangerment findings on carbon emissions, can regulate industry by decree. It is Trenberth's government-financed science that drives public policy across this country.
Yet Trenberth has less accountability to the public than the local parks department.
He is not alone. The Competitive Enterprise Institute—one of those troglodyte-funded, big-screen-television-loving outfits—was forced to file three notices of intent to file suit against NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, demanding the organization provide documents and raw data that were requested under the Freedom of Information Act three years ago...
A little humorous intermission ...
Our buddies at Minnesotans For Global Warming have done it again, this time addressing the growing scandal ClimateGate...
[Entitled "Hide the Decline"]