Monday, July 6, 2009
Hondurans unhappy with Obama
Rejecting the return of ousted President Manuel Zelaya, Honduras' interim leaders dug in for a fight on Thursday after governments across the region demanded the deposed leftist be restored to power...The Organization of American States on Wednesday issued a weekend deadline for the interim government to reinstate Zelaya, in a standoff that is testing U.S. President Barack Obama's administration after he promised an era of better relations with the region...
"We have established a democratic government and we will not cede to pressure from anyone. We are a sovereign country,"
said Roberto Micheletti, who was named as caretaker president by Honduran lawmakers shortly after Zelaya's ouster.
Who cares about Honduras?
Barack Obama has fundamentally shifted our foreign policy away from our own national interests in Honduras. He aligns us with the interests of Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and a long list of South American drug cartels.
The Honduran people, wise to the ways of Latin American politics, adopted a constitution that prohibits any president from serving more than one term. Presidents in Latin American countries, like herpes, have a habit of never going away. Further, the Honduran constitution requires that any referenda put to the voters must be approved by the Honduran Congress... [snip]
For perspective, Obama more quickly condemned President Zelaya’s ouster by a democratic government than he condemned Iran for gunning down its citizens who had taken to the streets to demand freedom. Obama needed public pressure to even discuss Iran.
Sadly, our president needs public pressure to align his moral compass toward freedom...
Obama 'meddles' in Honduras -- and chooses the wrong side
President Barack Obama has made it clear that he does not want the United States to be seen as "meddling" in Iran's internal politics.
Never mind that the Islamic Republic has been "meddling" in our affairs for the past three decades, if such a bland word can be used to characterize the seizure of our embassy in 1979, the killing of 229 American servicemen in 1983 and the planting of roadside bombs to kill our soldiers in Iraq.
The Obama administration apparently believes that words and actions in support for the Iranian people in their struggle against religious fascism will hurt their cause, even though the mullahs have never needed a pretext for blaming their self-inflicted wounds on the West.
The administration's response to the events in Iran was predictable given its obsession with "engaging" a regime that shows no interest in returning the favor.
Yet while distancing ourselves from democratic forces in Iran under the guise of respect for that government's sovereignty, we have been quite eager to "meddle" in the domestic politics of Honduras.
Worse, we have wound up on the wrong side...
Liberty And Liberation On July 4
Mission Accomplished: The withdrawal of U.S. troops from 15 Iraqi cities makes this a time to remember the sacrifices that made success possible — and the president who refused to lose.
It is questionable if even Reagan could have resisted the kind of united pressure from political friend and foe alike that George W. Bush was under during the months preceding the Surge. As we celebrate this 4th of July, we should be thankful for a 43rd president who refused to allow another Vietnam.
And we should hope his successor does not undo what history will remember as one of the great instances of presidential fortitude.
But the concerns that former Vice President Dick Cheney recently expressed regarding our forces in Iraq are not to be taken lightly. Reacting to the announcement last week that U.S. soldiers would leave Iraq's cities in a 24-hour span, Cheney reflected to the Washington Times that
"one might speculate that insurgents are waiting as soon as they get an opportunity to launch more attacks."
The former defense secretary for the first President Bush understood that the Iraqis eventually
"have to stand on their own, but I would not want to see the U.S. waste all the tremendous sacrifice that has gotten us to this point."
With over 4,300 of our servicemen and women having fallen to rid the world of the threat of Saddam Hussein and bring freedom to Iraq, it certainly should be a priority not to waste so much valor.
Unfortunately, President Obama's main concern seems to be something else: Keeping to his self-imposed, artificial timetable to end U.S. combat operations in little more than a year and get all our troops out by the close of 2011...
[No matter if defeat is snapped from the jaws of victory, our military accomplished its job in truly historic fashion given the hole they had to dig themselves out of - while regrettably reversible by our politicians, for our countrymen in uniform Iraq goes into the history books as
Joe Biden: Iraqis on own if violence flares
Vice President Joseph Biden told ABC's George Stephanopoulos in an interview taped in Iraq on Saturday for ''This Week'' that the United States does not intend to slow its withdrawal plan in Iraq even if violence spikes after U.S. troops leave.
Asked what happens ''if the violence flares up again,'' the vice president replied,
"Well, that's going to be a tragic outcome for the Iraqi people"
Pentagon warns US arms may be [becoming] obsolete
America's traditional means of projecting power abroad is growing “increasingly obsolete” and its billion-dollar military hardware could be as ineffectual against future threats as the heavily fortified Maginot line was in defending France against the Nazis, a senior Pentagon adviser has warned... [snip]
In 2006, China sneaked one of its submarines into the middle of a US carrier group — to the mortification of the US navy...[snip]
Even new areas of supremacy, such as US dominance of global positioning satellites that guide “smart” bombs to their targets, are becoming a “wasting asset” as states such as China develop the space technology to destroy them. China already has the ballistic missiles and laser technology to destroy low-orbit satellites on which the military depends.
Krepinevich claims America should devote more resources to cutting-edge nanosatellites to maintain its technological lead and should invest in missile interceptors and laser energy defences* that could counter the threat from adversaries deploying their own “smart” weapons.
Last week Robert Gates, the defence secretary, rewarded him for his prescience with a seat on the influential defence policy board at the Pentagon. Even with this encouragement from Gates, his prescription is likely to run into opposition from powerful vested interests...
[* = both of which the Obama administration has reduced.]
Russian PM calls on U.S. to shelve missile shield
MOSCOW - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Friday called on the United States to move relations forward by shelving plans for a missile defense shield in Europe, news agencies reported.
"We are ready for effective cooperation, we really expect a lot of the new administration,"
Putin said on an agricultural inspection in Russia's southern Krasnodar region.
[Are we really so naive as to even consider this?]
image toon - gwot nsec = Bush's hawk BMD v Oby's dove
Obama’s deadly hand revealed
American Jewish supporters of Israel now regret welcoming their President with open arms
Almost 80 per cent of American Jews voted for Barack Obama as President. Those of us who warned that this man would endanger Israel were scorned.
As the world watched events unfold in Iran, Obama’s double standard over Israel was illuminated in flashing neon lights. How could he say that it's wrong for him to tell the Iranians what to do, people asked themselves, when he is dictating to Israel its policy on settlements?
For the past six months, while Obama has been holding out the hand of friendship to Iran, he has been showing Israel a mailed fist.
None of this proves Obama is really a Muslim. But it does all suggest that America has a pro-Islamist President. Doubtless as a result of his constant sniping at Israel, the percentage of American voters who say they support Israel has plummeted from 69 per cent last September to 49 per cent this month.
The US and Israel could be heading for the greatest disagreement between the two countries in the history of their relationship, as Middle East expert Robert Satloff recently told Newsweek.
Even now, though, despite the outbreak of buyers’ remorse, most American Jews still don’t realise what they have done — and probably never will...
[Highly Recommended > ]
Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran
[Meanwhile, the adults...]
The head of Mossad, Israel’s overseas intelligence service, has assured Benjamin Netanyahu, its prime minister, that Saudi Arabia would turn a blind eye to Israeli jets flying over the kingdom during any future raid on Iran’s nuclear sites.
Earlier this year Meir Dagan, Mossad’s director since 2002, held secret talks with Saudi officials to discuss the possibility...
U.S. asks China to drop censoring software requirement for PCs
The U.S. Trade Representative has written a letter to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce asking that the country drop its requirement that all new PCs sold in China have special filtering software installed.
The letter was sent Tuesday by Trade Representative Ron Kirk and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce...
[Wait, we're not meddling now are we...? {Truth: enabling is more like it, via our companies' technical support of the regime}]
'U.N. Me' Sneak Peek: Guns Don’t Kill People, Climate Change Does
Note: This was originally published at Andrew Breitbart's "Big Hollywood" blog. It looks like an entertaining documentary. It's a shame the liberal MSM is likely to ignore it.
I’m putting the finishing touches on my feature film coming out later this year called “U.N. Me” (, a satirical documentary on the profound failures of the United Nations. Here’s the second of three clips that very much represent the flavor of my upcoming film. Hope you enjoy …
”Guns Don’t Kill People, Climate Change Does.”
You may know that there is a genocide taking place in Darfur (news to the U.N.). You may not know who is the real culprit responsible for the raping, killing and burning down of Darfurian villages...
[You guessed it: global warming so Americans are responsible. Watch this 2-minute clip for a view of the U.N. folks your tax dollars are paying for... {and pass it on}]
With U. S. unemployment set to climb to 10% the North American market economies will soon be looking at what used to be derisively termed "European levels" of unemployment.
The question is whether these high unemployment rates are merely short-term blips that will be followed by quick recoveries, or whether high jobless numbers will persist, turning the United States into a grim replica of sclerotic Europe...
[Is this a trick question? If you implement European-like policies...]
You Know The Real Reason Why Time Mag Is Going Down the Drain? The Content.
It's old news that F.D.R.'s New Deal did not end the Depression....F.D.R. appreciated the irony that it was the Depression that made it possible for him to realize those larger objectives.
It would be too much to say that he deliberately prolonged the crisis to preserve the possibilities for reform. But he candidly acknowledged the relationship between peril and progress in his second Inaugural Address, on Jan. 20, 1937....
President Obama knows this. Asked by PBS news anchor Jim Lehrer in February if he did not feel burdened by the several crises now besetting the country, Obama noted that the moment "is full of peril but full of possibility" and that such times are "when the political system starts to move effectively."
Roosevelt could not have said it better. F.D.R. championed a long-deferred reform [vs. rejected bad ideas] agenda that put security [vs. government control] at its core. Obama wants to advance another set of reforms [vs. government expansions] that have long been stalled [vs. vetoed by the people].
Given that it's such old news that the New Deal was an economic flopperoo and that President Obama is pushing a New Dealish-like economic stimulus package, you'd think that maybe Time would be interested in engaging the whys and wherefores of such things. Or in anything like a critical analysis of FDR and BHO. It needn't be negative or libertarian, but something other than idle idol worship might actually pull some eyeballs.
Check out Radley Balko and Jeff Winkler's great social-panic stories from the past four decades of Time here.
In any case, what can Obama learn from FDR? Plenty. Especially what not to do during an economic downturn. Just watch below...
[Highly Recommended {above}]
California : The “Furloughing” Of Common Sense
How many California state employees does it take to screw in a light bulb?
We’ll find out soon enough.
A recent analysis of the state’s general fund conducted by the San Jose Mercury News found that government growth in California had exceeded the growth in population plus inflation by a whopping $10.2 billion over the previous five years.
That’s a 35% increase – in just five years - causing California’s fiscal house of cards to collapse last year, opening a $24 billion hole in its upcoming budget.
In an effort to save a nickel – or rather, $1.4 billion worth of nickels – Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed last December that state employees take two days worth of furloughs each month, an idea that was roundly rejected by the state’s government unions.
What impact, precisely, do furloughs and other government layoffs have on the services currently being provided to California taxpayers?
Obviously, there are those who claim the budget shortfall will result something akin to the state falling into the Pacific or deteriorating into a third world wasteland, but those doom-and-gloom pronouncements were roundly rejected by California voters last month when they declined to approve billions of dollars worth of tax hikes... [snip]
Take the California Department of Motor Vehicles, which has seen a dramatic increase in customers taking advantage of its online services in the wake of the recent furloughs. Rather than be “adversely impacted,” Californians simply went online to conduct their business – which begs the question of whether or not some of those furloughed DMV employees should have jobs in the first place.
And what of the state’s park system –which could easily be privatized instead of draining hundreds of millions in tax dollars each year? Sure California’s parks are lovely, but are they an essential government responsibility?
Sadly, common sense assessments like that don’t seem to factor into the decision-making process in Sacramento... [snip]
California is the world’s eighth-largest economy. Frankly, it’s about time its leaders started running the state more like a business and less like a pyramid scam.
[Not if we keep returning the same crew to Sacramento.]
image toon = 1st fnn cali mny sclm bbro - Oby's progressive ideas v failed CA ideas
[in our professional media...]
dooming her presidential pipe dream"
[New York Daily News 'Analysis']
The Campaign To Bankrupt The Palin Family
Well funded liberals, although exactly from where has been deliberately masked, have been filing ethics charge after ethics charge against Sarah Palin. The aim? Not any serious attempt to get her impeached, as every single one of the charges are frivolous - one was even filed in the name of a soap opera character - but something far more personal.
These people want to bankrupt the Palins and leave them destitute.
From just September till now, Sarah Palin has accumulated a personal dept of over $500,000 in legal fees defending herself against fake/false/frivolous ethics charges. That’s Five Hundred Thousand Dollars.

Palin's legal defense fund
Gov. Sarah Palin reportedly now has more than $600,000 in legal bills as a result of a string of frivolous ethics complaints - 14 of which have been dismissed so far with no finding she violated the state ethics act.
[but they continue to be filed, one after another despite their demonstrated lack of legitimate standing - it's litigation as financial weapon]
[contributing will help counter one piece of the Left's campaign against this lady...
The Networks and Palin: A Study in Character Assassination
Not one of the major network evening news programs - ABC's World News, NBC's Nightly News, and CBS's Evening News - ran a single positive story about Palin.
Why Feminists Hate Sarah Palin
... and remember the real world is a different story...]
WaPo Shocker: Palin Helped McCain Avoid Far Worse Loss
Trip Outside shows Palin's national star still blazes
It's no Tripp: Palin still popular
More Sarahs, Fewer Arnolds
The Power of Authenticity
Americans is that liberals won't shut up about her.
The answer is the same - just the same - America is still, in every way and from every vantage, a conservative nation.