In Stalin's Russia any dissenter from the Party Line was guilty. Innocence had to be proved. It's a standard tyrant's trick. During the reign of Oliver Cromwell in England, witchhunters did not have to prove that their victims were guilty. The accused witches had to prove their innocence. That's what Al Gore has done to science: He and his friends have flipped innocence and guilt from normal science to Stalinist science.
In Al Gore's America, any "global warming denier" is guilty until proven innocent. He or she must have been bought off by Big Oil. Skeptics, no matter how well-qualified, must prove the negative about really silly alarmist hogwash. And whenever some prediction is falsified, the warm mongers have an explanation: it's just a temporary glitch in the data. Oh, yes, we were wrong about 1998, but just wait till 2050! The excuses are endless... [snip]
Putting the burden of proof on the doubters is a perversion of normal, healthy science. In normal science the burden of proof is on the proposer. Albert Einstein had to prove in his historic 1905 paper that there was a fundamental flaw in classical physics. The distinctive predictions of Relativity Theory had to be verified for decades afterwards. Some are still being tested today.
To answer the biggest con trick in the history of science, you just have to address a single question to True Believers: What's your evidence for this barmy idea? And the answer is: There are no facts robust enough, consistent enough, and verified enough to support the mass hysteria... [snip]
The last ten years have seen global cooling, not warming. Look it up. Why? Nobody really knows, but Mr. Sun is the logical suspect. But don't get caught in the trap of proving the negative. In normal, healthy science, the skeptics ask questions.
It is the proponents who carry the burden of proof.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The slick trick behind global frauding
USGS: Montana-Dakota may hold 3.7 bln bbl oil -
A shale rock formation that stretches across Montana and North Dakota could hold about 3.7 billion barrels of oil, the biggest single deposit in the United States except for Alaska, the U.S. Geological Survey said this week.
The area could also hold 1.85 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 148 million barrels of natural gas liquids, the USGS said.
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska could hold more than 10 billion barrels of oil. But ANWR is off-limits due to a congressional drilling moratorium...
More drilling, please
How much more pain must Americans endure before our masters in Washington let oil companies punch a few holes in the Alaskan tundra? Must we shiver pennilessly in the dark before we may extract new domestic petroleum deposits? Or shall we simply keep buying $111 barrels of oil from people who want us dead? In case Congress missed the news, three U.S. airlines went broke last week. Aloha, ATA, and Skybus blamed in part unaffordable fuel as they grounded their jets...
[>115$/barrel yesterday - ready yet? {and you can keep the 'please'}]
On the trade front, it is important to understand that, as Under Secretary of Commerce Chris Padilla has said, the United States already has free trade with Colombia -- but it's "one-way free trade." Thanks to the Andean Trade Preferences Act, which Congress passed 16 years ago:
• Colombian exporters pay tariffs on only 8 percent of the goods they send to the United States.
• Meanwhile, U.S. exporters currently pay tariffs -- some as high as 35 percent -- on 97 percent of the products we sell Colombia.
The U.S.-Colombia FTA would level this uneven playing field, eliminating the tariffs on U.S. goods and creating new market access for U.S. service suppliers; and it would do all of this with a major trading partner, says Duberstein and McLarty:
• The U.S. exports more to Colombia than Russia, even though Russia has a population that is three times larger and an economy seven times that of Colombia.
• Under the agreement now before Congress, U.S. exports to Colombia, from cars to chemicals to consumer products, would grow by an estimated $1 billion per year -- a direct benefit to U.S. workers and their families.
• From Colombia's perspective, the FTA would add a welcome dimension of certainty to our trading relationship, encouraging investors to commit to Colombia and help create jobs there.
In addition, the agreement would send an important signal of support to a close neighbor, friend and ally, say Duberstein and McLarty.
West awakens slowly from suicidal slumber
IT is, by any measure, a sunny day when moralising elites are forced to eat their words. Only a few short years ago many were busily deriding Australia as an "international pariah" on immigration. Indeed, only last year our new citizenship test was labelled as nasty stuff by people such as journalist David Marr and former Liberal PM Malcolm Fraser. Enter the British Labour Government, which last month announced its intention to introduce tough new citizenship tests and, get this, bring in immigration controls "based on the Australian model"...
Berlusconi to deal with Italy's Illegal Immigrants
ROME - Silvio Berlusconi has branded illegal immigrants an "army of evil" in his first day in office after winning Italy's general election. Berlusconi, 71 [a 71-year old President, oh my], who was elected on Monday to serve a third term as Prime Minister, said on Tuesday that he would "step up neighbourhood police, who can be an army of good, placing themselves between the Italian people and the army of evil".
[the larger story here is his election: yet another center-right victory - point? the Left's constant claim that the US has so much repair to do its 'prestige' is unambiguously debunked by the undeniable conservative election trend occurring in Europe and elsewhere - recall:
The Conservative Tide in Major Democracies {Feb. 1, '08}
... Remember how Senator Kerry said that leaders of Europe privately wanted him to win the presidency? That news has ceased to become newsworthy.i.e., contrary to what the press portrays, the world's citizens are waking up to the realities of the world and following our election choices - ironically, should we elect a democrat president the US would actually end up to the left of Europe {think about that}]
Why? Because, like the surge, the sentiment in major democracies has turned as well.
In each of four major nations important to us, France, Germany, Canada, and Britain, the nations historically most important to America in both political and cultural connections, the alignment with America has improved - in some cases, dramatically improved - since the last elections in each nation...
America’s Debt to Blacks Already Paid in Full
Prof. Nicholas Stix
While millions of American blacks demand that American taxpayers (read: whites) pay slavery reparations of up to one million dollars to each and every black resident of the United States, in fact, American taxpayers—and consumers—have already paid trillions of dollars in reparations (read: racial extortion). And the tab is rising daily.... [snip]
Blacks have taken the reparations which have been paid to them in stride as their just due, while refusing to admit that they were reparations. They have seen each such payment as an entitlement, and as a stepping stone to their next, more grandiose demand. In many cases, blacks and their white elite supporters have managed to hush up even the existence of reparations [snip]
For an example of an explicitly race-based (read: racist) institution, consider that almost forty years after the enactment of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which barred racially exclusive organizations, some 120 historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) still exist, approximately half of which are financed virtually entirely by taxpayers.
Howard University, the nation’s most respected private black university, has alone received billions of dollars in illegal, explicitly race-based funding from the federal government... [{much} more...]
How much have blacks been paid? The possibilities boggle the mind...
[Recommended, not as 'truth' but as likely unrealized data perfectly relevant on any discussion re: 'reparations' {and frankly fascinating} >]
Hollywood Agenda:’ Day The Earth Stood Still’ Remake Is All About?
Is it that we still have too many people on this planet living in poverty? Is it that we still lamentably have regimes that use force and tyranny against their people? Is it that war is still all too common? Could these things be why the new “Day” film will posit that a powerful alien race wants to just erase humanity like a bad virus?
No, the important message that the Keanu Klaatu wants to bring us, the message that will warn us of an apocalyptic impending alien police action is….
Global warming.
Bush Pushes Senate to OK 180 Nominees
President Bush vented frustration anew Saturday over the Senate's failure to vote on more than 180 of his nominations, including more than two dozen to the federal bench.
" These delays are irresponsible, they undermine the cause of justice, and I call on the United States Senate to give these nominees the up-or-down vote they deserve." ... "Some have been waiting for more than a year," ... "As a result, careers have been put on hold, families have been placed in limbo and our government has been deprived of the service of these fine nominees."
[i.e., it's not a matter of the Senate finding fault with Bush's nominations and voting against them, they're not even allowing a vote ]
Media Fail to Report Cost of Campaign Promises
How much does universal health care cost? What about bailing out troubled homeowners? There are hundreds of programs presidential candidates are promising that you haven’t even heard about, thanks to the media. Working with the National Taxpayers Union Foundation, we reveal what your favorite candidate could cost you...
[Recommended > ] READ MORE
Soros’s Political ‘Hit Man’ Brock Takes Aim at McCain
David Brock, the president and CEO of the George Soros-funded character assassination factory, Media Matters for America (MM), which euphemistically describes its mission, isn’t even pretending to be nonpartisan or fair anymore. Brock has assumed the chairmanship of Progressive Media USA (PMUSA) and in that role will spearhead “a four-month, $40 million media campaign centered on attacks on Sen. John McCain,” the Politico reports.
California's Exodus...
Once again, California registered the biggest net loss of domestic population in the country – 263,035 more people moved OUT of California last year than moved IN. That comes on the heels of 2005-2006, when 287,000 more people moved out of California than moved in – a bigger total loss of domestic population than Louisiana suffered after Hurricane Katrina. According to the Census Bureau, California has suffered a net loss of more than a half-million people to other states in the last two years.
The Laffer Competitiveness Index annually ranks states for tax and regulatory competitiveness. The higher the number, the heavier the burdens. California ranks 44th among the 50 states in the Laffer Competitiveness Index. Of the six states losing population the fastest, New York ranks 49th, Rhode Island 48th, New Jersey 43rd, and Hawaii, 45th. The only anomaly was Michigan (16th) whose economy is reeling from the slowdown in automobile sales.
Does anyone see a pattern here? Once again, the states with high tax and regulatory burdens are losing population to the states with low tax and regulatory burdens...
[who's leaving demographically? well, those who pay high taxes and consume the least in government services...]
Faith of Our Fathers
Is there any question that the United States is a profoundly religious country? A 2002 survey by the Pew Global Attitudes Project found that this was the only developed country in which a majority of residents said that religion played "a very important" role in their lives.
[powerful statistic when you think about it, and may explain many things re: the seeming selfish absence of morality in international relations]
A little boy wanted $100.00 very badly and prayed for weeks, but nothing happened.
Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $100.00
When the postal authorities received the letter to God , USA , they decided to send it to the President.
The president was so amused that he instructed his secretary to send the little boy a $5.00 bill.
The president thought this would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy.
The little boy was delighted with the $5.00 bill and sat down to write a thank-you note to God, which read:
Dear God: Thank you very much for sending the money. However, I noticed that for some reason you sent it through Washington , DC., and those assholes deducted $95.00 in taxes